Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 187 - Qingchen (Happy New Year to all book lovers!)

Waterfall Town and Xiacheng District.

The Unicorn Hotel is located on the west bank of the Emerald River in the lower city. It is a building made of rough stones and sturdy wood.

The entire first floor of the hotel was packed with tables and boxes, and most of them were full.

In the very center of this dimly lit room, in the hearth exuding warmth, a few blue-leaf tree leaves are added from time to time. As these multi-pointed leaves burn, beautiful blue flames jump out of the orange-yellow firelight. , like dancing blue firemen, attracting the surprise of those strange outsiders.

From the clothing and behavior of the guests of this hotel, it can be seen that the main players are from the lower city, but occasionally there are a few businessmen from Twin Towers Town or Sept City, or travelers and adventurers who pass by by chance. By.

Not only accommodation, but delicious dining at all times, as well as a cheerful bar next door to unwind.

Of course, if your curiosity is too strong, after entering the bar, walk along the north wall all the way inward, and you will find a sliding door, as if suggesting to you some service that has never disappeared.

“Mr. Thorne, welcome to the Unicorn Hotel, how about it, I haven’t seen you for half a year, is the hardhead trout soup still to your taste?” A half-elf man at the counter who was wiping gold coins noticed Thorne The figure who was about to leave showed a charming smile and asked enthusiastically.

“It’s okay, the taste hasn’t changed.” Thorne paused and said casually when he walked to the counter.

Although the owner of the Unicorn Hotel is also a player, he does not belong to any forces in Xiacheng District. The unicorn hotel.

It is said that the money used by the half-elf owner of the Unicorn Hotel to build the hotel is not his own. Before, hiding all the way, escaped to the town of waterfalls.

In the accident a year ago, although the half-elf leaders in the upper city agreed to build settlements and build city walls in the lower city, this was not free. Carlos and Torvi spent a lot of money to buy them. the permanent use of the land.

After the construction of the lower city is completed, there are also some expensive solo adventurer players who spend money to buy houses or land from these two lords.

Of course, not only the player group, but also the chambers of commerce of some local forces are attracted here.

Among the towns of Falls, the most famous is the Moonstone Merchant, a small but wealthy aboriginal merchant guild. With the port city of Sept City as the center, they import various weapons and armors from the central continent and the Northland wasteland. This kind of goods is sold to all the villages and towns within the sphere of influence of Sept City and the towns on the Falls.

Most of the weapons and equipment, food and many daily necessities in Waterfall Town come from the Moonstone Chamber of Commerce.

“As the signature fish soup of the Unicorn Hotel, every time you say ‘okay’, as expected of you, I shouldn’t have asked you, because I have never heard any compliments from you. words.”

The half-elf boss gave Thorne a helpless look, and threw the shiny gold coins he wiped into his pocket, then lay down on the counter, groaning with his pointed chin in his hand.

“Since it is the signboard of our store, why does its taste have not changed at all, but the price has nearly doubled, so you are not afraid that the east coast will take the opportunity to rob your business.” Thorne, who was about to leave, heard the other party’s Complaining, asked curiously.

Although he is not very picky about his appetite, he often wanders in the wilderness, as long as he has enough food, he will occasionally go to the hotel to try new things, especially the delicious fish soup of the Unicorn Hotel. Zhong Ai, who has been away from Waterfall Town for half a year, is finally back, and naturally he will not forget to reminisce about this long-awaited taste.

So after solving the problem of the orcs, the first destination to enter the waterfall town is the unicorn hotel on the west bank of the lower city.

“We are really helpless. This year, the overall temperature of the Emerald Wilderness has been rising. These hardhead trout, who like the cold environment, hide in the deepest part of the Emerald River and are difficult to catch. The number of fish has dwindled sharply, and prices are sure to rise.

It was originally thought that when the cold wave came, the hardhead sturgeon hiding at the bottom would gradually surface, and the fierce fish would move to the downstream area. Who would have thought that this year’s cold wave would be delayed for so long. “

Sturgeon is a specialty of the Emerald River. It is named for its hard skull, and this hard skull is also an auxiliary material for pharmacists to make sober medicines. However, sturgeon has higher requirements on the growth environment, in addition to liking life Outside of the cold upper reaches of the river, they are also picky about water quality.

The source of the Emerald River is the Huaernas Mountain next to Pushang Town. The river water formed by the melting of the snow continuously rushes down from the Emerald River Waterfall in Shangcheng District.

The clear and immaculate source river water is very suitable for the growth and reproduction of steelhead trout, and the finicky growing environment makes the fish soup prepared by this fish extra delicious, which is why Thorne prefers steelhead trout soup.

However, the natural enemy of the hardhead trout is the fierce fish. The overall temperature of the emerald field has risen, which has become more suitable for the reproduction of the fierce fish. The fierce fish that originally lived mainly in the middle and lower reaches began to migrate upstream, while the hardhead trout can only Hide and shiver in cold, deep water.

This indirectly increases the difficulty for the fishermen in Pushang Town to catch the hardhead trout, so that the players in Pushang Town who make a living by catching the hardhead trout have to face the threat of violent fish all the time while fishing.

