Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 452 - sequence of rise

The entire wilderness was filled with black hobgoblin warriors, lizardmen, and bullywugs, who were swept toward the Alliance army one after another like a tide.

“For the glory of the Almighty! For the great goblin-like patron saint, the supreme warchief!”

Shouting out the name of the gods one after another, these fanatical goblin warriors are like being brainwashed. All of their ferocious eyes reveal the madness that is not afraid of death, turning into death squads and launching a death charge.

For their own beliefs, they desperately attacked the defense line ravaged by the devil of the Alliance army.

Accompanied by the screams of the charge, the blood splashed in the air, and the hobgoblins fell to the ground one after another. Their souls seemed to be still roaring in the cloudy air, and their blood-red eyes were in the air. A gleam of hatred flashed on his hideous face.

“Array! Block!”

The priests of the God of War shone with the brilliance of divine magic that boosted morale, and let out hoarse roars.

As the orders were issued, the tired-looking warriors in the front row became refreshed again under the blessing of some kind of magic to restore physical strength. They clenched their weapons, raised their shields, and blocked with firm belief. The enemy of everything.

“Clang! Clang! Clang!”

Countless weapons collided one after another.

Longbowmen, wizards and warlocks, hoplites, and warriors wielding armour-piercing spears once again stabilized the shaky defenses.

Accompanied by stones whistling down from the sky like a torrential rain, sharp arrows flew in the air, and brilliant magic was overwhelming.

Fragments of lizardmen, bully frogmen, goblins, and goblins fell like reaping wheat and fell into the pool of blood, while others kept raising their swords one after another behind them.

Looking around, there are mountains of corpses and seas of blood everywhere, which is creepy.

At this moment, the steel-like solid defense line composed of heavy infantry has been rotated many times. Even though it seems to be crumbling, these soldiers in the front row still did not take a step back.

As the war intensified, the overwhelming and desperate numbers of enemy troops led to the collapse of most of the strongest warriors due to exhaustion.

Now, for them, the only thing that can support their beliefs is the star in the sky that exudes divine brilliance.

They have always believed that the moment when the ritual of the new **** is completely completed is the moment for their full-scale counterattack.

In the alliance army, the warriors in the front row are struggling to block the fierce charge of the hobgoblin army, and the rear of the army is also clearing the demon group summoned by the “otherworld gate”.

Although the number of these demons is not many compared to the hobgoblin army, most demons have many special abilities and all kinds of strange and unpredictable spells.

In the rear of the army, these high-end combat powers who clean up the devil group are undoubtedly the most stressed group of people.

“Jie Jie Jie!”

A short, stout, pug-like nose Anzumo fluttered in the sky with a pair of broken scarlet bat wings and laughed wildly.

Three basketball-sized dark orange fireballs floated in front of it at great speed as flames blazed out of its pig-like eyes.

— “Spell-like ability: Fireball X3!”

This Anzumo, who is proficient in the ability of “spell-like instant cast”, wielded sharp claws, and three large howling fireballs dragged three long tail flames, with thick smoke emitting a pungent sulphurous smell, smashing into In the group of reloaded fighters in the first row.


There was a loud noise that seemed to tremble on the ground, and the dozen or so heavily armored warriors who were fighting with the hobgoblins and bear goblins didn’t have time to escape, and were instantly drowned by the roaring flames.

A sword, shield, and blood-stained corpse, stained with blood, were lifted up by a powerful air wave, splashing everywhere.


Outside the blast range, an unlucky bear goblin was directly pierced by the splashing blade through his chest and fell to the ground to his death.

The soldier who survived by chance also spewed a stream of blood from his mouth, and many of the hairs on his body were ignited.


At the same time, a priest from the Temple of Merikai in the crowd shot an arrow with a bow. A sharp arrow emitting a sacred brilliance rang out, accurately piercing the Anzumo who was flying in the air and was preparing for the second round of casting. It penetrated through its heart, leaving a shocking blood hole.

However, there was no blood in the wound, because the scorching energy had already evaporated everything.

Anzumo screamed and fell heavily on the **** ground, turning into a disgusting filthy pus at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared.


