Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 441 - monstrous creature

Somewhere in the Emerald Fields.

A Hobgoblin scout in blood-red striped leather armor looked around vigilantly, making records in his mind, analyzing something at a very fast speed.

Two fallen birch trees, with claw marks and tooth marks on their bark, must have been done by an ogre, whose purpose was only for the eggs in the nest, because he couldn’t climb up.

In the emerald field, only stupid guys like ogres can’t climb trees. They are more efficient than chasing a wild boar.

The Hobgoblin scout looked away.

A pile of branches scattered on the dirt road. From the three-toed footprints left on the ground, it can be seen that they were discarded by a group of kobolds who were scavenging and fleeing. It should be three trolls chasing them, and it happened not long ago. matter.

The Hobgoblin scout sniffed the odor left in the air, and he smelled the rotten moss that trolls had on them.

Obviously, all three trolls must be wearing filthy mossy capes.

The method of making this shawl is very simple, and it costs almost nothing, just take a bath or roll in the sticky mud pit, and a dirty and muddy shawl is ready.

Not only does the cape provide them with defense, but it also helps them survive the sweltering summer heat and annoying mosquito bites.

Afterwards, the Hobgoblin scouts continued to look elsewhere.

On the left side of the road there was a crack made by the rain, and a lot of silt was washed into what looked like a small road leading to the town of Falls.

It’s a small obstacle, but it’s not a big problem, as long as the wheels of the first wagon run over and the wagon behind will follow, thought the Hobgoblin scout.

On the right side of the road there was a clearing surrounded by birch trees and there were piles of ash from last night, which looked perfect for a camping break.

The Hobgoblin scout who stood on tiptoe and craned his neck to look inside the woodland nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing the ashes and rivets left by the campfire making holes the size of a thumb in the ground, he seemed to have got the answer he was looking for.

Then, he walked cautiously to the north along the vague traces of the carriage on the road. He believed that this deeply hidden path would definitely lead to the town of Falls.

The road breaks suddenly halfway up the mountain, disappears into a sand-covered valley, and winds its way through the crooked-neck pine on the hillside.

The Hobgoblin scout left the road and climbed the steep hill in order to examine his surroundings from a height.

Looking around, there is an open area on the other side of the hill.

However, he found a particularly conspicuous place in the wilderness.

In a grove of birch and fir trees, large swathes of charred and blackened trunks appeared, no doubt the result of a fire, and of the last few days.

Fires in the Emerald Fields are frequent, and this is not surprising.

The extinguished fire?

Looking at the lush green bushes and weeds around the fire, a terrifying figure appeared in the mind of the Hobgoblin scout as if uncontrollably.

The traces of this kind of fire were once left by a half-elf ranger in the Forest of Tranquility. He was fortunate enough to be a firefighter.

Will he let it go? The Hobgoblin Scout thought to himself, but none of this matters anymore, yes, it doesn’t matter at all.

He continued to look north, and as far as he could see, the route seemed unobstructed, leading directly to the town of Falls.

The Hobgoblin scout withdrew his gaze on the snow-covered Huaernath Peak, walked down the steep hillside, and walked towards the dense bushes.

His reconnaissance mission has been completed.

Obviously, this path hidden in birches and firs is definitely the main traffic road for the refugees in the emerald field, and he wants to go back to report this crucial discovery.

As usual, the weather in the Emerald Fields was clear, with only a few wisps of white clouds languidly accompanying the stove-like sun.

A group of screaming ferocious vultures flew from the direction of the Great Sword Mark Mountains, flew to the emerald field, and disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

They should have gone to cool off.

Of course, it is also possible to smell death and corruption.

“It’s here. After my careful observation, this place must be an important passage for those refugees to transport supplies to Pushang Town.”

The Hobgoblin scout led the group to the place he had just scouted, and showed an evil smile to their scout captain: “As long as we ambushed here, we can definitely ambush that convoy and get unexpected results.”

Speaking of the harvest, the hand of the Hobgoblin scout involuntarily touched the position of the hilt and light crossbow on his waist, and he longed for a glorious battle to increase his merits.

In recent days, the Temple of the Almighty, located in the Forest of Tranquility, has been performing miracles to their tribe one after another for unknown reasons.


The Almighty is above, he has never seen it once in his life.

What did the miracle bring? Of course it is a blessing from the Mighty One.

This has also led to the strength of their tribe becoming stronger and stronger, even surpassing the tribes that have been fighting orcs all year round in the northern wasteland.

Therefore, as long as he can complete this ambush beautifully today, the accumulated military exploits will satisfy the opportunity to go to the Temple of the Almighty to obtain blessings.

