Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 167 - Shadowmoon Valley

Emerald Fields, Shadowmoon Valley.

This valley is located in the northeast of Bottomless Swamp and Iron Horse Town. It is a near-primitive forest valley. The ancient forest is dark and the sunlight can never penetrate the layers of branches and leaves.

In the deepest part of this valley forest, there is a flat dry clearing and an ancient stonehenge that hides many unknowable secrets.

The surface of the vicissitudes of life of the boulder, which has been beaten by wind and rain, is engraved with many lively birds and beasts. Under the bright sun, the engraved lines flash with subtle aura, making the whole forest seem to be filled with mysterious power.

During the chaotic and turbulent times, the Druids of the Emerald Garden once held secret ceremonies here, and they also gained great power.

Relying on the mysterious power, the Druids not only repelled the invasion of the abyss demons, but also completely sealed the crack channel connecting the bottomless abyss, ending the pain brought by the demons to the emerald field, and also used this power to purify the situation. The devastated land of the Black Pearl Forest on the east coast of the Shadowmoon Inner Sea.

The blue sky and the golden sunlight poured down from the sky and poured into the deepest part of Shadowmoon Valley, adding a bit of color to this dead forest.

In this not very spacious land, a group of druids in strange clothes gathered together, and they sat around the wooden table placed in the center of the ancient megalith, as if they were discussing some topic.

There are elves, humans and half-elves, among which elves have the largest number and the smallest number of human beings, but the leader is a half-elf woman with a beautiful and refined appearance.

She is wearing a green shirt and trousers, and a pale green leather armor dyed with paint covering her upper body.

I saw the half-elf woman’s calm, pale green eyes scanning back and forth at the crowd arguing around the table, tapping her fingers on the table unconsciously, thoughtfully.

As the quarrel of the crowd became more intense.


At this moment, a ground wood elf druid in a coat sewn from the fur of a fierce bear slammed the table, stood up abruptly, and stared angrily at a half-hearted man with a unicorn mark on his chest. The elf druid, with his chest that heaved slightly due to the strong suppression, seemed to be expressing the anger that was hidden in his heart.

“Everyone, please be quiet.”

The half-elf woman at the head saw the situation becoming more and more out of control, her pale green eyes looked around and said softly.

Although the voice was very soft, it was very clearly conveyed to the ears of each Druid, and the quarrel suddenly came to an abrupt end, only the rustling of the breeze blowing through the trees was heard.

“The cold wave of the Emerald Wilderness is coming. At that time, the wild beasts will begin to hibernate, and many monsters and intelligent races in the wilderness will also rely on the stored food to survive the winter until the end of the cold winter and all things recover.”

Seeing the silence of the crowd, the half-elf woman said softly, “We are not the debaters of the kingdom’s nobles, nor are we the lords who are fighting endlessly. We are just the guardians of nature. I hope you can discuss emeralds calmly under the witness of nature. The future of the wilderness.”

After speaking, the half-elf woman paused for a moment, and then turned her attention to the wood elf Druid in the fierce bear coat: “Ferocious bear walker, let you start first.”

The wood elf Druid stood up again, and his icy eyes first glanced at the half-elf druid wearing the unicorn mark sitting diagonally opposite, then he pointed to the blue sky and said:

“This year’s cold wave has been postponed again. Counting today, it is already the sixth day. What does this mean? The changes in nature prove that only by obeying nature can we enjoy the grace of nature. It is because of our efforts that we can spend the winter in nature. The beasts, monsters, and intelligent races gained at least another six days to prepare.

Nature never turns away from those who love it, so if anyone wants to destroy nature, they must meet the wrath of nature!

The subtle changes in the emerald river water are the warnings that nature has given us. The settlements of Waterfall Town are trying to meddle with forbidden things and reproduce the tragedy of the Black Pearl Forest. This is absolutely not allowed. We must dispatch the Winter Hunters. Let them feel the wrath of nature! “

“I object!” The half-elf Druid wearing the unicorn mark stood up, and he frowned and glanced at the other party:

“The power of the wrath of nature should not be abused, we should send people to warn them first, and if nothing works, expel them, and not start a large-scale war if it is not necessary.”

