Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 149 - everything has changed

What is life experience?

It is a person’s experience and understanding of what is happening in life.

Everyone experiences something every day, and thinks about the events that happen every day. Through long-term accumulation, people will have their own ideas and opinions. The more they experience, the richer their life experience will be.

Experiencing this kind of thing kills naivety and hurts innocence by mistake. This is the so-called growth price.

When one day you become calm, your temper has changed, you are no longer naive, you stop playing games, and you start to study hard and pursue your dreams, with only the future in sight, then you must have experienced something.

A person’s life is not something that he can decide by himself, and perhaps only by experiencing some things will he become another person.

Perhaps, that’s what we’re saying, only experience changes.

Perhaps, you were not so calm before, but all of a sudden, you became so calm.

Perhaps, there is only one possibility, and that is that you have really changed.

There is always a tear that makes you grow up completely.

Thorne looked at the half-elf girl who came out of the wooden house, and his expression was dazed.

He recalled the peaceful time with her in his mind, and the innocent smile seemed to still echo in his mind.

Her sweet smile was like the cool river water formed by the snow that had just melted from the Huaernas peak, flowing in his heart.

Every time he sees this kind of smile, his mood will be relieved. The grief and panic caused by living in another world seems to be blown away by a gust of wind, and it seems that in the long and confused night, he sees the rays of the sun. He pointed the way forward.

However, when the two met again, the familiar feeling all disappeared without a trace, in exchange for gloom and sadness.

Her beautiful pale blue eyes, which can make the desert sky feel ashamed, now emits a melancholy light, as if something rippling in her eyes.

Her usual lively attitude was gone, replaced by a contemplative and gloomy expression on her face.

The half-elf girl at this time was like the thick clouds before the summer rain, and the piles became thicker and thicker until they covered all the light in their hearts.

This is a half-elf girl who looks only seventeen or eighteen years old. Her appearance is not so amazing, at most she looks very delicate or delicate.

She wears a white tunic with green trim, over which is a short green cloak woven from spider silk and natural dyes, and a unicorn holy emblem made of animal horn at her heart, but The loose clothing still couldn’t hide her slim figure.

Under the bright sunlight, there was still a sickly pale face on a white face.

The half-elf girl’s expression was a little haggard, her eyebrows were lowered, her expression was a little gloomy, her two pale blue eyes flashed with melancholy, and there seemed to be countless melancholy hidden in her heart.

I saw her thin body standing in the wind, her long black hair over her shoulders floating slightly, and her whole person looked pitiful and moving.

“I’m here waiting for you to come back.” The half-elf girl reached out and gently stroked the Ferocious Eagle on her shoulders, looking at Thorne quietly, her pale blue eyes seemed to reflect the brilliance of the past.

“Wait for me to come back?” Thorne softly repeated the last four words with a doubtful tone.

“Well, wait for you to come back.” The half-elf girl nodded slightly, revealing a very far-fetched smile.

The sorceress Andrina looked at the strange two people everywhere, with curiosity, doubt and confusion in her eyes.

Looking at the half-elf girl standing quietly in front of the small wooden house, looking at the melancholy white face, she felt a little moved in her heart.

“I’m back, but the innocent and lively half-elf girl Lilia is gone.”

Thorne looked at the girl in front of him and remembered the scene when he left alone at night and was discovered by her. Her comforting smile strengthened his determination to go far. Only then did he understand the warm The smile turned out to be the last time.

He thought that this naive half-elf girl had already walked out of the shadow of grief when he left, but who would have thought that she fell deeper and deeper and everything changed.

Thorne sighed slightly, and said with some unbearable comfort in his heart: “On you, I only see the cloud that can’t go away and the sadness that can’t be dispelled, the brilliance of Merikai Temple still hasn’t illuminated the darkness in your heart, you It shouldn’t go on like this forever.”

“My family has all left me, and my heart has been silent for a long time, but you told me that as long as people are still alive, there is still hope in the future, so I have always lived strong.” The half-elf girl Lilia gently He combed the Feather Eagle’s feathers and said slowly.

“I thought you would be gone for a long, long time until you disappeared without a trace, but I didn’t expect you to come back. Have you found what you need most?”

