Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 471 - Legendary Gear

The sashes were wide open, and the evening breeze was blowing.

The trees in the urban area of ​​the waterfall town are swirling with the wind, and the soft wind blows the light blue fringed thick curtains and white tulle, setting off an elegant corner, making a hunting sound.

The fragrance of grass and trees blows into the room, which is intoxicating.

Thorne, who was standing in front of the window, stood with his hands behind his back, letting the light wind flutter his slightly messy hair and brush his black eyes. He quietly stared at the street in the lower part of the waterfall town, which was lit by scattered fire.

In a trance, the memories in his mind made him seem to be in a bustling banquet hall.

There, the lights are brilliant, and the gongs are staggered.

The aroma of wine overflowed from the colliding crystal goblets and drifted among the clamorous crowd.

Indistinctly, he seemed to hear soothing and melodious music from his ears, floating gently in the banquet hall where magic radiance interlaced.

Outside the window, the sky and the earth are connected, and the stars and lights are intertwined and difficult to distinguish.

Thorne, who had regained his senses, let out a laugh, then reached out and undid the collar of the cloak, skillfully threw it on the hanger in the corner, and then took off the two sheathed swords hanging from his waist from the sword belt, and hung them up. on the wall.

His originally tense expression also became relaxed involuntarily as the combat equipment was removed.

This is the eleventh floor of the Emerald Tower. For all the territories in the entire Emerald Field, the Wizard Tower can be regarded as the safest place.

Even if a legendary powerhouse breaks in, they have the power to fight, and if they are fully prepared, they are even confident that they will stay here forever.

The little Lori, the copper dragon who used to like mischief, broke into the wizard’s tower carelessly. Inadvertently, she was directly arranged by the anti-magic field magic circle and the anti-dragon aura magic circle arranged in advance.

For him, this is a safe, warm and comfortable haven.

Thorne sat comfortably on the log-colored folding chair by the window, casually flipping through the books on the wooden table.

Although night had already fallen, a red light flickered on the laboratory door.

This let him know that Andrina was still busy with a very important thing at this time, so in order not to disturb her spell research, she could only wait patiently in the living room.

Suddenly, there was a sound in the room, and immediately there were dull footsteps.

A steel golem walked in with a cup of freshly brewed tea, bowed his head slightly, and made a cold metal mechanical sound: “Master, please use tea.”

Thorne took the tea and nodded slightly.

The tall and burly steel golem bowed stiffly towards him with a seemingly bulky body, and turned away silently.

If you look closely, you can find that the joints of the steel golem’s body are all welded by a rare tincture and alchemy. It’s as if all the gaps and weaknesses in the warrior’s armor have been filled.

This directly causes the inherent flaws of the Iron Golem to become invulnerable, and only the power of powerful magic and adamantine weapons can have a certain effect on it.

After three years of accumulation, with the assistance of Tower Ling, and a group of gray dwarves and gnomes in the underground ruins to shape the body of the construction golem, Andrina successfully activated many construction golems for defense in the wizard tower.

Among them, the clay golems are the most numerous, with more than one hundred statues.

There were only two steel golems that appeared in front of him just now.

Moreover, these two golems have also been injected with a higher level of intelligence.

Usually, the cleaning, maintenance and maintenance work in the wizard tower is completed by the steel golem commanding the clay golem.

In addition to guarding the wizard’s tower, these golems are sometimes sent out to do a lot of heavy work, or hired by other towns for money to help them push down the evil tribes in the wilderness.

The only pity is that with Thorne’s current strength, high-level steel golems are not yet capable of mass production.

No way, as a construction golem with a challenge level of about 16, the steel golem consumes resources and kinetic energy that can be imagined.

Its body must be sculpted from a single piece of heavy metal over 2.5 tons that has been refined and purified, and the core device also needs to be installed with a high-quality earth element spirit to drive the body.

Finally, there are other precious materials needed inside the golem’s body.

All these costs add up, and the resources and materials consumed by a steel golem require at least 150,000 gold coins.

