Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 496 - Silver Dragon Knights

According to the time that Thorne and the female lord Alvey agreed in advance, on the third day, the witch Cecil and the elf swordsman Lance came to the ‘Little Frog’ tavern on time to join him and headed towards the Wild Skull Mountains together.

At dawn, the light is gray and the air is humid, smelling of night rain and morning fog.

The three of Thorne left the town of Twin Towers and kept walking towards the small valley in the Barren Head Mountains.

Walking all the way, no accident happened except for a few ogre remnants who did not have long eyes trying to block the road and rob.

They walked into the depths of the mountains, followed the ancient path that covered the trail through patches of overgrown woods, and finally stopped in an inaccessible wood not far from the small valley, waiting for the invited Paladin Commander.

Thorne took the initiative to clean up the scouts arranged by the Mara hunters at the outermost periphery, kept a certain distance from Cecil and casually leaned against a thick birch tree.

Looking up, they are all green.

The noon sun shines through the dense foliage, casting a circular spot of light on the ground.

The ground was covered with thick fallen leaves and dead branches, stepping on it rustled, and the unknown birds screamed in a long tone, showing the silence in the forest.

The three seem to be taciturn people, and none of them are willing to take the initiative to stir up the topic and break the silence.

After a while, Thorne, who rarely enjoyed a quiet time, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the forest road vigilantly.

Immediately afterwards, the rumbling sound of hooves came from afar.

Then, where their sight touched, a group of silver-armored knights riding heavy warhorses appeared.

The three of them looked at each other and instantly understood that the master they were waiting for was coming, so they took the initiative to greet them.

Soon, in a clearing in the woods, Thorne met the paladin commander who believed in Thom, the **** of truth.

As one of the three gods of justice, Thom, the true god, is a stern, upright and unyielding god, and is also the most active **** of good against evil forces.

The paladin of the true **** was covered from head to toe in heavy silver-white steel armor, with purple-silver-striped skin on his shoulders, pleated in the scorching sun.

The junction between the arms and the chest is protected by a number of metal discs on the surface of the armor, painted to resemble a flying silver dragon. A sturdy neck armor is also worn on the neck, silver dragon wings are displayed on both sides of the helmet, and the mask is in the shape of a slightly hideous dragon mouth.

Just as Thorne looked at the other party, the human paladin on the heavy warhorse was also using his deep eyes to look at him through the gap of the steel mask.

As for the elf swordsman Lance and the witch Cecil, they were two steps behind Thorne, apparently intending to focus on him.

“Stalker of the Way of Silent, Tower Master of the Emerald Tower, Ranger Thorne?”

The paladin dismounted and threw the cloak behind him, revealing a holy emblem of iron gauntlets hanging outwards on his chest.

With the crunching of the armor, he came to Thorne, took off the steel mask and iron gauntlet, took the initiative to extend his right hand to him, and said solemnly: “Hello, Your Excellency Thorne, the commander of the Cliff Castle Legion, Ah Val McCrell, on your way. Thank you for your assistance.”

Although he didn’t quite understand why the lord of Twin Towers only sent three people to assist him, when the paladin recognized the true identity of the ranger in front of him, his doubts were instantly swept away.

Hearing the paladin’s sonorous words and terrifying self-introduction, Thorne felt very comfortable.

It turns out that he doesn’t really like talking to Rory’s chatty people either.

This kind of manipulative ability is not too compelling, and it is very efficient to do things. He likes to deal with this kind of people the most.

“Hello, General Ava, it’s a pleasure to cooperate.” Thorne didn’t talk nonsense. He smiled slightly, reached out and shook the other side, and said no more.

However, when he felt the sacred aura unique to the clergy around him, he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

Judging from the appearance of the paladin, the other party is at most a strong man in his early thirties.

As a native without system assistance, being able to raise his strength to the fourth-order paradigm at this age shows that the opponent’s talent is extremely outstanding.

This also means that he is not far from the legend, or before his twilight years, he can touch the threshold of the legend of destiny, and it is not impossible to even go further.

Moreover, the human paladin in front of him has such strength at this age. If it was someone else, he might be so arrogant and domineering, but the other party felt more of a kind of humility from the paladin.

Even though he was the legion commander of the cliff’s castle, he had cultivated an aura of not anger and self-righteousness, but when Thorne shook hands with the other party, he did not feel that mountain-like heaviness.

For him, it is still very fond of working with such disciplined and powerful natives, especially paladins.

Because you can always trust your back to them.

With the participation of the fourth-order paladin in front of him and nearly a hundred soldiers behind him.

