Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 454 - News from Winterfell

The night is like water, the moon is bright and the stars are thin.

The silver moonlight silently sprinkled on Talan Village, like a layer of frost and snow, which appeared hazy and dreamlike.

The elf Druigst walked on the path of the village, looking at the smiles that finally showed on the faces of the refugees from Winter City, his dull mood involuntarily became relaxed.

Then he briefly explained a few words to the night watchmen in the village, asking them to take care of these refugees as much as possible and raise their spirits. When dawn breaks tomorrow, he will take them and the whole village to Twilight Town and settle there.

After all, Talan Village, an inconspicuous village in the wilderness, is too small to hold so many people.

The most important thing is that the defenders stationed here in Winter City have withdrawn a few days ago.

Without the protection of the defenders, the small village on the border becomes extremely unsafe, and faces dangers in the wilderness all the time.

As the leader of the entire village, he must be responsible for everyone’s safety.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but recall the night half a year ago, when the group came to the ruins of Talan Village for the first time, and scenes that made him uneasy flashed from time to time.

“What happened today? Always think back to these things.” Druigster patted his forehead hard and whispered to himself.

“It must have been hooked up suddenly after meeting that paladin girl.” Gust sighed slightly, and glanced at the back of the village subconsciously.

Then, he walked towards the gate of the village a little uneasy.

This kind of uneasy feeling has never appeared since Yuanshan Town fell to settle in Talan Village with the rest of the people, so he would rather do it many times than ignore his intuition.

With the withdrawal of the Winter City defenders, the safety of Talan Village can only rely on their own strength.

If it weren’t for the fact that the five towns in the wilderness were busy fighting the hobgoblins in the Serenity Forest, he would have fled with a group of people.

As Gerst walked, he suddenly felt something was wrong, so he stopped, he leaned slightly, and immediately found a small clump of dark red hair on the ground.

Noticing the abnormality, he carefully picked up the hair on the ground and observed it carefully, then put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it.

The dark red mane is mixed with a faint stench?

“No! It’s a gnoll!” Gust instantly determined the identity of the owner of the mane.

Whether in the occupied Yuanshan Town or Talan Village, the humanoid creature he knows best is the gnoll.

He was all too familiar with the terrible legacy of these demonic powers.

After the confirmation, the Druid’s expression changed greatly, and he immediately accelerated his pace and walked towards the position of the village sentry tower.

The mane of the gnoll appeared inexplicably in the village, which was undoubtedly sending some kind of dangerous message to him, and he must find the ranger on the night watch as soon as possible to confirm it carefully.

If there are gnolls sneaking in here, the whole village is in danger, and there are more than 200 unarmed refugees here.

However, before he took two steps, a guard’s shout came from behind him: “Not good! The warehouse is on fire!”

The roaring shout spread all over the village at once.

The patrolling night watchman and those who were about to rest were stunned for a moment, and then immediately walked towards the fire source.

At the same time, as Gerst turned, he saw the fire and the thick smoke in the direction of the warehouse. The fire engulfed the adjacent hut and licked all the surrounding buildings.

“Enemy attack! There are gnolls outside!” Looking at the sea of ​​fire that reflected half of the sky, Gust shouted without thinking.

“Ow! Oooo! Oooo!”

Immediately afterwards, there were loud howls of wolves undulating from each other outside the village, and the birds around were also startled and fluttered high.

The fire is still burning and spreading, and the fire is getting bigger and bigger.

The entire village was also in a panic because of the breathtaking wolf howls, more often the screams of women and children among the refugees.

The only thing fortunate is that the players in Talan Village are all people who have survived through various battles. They quickly reacted and began to gather everyone to defend.

Experienced rangers and rogues also immediately tracked down the gnoll rogues who had infiltrated the village.

There was a noise of screaming and fierce fighting near the gate of the village, and it was obvious that the two sides had already exchanged fire.

“Shut up! What are you still doing here?” Druigster and the town’s guards ordered a few words, and immediately rushed into the chaos of refugees, roaring.

Suddenly, these people slowly quieted down.

“Men who can fight will pick up weapons for me to defend, and everyone else will go to the warehouse to put out the fire!” Gust roared at the refugees.

The fire was still spreading, and from the gate of the village came the sound of galloping crossbows and mourning.

“Go to Lao Tzu quickly! Are you standing here waiting to die?!” Seeing these indifferent refugees, Gust rushed up and kicked down an adult man stronger than himself.

This kick obviously works very well.

The grown man glanced at the druid with a ferocious face, and got up and ran after the player who was rushing to the gate.

Others followed suit, fighting fires, defending defenses, and no longer scurrying around like headless flies.


Suddenly, the dark shadow twisted, and a grim-faced gnoll appeared behind a thin girl who just held up a wooden basin, and sharp metal claws passed through her chest in an instant.


The tub slid from the girl’s hands, and she fell into a pool of blood in a cry of pain.

The gnoll wanderer grinned, and was about to disappear into the shadows to find the next hunting target. A dark purple lightning pierced the night sky, and with a click, it smashed into the chest of the gnoll wanderer, and the dead couldn’t die any longer.


A young man who had just received the weapon found the girl’s body, ran over like a madman, held her tightly in his arms and rolled out a desolate howl from his throat.

Then he pulled out his weapon and slashed at the gnoll corpse killed by lightning, slashing blood and flesh.

No one paid any attention to him.

The fire in the warehouse is still burning, and it has spread to five or six thatched cottages in a row, and the fighting outside the village has become more intense.

“Hahaha… Survival of the fittest is a gift left by my lord. Cruel and **** death is of great significance… Let those who do not believe in my lord fall into the fear of hunting rituals!”

In the vast crowd of wolves, a gnoll priest dressed in animal skin robes held a red-bright skeleton holy emblem in his hand, and a pious and crazy smile appeared on his hideous face.

“Mara’s hunting ceremony!” The face of Druigst who just arrived became very ugly. There are at least 300 gnolls in this group. It is impossible for them to win, unless… … voluntarily abandon these refugees and force a breakout.

All players in Talan Village, like Druids, saw this impressive hunting ceremony, and they recalled the unforgettable memory of a certain night.

The gnoll priest looked at the guards and a group of refugees gathered near the gate, and laughed wildly: “Hahaha… Let me fall into the fearful hunting ritual, give me entry…”


However, before he could finish his words, an arrow jumping with dark purple arcs and pale orange fires galloped, piercing his throat with precision.


The gnoll priest threw away the dim skeleton holy emblem in his hands, clenched the arrows that could never be pulled out with both hands, widened his green pupils, and slowly fell to the ground.


The death of the leader made the gnolls panic, and they tried to find the hidden hunter.

What responded to them were fireballs the size of a basin.


With the loud noise that seemed to tremble like the earth, the violent fireballs exploded in the dense crowd of jackals in an instant, directly clearing a vacuum.

“Wizard…” The surviving gnolls roared in horror.

The violent fireball cast by the unknown existence hidden in the dark greatly damaged their morale, and their leader was also killed. They still do not know who shot it.

The gnolls, who were shrouded in fear, finally escaped.

“We are victorious! The enemy has escaped!” A burst of cheers sounded in Talan Village.

Only Druidge looked solemnly at the location where the fireball was just cast.

Work in a while.

A half-elf ranger who seemed to be one with the night, jumped out of the bushes under the Druid’s unbelievable gaze.

“I want to know all the news about Winter City, please tell me in detail.” Thorne deliberately glanced at the refugees from Winter City and told Druid his purpose directly.


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