A giant, wild blood-colored hair with two deadly sharp horns protruding from the tyrant descended from the sky with a ferocious shadow and appeared behind the priest.


I saw a cruel smile on its ugly face, and a trident made of cold iron in its hand raised a stench and a gust of wind along with its wide scarlet wings, mercilessly running through the priest’s body.


The bully demon who laughed wildly raised the trident in his hand, and the priest was like a minnow struggling on a harpoon.

Drops of scarlet blood slid down the long-handled weapon like wax tears, and then all of them were firmly caught by the tyrant demon with a long dark purple tongue, and sent into the mouth full of sharp teeth.

– “Qi Qi Slash!”


A light flashed through the air.

The head of the tyrannical tyrant with deadly horns flew into the dust, and the huge headless body fell to the ground, immediately turning into filthy pus at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only a cold handle stuck in the priest’s chest. Iron Trident.

A burly body appeared where the bully demon disappeared.

The Orc Sword Saint Kutaig, whose body was covered in filth and blood, glanced at the tenacious priest who was biting his lip and laboriously pulling his trident from his chest, raised his sword and headed straight for another group of demons.


On the other side, a colorful fierce tiger full of strength bowed slightly, and its huge body tightened with muscles, like an arrow from the string, bringing a gust of wind, knocking down a chain covered with a scorpion-like chain. Demon, slam it down to the ground.

The fierce tiger with fierce eyes opened its **** mouth, revealing sharp fangs, and its strong upper and lower jaws tightly bit on the head of the chain demon.

The chain demon struggled frantically, and with the sound of clattering, countless chains around his body strangely grew sharp hooks, turning into chain shadows all over the sky, wrapping around the huge body of the fierce tiger.

The ferocious tiger turned over violently, dodging the overwhelming chain, the weight of its body made the struggling chain demon be thrown to the sky, but the sharp teeth still bit the devil’s head fiercely without any relaxation.


The fierce tiger’s pair of sharp front palms firmly held the Chain Demon’s twisting body, and the scarlet eyes suddenly gleamed fiercely.


With a light sound of bone shattering, the devil’s skull was shredded by the fierce tiger’s sharp fangs like a piece of tofu, and the struggling chain demon gradually gave up resistance and began to twitch continuously.

After a while, it turned into a pool of filthy pus and disappeared.


The fierce tiger with fierce eyes roared, and a tiger’s tail like a leather whip twisted with him, and was thrown out, tearing the air, and howling with a strong wind.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The three beard demons who came close were swept away, fell heavily to the ground, and were harvested by the double swords of the demon warrior Ishak who just arrived.

The ferocious tiger looked at the devil who had been cleaned up beside him, and the group of people walking by. With a thought, a light green smoke dissipated, and he turned into a plainly dressed young man.

At the same time, the dire bear who just happened to be galloping here also turned into a human like him.

Obviously, both are druids by profession.

“Master Deadwood can start.” Archbishop Alenala, who took out the holy emblem and walked to the Druid’s side, said solemnly, looking at the large number of devils.

“Then let’s start.” After calming down his violent breath, Master Withered Wood took out a green holly branch and leaf from his sleeve without haste.

Alenara immediately turned her attention to the black-robed woman Alice, the demon warrior Ishak, and the succubus paladin Jessica, and said solemnly, “Go ahead!”

The three of them nodded solemnly when they heard the words.

– “Otherworld oath!”

— “Spell-Like Ability: Summon Demons!”

— “Spell-Like Ability: Summon Demons!”

Dark red evil magic circles overflowing with black air rose up on the grass, and the dark red lines were intertwined into a huge hexagram.

With the overflowing of evil energy, a terrifying roar spread far away.

The moment the light of the blood-red evil magic circle dissipated, a group of mad war demons, quasi demons, and cowardice demons from the bottomless abyss came out.

The moment this group of demons from the bottomless abyss appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of all the surviving demons on the battlefield.

The moment when the eyes of the two forces of the abyss demon and the **** demon meet.

The surrounding air seemed to suddenly freeze.

“Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!”

“Jie Jie Jie!”

Immediately, two terrifying roars and strange screams mixed together, spreading far and wide on the chaotic battlefield.

