Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 182 - An act of kindness from Clarion Town

In the empty wilderness, chaotic shrubs and yellow weeds are densely covered, swaying wildly in the cold wind, making bursts of rustling sounds.

On the outer fringes of Tranquil Forest, a cloud of war between humanoid slaves and the Horuk hobgoblin tribe hangs over the wasteland.


Wargs, dire wolves, and ferocious wolves with ferocious and cruel appearance sounded with each other’s undulating howls, turning into vigorous figures, showing sharp fangs and jumping into the resisting slave group to start a **** fight.

The Dire Wolf shook his pure black hair, and his body over three meters bowed slightly. With a violent kick on his hind legs, he jumped out a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, and his scarlet eyes firmly locked on a screaming gnoll. slave.


The 400-kilogram body of the Dire Wolf mercilessly threw the gnoll slave down, opened its **** mouth, and killed it with one blow, leaving behind a **** gnoll body. lizard Man.


On the other side, an ogre slave with a height of about three meters in height, bloodshot eyes and a ferocious face, held an adult thigh-thick mace and roared angrily, rushing towards the dense arrow rain of the goblins.

The rain of arrows shot from the hands of the short-limbed and weak goblins could hardly penetrate the tough skin of the ogre slave, and even if it pierced the bast, it was completely unable to penetrate the thick fat and muscle of the ogre slave.

I saw that the ogre slave seemed to have completely lost the sense of pain, and the mace in his hand made a piercing sound.

The chattering goblin group was suddenly torn apart by an ogre slave.

The ogre slave, full of arrows, frantically chased and killed the fleeing goblin, and then was stabbed into the throat by the sharp claws of the ferocious ape tamed by the goblin, fell on his back, twitched a few times and then died.

“Formation! Attack!”

Looking at the messy battlefield, the hobgoblin commander riding on the back of the wolf pulled out the steel long sword at his waist and calmly cut a whistling arrow, roaring at the more than fifty hobgoblin warriors who were resting. .

“Battle formation!” The three Hobgoblin lieutenants raised the steel shields in their hands, paused, and shouted, “Hobgoblin tactics!”

As soon as the words fell, the hobgoblin warriors with a size of more than 50 people split into groups of five or more, without showing any signs of panic.

The three hobgoblin warriors walking in the forefront put their shields in front of them, pulled out their refined long swords and charged. With every burst of the hobgoblin warriors, they intercepted all the gnolls, lizards and kobolds in front of them. All were hit by the refined long sword, and then smashed into the air by the shield.

Standing behind the three hobgoblin warriors, the two hobgoblins loaded the crossbow and shot at all the slaves that appeared in front of them.

A dozen or so small teams of hobgoblin warriors raised their shields and advanced steadily. The neat formation did not pursue because of the panic and retreat of the enemy. The goblins with bows and crossbows behind them followed closely and shot frequently in the gaps.

One after another, blood splashed, and a large number of rioting slaves were harvested by the blades of the goblins, and the corpses fell one after another like cutting wheat.

Even the strong ogres and trolls fell under the shield blocking and long sword piercing of the hobgoblin warriors. The originally chaotic situation was immediately suppressed by the phalanx formed by the hobgoblin warriors.

Looking at the large number of fallen slaves, the remaining slaves all showed fear in their eyes, looking desperately at the war trolls and others who did not do anything in the distance, but quietly chose to watch the battle.

“Brother Yas, Mr. Thorne, and this orc friend from the northern wasteland, help you stop the pursuit of the hobgoblins, can’t it prove the sincerity of our Horn Town?” Tiger Ranger Sailu looked forward The situation on the battlefield is one-sided, and said to several people around him.

The cursed swordsman Yas held the rune sword, snorted coldly, and turned his head to ignore the tiger man ranger Sailu.

The orc leader Sane glanced at Thorne and Yass, and continued to remain silent.

As an outsider who does not live in a fixed place, he is not qualified to intervene in the affairs of Jade Field, so he also understands how to do it.

“It’s too early to talk about these matters. Let’s get rid of all the hobgoblins in front of us first.” Thorne glanced at the slave riot that was about to be suppressed by the hobgoblins, and said lightly.

“That’s right, this group of Heruk Hobgoblins from the Black Pearl Forest are the common enemies of our Horn Town and Waterfall Town. The ambitious Hobgoblins will definitely not be satisfied with the grove of Tranquil Forest. I think everyone should know that.”

The tiger man ranger Cyru looked at Thorne, nodded slightly, and hurriedly answered.

“Of course I understand the truth, but I also understand what a shameful act of backstabbing an ally is.” Yas’s chest heaved slightly and sneered.

“Okay, now is not the time for us to worry about these things, first solve the troubles in front of us, and then let the orcs return to the Falls Town safely.” Thorne held Yas’s shoulders and glanced at the tiger man Sairu, Looking at Yas again, he said with a calm expression: “I understand the truth of blood debt and blood taste better than anyone else.”

The distance between Clarion Town and Waterfall Town is only about 20 kilometers.

An accident happened. A batch of supplies in Waterfall Town was hijacked, and all the people who escorted the supplies were killed. In the end, under Thorne’s secret investigation, the source directly pointed to the leader of the ogre wizard in Horn Town.