“Maybe this may just be an accident, don’t be blinded by anger. Bear Walker!” Another human druid with silver-white long hair frowned while holding his forehead.

“So, is the gnoll tribe in the Moonlight Jungle also an accident?” An old-faced human druid looked at the silver-white long-haired human druid, asked in return, and then slowly said:

“At the beginning, when the gnolls from the Great Sword Mark Mountains migrated to the Moonlight Jungle, I objected that they must all be expelled or eliminated. It is you who argued for the reason and allowed them to act recklessly. The result? Trees and bare woodland, is this what you want? Messenger of the Silver Raven!”

“We can replant the felled trees. It only takes ten years at most, and the seeders can turn it into a new forest, but what the war brings is…” The silver-white long-haired human druid hasn’t said anything yet. After that, he was interrupted by the violent bear walker:

“And then let them continue to cut down? Don’t forget that their demands from nature are endless. It takes ten years for a tree to grow, but they can cut down hundreds of trees in a day. In all developed civilizations , I only see endless destruction.”

“The wailing of the souls in the ruins of Yuanshan Town and the blood stains still left in the lower part of the waterfall town proves that you made a wrong choice to expel these humanoid creatures. race, they will only destroy civilization settlements desperately.

It takes ten years to grow a big tree, but do you know how long it takes to cultivate an excellent Ranger Druid priest?

Half a year ago, in the tragedy of Waterfall Town, the Temple of Merika lost a dozen devout nature guardians. Is this what you call balance and neutrality? Without civilization settlements, how can we absorb guardians who love nature and how to spread our natural way? “

The half-elf druid snorted coldly, and looked directly at the Bear Walker with sharp eyes.

“Then what do you mean by letting them do their willful destruction? Nature must not be mixed with any human affection. Whoever resists it must bear the wrath of nature, and whoever obeys it can bear its grace, and nature must be high. For everything, protect the original appearance of nature, and control the expansion of civilization.” The elf Druid wearing an antler helmet sitting next to the bear walker stood up and retorted.

“Violence cannot solve any problems. It will only bring destruction and disaster. Even a victorious war cannot avoid endless pain. There are not only forests and lakes in nature. Civilization is a part of nature.” The half-elf Druid wearing the unicorn mark did not back down and said sharply.

“Let’s not mention this for a while. In fact, Twilight Town’s counterattack has proved to us that it is the right choice not to expel the gnolls. As for the felled trees in Moonlight Woodland, we can negotiate with the lord of Twilight Town. , let them arrange manual planting, we are now discussing how to find a balance between civilization and nature, not how to use the wrath of nature.”

Seeing the stalemate, another middle-aged half-elf Druid stood up to stop the two and persuaded them.

“Yes, nature is balanced, beasts and monsters are part of nature, and civilization settlements are also part of nature. What we need to do is to find a new balance between civilization and nature, rather than strictly stick to the old ways of nature. Always like to use violence to solve all problems.”

After the endless arguing, the half-elf woman saw that everyone was silent, sorted out her thoughts, and got up and said softly:

“Our main problem now is that the originally peaceful Emerald Wilderness now has three more civilized settlements, as well as the new population of Fallshang Town and Stallman Town. Their appearance will definitely bring the unknown. How can we avoid it?”

The other druids nodded when they heard the words. The silver-white long-haired human druid pondered for a moment, sorted out the language, got up and said slowly:

“Your Excellency Nightingale Walker, in any case, the more civilized fireworks have brought more or less damage to nature, but also brought fresh blood.

We can arrange for apprentices to go to their territory. While guiding them to follow the way of natural balance, it is also convenient for us to spread the belief in nature and recruit more nature guardians.

After all, trees are cut down and we can replant them, but if the guardians who cultivated devotion to nature are gone, then they are truly gone forever. “

The half-elf woman nodded and said softly, “The silver crow messenger is right, just do it like this, you can start taking action after you go back. Another problem is the war between the hill giants and the gnolls in the Great Sword Mark Mountains.”