At this moment, the devil and the devil locked their scarlet and evil pupils on each other as if they were enemies, and then turned into two tides that collided violently.

Seeing this scene, Alena let out a long sigh of relief, reached out and wiped the blood-stained sweat on her forehead.

There are too many devils.

The strength of these people alone will be exhausted by them sooner or later, so the only way is to gather them together, and then use a large-scale attack magic to clean up at one time.

The thing that can attract the devil is naturally their nemesis: the devil from the bottomless abyss.

Then, Alenara glanced anxiously at the huge portal at the back of the Hobgoblin army, and immediately focused on the demons and devils fighting together, holding the holy emblem tightly, and began to instruct everyone to deal with them. Most of them gathered together. devils and demons.

“Avatar, you go first!”

As soon as the voice fell, an Asmo player with pure white wings stretched out silently, and a silver-white holy sword in his hand pointed directly at the fighting demons and devils.

At this time, the few demons have been cleaned up by the demons who have the crushing advantage.

– “Five Rings Magic: Huaguang Veil!”

With the dazzling white light from the silver-white holy sword in the hands of the Asmo player, four fixed and vertical light curtains composed of brilliant rays of light appeared out of thin air among the slaughtering demons, surrounding them and trapped in them. .

The sudden change and the divine aura that made the demons uncomfortable made them turn around one after another, staring in horror at the veil that radiated divine brilliance.


A little devil who was sprinting didn’t have time to stop, and slammed into the light curtain, and his whole body was instantly burned by holy energy, and billowing blue smoke rose, and finally turned into a pile of black ashes in a shrill scream.


The Asmo player didn’t dare to waste time, he pointed at the holy sword in his hand and shouted loudly.

With a roar, the fixed vertical light curtain suddenly burst into a dazzling holy light. This sacred atmosphere is both comfortable and comfortable.

However, for these evil camp monsters, it was the deadliest blow.

Inside the veil of light shrouded in divine light, the shrill screams of countless devils and demons resounded, sending out thick blue smoke that could not be seen.

These demons were like a piece of raw meat being thrown directly into a boiling oil pan, making a tingling sound that made the scalp tingle.


The Asmo player opened his mouth and spat out a stream of blood, and the holy sword in his hand fell off due to the powerlessness of his entire body. Fortunately, a shield warrior who arrived in time supported his body, so he did not fall to the ground.

Obviously, as the most powerful holy magic against evil-aligned creatures, whenever he casts it, he must sacrifice something or pay a certain price.

– “Seven Rings Magic: Chaos Mantra!”

Archbishop Alenala clenched the holy emblem and sang a high-spirited divine spell without the slightest hesitation.

The chaotic spells quickly suppressed the screams of the demons.

This magical technique from the chaotic realm seems to carry some kind of mysterious power, and the demons of the lawful camp have undergone amazing changes under the influence of the “Chaos Mantra”.

Low-level devils, such as: little devils, inferior demons, and beasts are instantly killed by mantra.

Although other strong middle-level devils were exempted from the death technique, they fell into various negative states such as shock, confusion, blindness, and deafness.

The two Druids Qingchen and Deadwood Master looked at each other and cast the same spell at the same time.

– “Six Rings Magic: Ice and Fire Storm!”

As the holly branch in the druid’s hand glowed dark green, a huge swirling cloud floated above the demonic swarm.

The strange cloud is composed of black smoked lava and large pieces of ice emitting white cold steam, and the two elements with opposite attributes are balanced by some kind of force, and they are mixed together peacefully. Heart-throbbing irritable energy.

Immediately afterwards, the rain-like lava rain and hail fell crazily under the guidance of the two Druids, and the screams of the surviving demons became more intense.

— “Sixth-level spell: Acid Mist!”

At the same time, at the moment when the ice and fire storm condensed and formed, the spell of the conjurer Elise followed.

A thick cloud of mist eerily blocked the sight of the devils.

The highly corrosive cloud and mist instantly played its due role in the devil group, screaming mixed with the sizzling sound of strong acid corrosion, forming a scalp-numbing death movement.

“You guys stay here and finish, and the others will deal with the remaining demons with me.” Alenara took back the holy emblem, pulled out her long sword, and led the group to clean up the remaining demons.

