Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 45 - Druid\\\'s forbidden transformation (recommended ticket!)

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Deep in the dark forest.

The wolf howls of the warg were mixed with the gnoll’s savage laughter, exuding fear, permeating everyone’s hearts.

“I’m ready to fight, try not to use group attack magic, it’s easy to accidentally get hurt.” Thorne, who was hiding behind the bunker, put the arrow on the bowstring and said to Andrina beside him.

Andrina nodded slightly.

In the thick night, the torches inserted all around flickered brightly.

A thin figure seemed to be blown down by the cold wind at any time, and I saw her slowly walking out of the corner of the ruins.

“Are you OK?”

At this time, the thin girl walked to Gust and gently helped him up.

“It’s okay, get ready to fight!”

Gust shook his head, looking at the Warg Knight with an unprecedented dignified expression.

The thin girl responded and stroked the long withered yellow hair on her shoulders. She raised her head and glanced at the ringing flag, her eyes with a hint of deadness filled with reluctance and nostalgia.

Then the girl clenched a handful of pale yellow mane and a sharp animal tooth in her hands, and suddenly there was a flash of light all over her body.


A colorful vicious tiger with a body length of nearly 7 meters and a weight of about 2 tons appeared in front of Gerst.

Dire Tiger


Challenge Level: Level 8

Maximum attribute strength: 28 points

Special Abilities: Frightening Presence, Pounce, Improved Grapple, Smell, Darkvision, Multiattack, Claw, Bite

The fierce fierce tiger’s eyes flashed with scarlet blood, and roared angrily at the Warg Knight who appeared in front.

The deafening roar, mixed with the bitter wind, exudes the aura of the king of beasts.

As a result, the pace of all the Wargs in the jungle slammed slightly, and all the trembling bodies slumped on the ground and whimpered softly.

Then, under the constant comfort of the jackal, he slowly recovered and walked forward, but the fear in his pupils still did not completely dissipate.

“It’s really hard for you.”

Gust gently stroked the fierce tiger’s hard fur, and there was a sad look in his eyes.

He murmured the ancient incantation softly, clenched his right hand into a fist, then stretched out his index and middle fingers to make a “V” gesture, and finally pressed his head against the forehead of the fierce tiger who lowered his head.

An invisible energy quickly converged from Gerst’s fingers to the head of the Dire Tiger.

– “Three Rings Magic: Triceratops Sprint!”

In the dark night, under the light of flickering torches.

On the head of the huge fierce tiger, two sharp horns grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, a hard exoskeleton deck appeared on the neck, and the whole body was covered with a thick layer of animal skin.


The majestic fierce tiger roared angrily, and the huge body turned into a black shadow, like a tiger descending the mountain, rushing towards the approaching Warwolf Knight.


The sharp horns on his forehead instantly pierced through the wolf knight’s chest, then raised his arrogant head and lifted the gnoll’s body into the air.

Then the powerful front paws mercilessly slapped the Warg, who was so frightened that he was crawling on the ground and kept whimpering.

The ferocious tiger’s scarlet eyes stared at the splattered blood, and the humanized agility in the bloodshot pupils was quickly being replaced by endless wildness.

“The challenge level of the Dire Tiger is at least level 8. How can the transformation ability of a level 3 Druid become a Dire Tiger?”

Andrina asked Thorne a little puzzled as she looked at the fierce tiger rushing into the crowd of wolf knights.

“It’s a transformation ability developed by the evil druid, and this transformation requires the fur and sharp teeth of a dire tiger as a guiding medium.

However, as the transformation time continues, the will of the caster will gradually be replaced by the wild.

Even if it is not successfully occupied by the wild, it will consume a huge amount of life energy. This taboo ability is generally only used at the moment of life and death. There is death and no life!

Even if you get away with it, you won’t have a good few years to live. “

Thorne put the arrow on the bowstring, and with the echo of the bowstring, the arrow pierced the chest of a gnoll on the back of a warg with a whistling sound, shot him to the ground, and then explained to Andrina.