“This is indeed a very difficult issue. No matter who is the loser on both sides, there will always be a force that will be driven out of the Great Sword Mark Mountains, and the Emerald Field has become the best place for them.” The human druid frowned while holding his forehead:

“By that time, it will be not only the settlements of civilization that have been destroyed, but also the natural balance that has been maintained for a long time.”

“This is the natural survival law of survival. We should always remain neutral and cannot participate in this war,” said the elf Druid Storm Bear Walker.

“As long as it is war, it will bring destruction, the natural balance will be broken, and no one will be able to escape.” The half-elf Druid snorted coldly.

“Forget it, I will consider this issue as appropriate, and leave it to me to handle it.”

After the half-elf woman finished speaking, she looked around for a while, and after a little thought, she instructed everyone: “However, there are still a few things that you need to deal with.

Thornswalker, the area of ​​the bottomless swamp is constantly expanding, and there is a smell of death and decay everywhere, so I need you to arrange for people to cut down all the trees that grow on the periphery of the swamp. The land will gradually rejuvenate under the exposure of the sun, and you can cooperate with the people of Twilight Town on this matter, after all, it is beneficial to them.

Silver Crow Messenger, a year ago, a red copper dragon sleeping near Iron Horse Town was accidentally awakened, so I hope you will check whether this old guy has left the Emerald Wilderness. Be careful, if you do, don’t be annoyed took him.

Eagle Eye Walker, the tiefling lord of Stallman Town seems to have encountered some problems recently. Without her help, it may be difficult for her tiefling variants to suppress the backlash of the bloodline. You need to always pay attention to not let the lower layers The demons of the plane have an opportunity.

Your Excellency Stag, Horn Town is a settlement established by a humanoid creature. The civilization they exudes makes me never imagine that they are evil humanoid creatures, so you need to observe the trends and purposes at all times. “

As the orders were given by the half-elf women, fewer and fewer druids were sitting around the wooden table. In the end, only the elf druids called the Bear Walker and the half-elf Druids who wore the unicorn mark remained. Rui.

“Your Excellency Lausien, it seems that two guests have come to the Temple of Merikai, and they are from Port Culin in the Southern Kingdom, right?” The half-elf woman’s pale green eyes stared at the half-elf druid on the opposite side.

“That’s right.” The half-elf Druid Lausian replied calmly.

“A group of deranged idealists, pass a word to them on my behalf, the balance of the emerald field is not allowed to be interfered by others, so I don’t welcome them.” The half-elf woman’s expression condensed slightly and said softly.

“I will convey your will, Your Excellency Nightingale Walker.” The half-elf Druid Lausian leaned slightly, then turned around and disappeared into the jungle.

“Bear Walker, you have more tasks. After all, the town on the waterfall is your jurisdiction. I hope you can understand.” Then the half-elf woman looked at the elf druid and said:

“The leader of the Skull-Kicking Tribe, the ogre wizard, was killed by Guiren’s followers. This group of foolish guys has no leader’s command and will only cause more damage. The Horuk Hobgoblin tribe in the Black Pearl Forest has been killed by the winter. The army of the city has been driven to the Forest of Tranquility, and you need to keep an eye on their movements.”

“There is also a taboo study in the lower urban area of ​​Pushang Town, giving them warnings and expulsions, and the people left behind are always on guard. If they still don’t listen to the advice, then… they will be destroyed!”

After the half-elf woman finished speaking, her pale green eyes looked in the direction of the Black Pearl Forest, and a faint sadness flashed away.

Violent Bear Walker hesitated for a while, but finally swallowed it back, then got up and leaned over to the half-elf woman and said, “I will take it seriously, Your Excellency Nightingale Walker!”

Watching everyone leave, the half-elf woman slowly got up, her deep pale green eyes looked in the direction of the Wizard’s Tower in Winter City, and fell into contemplation.

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