Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 176 - Heruk Hobgoblin

“You didn’t say that your blood of the red dragon has been used up, why are you not interested in the dragon blood that Carlos just mentioned.”

After everyone discussed how to welcome the coming orcs, Thorne led Andrina away from Carlos’ courtyard, walked a distance, stopped and couldn’t help but ask with some doubts.

The advanced profession of dragon vein warlock is very strong, but every time the strength is improved, it must rely on the blood purification ceremony to transfer the dragon’s ability to oneself, so this kind of ceremony, the blood of the real dragon is an indispensable existence.

Dragons, whether they are the kindest or the most evil, always conjure up images of terror. For most races, dragons are the ceiling of combat power, terrifying and deadly.

The difficulty of obtaining the blood of the real dragon can be imagined, but the dragon warlock Andrina in front of him was unmoved and refused without hesitation after hearing the news about the blood of the red dragon. dropped, which made him have to doubt the real reason for the other party’s rejection.

“For me, as long as it’s a problem that can be solved with money, I don’t want to use other methods.” Andrina walked up to Thorne and smiled slightly: “I’m just very disgusted to be used for other things. It’s being taken advantage of, and I didn’t want to be involved in the chaos of downtown, you know.”

“But the blood of the red dragon is an existence that can be encountered but not sought after anywhere. Even if there is enough money, there is no guarantee that it can be bought. I think your rejection is too straightforward. After all, this is about your future. The speed of strength growth.”

For Andrina’s words, he also understood the general meaning of the other party, but still felt that it was a pity to miss this opportunity.

And her values ​​Thorne doesn’t quite agree with either.

What is a problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

This sentence really works in the original world. As long as you have money, you can solve most of the troubles in life, but in this world where your own life is at stake, the effect is not so significant.

This is a world where the strong are respected, and your own strength determines how much you can have, which is the main reason why he has always been obsessed with becoming stronger.

“It’s okay, I can wait slowly. Although my race is human, I have a lifespan of nearly 500 years after I advanced to the Dragon Vein Warlock. There is always a chance to encounter this kind of thing.” Andrina smiled. Laughing, he didn’t care much.

Then she thought for a while, then looked at Thorne quietly and said, “Actually, I’m not as persistent as you are about becoming stronger, it’s too tiring to live like that, and I also found the meaning of surviving in this strange world, So I think it’s a good choice to just go with everything.”

After Andrina finished speaking, seeing Thorne’s silence, her expression seemed to be lost in thought, so she continued: “Didn’t you say before that you don’t like to be involved in the affairs of Xiacheng District, why do you think about this time? The orcs, but they are so enthusiastic.”

“These orcs from the Arena of Winter City, after all, have come here thousands of miles because of my guidance. Since I already know that they are about to arrive at Waterfall Town, it is natural to ensure their safety.” Thorne After a moment of silence, he explained to Andrina beside him.

The orcs Ashmer discovered were the ones he accidentally rescued in the Winter City Arena. For so long, he had long forgotten about these orcs, but what he didn’t expect was that these strong-willed orcs really came out of nowhere. Winter City broke through the siege, successfully crossed the emerald field, and reached the town of waterfalls.

Orcs are representatives of chaos and evil on this continent, mainly because their Lord God taught them that everything on the main material plane belongs to Orcs, and is only stolen by others, so Orcs want to survive, they must do their best to survive. All possible to plunder civilization settlements.

Especially the orcs living in the wasteland of the Northland, they are often difficult to suppress their strong desire to kill, resulting in their residence always keeping a short distance from the new target.

That’s why they rarely settle in one place for long, instead camping on each ruin, dwelling temporarily in complex caverns, and even converting rival villages into fortified camps or strongholds after they have captured them.

When the food in the existing territory is exhausted, the orc tribe will separate a number of active teams and spread out to search for new hunting sites.

After the search is complete, each team returns to the stronghold with the spoils and information about the new target, and selects the richest one as the new target of the tribe.

