Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 135 - Waterfall Town

Walking on the vast wasteland, over a few rolling hills, passing through a few sparse woods, the outline of a small town built on a waterfall finally appeared in front of the two of them.

“There is the waterfall town that you always miss. It looks really good.”

Sorceress Andrina stood on the high **** with Thorne, noticed the blurry town on the cliff in front of her, and pointed to it.

“That’s right.” Thorne gave him a complicated look, nodded and sighed: “I’ve been away for half a year, and I guess many people have forgotten me.”

“It can be seen that you are not very popular in the town, and you shouldn’t have many close friends.” Andrina turned to look at Thorne and guessed:

“After all, a person who likes to shroud his appearance in the shadows all day, and then keep his face straight, is obviously telling everyone, don’t get close to strangers, it’s too late to hide, who will make friends with you.”

“It’s true that I don’t have any friends, and some of the only friends are dead and few are left. I don’t know how they are now.”

Thorne said calmly, it has been a year, and he has already seen many things, and he is not the rookie who shows his anger and anger.

What touched him the most in this world was to learn to be patient and strong.

“Then why did you come back so persistently?” Andrina looked at Thorne with puzzled eyes: “I don’t understand, why didn’t you choose to stay in Twilight Town?”

“This is something I promised others, and I must not break my trust.” Thorne pondered for a while and said truthfully.

“Player or native?” Andrina blurted out subconsciously.

“It’s my ranger mentor. Unfortunately, he died in the joint invasion of the hobgoblins and the lizardmen half a year ago.” Thorne said, looking in the direction of Waterfall Town:

“Before he died, I promised to help him protect Pushang Town well, until one day I think Pushang Town can stand completely, that’s when I leave here.”

“Since you promised the other party, why did you leave Pushang Town half a year ago, don’t you worry that Pushang Town will be breached when you leave?” Andrina said her question again.

“With my ranger strength half a year ago, I still know very well, because whether I am here or not, the outcome is actually the same, it is nothing more than killing a few more people, and there is no way to instantly turn the tide of the battle.

If Waterfall Town really comes to a critical moment of life and death, even if I stay here, the final result will only be one more corpse. “

Thorne calmly explained to Andrina.

“Don’t worry, with your current ability, that kind of thing won’t happen, and I will always help you.” Andrina touched Thorne’s sleeve and said with a faint smile.


Looking at the other side’s eyes with a slight smile, Thorne’s arm that he was about to raise slowly fell again, and finally turned into two words, which slowly came out of his mouth.

After saying that, he quickened his pace and rushed forward.

Because at this time, the town of Waterfall was busy defending the attack of the gnolls, although he didn’t quite understand why these gnolls would foolishly choose to attack during the day.

But since he was allowed to catch up, he naturally had to do his part. Besides, he was no longer the same as he was before, and he was no longer the ranger who could only scout and track.

So, facing the bright noon sun, the two hurried towards the waterfall town where the outline gradually became clearer.

Waterfall Town is located at the foot of the Huaernas Mountain in the Dajianken Mountains. The town is built above the waterfall. Various buildings and houses surround the rushing waterfall in the center, making it one of the most beautiful scenery in the town.

If you look closely, you can also find that the waterfall in the center of the town has a continuous steep cliff on the left and right sides, which clearly divides the waterfall into two areas: one high and one low.

The average height of the cliffs that are not vertical is about 600 meters. It is still difficult to climb. The passage connecting the two areas is some not very spacious stone steps.

The area above the waterfall is called by the town’s original residents and players: Uptown.

This area was the original scale when Fallshang Town had not yet been expanded. All the people living in this area were the original inhabitants of the half-elf race.

They were all formed by a group of people who were once excluded from the human and elf society and established themselves.

Before the players came to settle here, the original half-elf residents here relied on the favorable terrain of the cliffs to defend against the invasion of various humanoid creatures and survived tenaciously here.

The flat Xiacheng District belongs to the expansion scope of Pushang Town.

When the mutation happened a year ago, a large number of players without self-consciousness came to Pushang Town from other places under the leadership of several leaders, preparing to settle here for a long time.

However, the town’s half-elves have suffered injustice and exclusion in the human and elf society, so the half-elves of the town’s original residents are very resistant to any other races that are not half-elves.

So the two sides were in a stalemate for nearly a day, even when the players’ forces had already made plans to take risks and attack.

In the end, Thorne, who lived in Waterfall Town, and several other half-elf players exhausted their words and stated various interests, and finally persuaded the leader of Waterfall Town.

The leaders of the two sides met face to face and signed a lot of mutual assistance agreements, and the half-elf leader nodded and agreed to the expansion of the player in the town of waterfalls.

The most conspicuous clause in the agreement is that no non-half-elves are allowed to enter the Uptown without permission unless any special circumstances occur.

This is also the only racial stubbornness after the compromise of the half-elf leader.

In this way, as the players settled down, many houses and cultivated farmland were gradually built under the town of waterfalls, as well as a city wall to protect the safety of the entire town.

Half a year ago, this city wall was lost once under the joint attack of Hobgoblins and Lizardmen.

The players and residents of the entire town all evacuated to the upper city, entered the second line of defense, and then took advantage of the steep cliffs and commanding favorable terrain to drive away all the intruders with difficulty.

This is not only a tragic victory, but also the heaviest loss since the players settled here, and even many players and original residents have lost their bones.

Thorne felt the insignificance of his strength because of this, so he left the town of Falls Shang alone in the company of the night.

Then Thorne turned his attention to the direction of the outline of the city wall. The three directions of the waterfall town are protected by rivers and cliffs. Only the south side is built by the player force to protect the safety of the entire town.

This thick city wall is also the only way to enter and exit the town.

The composition of the city wall is composed of two side-by-side stone city walls, all of which are filled with rammed earth, and the height is about 15 meters. There is a sentry tower every 20 meters to strengthen the defense of the city wall.

In addition to being divided into upper and lower areas by the cliff, the Emerald River also divides the town into two parts from north to south. For the convenience of access, there is a city gate on the east and west sides of the city wall of Pushang Town.

As the pace of the two gradually accelerated, the whistling of the arrows and the mournful howls of the gnolls rising and falling became more and more clear.

Under the leadership of the cold wind, the rich blood and blood permeated everywhere at a very fast speed.

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