The name of the vicious fish has the word vicious, which proves that this fish is bigger and more ferocious than ordinary fish. In addition to scarlet fish eyes and sharp teeth, they also have armor-like bone plates all over their bodies. .

The growth cycle of the dire fish is four months, the whole body can grow to about one meter, the challenge level is level 2, and the bite force is particularly strong. In addition to attacking fish creatures in the water, it also often sneaks up on the goblin dog head that goes to the river to drink water. Humans or weak human beings.

With the player’s current strength, he still does not have the ability to crush the violent fish in the Emerald River.

Although the meat of the dire fish and the armor-like bone plate covering the whole body are very valuable, but the dire fish lives in the water after all. Even Thorne himself, facing the attack of the dire fish in the water alone, cannot guarantee that he will definitely win. If you want to catch it, you can only rely on fishing nets to bring it ashore, which is why the fierce fish floods in the Emerald River.

However, for the people of Waterfall Town, the threat of dire fish should only be temporary, but the correct way to deal with it has not yet been found, because in the settlement of the original inhabitants, they have never heard of the danger of the flood of dire fish. , it is conceivable that they must have a way to deal with the vicious fish.

“The change in the environment is more beneficial than detrimental to the Emerald Wilderness. When the cold wave comes, the steelhead trout hiding in the depths and shivering will naturally pay the water, so this is only temporary.” After listening to the complaints of the half-elf boss, Thorne Express your opinion to him.

“That’s true.” The half-elf boss nodded in understanding, and asked in a low voice: “I heard that there is another hobgoblin group in the Serene Forest. Is the news true?”

“It seems that your news is very well-informed. Yes, there is indeed a hobgoblin group in the Forest of Tranquility.” Thorne nodded and did not deny that this kind of thing would be discovered sooner or later by the adventurers who went to the Forest of Tranquility. , and then send it back to Waterfall Town, so there is no need to hide anything.

Hulk Hobgoblin is entrenched in the Forest of Tranquility, and the people who are most worried should be the caravans and adventurers stranded in the town of waterfalls.

If the Heruk Hobgoblin in Tranquil Forest has not been driven out before the end of winter, then these merchants, adventurers and players from other places will be trapped in the town of Falls to welcome the new year.

Then Thorne stood by the counter and pondered for a while, and reminded the half-elf boss: “This year’s winter in the town of waterfalls will be difficult, so prepare early.”

After he finished speaking, he left the half-elf boss who was lost in thought and turned away alone.

Thorne walked out of the hotel and came to the bustling street. In the fading light, the Emerald River in the distance shimmered with a faint emerald color, and the distant sky was adorned with the last trace of pink by the sunset. Most of the merchants were busy cleaning them up. Eye-catching items, and then gradually disappear into the crowd.

Along the gradually dissipating street, Thorne came to the central area of ​​the lower city, a high tower building with only two floors.

This unformed tower was jointly built by the two lords of Xiacheng District.

The real purpose is actually mainly to train wizards belonging to Waterfall Town. Although Waterfall Town has not yet had a successful wizard player, the two lords also understand the importance of spellcasters to the town.

Because the warlock profession requires blood purification rituals, and the spells of awakening are extremely unstable, it is almost difficult to mass-produce them.

Although wizards need a huge knowledge system to accumulate, but with the elite template of the players, as long as the knowledge of the wizard system is sufficient, and some people are willing to spend time learning, in two or three years, there will definitely be many people who have succeeded in inauguration. Compared with warlocks, wizards wear less.

After all, the expensive blood purification ritual can only work on one person, and the set of wizard knowledge they purchased can benefit all those who are willing to develop in the direction of the wizarding profession. .

However, Thorne heard from Yas that Carlos and Torvi had already spent a lot of money to hire a local middle-level wizard in the town of Twin Towers. As long as the spring of next year, the middle-level wizard will come to the town of waterfalls to teach those Players who are willing to become wizards.

Then, with the passage of time, there will definitely be a group of systematically trained wizard players in the town of waterfalls, and this unfinished tower will gradually show its effect.

The reason why Thorne came here at this time was mainly at the invitation of the two lords of Waterfall Town to discuss matters about Waterfall Town together.

Originally, he did not intend to participate in the affairs of the lower city. If there is an invasion of foreign enemies or an enemy who needs to clean up the wilderness, he will be happy to help.

But he had just promised to help the goblin wizard in Horn Town to explain to Carlos and Torvey the intention of Horn Town to form an alliance, so he could only take the opportunity when the relevant people in the town of Falls gathered to convey to them, as for the wish Not wanting to form an alliance is not something he needs to worry about.

At this time, when Thorne was about to walk to the door of the tower, a familiar figure who was also heading to the tower caught his attention.

So he looked over with suspicious eyes and said, “Is it you?”

“Hello, half-elf ranger, we meet again.” Noticing Thorne’s doubts, the young man in a gray robe smiled at him and introduced himself politely: “I’m Dean from Emerald Garden. Rui, just call me to clean the dust.”

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