She believes that as long as the remaining demons are cleaned up, many people will be free to deal with the frontal charging hobgoblin army.

The only thing that worries her is whether the summoning ritual prepared by the evil priests will really succeed.

the other side of the battlefield.

The Hobgoblin leader was still screaming frantically, boosting the morale of the entire army, and directing them to launch a fearless charge.

This is a large-scale war for their respective beliefs, and as the leader, he is very aware of the consequences of losing the war.

At this time, his hoarse voice had begun to have a harsh hoarseness, and he also blew a bunch of excited battle horns.

Facing a steady stream of hobgoblins, goblins bears, lizardmen, bully frogmen, and all kinds of ferocious animals, they devoured the enemy like a tide, and a door to another world that was successfully built and was slowly opening behind him, let him. He firmly believes that, in time, the victory of this battle will belong to the Heruk hobgoblins of Silent Forest.

Suddenly, with a flash of light from the magic circle, a group of gnome priests who came from all over the world were teleported.

The Hobgoblin leader looked overjoyed, and immediately commanded this group of powerful spellcasters to charge towards the first line of defense on the battlefield.

Just a short while after the Hobgoblin Priest had left, a dark blue teleportation light appeared in front of him.

The leader, who had long been dazzled by the surprise of sending charcoal in the snow, did not notice the difference between this portal and the previous ones, nor did he notice why the portal was so close to him.

Just as he was excited to meet him, a black shadow shrouded in pale red light walked out of the portal and appeared in front of him.

“Yes… yes… it’s you!”

The Hobgoblin leader stared intently. When he saw the true face of the visitor, his bloodshot pupils shrank suddenly, and his body stumbled back uncontrollably due to fear.

The returned Hobgoblin leader was about to scream in surprise.

The uninvited guest who was too lazy to sway with the leader waved the weapon in his hand, and instantly drew a light orange light.

As the rays of light hit him, a dark dimensional crack immediately appeared on the chest of the Hobgoblin leader, and then swallowed his entire body into the chaotic different-dimensional space at an alarming speed.

In a trance, he seemed to see the afterglow of the setting sun shining on his body, and at the same time he felt that the double-sided blood axe that symbolized the leader of the hobgoblin was taken away from him.

In the end, a storm of pain swept through his body, and he only felt that his whole body seemed to be torn to shreds, and then his eyes went black, and he didn’t know anything.

– “Shadow Hand School (Teleportation Skill): Shadow Leap!”

Looking at the hobgoblin leader who had no scum left, Thorne couldn’t help being surprised. With a thought, it turned into a cloud of shadow energy and appeared in the center of a group of dark priests.

The moment he appeared, the cold eyes of more than a dozen dark priests flickered like a ghost, and locked on the Ranger’s body in unison.

The corners of the lips of the dark priests hidden in the masks of fear evoked a cold smile.

Apparently, this group of people had been prepared for a long time, only to see that they cast powerful magic on Thorne, the uninvited guest, at the same time.

– “Seventh-level spell: Death’s Finger!”

An invisible aura of negative energy approached first and instantly enveloped him.

Immediately afterwards, the light-red barrier that enveloped Thorne’s body trembled slightly, and the palpitating force of death suddenly disappeared without a trace.

– “Eight Rings Magic: Emblem of Death!”

At the same time, an evil and strange rune on the sole of Thorne’s feet was triggered, and a powerful force of destruction erupted. The terrifying energy fluctuation seemed to tear his entire body to pieces.

However, what made everyone’s eyelids twitched was that the light-red barrier flickering around the Ranger trembled again, and this huge energy also didn’t play a role.

– “Seven Rings Divine Art: Ash Flying Annihilation!”


– “Seven Rings Magic: Evil Gaze!”


– “Eight Rings Magic: Boda Corpse Gaze!”


– “Nine Rings Divine Art: Law · Death!”


– “Soul Soul School (Strike Skill): Catapult Slash!”

Thorne, who appeared, didn’t delay any time, clenched his weapon, arched his back slightly, and turned into afterimages because of his speed.

Every time this afterimage paused in front of the dozen or so suspicious dark priests, a deep, different-dimensional crack appeared on one’s body.

