Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 487 - visit

The next day, early in the morning.

Thorne and Gilt walked towards the Baron’s Mansion in Twin Towers together.

The residence of the lord of Twin Towers is a simple dark black castle.

The ancient castle is located on a steep hill overlooking the entire town. Although the area is not as large as the abandoned one in the waterfall town, the whole is not grand, and there are many traces of renovation, but the battlements used for defense, There are many watchtowers and moats.

The city wall of the ancient castle is made of thick black marble blocks. The polished edges and corners are silently telling the world how many years it has gone through. There is a round tower on each of the four corners of the city wall, with nothing on it. one person.

It is said that fifty years ago, the town of Twin Towers was ravaged by ogres from the Desolate Skull Mountains, and it was also inhabited by ogres for a long time.

This resulted in many patch-like marks on the walls of the castle, which looked awkward.

At this point, the drawbridge over the creek-like moat was lowered, and the gates of the castle were left open.

Thorne and Gilt walked in without hesitation.

In the center of the castle is the largest inner fort, and on both sides are cylindrical warehouses and armories.

In the words of the minstrel Gilt: This main fort, sandwiched between the armoury and the warehouse, is like a black lump in its ass… flying.

Thorne originally thought that the other party was malicious satire out of revenge.

But after he just looked at it from a distance, he found that it was as Gilt said, a little like it…

He had to sigh that Geert’s analogy was really all too appropriate.

The open space around the inner fort is large, some with fruit trees and some with bright flowers.

Not far away, Thorne also found a garrison barracks. He took a general look and confirmed that the barracks could accommodate at least 150 Twin Towers Town guards.

However, only two dozen diligent soldiers were training their combat skills on the training ground.

In the courtyard, there are also stables, a chapel, a blacksmith’s shop, and several storerooms.

To Thorne’s surprise, he found a familiar sight in a corner, where lawns, ponds, gardens, and rockeries were all available and looked extremely elegant.

It can be seen from the surrounding building traces that it was definitely built recently.

Thinking of this, he began to think about building such a scene in the tower after Andrina successfully researched the technology of folding space.

Even Gilt next to him couldn’t help but curled his lips enviously, and shouted that Thorne would sit with him for a while to find inspiration for his creation.

In the end, Thorne gave him a cold glance, and then he honestly shut up.

After the two walked for a while, the door of the inner castle was opened, and a fat man dressed in a tuxedo and a butler came out.

The butler first looked at Gilt, who apparently knew the bard, and from the slight frown he could tell, the famous artist definitely didn’t make a good impression on him.

Then, the butler bowed and saluted the half-elf beside the poet, and said respectfully: “Hello, Lord Thorne, the distinguished guest from Waterfall Town, please come with me.”

However, when the butler looked up to see Thorne’s face clearly, his expression became dazed, as if he remembered some unpleasant memory, his face twitched involuntarily, and immediately pursed his lips and kept his mouth shut.

Thorne laughed, a rare embarrassment on his face.

Three years ago, when he and Anderina planned to use the magic circle to teleport to Winter City, they made a mistake, and this mistake happened to land them in the ball hall of Twin Towers Town.

From the slightly changed expression on the butler’s face, it can be seen that the other party obviously recognized him, but because of his identity, he did not dare to mention it.

Under the leadership of the butler, the two walked through a dark and narrow corridor from the door to the reception hall of the inner castle.

The hall is spacious and bright, surrounded by shutters that are slightly blown by the wind, providing enough light for the entire hall.

“Respected Lord Thorne, the lord will come later, please wait a moment.” The butler bowed to Thorne again.

“Please forgive me for not being able to accompany me here. With the end of the war in the Desolate Skull Mountains, there are still many things in the fort waiting for me to deal with. I’m really sorry.”

“It’s alright, go do your own thing.” Seeing the cautious look of the other party, Thorne waved his hand indifferently and said casually.

The ogres and the hill giants of the Wild Head Mountains united to try to ravage several frontier towns headed by Twin Towers, and were eventually defeated by the coalition forces established in the pass.

It is said that the main reason for winning was the presence of several high-level wizards from the Wizarding Union, and the ninth-ring spells they jointly released were the key to winning.

The bowed butler slowly exited the hall.

Immediately afterwards, the door on the side of the hall was opened, and a girl in a maid costume walked out from the door.

When the girl looked at the two, there was a sweet smile on her pretty freckled cheeks, which reminded Thorne of the half-elf girl involuntarily.

In this moment of daze, he saw Gilt stretch out his hand to straighten the dome hat he was wearing on his head, and walked towards the maid with a blatant smile on his face.

