Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 409 - ridicule

When Thorne threw the studded gloves he was wearing on the grass like trash, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

“Qiang! Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!”

At the moment when Thorne stopped, the people in the Jade Field took on a fighting posture one by one, pulling out their long swords, shields, and big axes, and watching the crowd on the opposite side vigilantly.

Thorne, who was standing in the middle of the crowd, even felt the strong magic fluctuations behind him and the crackling arc jumping out of the unwilling sound of loneliness.

“Come on! Come here if you can! I can’t kill you!”

“The labor and capital will kill you!”

“Little dwarf, come here! Labor and management stand still and let you jump up and smash your knees!”

“Dad, screw up the head!”

“You kicked Galkatulupi with one kick and smashed you Galaha!”

The Fangs of the Black Pearl Forest, the Knights of the White Rose, and the adventurers in different costumes all took out their weapons to confront each other, and at the same time they started talking about their own familiar trash.

Thorne, who was in the center of the storm, did not leave, but lightly pressed his hand on the hilt of the sword and remained silent.


Suddenly, a group of thick dark clouds condensed over the group of Black Pearl Forest, and the angry thunder sounded, and the crackling dark purple electric arc condensed in the dense dark clouds. Suddenly, this area covered by dark clouds, violent winds and torrential rains quickly disappeared. to.

The dazzling flashes of lightning reflected the frightened faces that suddenly changed color.

Immediately afterwards, a black-robed woman from the Black Pearl Forest silently raised her wide sleeves, the whole person’s momentum changed, and unknown magical fluctuations quickly spread from her body.

The temperature in the crowd in the Emerald Wilderness increased eerily, a pungent smell of sulfur mixed with choking smoke spewed out from the cracks in the ground, and the green grass turned from yellow to ashes at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

“Albert! Stop it!” Carlos, who could feel the high temperature on the ground even in his thick boots, changed his face, and immediately yelled at Albert, the Storm Lord who held up the lightning spear behind him.

“Alice, don’t play too much.” At the same time, Archbishop Alena stretched her hand and stroked her long hair wet by the rain, and stopped the spell brewing by the woman covered in black robes.

In a moment, the strong winds and dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the thick smoke and high temperature on the ground also disappeared without a trace.

As the tense atmosphere dissipated, everyone had expressions of relief on their faces.

The Knight of the White Rose lying on the grass woke up and sat up, only to see him propped up on his elbows, spitting out blood from his mouth, and emitting a vicious tone towards the ranger who had already put his hand on the hilt of the sword. curse.

Thorne, who was about to turn around and leave, stopped. Under the vigilant eyes of everyone, he glanced around coldly. Most of them turned their heads subconsciously, and a small number of people involuntarily took two steps back.


Thorne came to the incoherent Knight of the White Rose again, his eyes narrowed, and he casually kicked him directly in the face, shattering his cheekbones.

The Knight of the White Rose collapsed again in the muddy grass.

“The White Rose Elite Knights from Sept City? I thought how amazing this white cape is.” Thorne curled his lips in disdain, and sarcastically said, when he mentioned ‘elite’, he deliberately emphasized his tone clearly and clearly. clearly communicated to everyone’s ears.

The Fangs and the White Rose Knights clenched their fists angrily, but no one dared to rush forward.

Seeing the ridicule of the unconscious White Rose Knight and the Ranger, the smile on Archbishop Alenala’s cheeks froze, and she frowned and cast her sharp eyes on the other three whites who remained silent. On the Rose Knight.


A white rose knight wearing a face-covering helmet came out. He first gestured to the two companions beside him, and when he saw the companions drag the unconscious hapless man down, he called out the half-elf who had just turned around. .

Thorne gave the half-elf girl Lilia a reassuring look, ignoring Carlos’ frantic gestures, stopped, turned around, and looked at the new Knight of the White Rose armed to the teeth with interest .

“I’m the captain of the Second Squadron of the Third Brigade of the White Rose Elite Knights from Sept City, the guard knight Opter. Half-elf, you have not only humiliated my subordinates, but also the honor of the White Rose Knights. “

The knight clenched his creaky iron gloves, and his eyes hidden in his face-covering helmet looked calmly at the half-elf who turned around. own tone.

