Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 391 - empty

While most of the people in Twilight Town were busy with the aftermath of the victory, Thorne had quietly arrived in a relatively remote corner of the town’s southeast.

The reason why I came here is mainly because there is a merchant who can travel to various planes, which is the so-called: plane merchant.

These merchants have a very distinctive feature: they are only interested in treasured items, and they also hold a large number of magic equipment and powerful magic scrolls from various planes, as well as some bizarre gadgets.

To put it simply, as long as you have enough gold coins or other valuable items, you can buy almost all equipment below the golden and legendary quality.

As for why there is no legendary quality equipment.

Naturally, it is because legendary equipment is very rare, so rare that even those powerful legendary professionals cannot guarantee one piece.

Even for the powerful gods, they can use their divine power to mass-produce purple-excellent magic equipment, but it is undoubtedly impossible to mass-produce legendary equipment.

If they really have the ability to make legendary equipment in batches, it indirectly proves that they have the ability to increase the strength of believers to the legendary level of (chosen) in large quantities.

Because if they want to forcibly create legendary equipment, the divine power consumed is not something that a **** can afford casually, and if it is more serious, it will even directly lead to the risk of a weak **** being relegated.

The main reason for this result is that when a piece of equipment reaches the legendary quality, it means that the piece of equipment has certain power of rules and power.

This kind of power that only legendary professionals can master is naturally not something that can be created by consuming a little divine power, they consume the original power of the gods.

This is like a powerful legendary dragon that can mass-produce descendants with dragon blood, but cannot rely on its own blood essence to frequently use dragon blood baptism on its subordinates or transfer to dragon warlock.

Otherwise, the dragon blood baptism that the little black dragon girl Sigrid promised him wouldn’t have dragged on for so long.

Because before that, she had used the power of blood to transfer one of her kobold players to become a kobold dragon warlock.

If she continues to forcibly proceed regardless of the consequences, her strength is likely to face the risk of being relegated.

That is to say, the probability of legendary equipment being generated is even lower than that of professionals who have advanced to the Legend of Destiny in the main material plane.

However, the only advantage of these legendary items is that they have no lifespan, and as long as they are not damaged or forgotten in the unknown, they will be passed on forever.

It is even possible to become stronger over time.

Take the Demon Slayer in his hand, the Mofeng Sword.

The main material of this weapon is the deep iron salvaged from the molten iron lake in the Wanyuan Plain.

Moreover, it is also a container for a demon lord to store the essence of life. The cherishment of this material can be ranked even in the entire bottomless abyss.

The other two materials are the Batobi iron smelting of the nine hells and the abyss blood smelting steel.

Even so, his weapon had been forged and enchanted three times before and after, but it still did not reach the legendary quality. The main reason was the lack of a powerful demon soul.

Because as long as there are demons in the bottomless abyss that can grow to high-level strength, they almost all carry the power of rules from the will of the abyss and a faint trace of divinity.

Therefore, as long as his Desert Wind Sword successfully fuses the soul of a high-level demon and absorbs this power, it will instantly be upgraded to legendary quality.

Even Thorne can guess that the rules and domains it comes with are absolutely inseparable from the demons of the lower planes.

It is a pity that it is undoubtedly impossible to defeat a high-level demon with his strength and successfully integrate it, so it can only be delayed temporarily.

As for the other steel soul sword, he has no clue at all. Maybe he will be able to know the way to improve when the enchantment of the church in the Temple of Good God is successful.

After all, the main material of this sword is the aurora colored steel from the seven heavens, which is one of the highest-level rewards that the good gods use to bestow devout believers.

With any luck, it is not impossible to upgrade its quality to legendary.

Although the Temple of Merikai in Tranquility Forest also belongs to the good camp and meets the requirements for enchanting the steel soul sword, Thorne believes that the most suitable enchantment is the Church of the Three Gods of Justice living in the seventh heaven.

Because he can feel that the hidden characteristics of Aurora Color Steel are justice and kindness, while the Temple of Merikai belongs to nature.

Not long after, Thorne came to the door of the plane merchant.

Half a year ago, when he came to Twilight Town for the second time, he made a transaction with this mysterious merchant.

It is a pity that at that time, he had insufficient financial resources and only bought a belt of ogre power.

Now that he has enough money, when he comes here again, he naturally needs to be prepared to pick out a few practical pieces of equipment.

Thorne gently pushed open the decayed wooden door and walked into the stone house.

This dim stone house is not very big, and one bed occupies almost all the space.

However, when he turned his attention to the thin old man who was wearing a gray cloth robe, he found that there was no one there, which made his heart sink involuntarily.

It is said that the main reason for the appearance of plane merchants in Twilight Town is that the town built in the Emerald Field has the largest number of kryptonite local tyrants.

Therefore, these plane merchants who were born with a special sense of gold coins stepped into the transfer door and came here.

Since calling himself a businessman, he must have come for his own interests.

These businessmen also know that being an arms dealer is the most lucrative line of business, so in the entire main material plane, wherever there is war, they are busy.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you have money, very rich.

When Twilight Town’s funds are drained by these magic scrolls selling various disposable consumables, they will quickly open the portal and go to the next place where they can make a fortune.

Although it sounds like a profiteer, if you think about it carefully, you will understand that this plane merchant is the foundation for the player’s territory to truly stand in the wilderness.

For example, half a year ago, in Twilight Town’s counterattack against the gnolls, the strategic magic items they used, a large harp made of ferocious ivory and a war drum, came from the hands of plane merchants.

Among them, Thorne was most impressed by this war drum made of gnoll skin mixed with enchanting craftsmanship.

On the battlefield, the moment the gnoll’s war drum sounded, many gnolls who were not determined were suppressed and fell to the ground and whimpered like reaping wheat, losing most of their combat power.

If it weren’t for the sacrificial rituals of the gnoll leaders and their racial talent “Bloody Rage”, the battle would have been a one-sided situation.

Because of this, the moment the gnoll leader was beheaded by him, the effect of maintaining “Bloody Fury” disappeared immediately, and the originally stalemate war was immediately reversed.

Without that drum of war, Twilight Town’s losses would have been greatly increased.

But after seeing the empty room in front of him, Thorne was a little confused.

The purpose of his coming here is to get a legendary soul spar that can make tower spirits from the plane merchants.

But the other party seemed to think that Twilight Town had nothing to gain, so he chose to run away with a bucket.

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