With the current financial resources of the Wizard Tower, only two steel golems and more than a hundred clay golems have almost emptied Andrina’s small vault.

Although they earn a lot of money every month due to various income, it is still very difficult to maintain the normal operation of the entire wizard tower and cultivate wizards with good potential.

Therefore, it is obviously impossible to mass-produce such a high-level golem.

Moreover, based on the current energy reserve of the element pool of the wizard tower, it can only bear the battle consumption of two steel golems at most.

If you want to expand the energy reserve of the elemental pool, speed up the recovery of elemental energy, and then afford the consumption of the golem army, it must be upgraded to the elemental furnace device invented during the arcane empire.

However, what is frustrating is that the four legendary-level wind, earth, water, and fire four elemental crystals required in the consumables for modifying the element furnace are valuable and precious items in the entire main material plane.

For Thorne’s current strength, it is naturally impossible to break into the four elemental planes alone, kill elemental creatures, and collect them all.

In general, with the current state of the Wizard Tower, if you don’t plan to re-upgrade the energy device of the element pool, it is almost in a state of semi-stagnant development.

As the general manager of the wizard tower, Andrina, all she can do is to continuously strengthen the various details of the wizard tower.

For example, re-modify the golem troop to allow it to master more special abilities.

Inlay the whole body of the steel golem with metal with magic runes, so that it has the ability to cast spells and many other solutions that can be optimized.

But her most recent research direction is another technology of the wizard’s tower, “folding space”.

“Folding space” is a phenomenon that uses powerful arcane gravity to bend and overlap the surrounding space.

To put it simply, the tower looks less than a few hundred square meters on the outside, but the space inside is huge.

However, this technology is not progressing as fast as expected.

In the final analysis, her wizard level is too low, and even with the assistance of Taring, there will still be many procedures that cannot be performed smoothly.

At this moment, out of the corner of Thorne’s eyes, he suddenly noticed a sheathless steel sword placed on the table near the sofa.

With a change of expression, he put down the teacup in his hand, got up and walked over, picked it up, and reached out to lightly stroke the sharp-edged blade, playing with interest.

Military standard steel sword +1

Type: Long Sword

Quality: Green · Excellent

Equipment requirements: 9 or more strength

Abilities: Sharpness +1, Penetration +2, Armor Break +1

Enchantment effect: When attacking, deal 1 additional energy damage

(Note: Combining the quenching technology of the gray dwarf and the forging technology of the gnome technology, the steel sword is forged. During the forging process, other special materials are also infiltrated. After the completion, a simple alchemy enchantment is performed to make this weapon strike When hitting an enemy, in addition to dealing physical damage, it also deals a little extra energy damage.)


In terms of attributes, such a sophisticated weapon is not a powerful piece of equipment for a good adventurer, but it has the advantage that it can be mass-produced.

This is a machine similar to a forging machine created by the gnome subordinates of the black dragon Sigrid using engineering.

When the gray dwarf has finished quenching the metal billet, it is then subjected to pressure by the gnome’s forging device to rapidly deform plastically to obtain certain mechanical properties, shape and size, and then carefully forged by the gray dwarf.

After the weapon is finished, the wizards of the Emerald Tower will carry out the most basic and simple rune engraving on the blade. This simple enchanted weapon is completely formed.

This military weapon was his attempt to get money.

In this world, if you want to make huge profits, in addition to magic-related items, it is arms.

This is why he chose to train spellcasters in the tower.

Thinking of this, Thorne’s heart moved, and he asked the air aloud: “Ta Ling, how are the benefits of this batch of weapons?”

“…Master!… A total of 500 military-style steel swords were mass-produced…. At a unit price of 500 gold coins,… all were sold to the dark elves in the Underdark.” Taring answered Thorne’s question directly without hesitation. question.

“40% of the profit, it seems that the income of this military weapon is not bad.” Thorne nodded with satisfaction when he heard that the weapons were all purchased by the Dark Elf players in the Underdark.

