Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 459 - Temple of Wisdom

Watch Fortress, the air is fresh and the sun is shining.

Thorne crossed a path toward the fort’s landmarks.

Temple of Martha.

The goblins of Clarion Town call it: Temple of the Goblin Guardian, and their player base prefers to call it: Temple of Wisdom.

The main material of the magnificent and majestic Temple of Wisdom is obsidian, showing a sense of calm and solemnity, and it looks like a whole.

As the only shrine in the entire fortress and the only patron deity of their player group, the shrine has been done with great care from design to completion.

The location of the temple is established in the most central and conspicuous place of the fortress.

During the establishment of the temple, not only all the skilled craftsmen and civil engineering designers in the entire wilderness were assembled, but also the power of almost all spellcasters.

In the blessing of various spells and the engraving of magic runes, this fairly stable temple is almost comparable to the wizard tower in the town of waterfalls.

That’s exactly what happened.

The Temple of Wisdom was built to the standards of the Wizard’s Tower.

As the most important activity place for gods in the mortal world, any temple that is still in operation must have the background to fight against legendary powerhouses.

Otherwise, once there is a conflict with the enemy in the future, the temple at the core of this fortress will become the key target of the enemy.

Once the temple is destroyed.

It means that it cannot provide shelter and strength for the pastors and believers of the church.

That’s why large humanoid tribes in the wilderness are the first to see statues of gods as the most important landmarks when they plan to settle in a place for a long time.

If the walls of the Watch Fort are the first line of defense of the entire fortress, then the Temple of Wisdom is the second unbreakable war fortress.

As long as the temple is not lost, the fortress built in the Falling Dragon Canyon will never fall.

As the most important large-scale temple of Malvasia, if this temple is completely completed, the resources spent will definitely be more huge and incalculable than the wizard tower in the town of waterfalls.

Rao is so, in more than two years, the temple has only completed the architectural part and the overall outline.

As for other important magical guidance, protective magic circle, rune engraving, attack methods, etc., construction has not yet started.

Thorne heard Andrina mention it a few times.

It is said that when the entire temple is actually built, its energy field and influence can almost cover the entire emerald field. It can even affect the climate of the peninsula, making it a favorable environment for the development and survival of all living things.

As for why the construction of the next program has not been started for a long time.

The huge resource cost is a problem.

After all, the fortress, including the establishment of the temple, gathered the power and resources of all the territories of the Emerald Field.

Now, with the development of time and the three years of peace, although each town will still pay the maintenance and construction costs to the Temple of Wisdom on time according to the rules set at the beginning, it is no longer as high as it was when it was first built. enthusiasm.

Most people believe that the world is at peace, and the only threat is the tribe of humanoids from the Great Sword Mark Mountains, and they are stuck in the Falling Dragon Canyon, which makes them gradually begin to focus on the development of their own power.

Perhaps only the deadly threat looming over the heart can truly condense the power of the entire Emerald Wilderness together.

Another problem that has never been solved is the lack of the core device of the temple, that is, the constructed soul similar to the towering spirit. If you want to control the huge power of the entire temple, it is impossible for ordinary soul spar to complete it.

At least a high-level legendary or demigod-level soul spar is required. So their only solution is: wait!

In Thorne’s view, the establishment of the temple is definitely a huge project, and it is very likely that people from countless eras will work together to complete it.

It is obviously impossible to rely on the strength of these people alone.

Because God also wants to grow, the power of growth is huge faith, and the foundation of faith is the population and the steady stream of believers.

Thorne walked to the stone steps of the temple and slowed down, surveying his surroundings as he walked.

There is a beautiful relief on the wall around the temple, which is carved with a large battle with the Heruk Hobgoblin on the outskirts of Tranquil Forest three years ago.

Among them, Malvasia floating in mid-air is the most dazzling.

On the relief, he stretched out his oppressive palm, pointing to the coming incarnation of the Almighty, and the two flying abyss refining demons.

It can be seen from the distorted expression of the Almighty incarnation and the hoarse wailing of the pit fiends, these enemies are already on the verge of collapse.

On the ground, Thorne is also very eye-catching. On the relief, he stands on the wooden tower of the Hobgoblin army, holding a sword in one hand and the head of the hobgoblin leader in the other, and stepping on the leader’s headless corpse under his feet.

Simply the prettiest boy on the ground.