And gain powerful strength, and then he can use his powerful strength to slaughter more refugees in an upcoming decisive battle and earn more military merit.

With military exploits, honorary ranks, and the Magrubie Medal, even if he dies in battle, his soul will take them to join the Almighty’s army in the Shura plane again.

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was too hard to come by, and he didn’t want to miss it.

In the Temple of the Almighty, the most direct way to show miracles is to enhance the strength of the individual, which is how the captain of the scout standing in front of him obtained it.

The Hobgoblin scout looked enviously at the approaching captain, waiting for his reply.

The captain’s burly and straight body was a head taller than him, and he was stronger than the goblin bear behind him.

His face had turned completely dark red, just like his big nose.

The pale yellow hair was a dark black that made him feel depressed.

The most important thing is that his body is also covered with a layer of natural exoskeleton armor, which is stronger than the standard equipment of their tribe.

At least he didn’t have any way to smash it.

As long as this ambush is completed, I can also gain this kind of power, and the Hobgoblin scouts have some expectations in their hearts.

“Very good.” The captain of the scout squeezed a low growl from his throat, as if he was trying his best to restrain something.

Then his dark red eyes glanced around and nodded in satisfaction to the fiery-eyed scout.

Then he waved his hand towards the man next to him, and walked first to the position that was conducive to ambush, followed by the others.

It was he who first came up with the idea of ​​ambush the refugees’ convoy to Waterfall Town.

Facts have proved that this method is very effective, at least in the past few days, he has caused great losses and troubles to these people with his elite men.

The captain of the scout threw the scarlet cloak behind him and led his men towards the bushes on both sides of the road.

“call out!”

Suddenly, an inaudible sound of arrows breaking through the air rushed out from the dense bushes.

It was the captain of the scout who first noticed the movement, and after being strengthened by the blessing of the temple, he became extremely sensitive to everything.

“There is an ambush here!”

At the moment when the arrow sounded, the captain of the scout instantly caught the galloping arrow, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

It’s a pity that this sharp arrow is too fast, and he has no way to remind his subordinates at all.

The only thing he was happy about was that the arrow was not aimed at himself.


Without any accident, the captain of the scout heard the sound of a sharp arrow penetrating into the flesh, and at the same time saw the unlucky person who was hit by the arrow.

The one who hit the arrow was the scout who reported the specific situation to him just now, and he was paying the heaviest price in his life for his mistakes.

Inserted on him was an ‘Silence Arrow’, inlaid with long, thin black feathers, and the shaft was grooved to make it less bendable and lighter.

The sharp three-edged arrow slammed into the back of the hapless man with strong force, piercing the middle of the left shoulder blade and spine.

The arrow is designed at a special angle, and when it is shot into the body, the tip of the arrow spins like a screw deep, destroying muscle tissue, severing blood vessels, and shattering bones.

This kind of arrow was all too familiar to him, because it was the hand of the hobgoblin.

“Could it be that another team was killed?” The captain of the scout changed his expression, immediately drew out his long sword, and greeted his subordinates who had just reacted to prepare for battle.

However, a scene that shocked him happened.

A burly orc like him suddenly jumped out of the bushes like a feline, and a long sword in his hand shone with a faint golden glow in the sunlight slashed a deadly cold light.

The lizardman stalker didn’t even have time to scream, the lizard head full of terror flew into the dust, and the rigid body was like a severed tree, and fell to the ground in a daze, even the chance of twitching. no.

At the same time, the shadow behind the goblin bear wrapped in armor suddenly twisted, and a man in black with long dry white hair appeared strangely.

In the long hair that was lifted by the breeze, a dagger shone with a sharp light at a tricky and strange angle through the protective part of the goblin bear’s helmet, and nailed it deeply into his head.

The goblin bear screamed and stepped back again and again. The dagger in his head made him look like he had an extra horn. He waved his hands randomly, and then fell to the ground on his back, the thick armor splashed with dust.

Immediately afterwards, another elf with two scimitars jumped out of the bushes on the other side, and the scimitar reflected dazzling flashes in the sun, pointing directly at a hobgoblin scout whose sword was not yet unsheathed.

The Hobgoblin scout who was caught off guard screamed in panic and drew his long sword to try to resist.

“Clang clang!”

With the dense flickering of swords, lights and swords, the swaying Hobgoblin scout covered the deep wound on his neck with both hands, bent his legs, and fell into the blood-soaked dust.


The loud croaking of frogs sounded in the wilderness, and a bully frog man in crocodile leather armor threw away the bow and arrow in his hand, the strong hind leg muscles contracted instantly, and then he kicked vigorously, and his agile jumping force made him all at once. The teammates opened a distance of more than 20 meters and successfully escaped the fatal murder.