The half-elf girl gently moved her footsteps and took a few steps forward, her light blue eyes hovering over Anderina’s body for a moment, and her voice was soft.

“I found it, so I came back.” Thorne nodded and comforted:

“The outside world is wide, full of pain but also full of joy, the former makes you grow, the latter makes your journey unbearable, you really should go out more, the pastor of Melika, Lilia. Moon Blade.”

“The outside world is indeed wonderful. This child has already told me your experience.” Lilia pointed to the ferocious eagle on her shoulder and sighed.

After speaking, the half-elf girl fixed her gaze on Thorne, and then walked over under the puzzled gaze of the other party, her light blue eyes stared at Thorne quietly, and said softly:

“People always change, but never the same as they used to be, especially those who have experienced ups and downs, aren’t you the same? Stalker of the Way of Silent, Ranger of Falls, Thorne.”

“I don’t want the people I used to be familiar with to gradually become unfamiliar. May Gui Lun be with you. I hope you can walk on a road that will never get lost. Your father must think so too.”

Thorne looked at the girl in front of him, took out the wooden holy emblem carved with five-star paw prints, put it in the palm of his hand, patted Lilia’s shoulder lightly, and said softly.

Lilia stared at the holy emblem in Thorne’s hand, stunned for a moment, then crossed her hands in front of her chest, leaned slightly towards the holy emblem in his hand, and then turned to leave, the thin figure was gradually blown by the breeze. Go further away.

The Dire Eagle circled above Thorne’s head, paused, and immediately flapped its wings, galloping away in the direction where the half-elf girl disappeared.

Thorne stared at the figure of the half-elf girl Lilia, until she disappeared from his sight, and then he looked back.

“I didn’t expect that I only left for half a year. Everything in the upper city has changed, and it has become too unfamiliar to me.” Thorne turned to look at the cabin that had been with him for more than a year, showing a bitter smile, whispering to himself language.

His ranger mentor was sacrificed in the battle of the hobgoblins, and several players and friends who were born together in the town of waterfalls also died.

When Oster, the leader of the town on the waterfall, looked down on everything in the lower city, he was no longer the passion and concern he used to be, but was replaced by hatred and indifference.

Even the half-elf girl who always had a smile on her lips was completely shrouded in a shadow and became depressed and unhappy.

“I’m fine, it’s just that I’m in a dull mood. I want to be alone.” Noticing Andrina’s caring eyes, Thorne smiled at the sorceress.

Then he stood there and hesitated for a while, and finally walked towards his cabin.

Thorne’s cabin is not very big, except for a bed that occupies half of the room, there is no furniture, the only decorations are an old wooden bow and a wooden sword hanging on the wall, which still remain to this day. Lots of scratches.


Thorne walked to the bed and gently pushed the window open. The dilapidated log cabin trembled slightly, as if it was in danger of collapsing at any time.

Looking out the window, watching the rushing waterfall pouring down from the top of the mountain, like beautiful white silk and satin, falling from the mountains and rocks, hitting the rocks, and scattering the mountain streams like flying flowers and broken jade, like a dream, like an illusion…

Then Thorne skillfully took off the quiver and composite longbow behind him, untied the long sword and short sword hanging from his waist, and finally took off the black cloak that covered him, and threw it all on the bed. superior.

Then Thorne lay on his back directly on the bed, and the orange-yellow sunlight fell on his face, making people feel no warmth. Only the familiar rotten breath on the bed made him feel particularly at ease.

He can lie here without worrying about anything, without listening to the subtle footsteps of beasts, without smelling the stinking stench of humanoids, and without being splattered with hot blood…

In the cemetery in the upper town of Fallstown.

Thorne walked through many cemeteries and found the one he was most familiar with. He sat casually in front of the tomb and looked at a brief introduction on the tombstone.


At this moment, a flutter of wings and owls sounded, and a pure black owl flapped its wings and slowly landed in front of Thorne.

“Have you been here with him the whole time?” Thorne asked softly, stroking the owl’s smooth feathers.


The owl chirped a few times, and the big smart eyes flashed, and nodded slightly.

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