Thorne coughed softly, and Giltra shrugged and backed away.

However, those squinting eyes kept staring at the girl’s cute little ass, rubbing his hands in a look of eagerness to try, and the ranger beside him couldn’t help but want to kick him.

The maid held a tray in both hands, on which were some snacks to pass the time.

After she put the dessert on the table, she immediately blushed and withdrew in a panic, which attracted a few wicked laughter from Gilt.

Then, bored Thorne began to look at the weapons hanging on the wall to pass the time. He looked down the wall one by one, reaching out to touch it from time to time, but was disappointed to find that all of them were ordinary decorations.

Geert was fiddling with the harp in his arms, as if the timbre of the strings had changed because of the accident last night.

“Alvey, this **** is too arrogant, she actually told you to wait for her here.” Gilt, who had tried the tone, picked up a strawberry and threw it into his mouth, complaining boredly.

“We came too early.” Thorne glanced at the shutters, just in time to see the thin morning mist rendered rosy.

“You didn’t say that you were going to Deep Rock City today. What the witch secretly told you yesterday made you suddenly change your mind and want to come here.” Gilt asked again puzzled.

“You don’t know these things, so don’t worry about it there. When the caravans in the town of waterfalls come, you can go back with them honestly.” Thorne frowned slightly and said casually. Perfunctory past.

Yesterday, the witch he met suddenly told him that the Insighter named Winster had died, which really shocked him, but it was nothing.

What surprised him the most was that he learned from the witches that the old village chief named Winster was an ordinary old man, weaker than Gilt.

He did not die naturally, but was killed by a group of Mara followers.

In that small village hidden in the Desolate Skull Mountains, only she and the Elf Swordsman escaped from the more than 100 people who lived there.

An insight who dared to challenge the gods was killed by Mara’s believers. When the witch said this, Thorne realized that the person the other party said was the same as the Winster he had seen. Shouldn’t be the same person.

But another word from the witch convinced Thorne that what the witch said about Winster was the same person he saw.

The dead old village chief claimed that he took the necklace he never dared to touch in the underground cave of Shuangta Town: a sad fairy tale.

However, what confuses Thorne most is that he once explored the secret temple of the undead lord Orthus below the Tower of the Dead with the dragonborn paladins, and he also witnessed Winster killing Orthus with ease. The incarnation of Tas.

The elf legend he also learned from Andrina said that the wizard named Winster eventually became a lich.

The sorcerer claimed that if he wanted to know the truth, he would know everything by going to the valley occupied by the followers of Mara.

There, not only can he solve his doubts, but there is also a very important thing to hand over to him.

The last words the old village chief left to the witch before her death was to keep her waiting in Twin Towers Town for Thorne’s arrival.

Thorne, who was surrounded by all kinds of doubts, decided to go to the small valley in person to find out.

So he asked the witch to explain to the lord of Twin Towers that he knew that he would come to visit.

“Is it about Winster?” Gilt asked Thorne, looking.

“You know?” Thorne turned to the poet leaning in the armchair.

The content of the conversation with the witch was completely told to him by the other party using spells and voice transmission, and he naturally wouldn’t tell the other party about these things.

“Have you forgotten the real purpose of my coming here?” Gilt winked at Thorne, and continued:

“In the legend of the elf, Winster became a lich, and his lover became the elect of Lady Ye Yao, the undead beauty. Although legends and ballads will be changed beyond recognition as they circulate, at least the essence remains the same. of.”

“What essence?” Thorne sat down in the armchair next to Gilt and became interested.

“The essence of poetry is to move the world, or to record certain pieces of history.” Geert thought for a while and explained to the rangers around him: “Many poets can use nearly a thousand poems or nearly a thousand methods to describe vividly and vividly. One thing, but they can never leave a fact.”

“Fact?” Thorne seemed to be touched by Gilt’s inadvertent words, which made him probably understand the true meaning of the other party, which made him more suspicious of Winster’s identity .

It made him look forward to the truth he learned after reaching the valley of the Wildskull Mountains.

“Yes, it’s the truth.” Gilt nodded with a smile and continued:

“I’ll give you an example, I wrote a poem about a miller’s wife outside seducing a man, and then a lot of poets would compose countless of the same ballads based on the miller’s wife seducing a man. For example, the miller The wife especially likes to have **** with people at the specified time, especially like to have **** with strong men, or like to have **** with men in fancy poses, but no matter how you describe it, it will not change the fact that the miller’s wife is cheating.”

“That’s exactly what it means.” Thorne smiled and nodded, joking: “That is to say, no matter what songs you compose, you can’t change the fact that most of your inspiration comes from your lustful thoughts, right? ?”

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