Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 436 - Wizarding Assembly

Winter City, on a street leading to the center of the city.

Andrina led Thorne along her carefully chosen route.

More than anything else, the sorceress’s biggest headache was the silent walk of the rangers beside her.

On the warm streets, he remained very quiet.

He had a quiet rhythm that only a good ranger could master, and it was this quiet rhythm that made her not even feel that he was always there for her, so that she had to look back frequently.

Andrina is leading Thorne through the business district of Winter City, preparing to go to the wizard’s tower in the center of the city, finally ending their meaningful trip.

The bustling market is full of stalls, carriages and flies.

Andrina, who was leading the way, suddenly saw a criminal tied to a pillar on a high platform, and onlookers kept throwing mud and yellowing vegetable leaves at him.

The criminal, on the other hand, displayed amazing composure and calmness, mocking the crowd below with a series of foul language, but the volume hardly changed.

Vaguely, Andrina heard the prisoner’s sarcastic words:

“You are like stupid, fat, lazy minnows in a pond, refusing to believe in barracuda, you have turned the world into a stagnant pool of mud. Look around you! Crime and sin, greed and covetousness, Quarrels and rivalries are everywhere. Come to your senses while there is still time! You sinners. Our traditions are dying, and the age of contempt is coming!

Half a year ago, the sahuagins from the deep sea, the gnolls from the Great Sword Mark Mountains, the goblins from the Black Pearl Forest, and the demons from the bottomless abyss were your divine punishment, and they were the whip of the gods who beat sinners…”

“Despicable son of a bitch, hurry up and die!”

“Shut up! You godly bastard!”

“You son of a bitch! I’m guessing your mother often disappears into obscure alleys, so hurry up and think about where you came from.”


The criminal’s calm ridicule was quickly overwhelmed by the excited crowd. For a time, mud, yellowed vegetable leaves, and even feces were flying all over the sky, but the goals were surprisingly consistent.

Andrina sighed helplessly, and then combed a strand of disobedient black long hair on her forehead behind her ears.

She slowed down, walked side by side with Thorne, and was the first to say, “Is Twilight Town really willing to send someone over to meet the civilians in the city?”

In Waterfall Town, she lived in isolation and spent countless days and nights in the tower, but this did not mean that she was ignorant of the status of the Emerald Field Territory.

Now, the war with the hobgoblins of the Serenity Forest is about to begin, and the five towns in the wilderness are also constantly planning. Countless military supplies and combatants are continuously gathering towards the town of waterfalls every day.

In this case, she did not think that Twilight Town would be able to mobilize enough people to **** the civilians of Winter City safely to the territory.

“I can’t guarantee it.” Thorne replied listlessly, his tone seemed a little helpless, and also revealed a deep sense of powerlessness.

He is very aware of this feeling of powerlessness. When the lower part of Winter City was ravaged by the Sahuagins half a year ago, he had this look.

Although he is not a staunch paladin, he has a good heart deep in his heart.

Because of this, whenever he recalled that the civilians in the slums might one day face the crisis of city destruction, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Every time he recalled the last words that the paladin girl said when she received divine inspiration and left the tavern, “The paladin is immortal! Justice lasts forever! ‘, he felt even more distressed.

That’s the kind of heart that’s working in the dark, Thorne thought.

Unfortunately, he really can’t do anything, there is nothing he can do.

Then, Thorne glanced coldly at a businessman who was trying to approach and chat with him, and said slowly to Andrina beside him:

“Whether it is going to the Silver Pine Plain, or taking those unarmed civilians to the territory of the Emerald Wilderness, without a group of powerful professionals to protect it, it is undoubtedly equal to courting death.

Moreover, it is impossible for Twilight Town to send so many professionals to **** these indigenous residents who have nothing to do with them, because if the number of people sent is too small, it will have no effect, and too many will greatly affect our next actions. “

Hearing that Thorne’s analysis was almost the same as her own, Andrina stopped asking.

They became silent again, the noise of the street soon overwhelmed the two, and the criminal who was tied to the high column suddenly began to laugh loudly. Step by step.

After a while, cheers resounded like victory near the high platform.

Under the bright sunshine, the wizard tower of Winter City is bathed in it, as if inlaid with a layer of dazzling gold, standing majestically above the sky, dazzling.

“This is the first time I’ve come so close to observe this wizard’s tower.” Thorne raised his hand to block the dazzling sunlight, looked at the towering wizard’s tower, and sighed involuntarily.

The location of the wizard’s tower is located in the center of the entire city. This area is the same as the noble area. If they are not recommended, they can’t get close.

“I’ve been here a few times.” Seeing Thorne’s gradually softening expression, Andrina looked at him smugly and showed him off.

“It seems that no matter where you are, it is absolutely impossible to have no money.” Thorne looked back and didn’t ask how she got in, but replied with a smile.

“Come on, help me introduce the situation around the wizard tower.” Thorne looked at the wizard tower surrounded by short walls and frowned: “I always feel that some magic is being applied around this tower.”

“You feel right. There is a layer of illusion magic circle around the wizard’s tower. When you really enter the range of the wizard’s tower, believe me, you will be shocked and your eyes will fall.”

Andrina recalled the first time she entered, deliberately sold a pass, and then took Thorne’s hand and walked together towards a small gate beside the wall.

“Stop when you come, say your name, and report your identity, otherwise you won’t be able to pass!” Just as the two of them were about to approach the gate, a cold, serious voice came out.

Immediately after, a middle-aged man appeared in the sight of the two.

I saw him floating two feet above the ground, his pale golden eyes stared at the two of them through his indifferent faces, and he stretched out his hand holding a jeweled cane to block the way forward.