Thorne felt that this lineup could easily wipe out the small village where the Mara hunters lived, without him calling Tarling and sending reinforcements.

“The scouts wandering around the periphery have been cleaned up by me, and we can launch a storm directly.” Seeing that all the knights behind the paladin dismounted and placed their horses in the dense forest, Thorne stared at the direction of the valley and suggested to him:

“General Ava, please lead the Silver Dragon Knights to sweep the people of the black blood in the valley.”

According to the story of the female lord Alvi, Thorne knew that the Silver Dragon Knights were the most elite forces in the Kingdom of Heskan, and their main responsibilities were similar to the role of close guards.

It is not known how many grades higher than the White Rose Knights he has seen before.

After all, the former is similar to the elite of the royal family, while the latter is more like the local knights.

The paladin General Ava is a well-known paladin in the city of Sept and even the Kingdom of Hescan.

As a dazzling new star, he is not only the army commander of the Cliff Castle in the Wild Skull Mountains, but also the current commander of the Silver Dragon Knights.

Now, as a paladin and army commander, after completely defeating the ogre coalition in the Wild Skull Mountains, he finally found time to prepare to destroy this black blood people hiding in the valley.

It is said that the riots of ogres and hill giants in the Wildskull Mountains are related to this group of Mara believers hidden here.

This is also the real reason why the paladin Ava is so obsessed with eliminating them after the war is over.

“The duty is the duty!”

The paladin had a solemn expression. He followed Thorne’s gaze. After saluting with his fists, he immediately put on his helmet and put down his mask, drew out the long sword around his waist, and drank to the hundred silver dragon guards behind him:

“It’s time for a **** struggle!”

“There is a settlement of the people of black blood ahead!”

“They spread evil beliefs, weaving conspiracies, and creating chaos in the Barrenskull Mountains. They tried to make the borders of the Heskan Kingdom fall into the fear and weeping of hunting rituals under the darkness of the evil gods.”

“The Knights of the Silver Dragon are the sharpest swords in the kingdom of Heskan. Soldiers! Tell me, now, what shall we do?”

The long sword is facing the scorching sun, and the sun shines on Ava and his silver armor. With these cadences, it exudes an inspiring magical power.


“Sweep away all evil!” One hundred members of the Silver Dragon Knights shouted in unison.

Looking at the fine gold broadsword held high by the paladin, Thorne clearly noticed a strange magical aura that circulated under the scorching sun, and the twisted runes appeared on the blade.

The dazzling light of the runes made him narrow his eyes slightly, and then he glanced at the silver dragon knights who were waiting in battle, and took the initiative to walk in the forefront to lead the way for them.

After about half an hour.

Thorne led more than a hundred people to the village deep in the valley.

This village occupied by the people of black blood has not changed much from when he first came.

The only difference is that the wooden fence surrounding the village is covered with the corpses of various beasts, which look extremely terrifying.

In addition to the powerful hunters, the Mara believers living in the village are mainly the people of black blood. This is a hunter tribe composed of beastized people who believe in the **** of hunters.

These cruel hunters live by hunting, following the will of the hunting **** and their own animal instincts, hunting all intelligent creatures in the Barrenskull Mountains in groups, until all the hunters are completely killed until.

According to the intelligence, almost all the powerful hunters on the entire Corina Peninsula are gathered here.

The reason why this happens is mainly because of Thorne.

For three years, the Mara hunters who lived in seclusion in the Great Sword Mark Mountains were almost cleaned out by him alone.

This directly led to Mara’s hunters having to huddle together to keep warm.

In the end, under the protection of a Tier 4 professional, they all gathered in the Wild Skull Mountains.

“The aura of negative energy has increased again.” The paladin Ava, who was walking with Thorne, frowned and said solemnly.

Then, he looked at the werewolf guards wandering on the two towers of the village and near the gate with his cold eyes hidden in the steel mask, and looked at Thorne beside him: “Can you kill their sentry with me quickly?”

As a paladin, as soon as he approached the valley, he keenly smelled an aura of negative energy that could not be concealed.

Very strong and rich.

This made him feel that the depths of this valley seemed to hide a plane passage connecting the fallen shadow to the underworld, which made the paladin’s heart become heavy.

That’s why he immediately gave up his plan to attack directly.

“No problem.” Thorne nodded and waved casually, as if a crack was cut in the air by him, a composite longbow and two ordinary sharp arrows appeared in his hand.

He was still a little surprised that General Ava did not choose to attack.

After all, in his eyes, the paladin gave him the feeling that he seldom used strategy to act, and usually he was done with recklessness.

However, when he thought that the other party’s identity was the legion commander of Cliff Castle, he also wanted to understand the reason.

