Half-blood Prince’s tale (A hp fic)

Chapter 1

[A/N: So this is a rewrite of my hp fic but with a better protagonist. I got tired of evil mcs so this time its a better mc who while not a good guy is not evil either. Somewhere in between leaning towards good but more focused on goal.]

I think I am dead. The last thing I recall was feeling a sharp pain arching up my spine, followed by a feeling of extreme tightness in my chest.

A wave of dizziness hit me as I struggled to breathe. A feeling of dread rose along with growing pain in my chest until I couldn’t remain standing anymore. The dizziness made my vision blurry but I could make out the floor nearing me and just before impact, everything turned black and then there was nothing.

If darkness was called the absence of light, then this was certainly darkness…

I found myself in a dark place with endless…..well, darkness. Recalling the last moments of pain and terror, I can safely conclude that I died.

Of course, I could be wrong but something tells me that’s not the case. I think I experienced a sudden heart attack and considering that I lived alone, the chances of me receiving medical attention was abysmal so this makes me stick to the theory that I died.

And I can’t help but get angry at the world for it, I died just like that….I had many things to get done, dreams of becoming rich and powerful , living a happy life but now all of that remain just that, dreams…..just expectations and hope bundled together as a product of an active imagination.

I died young, I had not even reached 25. I wasn’t a good person but I wasn’t a bad one either.As much as I hate to say it, I was an ordinary guy with nothing special. I had a few hobbies, an unstable job and average looks.

I had quite a few things I regretted but alas there was nothing I could do now, perhaps if I was more optimistic, I might have said , “‘Oh well’ there are worse ways to die.” but unfortunately I was not and now I was dead floating in what I assume is limbo.

Science had progressed a lot over the years but scientists still can’t tell what a dying person thought and felt before dying. Nobody knows what happens after death.

Majority of the world believed in one of many religions and thought after death they would go to their respective afterlives. Others think that death was the end and there was nothing after and some just don’t care.
The second group's view looks the most accurate.There was no heaven or hell and instead there was just endless darkness encompassing everywhere. I am….or ‘was’ not an overly religious person so I didn’t know what to expect when I died but an empty devoid void of nothingness was not what I was expecting.

I was all alone now floating in limbo as a soul , mind or whatever remains of you after you die. Nothing to see, hear ,touch or feel, it was a rather disturbing ‘feeling.’

Maybe this was not limbo but hell? After all being trapped here all alone would drive even the loneliest person to madness.

I really hope something happens now…

[ ? ? time later]

‘Somebody please get me out of here, I can’t take it anymore!!!’

I don’t know how long I have been here as there is no way to gauge time around here but I can’t stand it anymore.

This sensory deprivation is getting to me. I don’t claim to be a very strong person, maybe above average but in this place, I will crack soon…
[?? time later]

‘God….Devil, whoever exists, I beg of you to get me out of here.’

‘If there is a ROB out there, I pray for your help….I will entertain you, do anything you ask but please get me out..’




‘Anything there ? Is there anything I have to do to unlock you…hahahahaha’

[?? time later]

‘Peace….inner peace. I must achieve inner peace, maybe if I do, I can get out of this place.’


It’s not working...It’s not working, why is not working ?!!..
[?? time later]

After being here for God knows how long if he...exists, I don’t feel anything now, at some point, you would feel emptiness and then you are one with the void…

Wrong...it doesn’t get any better. It’s still a hellish place,no….in fact hell would be kinder than this...anything is better than this.

‘I hate it I hate it hate it’

I hate this place.

‘What did I do wrong to have deserved this ?’

‘Am I destined to remain in this nothingness, in a place where nothing exists ?’

‘Are you saying that all I have lived for was to welcome this end…’

‘No…that would be too much... I will get out of this place, I must get out of here…’
[?? time later]

I don’t know how long I have been here now and I feel that I am on the brink of insanity if I am not already insane.

But something happened….I almost didn’t believe it but no way I was not going to check it out.

There was a white light that I could make out, it was at the far edge of the void. I couldn’t tell how far it was but I made my way towards it. I didn’t have a body, not anymore but I could still somehow move or at least float about.Floating around was one of my favorite pastime activities until it started to feel like I never made any progress.

The light was my only hope and even though I couldn’t determine the distance, I didn’t give up. Many not so positive thoughts campe up within my mind as it started looking I was not nearing it anytime soon.