But Pushang Town was about to face the threat of Hobgoblin, and it was not enough to protect itself, so there was no need to take revenge, so I have been holding my breath until now.

Now, the other leader of the Horned Town, Sailu, the Tigerman Ranger, has once again proposed an alliance with Waterfall Town without any shame. Yas, who had been holding back his anger for a long time, naturally didn’t give him any good looks.

“Yeah, Brother Yass, don’t be so angry. I’ve told you many times. The hijacking of supplies by the ogre wizard has nothing to do with my war troll. You don’t always use us to vent your anger.” The war troll Kehando carried a two-meter-long giant sword and walked to Yas to persuade him.

“Go away!” Noticing the figure of the war troll walking over, Yas tightened the long sword with looming runes and snorted coldly.

“Oh.” The war troll glanced at Yas’s rune sword, a trace of fear flashed in his big eyes, and then he returned to the original path very wisely.

“Since there is nothing to say, let’s get rid of the trouble in front of us first.” Tiger Ranger clenched the composite longbow in his hand. Seeing that everyone was silent, he shouted to the two people beside him: “Khando, Eugene, get ready. fight.”

After he finished speaking, he immediately drew out his arrows and set up a bow to shoot arrows towards the battle field in front of him.

The kobold Eugene, who was floating in the air, heard the words, and immediately let out a loud scream. Suddenly, more than a hundred kobolds with simple short bows came out from the dense bushes not far away, and mixed with the kobolds. There are also three kobold warlocks who are not very high-level.

“Give it to me, kill all these hobgoblins!” The war troll Kehanduo raised his two-handed giant sword and roared at the troll’s subordinates beside him, and the three-meter tall burly body rushed up first.

More than 30 trolls armed with maces and bone-smashing hammers rushed towards the direction of the Hobgoblin warriors without fear of death under the order of Kehando.

“Prepare to meet the enemy!”

Noticing the appearance of the kobold archer and the more than thirty troll warriors led by Kohando, the Hobgoblin commander calmly glanced at the riot slaves that were about to be cleaned up, and waved his steel sword.

The goblins and all the goblins wandering in the periphery shifted their positions and faced the charge of the troll warriors.

The howls of wolves waving up and down continued to sound, and sixty or seventy warwolves and dire wolves, led by five ferocious wolves, rushed towards the troll warriors and kobold archers with ferocious faces.


Eugene, the kobold warlock floating in the air, gave an order using the dragon language.

More than a hundred kobold archers drew their bows to shoot arrows one after another, and the dense rain of arrows instantly covered the charging goblins, bear goblins and warwolves.

– “One level spell: greasy spell!”

——“Second-Level Spell: Strong Acid Arrow!”

——“Second-level spell: cobweb technique!”

Immediately after that, the three kobold warlocks standing at the back continued to cast low-level spells one after another.

“Clean up these hobgoblins first.” Thorne noticed that Horn Town and others who had entered a state of battle, glanced at Yas and Sann, left a sentence, and stopped talking, holding a long sword instead. Looking in the direction of more than fifty Hobgoblin warriors.

Although the tiger people leaders and war trolls of Horn Town have conveyed their goodwill to Falls, the ogre wizard leader who has never appeared is the real speaker of Horn Town.

Thorne thinks that the words of the tiger man Sailu are not worth believing completely, and even if he agrees to form an alliance, Torvi and Carlos in the town of waterfalls may not nod their heads, so what needs to be done is to drive the group of goblins away first. , after returning, let them discuss by themselves.

– “Spell-like ability: Fireball!”

——“Desert Wind Sect (Strike Skill): Fire Bomb!”

Two dark red fireballs, one large and one small, appeared on Thorne’s palm and on the blade, respectively.

Then Thorne’s thoughts moved, and the two fireballs pierced the air with a whistling sound, instantly submerging into the well-equipped hobgoblin warrior group, and a loud roar broke out.

The high-temperature flames raged, and the impact of the explosion of the two fireballs directly blew the attached hobgoblins out, and the hairs on the body of the hobgoblins who survived by chance also ignited flames.

Seeing that Thorne had started to attack, Yas took the rune sword to meet the rushing wolf.

– “Supernatural ability: Nether Guardian!”

Saen, the orc leader standing beside Thorne, also launched an attack immediately, only to see his thoughts move, and two translucent orc warriors dressed in ghost armor, holding ghost swords and ghost shields appeared in front of him out of thin air.

The two translucent nether guards with protective force fields all over their bodies are surprisingly similar to the no guards that Thorne saw in the tower. Under the command of Sann, they waving the nether swords and joined the front instantly. battlefield.

Suddenly, a large number of goblins, goblins, wolves and dire wolves fell down like reaping wheat, especially the more than 30 trolls led by the war trolls. Their attacks were crazy and deadly, and they were not afraid of the enemy’s attack. The damage is completely a game of injury-for-injury.

Seeing the one-sided situation ahead, the Hobgoblin Commander glanced at the Hobgoblin priest beside him, and when he saw the other party nodded slightly, the Hobgoblin Commander immediately gave an order to retreat, and fled in embarrassment with the remaining beasts and the Hobgoblin warriors. In the silent forest.

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