After setting a goal, all members of the tribe will set out together to open up a **** road towards the new territory. Such cruel behavior naturally makes most intelligent races feel bad about it.

The orcs that Thorne rescued from the arena are different. They are a group of tribes formed by players. They rely on their own wisdom in the northern wasteland to grow food, domesticate livestock and build camps.

If there is no accident, everything will go in the right direction, which is why Thorne sympathizes with these orc players.

Now, these orc players are about to reach Waterfall Town. With their arrival, let alone the changes in this town, at least Waterfall Town’s strength has been strengthened again, which is what everyone is happy to see.

“Didn’t Carlos already say that, he welcomes the arrival of the orcs. These things can be done by themselves. You don’t need to be involved at all.”

“I just wanted to go and have a look, and be at ease, that’s all.” Thorne smiled at Andrina, then interrupted what she was about to say and patted her on the shoulder lightly Said: “Okay, I will send you here, you can go back by yourself, they are still waiting for me at the gate of the city.”

Andrina looked at the smile on Thorne’s face, looked stunned, and finally sighed helplessly, and her figure gradually disappeared in the light of a teleportation circle.

On the edge of the Serenity Forest in the Emerald Fields, three figures roam the weeds and bushes.

“Ashmo, are you sure they will come from this direction?” Thorne glanced at the familiar surroundings and frowned: “Go ahead and you will reach the sphere of influence of Horn Town.”

There is an irreconcilable conflict between the two player forces in Horn Town and Waterfall Town, and he naturally does not want to meet those players who are mainly humanoids here.

At the same time, this trip made him realize the inconvenience caused by not having a flying reconnaissance partner. If the Dire Eagle is here at this time, as long as he soars in the sky, he can get a general idea of ​​everything.

“It seems that the animal companion has to find another one as soon as possible. After finishing the work here, go to the Temple of Merikai first.” Thorne glanced at the sky and thought to himself.

“Don’t worry, it’s not wrong, I assure you, those orc players will definitely come from this direction.” Ashmo, who was at the forefront, turned and said to Thorne with certainty.

“Thorn, have you noticed something very strange about you?” Ashmo’s voice just fell, and the cursed swordsman Yas, who was walking side by side with Thorne, said.

“What?” Thorne looked at him suspiciously.

After discovering the traces of the orcs, they originally planned to stand still and wait for their arrival on the city wall, but he was worried that something unexpected would happen in the middle, so the scene of the three of them wandering in the wilderness appeared.

“This year’s cold wave seems to be late. At this time last year, snowflakes were already floating on the Emerald Field, and the winter was closed after half a month, but this year, there was no movement at all.” Yas glanced at the blue sky and said Thorne spoke his inner doubts.

“Uncle Yas, why are you so stupid?” Ashmo, who was walking at the front, heard Yas’s doubts, turned around and raised his voice and replied:

“It’s just that the cold wave has been delayed for a few days. What’s the fuss about? You have to know that no matter where you are, the weather is unpredictable. Don’t you know?”

“According to historical records, in the disaster that affected the entire main material world in the turbulent era, the Emerald Wilderness was in a cold wave for a year, dominated by white snow. The power ended this disaster, so I always believed that the changes of nature and the gods above are inextricably linked.”

Yas ignored Ashmo’s ridicule, and said to Thorne with a slightly solemn expression:

“In any case, the postponement of the cold wave is a virtuous cycle for the entire Emerald Wilderness. This change not only shortens the hibernation time of wild beasts, but also allows intelligent races and monsters to have more free time to use them in Store food for the winter.

That is to say, in the field in the spring of next year, the number of all creatures will increase significantly, but the jade field is so big, and the extra ones can only be eliminated by other creatures.