‘What if it's just an illusion?’

‘What if I am like a moth flying towards the sun deluded by my time in the void to think I can actually reach it?’

But desperation or optimistically ‘hope’ is a great motivator so I pushed these thoughts behind and kept moving.

I don’t know how or when but suddenly I found myself nearing the light. If I still had a face, it would have had the biggest smile it could make.

I finally reached the white opening after what felt like years. I successfully managed not to go insane I think…. as I kept my thoughts centered around the white opening.

I gave myself one last push and entered the light.

What happened next is hard to describe, one moment I was out there in the void entering the opening and the next second I was accelerating through space, a wormhole or something along those lines….I was not very good at science.

With no time to comprehend what was happening, I experienced a change that was unlike anything I had ever felt. It felt like my body or soul was stretched to the limits in all directions and then put back together crudely all at the same time.

It was a strange and disorienting experience but what came after that made me swallow all my complaints.

*thump* *thump*

Two sounds, two very distinct and familiar sounds greeted my ears. It was, no doubt about it, the sound of a heart beating. The sound grew fainter as other sensory information started appearing.

I could feel the rise and descent of my chest as I inhaled and exhaled. I could feel my heart thumping against my chest. I could feel….and the feeling was fantastic!

After having been deprived of all senses, finally feeling them again was a surreal experience. To feel alive after so long almost made me cry and I cried as I felt tears roll down on my face.

No longer was I in the endless darkness but instead I found myself in a small room, with a desk and chair next to a bed.

It was an unfamiliar room as I don’t recall ever having a room like this. While memory was never my strong point, I still knew how my room looked and this was not how it looked like.

I had expected my memories to deteriorate in the void but they didn’t. I actually wanted that to happen at one point as being mindless meant I would suffer less but that didn’t happen.

I raised my hands up to my eye level and I immediately noticed another thing amiss. The hands I saw were smaller than I remembered and were even somewhat pale but before I could solve this mystery, a sharp pain enveloped my entire being.

Memories, Images and thoughts not my own bombarded my mind and before I could react to them, I blacked out.
I was still in the same room when I regained my consciousness. The room was not unfamiliar anymore as I had received the memories of the body I was currently inhabiting.

Turns out I didn’t wake up in my own body, in fact I didn’t even wake up in the same world as in my world Severus Snape was a fictional character and magic was not real.

I let that sink in for a few moments as I slowly processed it. No doubt about it, I had transmigrated like all those characters had in the books I used to read. Reading was one of my hobbies and it also included fanfics and webnovels where this was a common trope.

I couldn’t believe it even though I had thoughts of being in the exact situation many times. It all felt surreal but looking at the face staring at me in the mirror proved that it was real.

Of all the people or ‘characters’ to wake up as, Severus Snape wouldn’t be on my mind.

I took a better look at myself and saw the face of a young boy with some baby fat still present. I had a pale countenance and a better face than my previous one with long hair that extended till the back of my neck.

The attire I was wearing was not something I would be caught wearing in 2020 or any time for that matter. A big baggy shirt with unwashed stains and pants with faded color.

The memories I had were that of a young Snape who was only 10 years old. I didn’t get all his memories but I did get enough to conclude that he had a shitty childhood.

His childhood if you could call it that painted the very picture of a dysfunctional family. His father was a typical drunk bastard of a father who abused his wife and son. All memories Severus had of the man Tobias Snape were bad ones, not a single one radiated positiveness.

The man didn’t resemble Severus much and the only thing Severus seemed to have inherited from the man was his oily hair. He looked better in Severus’ earliest memories of him but now he was just a wife beater sporting a beer belly.

Him being unemployed also didn’t help the household, not when he spent what little money his wife got after selling heirlooms indulging in his vices- mainly drinking.

Overall Tobias Snape was barely a human. No wonder Severus hated muggles, I would too if Tobias was the first muggle I had to interact with.

I was not sure what action to take when I learnt I had to deal with an abusive dad but one thing was sure, I wouldn’t take it lying down like Severus did.

But these were things to deal with later so I just sorted my memories along with Snape’s. I don’t know how I could do this but I instinctively knew how to do it. Maybe it was because of the two sets of memories? Maybe Snape’s talent in Occlumency was showing? Or this was an effect of the void?

I had no idea and had little information to even test things out so I decided to put that at the back of mind in a list to investigate and searched for memories related to the thing I was most excited about. Magic.


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