Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 466 - change of mind

As one topic ended in the long meeting, another question was provoked again. From beginning to end, Sarajan, who presided over the meeting, never had the opportunity to speak out about the real purpose of his initiative to hold the meeting.

Even if he couldn’t help but bang the clanking hammer, few people paid attention to him.

Thorne leaned back in his chair bored, listening to the sash of the window clattered by the gust of wind.

There are often strong winds in the Falling Dragon Canyon, especially the wind at the top of the mountain. Sometimes it sounds like a wolf howl, which sounds eerie and scary.

Even so, the whistling wind still couldn’t suppress the high enthusiasm of the majority of the people who were sitting there. They were fighting for the interests and dignity of their respective territories, for the sake of prestige and dominance, and they were arguing.

Ishak of Stallman Township is accusing the people of Horn Township, claiming to have witnessed Bugle Township indulge their town residents to bathe in the Emerald River, they pollute the clear water of the Emerald River, and live in the depths of Stallman Township, downstream of Bugle Town. suffer from it.

That’s why he doesn’t like to attend such meetings very much.

With this spare time, he would rather go to the Dajianken Mountains to cut down a few more monsters with high bounty lists and earn a little bounty.

Unfortunately, now he is suddenly not interested in killing monsters and upgrading.

The fundamental reason for this result is that his strength has been stagnant since three years ago.

Seeing that today’s Holart voluntarily gave up the perfect advance as if he had seen through the red dust, and chose to improve his strength, he also wanted to do the same for a moment.

But this fleeting thought was eventually wiped out by him.

As for the specific reason.

Are you unwilling?

Or the incomparable dedication to great strength?

Perhaps both, looking out the window, Thorne thought a little ecstatically.

As Ishak accused the people of Horn Town, the people of Iron Horse Town also immediately stood up to help, telling that they often found filth floating on the surface of the Emerald River.

The Emerald River is the mother river of the entire wilderness, and we must not let this river that nourishes all things follow the footsteps of the Asam Ganges water.

And the culprit of everything is those unorganized and undisciplined trolls, ogres, kobolds in your Horn Town…

Thorne ignored the topic of their discussion, because it had nothing to do with him, after all, the town of Falls where he lived was at the source of the Emerald River.

If it’s true, as long as he takes a bath in the waterfall, wouldn’t all the people below drink his bath water.

In fact, he does it often.

At this time, he was just a little unwilling to know why others could achieve perfect progress, but he couldn’t, so he wanted to prove that he could do it too.

Once, he fantasized about being an unparalleled hero, dreaming that one day he could change the world.

I don’t know from which day, he knew again that he couldn’t possibly be some kind of **** hero.

Maybe after he saw through the truth of life.

Maybe after something that backfired.

Or after a major ordeal and trauma.

Let him finally understand and accept the fact that he is actually an ordinary mortal.

The former goblin wizard Malvasia is now called the ‘goblin and the goddess of wisdom’ by the world, but his temperament has become as calm and indifferent as marble.

At least the marble is still warmed by the sun, and he never will!

Is Fengshen really as he wished?

From the deity’s faintly sad expression and the two tears left behind, you can see what happened.

On the other hand, Thorne is a person with all kinds of emotions, a person who will be happy when he is in a good mood, sad when he is sad, and a person who will not be rewarded if he does not work hard.

Also a person with the ability to love and be loved…

He sometimes makes mistakes, gets emotional, and doesn’t know how to express his love, but when he tastes love, he knows what is the sweetest and happiest thing in the world, which is undoubtedly worth letting him cherish with guarding things.

He even clearly understands that the world does not revolve around him, and that everyone does not live for himself.

All in all, he is just an ordinary mortal, so his goal is to try his best to be different. It is as simple as that, not as complicated as he imagined.

Thorne, who finally understood, looked out of the window subconsciously. Although the howling wind was still galloping on the top of the mountain, there was still a raven quack screaming and flapping its small wings and heading against the wind.

In the face of the indignant accusations from Stallman Town and Iron Horse Town, the war troll in Horn Town almost jumped up from his chair, and his sonorous retort suddenly woke up the two men in Yuanshan Town, who were about to fall asleep. Lord and Gerst.

Kohando in Horn Town looked at the people in Iron Horse Town coldly, because the other party said that their people were a group of unorganized and undisciplined wilderness monsters.

As for taking a bath, he did not deny it, but how could the three towns be so far apart that it could affect the water quality.

The Druids who maintain the balance of nature haven’t said anything yet, but you jump up first.

He even said that when the meeting was over, he would go downstream to check it out in person.

The same quarrels occupy the time of many meetings.

But such trivial matters do not have the upper hand on either side.

Except for Iron Horse, Stallman, and Horn, no one else ever got involved in their boring quarrels.

Of course, the focus of the conflict is mostly between the three small towns.

At this time, Thorne’s mood suddenly changed a lot, and his black eyes became firm because of a certain determination.


Before everyone noticed the change, he stretched out his hand and slammed on the table, stood up and yelled at everyone, “Shut up and stop arguing!”

The sudden shock and scolding shocked most of the people. The entire conference room suddenly became audible, and the air seemed to freeze in an instant.

Silence fell again, except for the howling wind slapped against the sash, making a crackling sound.

No one would care why this disrepaired window was so noisy every time, and they all turned their doubts, shocks, puzzled, and amazed eyes to the half-elf ranger who got up.

Thorne’s sword-like eyes looked around, most people seemed to be staring at the abyss, and subconsciously avoided his gaze.

Especially the two from Iron Horse Town, who had witnessed the “shuddering stare” with their own eyes, directly lowered their heads and looked at the dusty combat boots under their feet.

