Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 164 - Dragonborn

“Use the detection spell to check if there are undead creatures around.” After killing the four phantom guards, Thorne did not let his guard down. When he led Andrina to the spiral staircase leading to the sixth floor, he asked she ordered.

Andrina nodded slightly, waved her staff, and the almost invisible magic aura quickly spread around her centered on her.

This continued for a while, except for a dark space, nothing abnormal happened, and Thorne’s solemn expression was slightly stretched.

“What area is the sixth floor, do you know?” Andrina looked at the spiral staircase curiously and said to Thorne beside her.

“It should be a cage for all kinds of monsters.” Thorne said an uncertain guess.

As a wizard, you will more or less capture some wild beasts or some special humanoid creatures, and try various new experiments, so naturally you need a detention area.

After speaking, he began to look around the stairs, trying to find something suspicious.

To his disappointment, even when he turned over the thick dust, he couldn’t find any clues.

However, at least let him confirm one thing, so he said to Andrina beside him: “Let’s go, there should be no danger on the sixth floor.”

“Is it because the corpses of the four Phantoms before the sanitation haven’t been found?” Andrina thought for a while, and said her inner thoughts.

Hearing this, Thorne glanced at her unexpectedly, nodded and did not object to her guess.

Phantom Guards are primarily formed by the ghosts of warriors who died on the battlefield or defending their oath.

Since there are four phantom guards blocking the way, it means that there must be the dead bodies of four soldiers around.

But he didn’t find any corpses around, so the four warriors who once guarded here most likely died on the sixth floor.

As for how the four soldiers died, we will only know when the bodies are found.

Then the two walked all the way, silently walking towards the sixth floor.

“The passage of this tower is so complicated, isn’t it troublesome for these wizards to walk?” Andrina said casually along the stone steps of the stairs and followed behind Thorne.

“A wizard who can build a high tower must have a high level, and he has some knowledge of short-distance teleportation spells.” Thorne continued to walk up after answering Andrina’s question.

Walking, suddenly a doubt flashed in Thorne’s mind, so he stopped immediately and looked at Andrina behind him: “How did you open the gate of this tower?”

“How did you open it?” Andrina was startled by Thorne’s question, looked up at him with a puzzled look, and replied:

“It’s very simple. There is a similar rune magic circle next to the stone gate of the tower. As long as it is activated, the stone gate will open.”

“It’s that simple?” Thorne was stunned and asked uncertainly.

“It’s that simple.” Andrina smiled at Thorne’s slightly floating expression.

Seeing Andrina’s answer so certain, Thorne naturally believed that the other party would not lie to him, but he was still a little confused in his heart.

When he first discovered the tower on the cliff, he had asked his ranger mentor and half-elf chief of Falls.

The answers they both gave him were almost the same, that is, this tower was left by a wizard, and there were some restrictions left by them. It is best not to approach it at will.

This is not the key, the key problem is that this tower has been isolated for so long, but no one has ever explored it.

After all, the world does not lack strong men, nor does it lack curious strong men, as well as curious and powerful adventurers.

Nearly a hundred years have passed since the original waterfall town was destroyed. It stands to reason that it should have been attacked long ago. It is impossible to stay until now, waiting for the two of them to explore.

In fact, Thorne did not find any traces of outsiders breaking into the tower.

And this tower is not as dangerous as imagined. With Andrina’s level 7 strength, it can be easily opened, and it is impossible for others to be blocked from the tower.

Thorne, who couldn’t understand the question, had no choice but to temporarily suppress his doubts, holding a long sword, and leading Anderina to continue to walk up.

The sixth floor of the tower.

As Thorne guessed, it is indeed an area used to hold various monsters.

In this area, the air is filled with the smell of decay. Except for a corridor in the middle that is about two meters wide and paved with gravel, there are rusted metal cells on both sides.

Thorne took a general look and found that half of the dozen or so cells were empty, and the rest of the cells were all skeletons eroded by the years.

Obviously, in these hundred years, even the most powerful beasts could only be locked in and starved to death.

In the cell on Thorne’s left, four rusted iron chains, each of which were firmly nailed to the ground by a large iron nail, and a corpse the size of a full-grown man were fastened to the four iron chains. Limbs.

Even though it has been turned into a rotten skeleton, Thorne can still observe the pain of this beast before starving to death from the faint black blood on the chain and the traces of struggle left on the ground.

“What kind of beast is this, and it looks like it has a pair of small wings growing on its back.” Andrina noticed Thorne’s gaze, so she looked at it and asked curiously.