This is bad news for us in Pushang Town. Since the trade route to Saiput City was opened up, our food supply has not been so in short supply, so the cold wave has been delayed, which has shortened the safety period of Pushang Town. . “

“You can’t always think in a bad way.” Thorne didn’t agree with Yas’s idea and said to him:

“The weather in the Emerald Wilderness has become more and more suitable for the survival of creatures, causing their numbers to soar, so if these extra beasts and monsters are hunted by us, this is not equal to our extra wealth, so I think this kind of Change is beneficial to everyone. This is a survival law of survival. Only the weak will think it is unfair. When our power is strong, the Emerald Field is our back garden and hunting ground, not ?”

“That’s true.” After listening to Thorne’s analysis, Aston was surprised.


At this time, a loud wolf howling sounded from far to near from the far away Quiet Forest.

“There is a pack of wolves in the forest, be careful to hide!” Thorne immediately greeted the two of them with a condensed expression upon hearing the movement in the distance.

In the wilderness, as long as Wargs are found, they must all be in groups, with at least fifty of them.

And according to Ashmo’s description, the direction of the orc player’s walking is to walk along the edge of the quiet forest from south to northwest of the waterfall town, and the wolf howl from the depths of the forest is from the northeast. It was obviously not an orc player, but a pack of wolves.


When the three of Thorne hid in the bushes, the loud wolf howl sounded again, but this time it came from the south, which is the direction the orc players were walking.

Immediately afterwards, the wolf howls that undulated each other sounded at the same time, and a large group of wolf knights emerged in the silent forest, and there were also many burly orcs with wolves on the other side.

“It turned out to be a Hobgoblin!” Thorne’s pupils shrank suddenly when he saw the wolf knight emerging from the Forest of Tranquility, and said solemnly: “How come there are hobgoblins here?”

Hobgoblins are members of the goblinoid family, and they often rule over some of their cousins, such as the diminutive goblins and the murderous goblin bears.

They are larger than goblins, belong to a burly humanoid race, and are almost always around 2 meters in height. Their most notable features are dark orange skin and brown hair, as well as blue or red noses in adult males. .

And Hobgoblins are also a militarized race. They are born to fight and are very aggressive. They like to wage war against humanoid races the most.

The hobgoblins who appeared not far from Thorne were all riding calf-sized wargs. They were all dressed in black leather armor with blood-red stripes, and the weapons they held were mainly long swords and curved-blade daggers.

These weapons are not as rough as imagined, on the contrary, they are very well cared for. Under the sunlight, they still flash with a cold light.

In addition to the flexible use of various weapons, hobgoblins are also very good at making military equipment such as weapons, armor and engineering equipment, and they are organized and disciplined, and they will carefully maintain their weapons, armor and personal items.

So Thorne was not surprised to see the Hobgoblin Knight so neatly equipped.

“Ow! Oooo! Oooo!”

When dozens of hobgoblin knights appeared, the orc players on the other side who were driving the wolves also appeared in the field of vision. At the moment when the two sides made eye contact, the wolves on both sides simultaneously roared each other.

“There are Orcs on the Emerald Field.” Among the Hobgoblin knights, a Hobgoblin similar to the captain glanced at the Orcs who appeared. A hint of surprise flashed in his dark brown eyes, and then he comforted the irritable Warg and pointed his finger. Put it in your mouth and blow a loud whistle.

In just a moment, a black crow flapped its wings and flew out of the forest, and landed on the shoulder of the Hobgoblin captain. Following the whispers of the Hobgoblin captain, the black crow flapped its wings again and disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

Noticing the message from the Hobgoblin captain, Thorne and Yass looked at each other and nodded slightly, then they both jumped out of the bushes they were hiding at the same time.


In order to find out the origin of these hobgoblins, Thorne drew out his long sword, looked directly at the hobgoblin captain not far away, and said coldly: “Hobgoblin, this is the sphere of influence of Waterfall Town, get out of the Forest of Tranquility! “

“The town on the waterfall?” Captain Hobgoblin was stunned when he saw the two people who suddenly jumped out, and then a voice that showed no signs of weakness: “Very well, the people of the town on the waterfall listen to me, Helu. The battle flag of the ghoul has been planted in the land of the Serene Forest, and your challenge is always welcome!”

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