Thinking that these weapons were all bought by the dark elves, he immediately thought of the restless women in the underground world, and they must be preparing to do something big in Rezim King City again.

In any case, the first arms deal was a complete success.

Thorne believes that under the management of the old troll butler, the arsenal in the underground ruins can continue to produce continuously, and it will definitely become the main source of income for the wizard tower in the future.

In other words, now he doesn’t have to worry about these trivial matters at all, the only thing he needs to do is to improve his strength as soon as possible.

With the success of Martha’s consecration, the three years of calm and calm made him always feel that it was the tranquility before the storm. He faintly felt that the Emerald Wilderness would definitely usher in a crazy counterattack from the enemy one day in the future.

After all, the Insights personally predicted that this place would turn into a barren desert.

This made his heart to improve his strength involuntarily become urgent.

Thorne sat for a while, and finally saw that the red light of the laboratory door disappeared, so he walked in with a heart of anticipation.

inside the laboratory.

When Thorne pushed the door in, Andrina seemed to know of his arrival.

However, she was not in a hurry to turn around to look at him, but stared intently at the radiant smoke and poisonous mist on the table.

Thorne, who came in, happened to see a clean, swirling pale white mist surrounding Andrina’s body, making her look like a fairy falling from a cloud.

At the same time, the smoke, dust and poisonous mist floating in the air, along with the pale white mist, seemed to have produced some kind of chemical reaction, gradually turning into moist water vapor, and slowly dissipating in the air.

Seeing that the poisonous mist and smoke with radiation disappeared, Thorne looked relieved, because he understood that this zero-ring trick “cleansing”, which had been studied by Andrina for nearly three years, should have been a success.

And the power of the improved version of “Cleansing” she just cast can already be called: a first-level spell.

But for her, there is still a long way to go, because Andrina’s ultimate goal is to increase the power of this zero-level trick to the effect of a ninth-level spell.

This spell is neither offensive nor defensive, its only function is to purify the air, water, and radiation generated by chaotic magic.

The reason why she is so obsessed with studying this spell is that Martha instructed her.

He had heard Andrina mention the real reason for studying the spell.

If she really raised the power of this spell to above the ninth level, and she didn’t have to pay a heavy price when casting it, she could use this spell to exchange a promise with the God of Nature, Sivanas.

A promise from a **** of great power can be imagined.

As for why the **** of nature needs this spell, it is said to be related to the vast and endless wilderness leading to the continent of Karatu.

The endless wilderness was occupied by abyss demons in the turbulent year. In addition to the countless remaining abyss cracks, it was also filled with poisonous gas, chaotic magic, radiation and thick black smoke that no natural creature could survive. It was a doomsday scene.

However, Thorne thinks.

Even if such spells are researched to the fifth level and above, the druids of the Emerald Garden will soon express their goodwill to them.

After all, this is a spell that can improve environmental pollution, and the purpose of the believers of the **** of nature is to protect the natural environment from damage.

With this spell, they can restore many of the heavily polluted and heavily irradiated lands of the Prime Material World.

But it took three years just to upgrade from the zero ring to the first ring. From the perspective of the more difficult it is going forward, the improvement above the second ring, according to Thorne’s estimation, is likely to be calculated in ten years and a hundred years.

He didn’t hold out much hope for this.

“You’re back?”

When Thorne came to Andrina, she waved her hand gently and used the “Hand of the Mage” to clear the clutter from the table.

Immediately, he reached out and wiped the fine sweat on his forehead, stroked a few strands of hair behind his ears, and looked at him with a gentle smile: “Why did you leave for so long this time, I thought you were missing.”

After finishing speaking, Anderina took off a dark golden protective robe that was draped over her body and put it on a hanger beside her.

If you look closely, you can find that there are many dense protective runes on it.

In the event of an accident in the experiment, the spell on this protective robe would trigger, and then protect her from various sudden dangers.

Obviously, no wizard is absolutely safe when conducting spell research.