In fact, as the person involved, he knew very well that the situation at that time was not as engraved on the relief. inner awe.

At that time, he was still very puzzled why the Winter City, which killed the incarnation of the Almighty, and the two diamond golems that killed the **** fiend were not added to the relief.

The designer’s answer to him is: only the victors have the qualifications to write history.

At present, there is only one relief on the wall of the temple, and all other positions are empty.

Perhaps in the near future, the designer will continue to engrave other great achievements of Malvasia on it.

There will even be engraved legends about some of the heroes of the church on the mainland for future generations to look up to.

Thorne looked up at this shrine with a structure framed by dark cyan marble columns, and couldn’t help but sigh.

There are many beautiful words in the world, which can be assigned to various buildings in the world, such as: exquisite, simple, luxurious, classical, cutting-edge, tranquil, comfortable, mysterious, spectacular, solemn and so on.

But he prefers to use another word to praise the temple, and that is: great.

Greatness is a vague aura, overflowing from every window in the temple, overflowing from every obsidian brick, overflowing from every rune inscription, overflowing from every corner, overflowing from every look cast into the temple. …

But this kind of architecture can be found in any temple in the world, and even more magnificent and magnificent than the temple of wisdom, there are countless.

Why does he think from the bottom of his heart that it is greater?

For this question, Thorne can’t answer a detailed answer.

Perhaps it is because it gathers all the effort and strength of the people of the same race. Or it has become a shelter for the entire Emerald Wilderness. Or, it is like a beacon in the dark, making most of the compatriots involuntarily converge here…

At this time, Martha’s temple was immersed in a peaceful atmosphere, so that people passing by could not help feeling a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Thorne took his steps lightly and walked towards the temple.

Although the core vocation of Goblin and the Goddess of Wisdom is Goblin, and the main source of belief is the goblin race throughout the wilderness, her second vocation, Wisdom, is also believed by many players.

Of course, the majority are still pan-believers.

However, the backbone of the priesthood of wisdom is the wizard players, and some wizards even succeeded in part-time priest professions, because the priesthood of wisdom has two fields of knowledge and magic.

These two fields allow them to improve their efficiency when reading magic books and learning spells.

One of the most typical representatives is Andrina.

She was originally a pan-believer of the God of Knowledge. Since Malvasia was successfully conferred a god, as his student, she naturally threw herself into his name without hesitation.

This made Thorne faintly worried.

Because the priesthood of wisdom includes knowledge and magic, does this mean that it touches the realm of the **** of knowledge and the goddess of magic.

In the future, as Martha’s divine power grows, will this cause the alertness of the two old-fashioned gods.

After all, although the current Andrina is not his pastor, she has become the elect of Martha’s Wisdom Priesthood.

If there is a conflict at that time, the chosen people of the gods in the main material plane will definitely be the key targets of the church’s power.

You know, wars involving priesthood conflicts, like Magrubier, the **** of the gnomes, are absolutely endless.

But what made him even more puzzled was that in the future, the priesthood of wisdom would touch upon the two fields of knowledge and magic, which was easy to think of. Even he could guess why the two gods did not choose to stop them during the consecration ceremony. .

Thorne, who couldn’t understand, could only hold it in his heart temporarily. He believed that with the continuous improvement of his strength, he would have a day when he knew everything, such as when he had the ability to go to Sigil.

After entering the temple, Thorne found that the goblin high priest who presided over the temple stood in the main hall and whispered something to the two wizard players.

From the unique costumes of the two and the spell books made by Li Shiye, it can be seen that they are wild road wizards from the southern kingdom.

The two wizards looked a little anxious, and from time to time they took out some items from the goblin high priest, and the high priest just glanced and shook his head slightly.

“Alas…” In the end, the two wizards had no choice but to leave.

“The spell model of the third-level spell “Fireball” is also too expensive. Although the contribution value and gold coins are enough to buy in the Temple of Wisdom, it can also be paid for with items of equivalent value… but it is still a bit worse. “The wizard player who didn’t buy the spell model shook his head.

“The temple is actually very good. If your belief level is high enough, you will have a big discount… It’s even darker to buy from other wizards outside. Take your time, and upgrade your belief level from pan-believers first. Let’s talk to the shallow believers.” Another wizard comforted his companion.

Thorne glanced at the two wizard players passing by and continued to walk forward.

No matter what kind of game, the number of combat professions is always the largest.

