Hacking the Game Didn’t Go as Intended



Being your average weeb, anime and video games were the perfect window of escape for me. When I peeked at my mom and dad doing the naughty and got a solid beating as punishment, I played video games to forget about my aching bum.

When my world crumbled and I lost everything, anime became my saving grace. It was my go-to remedy for coping with the crushing loneliness and pain.

On those days when my life had absolutely hit rock bottom, I often dreamt of what it would be like if I had another life.

I envisioned myself transmigrating into the body of another, mastering martial arts to exact vengeance on all the bullies who made his life miserable. I'd excel in academics to win over my parents' approval and also confess my feelings to the lovely maiden who had a crush on the previous occupant of my body.

No, wait... starting over in a world just like mine would be a complete waste. If I'm going to begin anew, it has to be as a mighty hero in a fantastical world of fairies and magic. I'd embark on a divine pilgrimage to vanquish the Demon Lord alongside my loyal companions, bringing eternal peace to the land.

Or, better yet, hear me out now.

My isekai world could be one of dungeons and dragons, where I'd join countless other fearless adventurers in pursuit of glory and fortune. With courage as my guide, I'd plunge headfirst into the gaping jaws of dungeons, ready to slay monsters and unearth precious treasures at every turn.

Suddenly, amidst the darkness, I hear a scream—a damsel in distress. Without hesitation, I rush to her aid, only to find myself confronted by a horde of vicious monsters. Desperate screams; the sting of steel; the pained cries of monsters.

At the end of the chaos, I stand triumphant, a cool smile gracing my lips as the wind tousles my hair, my boot on the cocked backside of a goblin corpse.

By my side stands the rescued elfess, her delicate features pressing softly against my impressive armor. She offers a shy smile, her cheeks flushed with gratitude. As our eyes meet, there's a cosmic connection between us—a spark that ignites something deep within. After confessing our love for one another, we get married, have a mountain of babies, and live happily ever after.

Unfortunately, in this very moment, while I did manage to get reincarnated in another world, the reality that unfolds before my eyes is a far cry from the perfect world I often envisioned.

In the virtual world of Sehreneti Online, on the eleventh floor of a dungeon, silence hangs heavy, broken only by the echo of my own breath. Suddenly, a palpable wave of bloodlust sweeps through the air, its intensity almost suffocating. And then, in the darkness, a pair of malevolent eyes glint like frozen sapphires, piercing through the shadows with an unsettling glow.


The steady footfalls echo throughout the cavern, sending shivers down everyone’s spine. As the eyes slowly emerge into the light, a monstrous beast is revealed, one that rivals the previous Floor Guardian in its sheer, imposing presence.

Much like the Arctic Dire Wolves, the creature’s body bears accents of protective ice, and the ice formation around its neck resembles the majestic mane of a lion. With each step, a bone-chilling aura follows, transforming the surroundings into a frigid wasteland.



[The Floor Guardian is infuriated by the death of its kin.]

[Glacial Dire Wolf | Lvl 26 | Floor Guardian]



An ear-splitting roar tears through the silence, shaking the stone walls and sending chilling gusts through the chamber, leaving everyone quaking in fear and shivering from the cold. Icicle-laden rock formations dislodge from the ceiling, plummeting like menacing death traps.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, in a jaw-dropping turn of events, a blinding bolt of lightning surges from the cave’s dark ceiling, striking the beast like a powerful tractor beam. The resulting thunderclap reverberates even more loudly than the creature’s prior roar.

The Glacial Dire Wolf convulses, its once powerful and icy form now steaming and charred. It collapses lifelessly, a smoldering husk. Emerging from the shadows, a larger, more imposing beast approaches with deliberate strides. It clamps its massive jaws around the neck of the motionless Floor Guardian, dragging and flailing the lifeless body as though it were a mere rag doll, until it hangs limp.

Time seems to slow as the shards of ice that once encompassed the guardian’s mane break free, falling to the ground like panes of glass. Our mortified expressions are reflected in the fragments. Elena blanches, her eyes quivering with dread, while Gavric and Rexar take a step back, their faces slick with sweat. The blood drains from Milo and Lyanna’s faces, and the sword in Finnian’s hand loosens, his shoulders slumping.

Unnervingly, the fiend slowly turns its malevolent gaze toward us, blood dripping from its maw. A shiver courses through our bodies as we confront the formidable force that has just effortlessly dispatched the guardian.



[The Dungeon Boss awakens, seeking retribution against those who have disrupted its peaceful slumber.]

[Volturax | Lvl 30 | Dungeon Boss]



Another deafening roar reverberated through the chamber.



[The Volturax’s skill «Predator’s Dominion» has induced the fear status.]



[You were subjected to a mental attack. Αφινίτη’s Blessing has countered the threat and preserved the sanctity of your mental state.]


Time stretches out like an eternity, each passing moment heavy with impending doom. My heart races as the monstrous presence draws closer, its malicious intent palpable in the air.

How could my attempt to hack the game lead to this? Now trapped within the digital confines of this world, facing imminent demise, I can't help but feel a surge of panic. As an NPC, there will be no second chances for me. Is this truly the end after all I've endured?

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