Aura of magic flashes on the robes, rings, necklaces and other magical accessories of all the dark priests.

Obviously, the accidental triggering and various life-saving props around them are at play.

However, these life-saving props and accidental triggering techniques are just a few symbolic flashes, just like the goods on the street, they can’t play any role, and they can’t stop the devouring of the cracks in different dimensions.

In the blink of an eye, all the dark priests were swallowed up by the dimensional cracks, their bodies were smashed by the chaotic space storm, and they disappeared completely.


A pale orange light flashed across the sky.

This otherworld gate, constructed of various precious secret materials, was mercilessly destroyed by Thorne.

– “Shadow Hand School (Teleportation Skill): Shadow Leap!”

Thorne jumped, and appeared in the center of the battlefield with several teleportation skills in a row.

“Thorn, you are finally here! Hurry up and stop the summoning ceremony of the group of dark priests!” The war lord Sarayan looked overjoyed when he saw the appearance of the ranger, and immediately greeted him.

Archbishop Alenara, who just came over, and Carlos also walked over together, and urged him to find a way to get rid of the dark priests as soon as possible.

“It has been solved. This is the weapon of the hobgoblin leader. I will deal with the group of high-level priests and prepare for a counterattack.”

The calm Thorne felt the artifact that was about to dissipate, and threw the double-sided blood axe in his hand to Sarayan, which instantly turned into a shadow energy cloud and disappeared before everyone’s eyes.

“You’re crazy…” Sarayan, who took the weapon, was about to speak out to dissuade him, but found that the Ranger had long since disappeared.

He glanced worriedly at the group of Hobgoblin priests who were surrounded by elite warriors of Hobgoblin, and stopped wasting time, and started planning to launch a counterattack with Carlos Alenara.

– “Desecration!”

– “Control the corpse!”

– “Undead Summoning!”

– “Death Knell!”

In a group of high-level priests surrounded by elite warriors, a large number of corrupted evil incantations were chanted, and the cold negative energy was like a surging wave, quickly pouring into the ground and rapidly spreading to the center of the battlefield.


Countless dead goblins, bear goblins, lizardmen, all kinds of ferocious animals, and even the corpses of alliance soldiers on the ground, under the shroud of negative energy, seemed to feel the call of the dead, and all stood up strangely The rigid body instinctively picked up the weapons before his death, turned into undead creatures, and rushed towards the army of the alliance.

Suddenly, the shadows of the priests distorted, and a figure shrouded in pale red light silently appeared in the center of the crowd.

– “Soul Soul School (Strike Skill): Catapult Slash!”

A pale orange sword light flashed, and a group of hobgoblin priests strangely appeared on the bodies of deep different-dimensional cracks.

In an instant, this group of priests was shattered by the space storm and disappeared without a trace.

“kill him!”

The five Hobgoblin warriors who reacted first waved their weapons and killed Thorne, and then with the flash of sword light in the hands of the Ranger, all the attacking Hobgoblin warriors were swallowed up by the crack.


Immediately afterwards, Thorne noticed that the weapon in his hand disappeared strangely, and the light red barrier that enveloped his body also shattered into pieces with a light sound like an eggshell shattering.

He knew that the higher artifact had completed its mission.


Looking at the hobgoblin warriors who surrounded him, he drew his swords without fear, ready to attack.

Right at this moment of urgency.

A light blue circle of light appeared in front of him, followed by more than 30 clay golems of constructed creatures nearly 3 meters tall, surrounding him, blocking the galloping arrows and crossbows. It also blocked the charging Hobgoblin warriors.

This was the only golem force from the Emerald Tower, which came as no surprise to Thorne.

— “Spell-Like Ability: Summon Demons!”

– “Desert Wind Sect (Enhanced Skill): The Flame of Chaos!”

– “Three-ring magic: the third-level natural ally summoning!”

Taking this opportunity, he immediately started shaking people tactics, the roaring abyss demon, the large fire element with flames burning all over his body, and a group of ferocious animals were all summoned by him to meet the large group of enemies.

Thorne also waved the sharp double swords in his hands, his whole body was burning with raging flames, and he raised bursts of scorching winds and rushed into the horde of goblins.