Obviously, although she has a wealth of mysterious knowledge, she has a good understanding of magical runes, constructs and various hidden histories, but she knows very little about natural animals, fey creatures, human monsters, etc.

“Fulong beast, a medium-sized dragon creature, a dragon predator with limited intelligence but quite lethal.”

After Thorne noticed the strong lower jaw and the small wings on the back of the corpse’s head, he immediately thought of the protruding body of the Fulong beast, which was nearly two meters long and covered with dark black scales. Two small wings that looked stunted, jumped up, opened their **** mouths, and gliding in mid-air with a ferocious attitude of spitting and attacking their prey.

The cell to Thorne’s right was similarly tragic, with five or six pairs of handcuffs nailed to the walls, each with a cracked skeleton attached to it.

There is also an iron cage in the corner, which holds the skeleton of a dwarf. According to the size of the skeleton and the iron cage, Thorne can imagine the picture of the dwarf crouching pitifully in the narrow cage.

“Let’s go.” Thorne elbowed Andrina beside him, then stepped on the gravel-paved corridor and walked forward cautiously.

Not long after the two walked in the corridor, they found something that Thorne had been paying attention to.

It was the corpses of two warriors who turned into phantom guards. The reason why he was so sure was mainly because the other party was wearing a familiar metal full body armor.

Despite the age-corroded rust, Thorne found resemblances in the fuzzy lines of the corpse’s armor, based on the four Phantom Guards that had appeared earlier.

The reason for the soldier’s death was that he was hit by a giant sword in the chest. The strong impact caused all the sternum to collapse. The most fatal injury was that the metal armor that was twisted and broken directly penetrated his chest.

Thorne squatted on the ground and stroked the battle marks on the broken armor, inferring.

Then he turned his body to one side, and after getting nothing, he got up and walked towards the other corpse.

Killed by a sword, although the warrior had already sensed the danger and used his shield to resist, what he did not expect was that the opponent’s weapon was so powerful. The giant sword first hit the steel shield in his hand, causing his arm bone shattered directly.

After that, the steel shield did not lose its strength and hit the steel mask again. The powerful impact instantly shattered his head hidden in the mask.

Thorne glanced at the shield with a sword mark and the twisted steel mask, and guessed the other party’s death.

“It seems that this tower is likely to break into foreigners. Let’s go. There are two soldiers who have not been found and should be on the upper floor.”

After Thorne finished speaking, he led Anderina to the upper floor.

The seventh floor of the tower.

As soon as the two walked to the door, they found the bodies of the other two soldiers.

“It turned out to be due to fire damage?” Thorne looked at the two coke-like corpses on the ground, raised his eyebrows, and then stopped checking too much, but looked at the surrounding environment.

This floor area is mainly composed of three rooms, except for a fairly spacious hall.

So the two cautiously pushed open each door and prepared to check them one by one.

The room on the left should be the private laboratory of the owner of the tower. Various sophisticated experimental instruments are placed on a spacious dark cyan marble table in the center.

Except for a layer of light dust, the room was not that messy, but it couldn’t be said to be neat.

Taxidermy, special containers with unknown objects, dark red liquid in narrow-necked glass bottles, and all sorts of things Thorne couldn’t name.

Because he didn’t know much about the wizard’s various equipment, and he didn’t have any interest, so he didn’t want to go in and check, but waited for Andrina at the door.

A moment passed.

After seeing the other party carefully check and come out again, Thorne asked casually, “Did you find anything?”

“No.” Andrina shook her head slightly and said, “If you don’t know anything about wizards, it’s best not to touch them casually.”

“Let’s go then.”

Thorne took Anderina to the second room, looking at the closed stone door, he pushed it with his hand, but it was helpless that no matter how hard he tried, he wouldn’t move.

“The contents here should be very important to the wizard of the tower, so even in the safe area, he still imposed a lot of magic restrictions.”

Seeing this, Andrina walked over, with a faint magical aura floating in her hand, after some inspection, she shook her head slightly disappointed: “It can’t be opened, if it is forcibly destroyed, it is very likely to trigger the chain ban inside. , causing damage to all items.”

“I don’t often hear people say that the wizard’s tower is heavily restricted, and outsiders will undoubtedly go to death if they break in. This is already the private forbidden area of ​​wizards. Na expressed her inner doubts.

“That’s because the tower is very simple and the functions are not very complete. In addition, the original owner has disappeared, so many functions have not been activated. Look at the runes on the walls, they are almost all carved by wizards. Magic circle.”