There is no reason for it. It is simple and rude and easy to use. It is on the first front line and fights with monsters. Many people like this hot-blooded taste.

The legal system is more difficult. Every day, you have to mix spells reasonably, and you have to take risks to make money, buy spell books and scrolls to learn, and build spell models is a very brain-consuming and time-consuming learning process.

Therefore, the current player group, those wizards who have not joined the force and have not yet fully grown up, want to play solo, the early stage is still very hard.

Thorne walked to the statue of the Goblin and the Goddess of Wisdom and bowed slightly.

At this time, He is still wearing a simple black one-piece dress, and the temperament of the whole person gives a sense of calm and indifference, and there is a faint sadness in the deep golden eyes.

“Hello, Lord Thorne.” The Goblin High Priest floated in front of him and greeted him with a smile.

When she noticed Thorne’s body, she narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she had guessed his intention.

“Hello, High Priest.” Thorne gave a salute.

The goblin priestess’s dress closely resembles that of the statue.

She floated quietly at the same level as him, with a golden holy emblem hanging on her chest, with a silver horizontal bar engraved in the very center of the holy emblem.

This ‘silver horizontal bar’ is the emblem of the goblins and the goddess of wisdom.

As for why “one” is used to represent goblins and wisdom?

The official explanation is: the wisdom of any race itself is a very simple thing, but it is always said to be complicated by some people who think highly of themselves, which is completely unnecessary.

To put it simply, it can also be considered: this is to allow goblins, including other races, to recognize this emblem in an easy-to-understand manner, remember the appearance of the emblem, and let them understand that wisdom is as simple as ‘one’.

But Thorne maliciously thought that the other party was too lazy to design something meaningful, so he made a random stroke.

As for whether this is the case, only the person who designed this emblem knows best.

“His Excellency the High Priest, I need you to help me recover from my injury, which is causing you trouble.” Thorne explained his purpose.

“Mr. Thorne is too polite. You are the patron of the goddess Martha. As the most devout and humble believer of the goddess, I am willing to serve you.” The goblin priestess heard the words and said slowly in a calm tone.

Her voice sounded like the atmosphere of the temple, which was very comfortable, and did not inherit the sharp voice of the goblin family at all.

After speaking, the goblin priestess reached out and made a gesture of invitation, and led Thorne into a side room of the temple.

The side room environment is very good, and the exquisite small incense burner is burning a precious spice with a calming effect.

Thorne smelled the source of the spice, which is a special product of Twilight Town. It came from the hand of the Druid withered wood master. Andrina also used this spice, which is very popular in the wizarding group of players.

Next, he sat comfortably on a hide cushion, and then undid the collar of his cloak and took off his jacket.

“You are…” When the goblin priestess noticed Thorne’s naked upper body, she couldn’t help but say in surprise, “What caused this?”

She found three bone-deep beast claw marks on his back, almost from his shoulders to his waist.

The main reason why there was no bleeding was that the three deep wounds were frozen to death by frost.

As a priest, she found that more than half of the flesh on the opponent’s back had been completely necrotic and eroded by the ice.

If the ice melts, all his flesh and blood will fall off, leaving only the bones.

Fortunately for Thorne, the ice dragon breath of the white dragon is not so easy to melt.

“A young white dragon, I’m causing you trouble.” Thorne smiled helplessly at the goblin priest.

Bai Long is known as the “Shame of the Dragon Clan”, but with his current strength, it is still very difficult to deal with it alone.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Mofeng faction’s moves had a good suppressing power on the ice, and he had undergone the baptism of dragon blood twice, he would have turned into an ice sculpture in the breath of the white dragon long ago.

“It turned out to be a white dragon, your injury is a little troublesome…it can’t be cured with a magic healing technique.” The goblin priestess retracted her surprised eyes and could not help frowning.

Then he pondered for a while, then held the holy emblem hanging on his chest with both hands, and began to sing a divine spell.

Thorne was not surprised when he heard the words. If the problem could be solved by healing magic, he would not come here to trouble the other party.

After all, he has the privilege, and all services in the Temple of Wisdom are free. If he comes frequently, he will be a little embarrassed.

So he immediately closed his eyes slightly, and quietly felt the power of this divine art like a new life.

He had experienced this feeling once in the Underdark, and it was the Seven Rings Divine Art “Higher Restoration Art”.


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