“He?” Thorne folded his arms and stood there casually, his playful eyes pointed at the unrecognizable knight – rag-like lips, ruined face, and then an indifferent smile:

“Have you heard of the way to balance one body? Since God gave him a low IQ, it is natural to have an ugly appearance, so as not to make him look so uncoordinated, so don’t you see it? Am I teaching him the way of balance?

Of course, if the distinguished Knight of the White Rose feels that I have done something wrong, please tell me, I will not change it anyway, and you should not get sick. I can’t help it, it hurts so much when I hit someone, you just let him endure it for a while and go. Besides, the scars represent the glory of a knight, I think…he should thank me for the glory I gave him. “

a brief silence…

Facing Thorne’s provocative gaze, White Rose Knight Opter nodded heavily, then slammed the white cloak behind him, stretched out his hand to take off his face-covering helmet, and pushed back his thick silver hair, revealing two Like a centipede lying on the hideous scar on his face, he said:

“Very good! Your Excellency the half-elf is right. For a knight, a scar is a sign of praise, a symbol of honor, and the Knights have always hoped that every member is like this, because a knight without a scar is a coward, not a coward. A true knight.”

After Opt finished speaking, he bowed respectfully to Thorne, the armor rattled, then stared into the eyes of the half-elf, took out an iron gauntlet from his belt, and fell heavily on the half-elf’s feet On the side, the voice is loud:

“The Elite Knights of the White Rose are the backbone that guards the city of Sept. It is the supreme glory that countless ancestors and soldiers who died in battle have exchanged for their blood. Therefore, I must defend the glory of the Knights of the White Rose today! Let’s go! Look! An open space! I want to duel with you!”

“You dropped something, esteemed White Rose Knight, hurry up and pick it up. We can’t throw garbage here. This is the Emerald Field, and the Druids of the Emerald Garden are very strict. Besides, this is not your glorious knights. Resident, if you want to sing a big show, go home and sing it yourself.”

Thorne touched the “garbage” thrown on the ground with his toes, and said calmly, still standing there casually with his arms crossed.

“Archbishop of the Temple of War, I think you should take this silly boy away, otherwise his end will be miserable, very miserable.” Sarayan’s eyes moved to Alenala, full of goodwill. reminded.

“Are you people in the Emerald Field still afraid of a White Rose Knight?” Alenara’s mysterious smile seemed to carry a thousand meanings.

After he finished speaking, he ignored Sarayan’s annoyed eyes, and looked at the half-elf ranger who had nothing to do with it with interest.


Immediately after, Opter, the Knight of the White Rose, instantly pulled out his long sword, swept his eyes over Salayan and Carlos, and finally settled on the half-elf:

“Come on! A battle to defend the honor of the Knights! If I win, you two bastards, Sarajan, Carlos, and you, arrogant and ignorant half-elf, must apologize for the insult of the Knights of the White Rose. Half-elf, you must fight today!”

“I must?” Thorne looked at the solemn knight, his eyes becoming playful.

“Must!” The knight’s cold tone was beyond doubt.

“But, my esteemed knight, do you think…” Thorne smiled sarcastically: “You decent knights dueling me? Wouldn’t you be exalting me, a louse who only hides in a sheepskin coat?

You have to understand that the louse you are fighting against is not even a knight, and his background is not worth mentioning. I don’t think I deserve it… how do you say that? Carlos? “

“We lice parasitic in sheepskin coats are not worthy of honor and praise in the knight’s competition.” Carlos shrugged helplessly, and pouted his lips, speaking in the same tone as Thorne’s. :

“You are decent knights in shining armour, perfect servants of the Order, faithful licks…guardians of kings, you walk the dogma of justice and pursue lofty goals. Your creed demands: Honour, Honesty, Integrity, bravery, compassion…”

“Shut up! The Knights have their own creed, and you don’t need to point fingers here.” The angry Opter interrupted Carlos’s words coldly, then suppressed his anger, looked straight, and said righteously. :

“If you challenge a knight, the knight naturally has the right to accept or reject it, depending on his will. But now it’s the opposite, the knight challenges you and sees you as an equal. Of course, this It’s only temporary, so you have no right to say no.

