Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 448 - go to war

“Dong Dong Dong!”

The wild war drums sounded, and the dark enemy army appeared in the sight of everyone in the alliance army.

“Array! Block!”

The dozen or so fully-armored warriors who issued the command, their scarlet broken cloaks screeched along with the command flag in the gust of wind.

They were all covered in armor and wore steel masks on their heads. Only by the heavily worn armor and a badge on the right shoulder with a fiery silver sword, they could tell that these warriors were followers of the God of War. War Priest of the Fangs.

As elite priests of the God of War, they are natural leaders, commanders best at boosting morale, and masters of tactics.

They are always able to make the most correct judgment with extreme calmness and composure in various situations that are unfavorable to the army.

Leading the army to victory is the ultimate goal of the war priest, and it is also one of the things that Tempus, the **** of war, is most happy to see.

Following the orders given by the war chaplains, the alliance’s troops began to disperse in an orderly manner.

Rows of heavy armored warriors holding steel shields and refined long swords stepped in neat and heavy footsteps to form a neat array, forming a steel defense line, which stood at the forefront of the entire team.

“Archers! Crossbowmen! Slingers!”

The most elite Hobgoblin warriors are driving all kinds of slaves to approach quickly, and the priests of the God of War are giving orders one after another without haste.

Groups of barking kobolds and high-spirited goblins, armed with crossbows and slings, passed through the gap in the first row of heavy-armed warriors and stood at the front of the team.

The kobold goblins quickly reloaded bolts and stone bullets, aiming at the approaching enemy.

The heavy weapons and armour of Hobgoblin warriors and slaves raised heavy clouds of dust over the wilderness.

“Longbowmen! Pikemen! Take your place!”

The soldiers armed with armor-piercing spears appeared neatly and orderly behind the heavy-armed soldiers.

These warriors wore leather armor and long swords around their waists. Countless armor-piercing long swords were erected on the ground and adjusted to an angle that was the easiest to stab out. The sharp spear tips shone in the sunlight. Cold cold light.

At the same time, behind the spearman was a group of archers with long bows. The faces and ears of these longbowmen were wrapped tightly with leather cloth, their wrists were protected by leather ropes and leather blocks, and their finger joints were also protected. A leather case, and various light blades such as an emergency longsword or a machete are hung around the waist.

Their equipment is mainly flexible and lightweight leather armor, each holding a 5-foot longbow in his hand, and carrying two bags full of special arrows behind him.

“Spellcaster ready!”

Various groups of spellcasters, mainly tiefling warlocks, walked towards their respective positions in an orderly manner. These spellcasters stood in the last row of the team, and each was closely guarded by a shield warrior.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer…

– “Supernatural ability: the battle flag is flying!”

– “Supernatural Ability: Army Inspiration!”

– “Supernatural Ability: Song of Rage!”

– “Supernatural Ability: Song of Tenacity!”

The flying battle flag was deeply sunk into the center of the army, and the high-spirited declaration of war spread throughout the entire army with the cooperation of the two war lords’ loud voices and spells.

Immediately afterwards, a furious battle song rushed across the battlefield like a storm.

With the reverberation of furious singing and war declarations, everyone seemed to be boiling with blood, and the fear of such a large-scale war was also swept away.

– “Blessing!”

– “Prayer!”

– “Aid!”

One after another soft white light emerged, and the few priests began to bless the front-row heavy-armed warriors with various buffing magic.

This magic can not only improve their defense, but also make them forget their fear and pain, and increase their vitality.

In this kind of large-scale field battle, the formation in the middle of the formation must use the troops with the highest morale and the strongest defense as the main force, so that they can last as long as possible.

If the first line of defense is broken, the archers and spellcasters behind them must engage in close combat to keep the formation stable.

This situation is the last thing any commander wants to see.

As the distance got closer, the moment when the Hobgoblins and slaves reached the attack range of the Alliance army.


A group of priests of the **** of war drew out their long swords, swung it down sharply, and roared: “Catapult! Ballista! Bed crossbow! Launch!”

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

Heavy crossbow arrows the thickness of a baby’s arm flew out, and the fastest lizardmen, gnolls, and ogres in front of them fell down.

A heavy crossbow flashing with dark red runes mercilessly pierced a sturdy ogre, with scarlet blood, rushing towards the Hobgoblin warrior behind him and whistling away. .


The moment the heavy crossbow bolt came out of the ogre’s chest, it dragged a slender tail smoke and slammed into the shield that the goblin raised in time.

The hobgoblin warrior with the sunken shield was hit by the strong impact of the heavy crossbow arrow and retreated again and again, and finally stretched his legs and fell to the ground on his back.

Just as the hobgoblin who stood up from the crossbow bolt was ready to breathe a sigh of relief, the dark red runes carved around the crossbow bolt suddenly burst into dazzling red light and a pungent sulfurous aura.


The nearest Hobgoblin warriors were directly thrown five meters away by the explosive bolts, and their bodies wrapped in armor were blurred with blood.

The hobgoblins who survived by chance also spewed blood from their mouths, and the exposed hair and armor lining were directly ignited by the pungent flames.

The only thing that makes all Hobgoblin warriors fortunate is that this kind of heavy bursting bolts comparable to fireballs only appeared in the first round of attacks.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

What followed was the roaring stone bullets from the catapult. These head-sized stone bullets smashed into the enemy’s camp one after another like a rain of hail.

Countless scalp-tingling sounds of bone shattering mixed with mournful mourning sounded one after another.

With several rounds of salvos from catapults, bed crossbows, and ballistas, the slave cannon fodders driven by the goblins fell one after another, and most of them fell before they could even reach a distance of 100 meters.

“Longbowmen! Bowmen! Sling! Attack!”

Standing in the front row of the formation, the barking, restless kobold goblins finally did their part.

The arrows poured out from light crossbows, slings, and short bows covered the continuously charging slave captives and cannon fodder.

Immediately, there was mourning all over the field, and these enemies who rushed in the front row and had no means of protection fell down like reaping wheat.

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