At this time, Thorne, who just got up, showed a very calm expression, as calm as a lake without a trace of waves.

If it is only about appearance, in fact, his dress looks very simple and simple.

After three years of wind and rain, his originally slightly delicate face has long been replaced by a sense of vicissitudes of perseverance, and he looks more mature and stable.

As usual, he wore a very monotonous black tunic and trousers, then a black cloak, a slate gray belt of unknown material and a dark gold buckle tied around his waist, and two scabbard swords hanging from the waist. about.

If anything, it’s that the hood he likes to drape over his head has little chance of being put back on, or even an ornament.

The composite longbow and quiver behind him also disappeared.

However, someone found out during the battle that longbows and sharp arrows that disappeared out of thin air could always appear in his hands at an extremely fast speed.

Thorne stood quietly, the cloak draped around him moved without wind, and there was an inexplicable aura around him.

This made the lords a little overwhelmed.

Because they were very puzzled and shocked why this Ranger, who kept a low profile in the conference room and rarely spoke, seemed to be a different person.

At this moment, Thorne’s exposed aura gave them the feeling that someone who had always kept a low profile and got along with them as an ordinary person suddenly said to them;

Originally, I wanted to get along with you as ordinary people, but the exchange was alienation. Now I don’t pretend, I have a showdown.

Thinking of the lords here, I finally realized a very important problem.

That is, if this ranger who keeps a low profile from time to time really wants to, his wizard tower can almost hang the power of all of them.

And, most crucially, he has contributed greatly to the growth of all small towns.

Not to mention the town of waterfalls, which was originally his territory.

He saved the tribe of orcs in Horn, and finally settled here.

The goblin priests of the Temple of Wisdom, because of the kindness expressed by the goblin **** to Thorne, will help and complete his orders as much as possible.

That is to say, as long as he gives an order, most of the orcs and goblins will follow him.

Not to mention Ishak of Stallman Town, if it weren’t for Thorne’s help, he would have turned into a demon who only knew how to kill, and he would end up dying at the hands of his companions.

During the bitter period when Iron Horse Town was ruled by the red copper dragon, it was also successfully expelled by Thorne.

As for Twilight Town, Thorne has helped them face the invasion of foreign enemies twice, and his contribution is obvious to all high-level officials in Twilight Town.

Even the newly established Yuanshan Town has also received his help.

In the night of Talan Village, without his two appearances, the remnants of Yuanshan Town would have already died in Mara’s hunting ceremony.

Another question quickly pops into the minds of those who are aware of this problem.

If Thorne wants to use his own strength to become the ruler of the entire wilderness, how sure is it? How many people will agree?

If he really dared to put forward this condition, what would be the consequences if their lords refused?

Thinking that the lords here looked at this calm ranger again, they felt a little worried in their hearts.

Because if you want to elect a ruler in the wilderness, the most suitable one is undoubtedly the ranger in front of him.

As for the others, none of them fit.

In the quiet conference room, Sarayan of Twilight Town frowned and stared at the bubbling beer mug on the table with dignified eyes, while Carlos of Waterfall Town nodded slightly with a smile.

Avatar of Stallman Town looked into the eyes of his companion Ishak, as if trying to confirm something.

The tiger man ranger Sailu in Horn Town showed an indifferent look, and continued to leave everyone a profile face with colorful stripes, looking at the raven outside the window.

The war troll Kohando looked at Thorne with interest, smiling like a fool.

The people of Iron Horse Town expressed unease and worry.

However, what no one had guessed was that Thorne didn’t think about it for so long. He just wanted to end this boring meeting as soon as possible, return to the town of Falls, and prepare for his perfect advancement.

In order to hunt down the gnoll known as ‘the new killer Hogg’, he wasted a lot of time, so that he has not returned for nearly half a month, this is the first time he has been out for such a long time in the past three years.

That is to say, this group of people was a little too scared by Thorne’s look.

Thorne looked around lightly, and found a pair of strange eyes looking at him.

Thinking of this, he glanced at everyone strangely, and in his mind again remembered what Carlos said to Salayan at the beginning of the meeting:

To live peacefully with others without principle is cowardly in my opinion.

I see!

Thorne glanced at the smiling Carlos, and finally understood the true meaning of this sentence.

The ranger who wanted to understand looked straight, deliberately revealed an unquestionable tone, and said loudly:

“The original intention of our alliance is to build a country of our own for our compatriots in distress. If you think this hard-won peace is too leisurely, then I don’t mind…”

Thorne stopped in the middle of what he said, and didn’t point it out directly, then sat down in the chair again, keeping silent as usual.

As for what they thought, that’s not something he should worry about.

Perhaps only a unified regime will go further and last longer, Thorne thought.

However, his first consideration now is how to perfectly advance to the hero level.

After all, with his current second-tier strength, although he is still invincible in the player group, his suppressing power is not very strong.

If these guys are still restless when their strength reaches the third rank, he doesn’t mind holding the sword in his hand and integrating the players’ forces together.

Ever since the old troll butler came to Fallstown, the old guy has been mentioning this issue to him intentionally or unintentionally, and he has never given up until now.

This makes his mentality that it has nothing to do with himself is also slowly changing.

Now, his very subtle words have been engraved in everyone’s hearts, sounding the alarm for them.

Maybe some people will hate or envy themselves because of this, but he doesn’t care at all.

Why do you say ‘competition is not what drives mankind forward, envy is’?

The main reason for this is that actions triggered by jealousy tend to be stronger.

It is a strong desire to win, to get, to possess, to prove oneself.

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