Then, Thorne suddenly noticed the faint light of the paladin’s ring on his finger, and remembered Ava’s whisper just now, and his expression gradually became dignified.

Obviously, this valley is definitely not as simple as it seems.

The paladin Avar saw that the ranger beside him was ready, and also took off a good-quality composite longbow behind him.

He gestured towards the soldiers behind him, who immediately disappeared in the woods and waited silently.

The paladin nodded to Thorne, then sneaked along the grass and touched the hunter at the gate.

Seeing this, Thorne glanced at the witch, Cecil, and asked her to prepare early, and then quietly climbed a big tree, preparing to kill the hunters on the tower.

Meanwhile, deep in the valley, inside a dark, twisted temple of Mara.

On the obsidian altar, a black fur, antler-like beast sculpture that looks like a cat is standing in the very center.

A fallen druid dressed in the fur armor of a blood-dropping beast knelt down in front of the statue, and saw his eyes closed, holding a transparent crystal ball exuding icy cold in his hands, and muttering words.

This deeply hidden underground shrine floats with a terrifying sound.

Just like the wind of darkness lingering in the temple, there are always strange sounds coming out of the silent space, sometimes like the laughter of children, sometimes like glass marbles rolling down, and like a shrill and strange beast growling.


Suddenly, the sound of glass bursting resounded throughout the underground temple.

The fallen druid who was kneeling on the ground had a look of panic, and stood up in panic.

He looked at the crystal ball fragments scattered on the ground, and then looked at his **** palm that was pierced by the fragments, his eyes suddenly became cold.

This is not an ordinary crystal ball, but a treasure with advanced prophecy.

Just now, the Fallen Druid was using the treasures, divination whether he could unlock the secrets hidden in the valley.

Who would have thought that the crystal ball exploded directly.

The Fallen Druid, who sensed something was wrong, stumbled toward a secret passage in the temple.

At the end of the secret passage is a small laboratory. In addition to the horrific items on the table, the most conspicuous is a skull burning with a faint green flame.

It can be seen from the firelight that this decayed skull is full of traces of time, and it is engraved with complex magical patterns.

At this moment, the panic-stricken fallen Druid pressed his palm against the skull, and the visible negative energy aura was being injected into it by the Druid’s right arm.

“Caracal Hunter, are you in trouble? Don’t tell me, you can’t even handle the Paladins in Cliff Castle.” A hoarse and old female voice came from the skull.

“Yes, I need your help, Wolf Witch. In Corina Peninsula, only you can help me.” The Fallen Druid said to the skull with a gloomy face.

“You can’t let go of the people of black blood in the valley?” A mocking voice came from the skull: “Faced with the attack of the paladins, with your strength, can’t you protect yourself? You are nothing but useless. waste!”

The fallen druid said in a cold tone: “In the valley, there are all hunters from the entire peninsula, as well as a dozen or so Claws of the Third Order and a group of violent beasts that I have recently researched. I have accumulated resources for decades, I can’t just lose it, this…”

“Enough!” The faint green fire of the skull suddenly rose to a height of half a meter, followed by a sharp roar, forcibly interrupting the Druid’s words, with the faint green flame returning to its original state, Then came the gloomy voice:

“Lion hunter, don’t put on a fake appearance for me there, don’t think I don’t know what you are reluctant to give up, if you will sympathize with them? I’d rather **** believe…”

“Wolf witch! Enough is enough!”

The fallen druid roared like an angry beast as he looked at the skull swaying in the faint green fire, but quickly withdrew his anger, showing a look of unwillingness, staring at the skull and saying softly:

“…Please help me. In exchange, I’ll tell you what I’ve been working on lately.”

“Aren’t you always looking for a way to break through, and want to gain even a hint of the profound meaning of the legend of destiny?”

“What on earth are you trying to say?” Skull remained silent for a while, and there was a trembling hoarse female voice.

“What I want to say is that this valley is very likely to hide the inheritance of the high-level legendary lich Winster, and the ritual of how to successfully transform the lich without paying any price to the evil god.” Fallen Drew Yi struggled inwardly and said slowly:

“I have been studying here for more than three years, and I have almost found a way to open the secret room, so… I must not give up here.”

“Godslayer, Astral Insight, Advanced Legendary Lich, Winster… Are you serious?!” Skull was silent for a while, suspiciously.

“I dare to swear to the **** of hunting.” The Druid said solemnly.


The faint green light flashing on the skull brightened a bit, and then a voice came out: “You hold the paladin first, don’t let it be exposed. Wait a moment, I will teleport.”

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