The research of many spells has been successful, almost all of which have been completed in countless failures and explosions.

If you don’t pay attention to accident protection, you can easily die in your own laboratory.

That’s the case with the disfigured tiefling in Stallman, who made explosive arrows, and the wizard in Iron Horse who was killed by the explosion of the fireball spell.

Thorne watched the beautiful and charming sorceress silently.

His bright and sharp eyes gradually became gentle.

For three years, it was impossible to leave any traces of time on her beautiful face.

In Thorne’s eyes, her temperament has become more noble and confident.

That exquisite and delicate body, elegant and charming demeanor, especially the black hair that is scattered, has an indescribable charm.

Even her words, deeds, and gestures showed the charm of a mature woman, which made him deeply intoxicated.

As usual, every time before he came back, Andrina seemed to be able to predict it in advance, and she usually dressed up with extra care.

Every time he dresses up carefully, he has a feeling of soul-stirring.

Every time you return to the wizard tower, you will get a pleasant surprise.

Today, she is still beautiful and very charming. A crimson satin dress is very thin, and the folds on it are soft and touching, rustling, wrapping her waist tightly, so the graceful arms, soft undulating curves , There are unparalleled thighs are revealed very clearly.

However, when Thorne’s eyes stopped at her slender, overlapping thighs, he suddenly couldn’t look away.

Because he was wearing a pair of black stockings on the slender, snow-white legs that he was familiar with.

Stockings are not exclusive to their original world. They are also very popular in the aristocratic circle of this world.

As a ranger who has traveled to the underground world, Thorne recognized at a glance that Andrina was wearing spider silk from the Underdark, which was ultra-thin.

He has heard people say that stockings are a woman’s second skin, which shows the importance of stockings.

At this moment, the sorceress who had never worn black stockings suddenly put it on, giving him a hazy beauty that made her feel noble, reserved and gentle.

Now, with a pair of suitable high-heeled shoes, she instantly shows her unique temperament as a woman at a glance.

Thorne found that Andrina was smiling at him, the smile in her eyes was showing on her lips, showing her white teeth, which looked gentle and kind.

Her face showed a radiance of nobility, beauty and maturity. Under the long eyelashes, a pair of beautiful black eyes and two curved eyebrows also showed brilliance and tenderness.

A tight-fitting crimson satin dress, a pair of slender black stockings and beautiful legs, a long jet of black flowing hair, and a mature temperament full of nobility and elegance, all caused a strong visual impact on Thorne.

At this moment, Andrina, who was about to get up from the chair, suddenly stopped, because she had found Thorne staring at the long legs exposed in her pleated skirt.

So a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she moved slightly, leaning back on the chair, her legs folded on the table.

She looked at Thorne’s beautiful face with a surprised smile on her face, and then she reached out and deliberately pulled the dress up, without any intention of concealing the spring under her skirt.

“You look stupid, the saliva is about to fall to the ground, quickly wipe it off.” The sorceress looked at the ranger’s cute appearance, covered her mouth and chuckled.


Thorne subconsciously reached out and wiped it towards the corner of his mouth. When the corner of his eyes noticed Anderina’s playful smile, he suddenly woke up and shrank back like an electric shock.

Then he stretched out his hands and hugged directly to the sorceress who just got up.

Andrina didn’t dodge anything, but leaned into his arms meekly, arched like a kitten, and changed to a more comfortable position.

A warm and sweet hug.

Thorne sniffed the intoxicating fragrance, and his dishonest hands began to swim up the slender thighs of the black stockings.

A blush appeared on Andrina’s face, which was covered by hair, and she lightly hammered his chest and whispered, “This is the laboratory.”

Hearing the other party’s reminder, Thorne subconsciously turned his attention to the precision instrument parts and a pile of bottles and cans on the table.

Suddenly I remembered the embarrassing incident that happened because I was too addicted when I was exploring the infinite meaning of life in the hills and valleys in the laboratory.

So she quickly pulled her eyes and the playful sorceress walked out.