Just as the bully frogman was secretly rejoicing that he had saved his life, the dense bushes shook violently, and an adult-sized Fulong beast slapped the small leather wings on its back, roared lowly, and tightened its streamlined muscles, as if it were far away. It rushed out like an arrow, slammed into the bully frog who had just landed, and its sharp fangs sank deeply into the escaper’s hind legs.

A wave of neurotoxin was injected along the wound, and finally spread to the whole body. The dagger raised by the bully frog with wide-eyed eyes slipped from his hand, and the pale green skin shimmered faintly in the sunlight.

The captain of the scout noticed that five of his subordinates had died one after another, and panic began to appear in his heart, and the long sword clenched in his hand trembled involuntarily.

He tried his best to suppress the fluctuating heartbeat, and pretended to calmly look at the enemy who was slowly approaching him, thinking about the way to break through.

These enemies seem to be waiting for something, they are not in a hurry to attack, and their playful eyes are like a beast under siege.

This kind of gaze was very impressive to the scout captain. He used to show this kind of gaze from time to time when he led his subordinates to hunt ferocious animals in the Black Pearl Forest.

Appearing directly in front of him was a burly orc. He was holding an adamantine long sword, and the blade exuded a deadly sharpness. The captain of the scout immediately cancelled his plan to break through from him.

Then he looked at the enemy on the left, just to see the man in black with long dry white hair slowly draw out a straight-edged knife, while the crossbow was hanging on the sword belt around his waist, and there were five more A dagger with a leather sheath.

The captain of the scout shook his head slightly, and finally chose an elf in sackcloth and linen as the target of his breakthrough.

After seeing the blocking appearance, he immediately made up his mind.

No why, just because his race is elves, that’s enough.

Just when he was about to charge up to fight back, a flash of inspiration flashed, and he instantly remembered something.

He also has a teammate, a kuo-too priest hidden in the dark.

Thinking of the hobgoblins here, he subconsciously looks in the direction his teammates are hiding. If he is assisted by the magic of the murloc sacrifice, his success rate of escape will be greatly improved.

The moment the scout captain swept the corner of his eye, his expression was abruptly startled, and he almost screamed, he just saw a figure slowly getting up.

The figure that suddenly appeared was covered in a cloak, and he raised the sharp sword in his hand, while his sacrificial teammates were hanging on the blade, swaying weakly in the air, constantly struggling and wailing, the sword The blade was suddenly covered with flames, and the murloc priest screamed in more pain.

The shadow quickly waved his arm, and the murloc priest was directly split in half.

So, this shadow and the Fulong beast who just arrived joined the encirclement at the same time.

“Fight!” The hopeless goblin looked at the slowly approaching enemy fiercely, opened his mouth wide, and roared angrily.

With a roar that was extremely disproportionate to the voice of the goblin, his body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, so that the armor of his whole body was shattered.

In bursts of crackling noises, the hobgoblin’s body transformed into an incredible beast with thick black hair and a sharp horn.

The overall shape of the beast looks somewhat similar to that of a rhino, but the limbs are short and sturdy, and the flat abdomen almost sticks to the ground.

“This is a deformed creature produced by the defective product after the devil’s advanced failure.” Thorne looked at everyone, everyone immediately understood, and all dispersed.

Although the demons of Baator **** and the demons of the bottomless abyss can accumulate energy through killing, they can continue to advance. However, this advancement process is not smooth sailing, and it may be disturbed by external forces in the middle or fail due to some own reasons.

Eventually it turned into the so-called deformed creature in front of him.

Failure does not mean weakness.

Sometimes, the defeated products are more powerful, because they have no brains, their souls are chaotic, and their thinking is completely controlled by the desire to kill, and they belong to the “madman” in the devil.

This kind of failed product will be killed directly in the demon group of the lawful camp, and this chaotic spirit is sometimes seen by some big people, and then given to some mortals who are eager for powerful power to merge with it.

The mortal who merged with this kind of soul is not unusual at first, but over time, he will become a demon who only knows **** madly.

Because they basically have no brains, only the most primitive killing instinct.

Obviously, these deformed and defective souls came from the hands of Magrubier, the mighty one who lived in the first layer of the Hell of Baator.

The goblin-like patron has done everything possible to strengthen the Heruk clan.


The deformed creature transformed from the Hobgoblin roared, and the egg-sized scarlet eyes were filled with endless killing desire.

I saw it slapped its thick and powerful giant tail hard, and climbed towards the nearest elf monk.

That’s right, just crawled over.