To refuse this honor will only prove that you are completely worthless, that you are a louse parasitic on a sheepskin coat, an escapist coward. In other words, you are nothing but surviving! “

“This big truth is really strict enough…” Carlos licked his ears, deliberately laughed a few times like a fool, then cleared his throat and continued to sarcastically:

“It seems that the great White Rose Knight has also studied philosophy. In the face of the increasingly corrupt morality of the surrounding world, and the continuous degeneration of ethical behavior, this young and arrogant knight is the kind of warrior who is committed to restoring the long-lost chivalry.

All of his actions and demeanours reflect his ideals at all times, and they implement them in all their actions, and they never care how difficult the process is. In the face of such a great act, I can be said to be ashamed of myself. So, great Knight of the White Rose, please give me a salutation and give me a chance to lick your boots. “

After Carlos finished speaking, he really pretended to bow to the pale-faced White Rose Knight, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

In addition to the blue-faced Fangs and the White Rose Knights, the adventurers in different costumes also laughed out loud.

However, when Archbishop Alenara did not speak out, everyone could only hold back their anger and did not dare to act rashly.

“I’m afraid this knight master has drunk too much fake wine.” The savage personality picked his nostrils, flicked in the direction of the White Rose Knight, and muttered.

“You…you…” The White Rose Knight trembled and raised his long sword, pointing angrily at the funny barbarian Hao, and then looking at Carlos with a wicked smile, he was so incoherent that he couldn’t brew a complete sentence for a long time.

“Then… do we still need to fight? Dear Knight of the White Rose.” Thorne answered at an inopportune time, and the smile on the corner of his mouth did not diminish.

After speaking, his right hand involuntarily touched the hilt of the sword at his waist.

“The glory of the Knights of the White Rose cannot be trampled on!” The knight Opt, who was trying his best to suppress his anger, said coldly as he looked at the half-elf.

“Very good.” Thorne put away his smile: “If that’s the case, let’s make a break, so as not to waste this sunny day. I have to say that your presence is really disappointing, very disappointing!”

After finishing speaking, Thorne glanced coldly at the few people behind Opter, then looked at the knight who was still suppressing his anger, and threatened in an unquestionable tone:

“If I win this duel, then all of you Knights of the White Rose will apologize to me for the unfortunate remarks until I am satisfied.

Otherwise… see that locust tree? I will use the reins of the horses to hang all of you respectable knights who consider themselves noble from this big tree! “

“I don’t think he dares, a group of cowards who only hide in the skirts of female priests.” After the barbarian Hao finished speaking, he didn’t care about the murderous glances that seemed to be real, and instead looked at the indifferent Archbishop Asia with impunity. Lina La, hehe smiled and said: “I’m so sorry, so she didn’t wear a skirt today, so she has no place to hide, so she can only choose to fight.”

The barbarian laughed and suddenly heard a cold snort, and then his expression froze, and the entire burly body was unable to move at all except for the two big eyes that were still rolling around.

Immediately afterwards, under the influence of an unknown force, the barbarian fell to the ground on his back, splashing dust.

“I’ll bet this filthy son of a **** is about to get out of the priestess’ skirt.” The green-haired bard who had been silent for a long time couldn’t help but get out and take a sentence.

After speaking, he consciously shrank back.

However, before he could hide his body completely, the bard and the barbarian became the same, and the handsome little white face had the most intimate contact with the ground.

“So, do you agree?” The knight who finally suppressed his anger raised his head and looked at Thorne’s eyes with a twinkle: “You agree to a duel with the White Rose Knight from Cypriot City?”

Thorne nodded lightly.

“Very good, let’s prepare.” White Rose Knight Opter put on iron gloves and gently wiped the sharp sword in his hand.

“I’m ready, don’t waste time, I have to go back to the waterfall town today. You can’t afford the delay.” Thorne put away his smile and said seriously.