When Andrina came out of the bathroom in a snow-white nightgown, Thorne, dressed in light clothes, was already lying on the soft bed.

He rested his hands on his head and stared at the crystal magic chandelier on the ceiling.

“Half a month ago, when you left the town, why did you suddenly kill the two aboriginal wizard assistants invited by the academy?”

Andrina sat on the chair of the dresser, looked at her blushing face in the mirror, glared angrily at the ranger in the mirror, and then brushed all her long loose hair behind her.

“The conditions they put forward are too exaggerated. Each person needs three female students to sleep with them. When teaching magic knowledge in class, they like to tease them. I happened to pass by that day, and I couldn’t stand it, so I just raised my sword and slashed the two of them. already.”

Thorne looked at Andrina’s back, and replied casually: “It’s interesting that one of the wizards even practiced swordsmanship. Judging from his skills, he should be a pirate, no wonder his quality is so low. .”

“I can’t see that Mr. Thorne’s sense of justice in our family is so overwhelming.” Andrina heard the words, chuckled, and then reminded him: “Those two wizards are from the Tower of the Seven Sages in Twin Towers Town, Affiliated to the Wizarding League.”

“The Wizarding League is not so busy.” Thorne said indifferently.

“That’s true.” Andrina took out a wooden comb from the drawer and nodded slightly to Thorne in the mirror.

“You know, Tauren Alistar, he brought his Broken Horn Tauren tribe to the southeast of Waterfall Town to burn the forest to open up wasteland, and then was taken away by the Druid of the Emerald Garden.”

The sorceress, who was tilting her head and combing her hair, suddenly remembered something interesting and shared it with the ranger lying on the bed.

“Druids are still so disgusting.” Thorne frowned lightly, and then said with concern, “How was it resolved in the end.”

It is precisely because of the existence of Druids in the Emerald Wilderness that almost all the food in all territories in the wilderness needs to be imported.

However, what makes Thorne depressed is the tauren player Alistar.

He couldn’t even remember how many times he had reminded the other party, but he didn’t expect to do such a mindless thing.

“Don’t worry, Nightingale Walker said, if I study this cleansing spell to the third level or above, she assures me that the druids of the Emerald Garden will never interfere with our cultivation in the wilderness.”

Andrina brought her face close to the mirror, winked her beautiful eyes playfully, and continued, “As for the Tauren Alistar, you don’t have to worry, he actually did it on purpose.”

“Why?” Thorne sat up from the bed, puzzled, “Could it be that when he broke the horn, the sequelae of accidentally hurting his head occurred?”

Hearing Thorne’s words, Andrina couldn’t help laughing out loud, her full **** heaving slightly in the mirror, and she continued: “Because the pastor of the Church of the Mother Earth has come forward to help him solve this problem.”

“So it is.” Thorne’s expression changed with a hint of understanding, and he lay on the bed again and said to himself: “No wonder this guy keeps pushing back and refuses to join the church on his own initiative. It turns out that he is waiting for the number of tauren to accumulate enough. Just zoom in.”

Andrina smiled and nodded, agreeing with the Ranger’s guess.

She pushed back the bottles and jars on the table and put the wooden comb into the drawer.

The sorceress’s look in the mirror was obviously hesitant for a while, and finally, with a faint sigh, she got up and walked towards the bed with her delicate purse.

She was half leaning on the bed next to him.

Silence suddenly fell in the room.

I do not know how long it has been.

The hesitant Thorne sat up and looked at Andrina: “I…”

However, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by her reaching out.

Andrina smiled softly at Thorne: “You don’t have to say it, I already know it.”

“You know?” Thorne looked at the sorceress beside him.

“We’ve been together for so long, can’t I guess what you’re thinking?” The sorceress put her hand on the Ranger’s face and stroked it gently.

“Then you…” Thorne was silent for a while, looking at her smiling eyes.

It was a pair of beautiful eyes with a touching smile, but he noticed a faint reluctance and sadness.