His figure is like a water-dividing reef in the rapids, slaughtering wildly in the chaotic hobgoblin group.

Work in a while.

Under the cover of various summons and golems, the dense group of hobgoblin elite warriors was torn open by him, clearing a vacuum.

the other side of the battlefield.

Sarayan looked at the chaotic group of goblins in the distance, as well as the ferocious abyss demons, clay golems, tall fire elements, and the figure shrouded in flames. His expression was shocked, and he immediately looked at the commanders around him. Glancing at it, he took out a half-meter-high battle horn from the dimensional bag.

“woo woo woo woo!”

As the horn was blown violently, all the horns in the Union army instantly sounded in unison.

at this moment!

The fiery horn resounded through the wilderness like a storm, and echoed through the battlefield like a thunderclap.

On a high **** outside the Serene Forest.

The lord of Iron Horse Town, who was driving the warhorse, stood up straight on the stirrup, raised the lance in his hand, and shouted in a loud voice: “The Iron Horse Town Cavalry Regiment! The lance is ready! Charge!”

The sharp-edged lances were erected, and the knights who were shrouded in silver-white armor put down their steel masks one after another, hiding their suppressed and passionate fighting intent.


The deafening sound of hooves from far to near made the ground tremble.

Looking up, I saw a group of dusty men and horses at the end of the wilderness, bright flags fluttered in the wind under the gradually brightening sky, bright silver-white armor flashed with dazzling brilliance, and the sound of horse hooves on the ground made a heavy noise. , rushing in with an unstoppable momentum, like a tsunami, which is daunting.

On another high **** outside the Serene Forest.


The orc wolf cavalry who rode the war wolf comforted the irritable war wolf with one hand, and with the other hand pulled out the curved-blade sword at his waist, raised it to the sky, and roared: “The warriors of the Frostwolf clan, kill with me!”


A curved-blade broadsword glowing with cold light was lifted into the sky at the same time, and the wolves under the seat of the orc wolf riders followed countless roars and roars.

The Warg, the leader of the wolf cavalry, jumped out first, and the blood-colored flag behind him fluttered in the wind.


Immediately, the wolf cavalry all over the mountains and plains galloped in the strong wind in the loud howl of the wolf, and charged forward in the direction of the battlefield.

Following behind the Orc Wolf Rider is the Tiger Ranger Sailu.


Standing on a high hillside, he rolled a wild beast-like roar from his throat.

The whole person instantly turned into a majestic and colorful tiger on all fours.


A tiger roar resounded through the wilderness, and the back of the colorful tiger raised billowing dust.

Looking around, it is a group of troops composed of various large beasts such as tigers, lions, black panthers, brown bears, and bison.

Under the leadership of the tiger, they galloped towards the hobgoblin army.

This is a profession that is most conducive to the advancement of rangers and druids: the king of beasts!

This profession has a very special specialty “Wild Magical Power”, which allows them to gain the approval of the wilderness and easily become the lord of natural beasts.

Behind the pack of beasts, the burly figure of the tauren Alistar appeared.

“The people of the Broken Horn Clan, now it’s our turn to attack!”

I saw him carrying a huge axe larger than the door panel, and shouting at the more than 200 tauren people behind who had a horn cut off on purpose.

A group of tauren rushing past were like powerful battering rams, ramming towards the chaotic camp of the goblins.

At the same time, a group of player troops from the Silver Pine Plain hiding in the Serenity Forest also received the order to quickly pull out their weapons and disappear neatly and orderly into the lush trees on the edge of the forest.

Obviously, they are planning to cut off the only way out for the Hobgoblins.

At this moment, the battle on the outskirts of Tranquility Forest completely reached its climax, and the sound of weapons clashing became louder and louder, mixed with the shouts of soldiers and the neighing of war horses.

Fighters of destiny, rise up! Rise up!

We have already awakened, and we are invincible!

Bloody Charge! The enemy formation collapsed!

Draw swords and fight fiercely, blood stained yellow sand, until the sun rises again!

To the battlefield!

Pass through the darkness, rush to the dawn, and meet the prologue of the rise!

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