“Is it an illusion?” Looking at the middle-aged man who appeared, Thorne, who has the characteristic of “sensing magic”, instinctively sensed something strange, but he didn’t ask rudely directly.

“The warlock from the lower city, Andrina.” Andrina stepped forward and replied, “You know me. Of course, and a friend of mine.”

The middle-aged man was unmoved, instead narrowed his eyes and said in a colder voice, “I need to prove that this is the rule!”

“It’s really troublesome, it’s still so stubborn and rigid.” Andrina smiled helplessly at Thorne, then took out a small delicate bag and put it in the palm of her hand, looking for the so-called proof of the middle-aged man.

Thorne stood aside, looking at Andrina reluctantly.

A small purse less than the size of a palm is obviously a magic item that can store items. Obviously, you can take out any item in it with just a thought, but Andrina likes to churn by herself in her spare time.

Is this what is called a quirk? Thorne thought.

After a while, Anderina finally flipped out a round square-hole coin engraved with a similar ‘M’ symbol from her small purse, and displayed it in the cold golden pupil of the indifferent man.

The middle-aged man nodded indifferently, and then cast his icy gaze on Thorne, the meaning is self-evident.

Seeing this, Thorne was about to take out the token given to him by the goblin wizard Malvasia to find the plane merchant, but Andrina showed him that he didn’t need to be so troublesome.

“In order to prevent ordinary people from entering, any spellcaster who does not carry a token must prove to the guards of the wizarding assembly that he can cast spells. If I remember correctly, every spellcaster can bring a companion into the assembly, is this the rule? “Andrina withdrew her gaze on Thorne and said clearly at the indifferent guard.

“Go in.” The indifferent guard waved his hand, his body floating in the air twisted strangely, and disappeared without a trace.

The moment the two entered the gate, a scenic valley was presented in front of them.

The sun shone on the low trees, casting shadows beside them, and as far as the eye could see, the pristine, rolling wilderness led to the soaring wizard’s tower.

“This is a real scene, or it was formed by illusion.” Thorne looked at a pile of rocks and weeds on the ground not far away, feeling the refreshing air, and said in surprise.

“It’s all real.” Andrina saw Thorne’s surprised eyes, nodded with a smile, and then said: “This landform was originally the real environment of Winter City, but it was covered up by illusion spells. It is said that this is the masterpiece of the original owner of the wizard’s tower.”

“Let’s go.” After saying that, she took the lead and walked towards the small ridge.

“Aren’t we going to the Wizard’s Tower? Why are we heading towards the valley here.” Thorne asked after catching up with her.

At this moment, a bald wizard in an expensive red robe floated into his sight.

In addition to his red robe, this red-robed man has a bright bald head that can dazzle in the sun, and has a magical tattoo on the top of his head.

A red-robed wizard from far-flung Searle? Thorne guessed subconsciously.

The bald-headed, red-robed wizard sat peacefully on a dark purple blanket floating in the air, which snaked forward like a snake along a path on the ground.

As the red-robed wizard drove the magic carpet into the woods under Thorne’s watchful eye, the leaves turned from emerald green to a bright copper color in time.

At the same time, there were several voices in the forest, as if it was a welcome ceremony for those who came.

“I want you to accompany me to the wizard’s fair. Trust me, it’s definitely more fun than those noisy streets.”

Andrina turned around and held Thorne’s arm affectionately, and said as she walked, “Of course, the main reason is to come here to buy some magic materials.”

“No problem.” Thorne turned to look in the direction of the wizard’s tower, and found that the distance between the two was not very far, so he met her bright beautiful eyes and nodded slightly.

The so-called magic material, Thorne knew what she was talking about, it was nothing more than the soul spar for making constructive creatures.

The soul spar used to make golems is only the closest place to the city of Sept, except for the city of Winter.

He heard Holart mention that the spellcasters in Twilight Town like to come here to buy magic materials.

“This kind of gathering is actually a small gathering of a private nature. All those who attend this gathering must abide by certain rules. These rules are mainly to prevent the gathering from turning into a spell war.”

Andrina walked briskly and told Thorne happily: “After all, everyone here is a spellcaster, and they all have brain problems to varying degrees.”

The two came to a small hillside covered with heather, and then crossed several bare ridges to the edge of a deep bowl-shaped valley.

A narrow path descended into the valley from their right, leading them into a grove before them, which firmly concealed the rest of the valley.

Apparently, they had reached the vicinity of the wizarding assembly.

At this time, on the other side of the valley, which had not yet appeared, Thorne saw countless fireballs bursting in mid-air, like fireworks during the day.

Andrina was obviously attracted by this movement, so she also turned to the direction of Thorne’s gaze and said:

“It was a fireball throwing game. A lot of interesting wizards were fascinated by this kind of game, because this kind of game can make their peers impress themselves. This is a stage to show all the wizards their arcane manipulation skills.”

“When we’re done, I’ll show you there.” Seemingly noticing Thorne’s interest, Andrina suggested to him, and then continued:

“The fireball throwing game is still very interesting, because the wizarding assembly allows young wizards to challenge some older wizards. So many young wizards want to defeat the old wizards to prove their proficient arcane manipulation skills. “

“What skill is there to throw a fireball.” Thorne smiled indifferently, and continued to move towards the meeting with Andrina.

“There’s a lot of knowledge here.” Andrina seemed very patient:

“If you change some of the passwords in the spell, the spell becomes more difficult to cast, which requires the caster to master the size and power of the spell, as well as the power and skill of the throw. So wizards usually compare who throws The fireball is the largest, and if a high-level wizard is asked to set the fireball technique, the effect is quite amazing.”

Before they knew it, the two had come to the entrance.

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