“Go, I’ve been waiting here for you to come back.” Andrina nodded and shook her head slightly, looking at Thorne with a thousand meanings in her eyes: “In short, go early and return early.”

After speaking, she opened the delicate purse in her hand and took out a simple ring with a mysterious pattern engraved and a pair of pure black wristbands made of unknown materials.

“You should know this ring.” Andrina first handed the ring to Thorne: “Martha has said before. He said that if you are going to leave the town of Falls, take it with you and go to the Northland Wasteland. In the Frigid Land, find an insight named Winster, he knows everything about the continent of Karatu. This ring is a token.”

“Winster? Frigid Land?”

Thorne took the ring he had obtained in the demi-plane, and put it away solemnly, the mysterious man he had met in the underground space of Twin Towers with the Dragonborn Paladins came into his mind. the ferryman.

“I gave you these braces, put them on.” Andrina saw Thorne put away the ring and handed him another piece of equipment.

“This is legendary…equipment?!” When Thorne took the equipment from her, he noticed the strong wind element power and couldn’t help but exclaimed in surprise. He really couldn’t imagine how the other party got this equipment.

Legendary gear!

This is not something money can buy.

But it was placed in front of him so helplessly, even he himself felt a little unbelievable.

In order to obtain the legendary equipment, he has gone through so many difficulties and obstacles, but he is most likely to advance to the two sharp swords of legendary quality, and there has been no movement so far.

And now, a piece of legendary equipment appeared in his hands so easily.

However, the beautiful and charming sorceress didn’t explain anything to him, just smiled and shook her head to keep him from thinking.

When Andrina saw Thorne put away her gear, she pulled the quilt and lay down next to him.

Thorne took her warm tender body into his arms, enjoying the last night of the two of them.

This time, he didn’t even know when he would be able to reach the perfect heroic level.

Although he was very reluctant, he had to keep going.

Because an inexplicable sense of crisis is hiding in the deepest part of his heart, it always flashes frequently, making him constantly remind himself that the only sense of security in this world is his own strong strength.

Moreover, at this time Andrina has become the elector of Martha’s Wisdom Priesthood.

While this status brought her wisdom and near-immortal life, it completely bound her to the goblin patron saint.

Whether it was for her, or in order not to let himself become a drag on her, he had to pursue great strength.

Because strength is not only strength, but also represents immortality, representing almost immortal life.

He doesn’t want to be reduced to a pile of loess in a hundred years, he wants to stand on a high place and silently observe the vicissitudes of heaven and earth.

Every perfect advancement will greatly increase a professional’s chance of succeeding in the advancement of the Legend of Destiny.

Giving up means that he voluntarily gave up the opportunity to advance to the Legend of Destiny.

Because only when he reaches the Legend of Destiny can he gain a long life, master powerful strength, and have the ability to fight against everything.

Thorne is very clear that if a person wants to stand on the top of the world and look down at the world, the tempering of his mood and will is the ladder for him to reach the top.

Therefore, he must be strict with himself every time.

For himself, for the people he loves, and even for the group of those in distress who can’t go back.

That’s all.

There was a soft evening breeze blowing from the window, and Andrina seemed to feel something in her heart. She waved her hand gently, a magic light appeared, and the window sash was silently closed.

Leaning in Thorne’s arms, she smiled and held his palm, as if she could feel his emotions at this time.

I do not know how long it has been……

Andrina’s fair and slender fingers gently slid over Thorne’s profile, a beautiful face approached, and kissed his lips tenderly, accompanied by a faint blush, her beautiful face seemed to be somewhat Emotionally shy.

She leaned into the ranger’s ear, exhaling like a land: “Thorn…I want you.”

“That’s what I meant.” Thorne smiled and stroked her silky hair.

“I’m a well-prepared wizard.” Andrina, who was blushing, chuckled: “So…you may not be able to rest tonight.”

The voice just fell.

The fierce-chested sorceress took the lead in attacking the bewildered ranger beside her.


The attributes of legendary equipment are below, don’t forget to read them.

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