“Is there anything wrong with that little girl?” Andrina asked with concern, remembering the thin and pitiful girl she saw just now.

“There is no help. From her thin body, it can be seen that she has obviously used it once, and has overdrawn too much life energy.”

Thorne drew another arrow from his quiver and said lightly.

However, when he was about to shoot, he found that the six wolf knights who rushed to Talan Village first, except for the one he shot, all of them had been killed by the vicious tiger.

The ground was full of the fragmented corpses of wargs and gnolls torn apart by teeth and claws.

The Ferocious Tiger seemed to be no longer under the control of his own will. After struggling on the spot for a while, the huge figure turned around stiffly and quickly disappeared into the depths of the jungle where the Wolf Knight appeared.

Then came the roars of fierce tigers and the screams of wargs and gnolls from the depths of the jungle.

“Are your players living in the wilderness fighting so hard?”

Andrina stared at the vanishing figure of the vicious tiger, feeling the slaughter from the depths of the jungle, and said sadly.

“When death is approaching, what can you do if you don’t work hard? Waiting for death? They should all be guarding what they think is the most precious thing.”

Thorne was stunned, and the various experiences when he was in the town at the waterfall appeared in his mind, and said lightly.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the flag of Yuanshan Town fluttering in the wind.

“Guard your most precious thing?” Andrina murmured in a low voice. She looked at Thorne and asked involuntarily, “Then what is the thing you guard?”

Hearing the words, Thorne met Anderina’s gaze, looked at her handsome face, until he stared at the other party a little embarrassedly, and turned his head.

Seeing the other party’s embarrassed appearance, Thorne’s mouth showed a faint smile.

Under Andrina’s white eyes, he shook his head, and instead of answering Andrina’s question, he focused his attention on the depths of the jungle.

In just a moment, I don’t know what happened in the depths of the jungle, the roar of the fierce tiger and the roar of the wolf knight have gradually disappeared.

In exchange, there were a pair of wargs with faint green light and gnolls with scarlet eyes.

In the dark night, the dark clouds covered the moon, the starlight disappeared, the piercing night wind made a strange whistling sound, mixed with the high-spirited wolf howling, which was terrifying.


A calf-sized Warg, carrying a gnoll with a flail, rushed out first.


At this time, a wanderer who had been waiting for a long time quickly jumped out of the ruins and threw a net full of barbs, shrouding the wolf knights who couldn’t react in time.

The wanderer pulled the rope violently, and the large net shrank immediately, and the dense and sharp barbs all pierced the skin of the warg and the gnoll.


The five warriors holding armor-piercing spears directly greeted them. The nearly three-meter-long sharp spears penetrated deep blood holes on the bodies of the gnoll and the wolf, and the dark red blood soon soaked the ground.

Spread out!

Under the light of the dim torch, the rogue whose face suddenly turned hideous shouted and pushed a soldier away.


The wolf-toothed hammer mixed with the bitter wind mercilessly hit the rogue’s fragile head, like a shattered watermelon, with red and white things splashing all over the place.

The fragile body didn’t even have a chance to struggle, and fell to the ground motionless.

Cruel and deadly!

The wolf knight grinned, waving the blood-stained flail in his hand and preparing to chase another warrior who was stubbornly held by his companions.


An arrow that pierced the air and whistled ruthlessly through the gnoll’s chest, with strong penetrating power, shot the gnoll directly to the ground, unable to get up.


The wolf felt his body lighten, opened his big mouth full of fangs, and roared, a look of fear flashed in his eyes, and he was just about to turn around and run away.

——“Second-Level Spell: Yoof Ma’s Acid Arrow!”

An arrow that shone with faint green light in the night accurately hit the furry head of the Warg, making a sizzling sound.

The dark green acid quickly melted the Worg’s head at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the killing of two Warg Knights, a large number of Warg Knights poured into the crumbling village of Taran in the depths of the jungle.

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