The speed of this deformed creature is very slow, and in the eyes of everyone, it is like a turtle crawling.

Seeing everyone here breathed a sigh of relief, but Thorne’s heart was faintly worried.

A scout captain is like this, so how many such deformed creatures are there in the entire Hobgoblin tribe.

“Clang! Clang!”

Seeing the enemy crawling towards him, the elf monk did not dare to be careless, he turned around flexibly, and took the opportunity to slash at the back of the deformed creature with a machete.

However, what is surprising is that this body covered with black lacquer hair is very hard. Except for the scattered black hair, no damage was caused, and there was not even a trace left.


The deformed creature turned slowly, opened its mouth and spewed out a large cloud of rancid gas at the elf monk. The disgusting gas evaporated at an extremely fast speed and filled the surrounding air.

The face of the elf warrior changed, he resisted the stench and quickly moved away.

Thorne, who was hiding in the distance, sniffed the unpleasant stench, and understood that it was difficult for physical attacks to hurt it, and among them, he was the only one who mastered spells.

– “Spell-like ability: Fireball!”

So with a thought, a fireball the size of a washbasin condensed in the palm of his hand at a very fast speed, and then without hesitation, it smashed it towards the head of the deformed creature.


With a loud roar, the hair on the whole body of the slow-moving deformed creature was ignited, and soon a solid and hard exoskeleton plate armor was revealed.

The explosion of flames only left some charred marks on the deformed creature’s plate armor, and to this monster, it was almost like a tickling.

“It seems that the spell resistance is quite high.” Seeing the almost unscathed monster, Thorne didn’t show much surprise.

Demonic creatures are inherently resistant to acid and fire, so he didn’t expect much credit for this spell.

His only purpose was to see why this monster’s defense was so high.

Obviously, a layer of exoskeleton plate armor draped over the body played a role.

Thorne pondered for a while, and immediately looked at the orc swordsman.

——“Qi Qi Slash!”

Kutaig instantly understood what the ranger meant. He turned around to avoid a frontal spit, jumped behind the deformed creature, and raised the long sword above his head with both hands. Following his roar, he suddenly burst out with a fierce sword energy, heavy and heavy. The ground splits on the back of the deformed creature.


The sharp blade slashed on the exoskeleton plate armor, and a small cobweb-like crack appeared immediately, and the dark black liquid could not stop rushing out from the crack, making the surrounding air even more unpleasant.


The deformed creature roared in pain, and the sturdy giant tail turned into a sound of breaking through the air and slapped Kutaig, who was a little out of strength, and directly sent him a dozen meters away.

“Let me do it.” Thorne raised his sword, stopped the elf monk and Horat, and jumped on the back of the deformed creature.

Immediately afterwards, he bent down sharply, dodging the lashing tail, then stabilized his body, swung the sharp sword in his hand, and stabbed into the wound opened by the orc swordsman Kutaig.


The sharp sword sank halfway down the gap between the bones before it got stuck and couldn’t move. The deformed creature struggled frantically, constantly twisting its body, swaying its strong and powerful tail, and unconsciously breathing out a stench.

But Thorne’s body seemed to be rooted in his back, as steady as a mountain.

——“Desert Wind Sect (Strike Skill): Seal of Death!”

I saw that he resisted the stench of breath, injected the energy of Qi into the sword, transformed it into a violent dark red flame, and injected it into the body of the deformed creature from the wound one after another.

This is the third-level move of the desert wind faction. As long as the violent flame power is successfully sent into the target’s body, an explosion will occur inside the body.

“Withdraw!” Noticing the heat rising from the deformed creature’s body, Thorne quickly pulled out his long sword from its body, greeted the three of them, and immediately fled.


As everyone left, the huge body of the deformed creature gradually became hot due to the violent energy that penetrated into the body, and finally burst out of the body by the flames, turning into a pool of thick smoke billowing flesh and shattered exoskeleton bone plates.

The clear sky swayed slightly hot sunshine, and several black dots moving under the sky hissed, swooped down slowly, and then flew away, flapping their wings quickly to find the breath of death and stench.

In a birch forest, Thorne, who was sitting cross-legged under the big tree, seemed to sense something, opened his eyes suddenly, and then a falcon passed through the canopy and landed in the palm that just stretched out.

Thorne looked at the Falcon’s human eyes for a moment, stroked its feathers, and waved it away.

“The last batch of supplies has been successfully transported to Pushang Town, and the other teams have also completed their hunting. Now we can go back to rest and prepare for tomorrow’s decisive battle.”

In the eyes of everyone’s doubts, Thorne slowly got up, greeted the broken sunlight projected from the jungle, and said to them.

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