Andrina pointed to Thorne at the densely packed mysterious runes on the surrounding walls, explaining:

“This all-connected rune is the space anchor, preventing intruders from escaping by using teleportation spells. This one is a life energy scan. As long as a living creature sneaks in and there is no means of targeting, it is difficult to avoid the past.”

So the two stopped staying too much, but set their eyes on the last door.


The door was not as difficult to open as he thought, and it was easily pushed open by Thorne with the tip of his sword.

This is a library full of books. All kinds of books are neatly placed on the shelves, and they are carefully classified by the wizard.

However, the first time he was attracted by a corpse on the ground.

“It’s a dragonborn.” Thorne half-squatted on the ground, and after examining the corpse, he looked at a heavy two-handed sword on the ground with a look of surprise.

The first two warrior guards died under the two-handed sword. The fatal injuries of the two warriors at the entrance were due to fire damage. The two extreme methods of death originally made him wonder if two people broke in at the same time.

Now, seeing the dead dragonborn corpse on the ground, I can finally understand the reason. As the descendant of the ancient dragon **** bloodline, the dragonborn is born with a dragon-like breath attack. Obviously, the two guards at the entrance are the Died from a breath attack.

Then Thorne began to examine the corpse on the ground. In addition to the two-handed sword that fell to the ground, the dragonborn corpse lying on the ground was also wrapped in rusty armor, the hazy noble flower crown on the chest and another soldier who delivered the letter. similar.

From this, it can be inferred that the person in front of him who should belong to Waterfall Town seems to be in conflict with the people in the tower.

When Thorne removed the corpse’s arm, he was caught by a dark red leather material close to the ground, the size of two palms.

Out of curiosity, I picked it up, looked at it, and found that there was nothing recorded on it except for some dense rune-like words.

So Thorne handed it to Andrina and said, “Check what it is.”

“It’s a dragon skin, and it’s a pure-blood dragon.” Andrina pondered for a while, and finally confirmed: “It’s the dragon skin of an adult red dragon.”

There was a flash of surprise in Thorne’s eyes, and he was about to reach out to pick it up, and was taken back by Anderina: “Wait a minute, there is something recorded here, and it is recorded in dragon language.”

“What’s the content?” Thorne looked startled and looked over with doubts.

As an advanced professional dragon warlock, first and foremost, the first advanced condition is to be proficient in dragon language, so he is not afraid that the other party will not be able to recognize the words in it.

Noticing Thorne’s gaze, Andrina looked at the content on the dragon’s skin and told him.

Record content:

For six days, I’ve been trying to break free from this terrible bondage, but can’t even move a muscle, thanks to my tormentor, Evindel, an evil sorcerer from the southern kingdom.

Every day, another of his diabolical spells is triggered by the previous one, giving me a painful moment of sobriety.

I suspect that I may not be able to last another day or two before drowning in eternal slumber, but because the time to wake up is running out, I try to use this moment to carve my last thoughts on my most glorious scales .

The two-legged ants of the evil sorcerer Evindel broke into my town and slaughtered the dragonborn I had carefully raised as servants.

At that moment, I seemed to see the dark claws of Nur, the dragon **** of death, mercilessly shattering the future I hoped to create.

For thousands of years, my people have worked hard to build a nation that has survived the malevolent gaze of all civilizations.

Although I have stood on the cusp of escaping the curse, my plan has been thwarted by the idiot of the evil wizard Evindel.

The evil sorcerer didn’t care at all for what took so many years to achieve, and at my gracious invitation, he brought only destruction and death, and evil mutants ravaged my homeland, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Now my only hope is that my poor child, Sammash Norricksius, may stumble upon my remains and go in search of my discoveries, and now I’m going to reveal my most precious piece of knowledge:

In that distant segment that history has completely forgotten, the torrential rain has not yet come, it is as if the earth-shattering earthquakes and volcanoes have never erupted, the night sky has not stood still, and the cold winter has never been so long. , the gods have never ignored the prayers of believers.

The guidance of the dragon **** Bahamut led me to come here, knowing that this was once a vast plain, a territory belonging to our dragonborn, and the glorious city of Jinbatul is located here.

However, time has passed and the world has changed. The city of Jinbatur disappeared in the dusty history with the changes of the continent. It disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace.

But I always believe that disappearing does not mean it is really destroyed. I am trying to find, **** evil wizard, let me sleep here with unfulfilled wishes.

Is Gimbatur City really as prosperous as imagined? Did it sink into the ground or disappear into the depths of the sea?

Too bad I haven’t had the chance to see it again…

Proud and glorious warrior

Dragonborn who inherit the blood of the ancient dragon gods

Lord of the Falls: Viscount Arda

Final words.

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