With the exception of the barbarians and bards, who were still on the ground and froze, all the others formed a large circle in the wide area of ​​the Norhir Plains, and Thorne and the knight faced each other coldly.

“Noble Knight of the White Rose, in this glorious showdown, aren’t you going to give a speech to boost the morale of the audience? For example, shout for the glory of who and whom?” Thorne looked at him with a relaxed expression. The expressionless White Rose Knight deliberately joked.

The indifferent knight remained unmoved, pursing his lips tightly, with his left hand behind his back, posing as a sword strike, motionless.

– “The Supreme Chop!”

The knight Opter squatted slightly, and then jumped up without warning. Against the background of the white cloak, he slashed towards Thorne like a big white bird spreading its wings.

His attack opened and closed, the sound of the long sword breaking through the air frequently, and the strong wind even made Thorne feel the pain in his face.

Thorne didn’t swing his sword to block, and at the moment when the long sword was about to approach, a light half-spin evaded the attack.

– “Silver Cross Swordsmanship!”

A deadly silver light flashed from the sharp sword of the unforgiving knight, turning into a sharp net of swords, covering Thorne’s body.

“There are two brushes, no wonder it’s so arrogant.” Thorne’s expression froze, and he drew out another sharp sword. While resisting the knight’s stormy attack, he focused on finding the opponent’s defense loopholes.

In addition to the exquisite swordsmanship of the target, the defense strength of the full body armor is also very high. With his current strength, if he does not activate the “Qi Raising Slash”, he will not be able to break it at all.

Obviously, the quality of this enchanted armor is very high.

“Clang clang!”

In the large circle surrounded by a group of people, the two staggered figures kept colliding, and the sharp blade, not to be outdone, made an incessant clear sound.

“I didn’t expect this kid to have mastered the “Silver Cross Swordsmanship”, it seems that this crazy woman brought back a lot of private goods from the Zhanzheng Academy. Sarajan was surprised and said to Carlos beside him.

“Who told you to make the little girl’s belly bigger, otherwise we can study for half a year, maybe even the white crow swordsmanship can be fortunate to observe.” Carlos joked indifferently, and complained again.

“…If we arrive half a year late, the owner of this emerald field will be the idiots like Opter, and our people will be cleaned up by them. What else will happen to us, don’t complain to me here. “Sarajan glared at Carlos and retorted.

“This half-elf ranger’s swordsmanship is very simple, and I also saw the shadow of the drow swordsman master and the wandering swordsman in the Underdark.” On the other side, the two-knife monk looked at the two swords wielded by the ranger in the field, and spoke to the archbishop beside him. Confirmed.

“A ranger who can make both Sarayan and Carlos dare not speak, it’s a bit interesting, I hope it doesn’t ruin our plan.”

Archbishop Alenala looked at the figure of the ranger in the field, her eyes flickered, and then she glanced at the woman who was covered in black robes not far away, and she felt a lot of peace.

“Clang clang!”

In the duel field, Thorne was still in a defensive position. Facing the attack of the Cavaliers, his response was very simple, that is, he kept dragging on until the opponent’s physical strength became a loophole due to a large amount of consumption, and he launched a counterattack. when.

After all, in addition to continuously attacking him, this knight also had to bear the weight of the full body armor, and he seemed a lot easier.

The sound of the long sword breaking through the air came again, and Thorne quickly turned around with his toes as the center, leaned over to avoid the sharp blade, and jumped to the side lightly. The knight feinted, and instantly disrupted the attack rhythm of Opter’s silver cross swordsmanship.

Immediately afterwards, Thorne stretched out his arms with all his strength and slashed towards the knight’s face at lightning speed.


The desert wind sword hit the blade that Opt was hurriedly parrying, and the powerful impact made his body instinctively stumble back a few steps.

– “Qi Qi Slash!”

Thorne bowed slightly, and rushed towards the knight who had not stabilized his body like an arrow from the string. The blade wrapped by the energy of qi instantly cut through the gap between the enchanted full body armor, leaving a trail on his abdomen. deep wound.

Opter let out a pained cry, bent his legs, and threw himself on the grass.

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