Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 500 - Dragon Power

Seeing the paladin in front of him nodded so readily, Thorne, who was sitting on the ground, relaxed.

To be honest, in his opinion, to let a fourth-order professional with the strength of the Paragon follow his own dispatch and command, he actually did not have much expectation in his heart for this slightly rude request that the other party would agree cleanly. .

The reason why he said this is that he wanted him to cooperate with his attack as much as possible and keep this hunter here forever.

Now it seems that he thinks a little too much.

If even paladins are not worthy of trust, then there is really nothing to trust in this world.

After all, the other party is not only a paladin of the true **** Thom, but also the legion commander of Cliff Castle.

In this world where the strong are respected and the class system is strict, if other aboriginal professionals heard him say this, they might stand on the sidelines and open their mouths to ridicule.

Then Thorne did not dare to delay, and immediately ordered the paladin: “General Ava, then please hold this hunter down, so that I will have time to act.”

“Don’t worry, Your Excellency Thorne, leave it to me.”

It seems that because of seeing the expression on the other side’s battle just now, the paladin Ava’s tone of speaking to Thorne also became respectful.

I saw that he bowed slightly to Thorne, gave a friendly salute, clenched the fine gold broadsword in his hand, and locked his cold eyes on the withered person in the distance.

After careful observation, it can be found that after the fourth-order hunter was cleaned up by Thorne and his subordinates, in addition to not rushing to attack, an old face with obvious anxiety, still looking around from time to time, as if waiting same thing.

“Oh, yes.” Suddenly, Thorne remembered something, looked at the burly back of the paladin, and explained to him: “You don’t need to save your strength, just attack with all your strength.”

Through the battle just now, he had already seen that the paladin did not show his true strength to fight the enemy, otherwise the two entangled wild boars and fierce lions would not have survived for so long.

It can be seen from this that although Ava was unable to kill the fourth-order blighter, it was more than enough to protect himself.

No matter how big the difference in strength between these two Tier 4 professionals is, the fact that the Paladin’s magic can restrain the Blighter’s necromancy will never change.

Even if the strength of the blighter is stronger, he still can’t open the gap and take advantage of the paladin.

This is why it is difficult for many professionals with high-level strength to decide the winner in a short period of time, especially the battle between spellcasters.

Hearing the explanation from the Ranger, the paladin Ava, who originally wanted to retain his strength, couldn’t help but be surprised.

Obviously, he didn’t expect this ranger from Waterfall Town to be so insightful.

So he no longer hides his strength, and the whole person’s attitude suddenly changed. With the windless cloak that the paladin put on his body, the surrounding weeds were shaken and swayed.

– “Four Rings Magic: Dragon Power!”

The paladin standing on the rocky ground raised his sword to his chest, snorted lowly, and his eyes suddenly became majestic like a giant dragon.

Seeing the paladin whose momentum changed drastically, Thorne’s pupils shrank slightly.

For a man who has experienced the baptism of dragon blood twice, he is all too familiar with the powerful aura and coercion emanating from the paladin Avar.

Looking at the pale golden light that flickered under the scorching sun, even though his entire body was shrouded in armor, Thorne could guess that the paladin’s body was definitely covered with layers of fine scale textures, even if he didn’t need to pay attention. .

He was relatively familiar with the transformational magic “Dragon Power” performed by the paladin.

This is a gain spell. The principle of this spell is to stimulate the dragon blood in the body, so that one’s combat power can be greatly improved in a short period of time.

In addition to increasing Strength, Constitution, and Charisma by 5 points, its natural defense also increases by 4 points, and it is immune to magical sleep and paralysis effects.

The three attributes of strength, constitution, and charisma are very important to paladins, and it’s almost like a divine art tailored for them.

However, this spell is not exclusive to paladins and can be mastered by wizards or sorcerers as well.

But it is just a prerequisite that stumped the vast majority of people, because if you want to master this powerful gain spell, you must have a trace of true dragon blood.

This also means that, in addition to those creatures who are born with dragon blood, they can only learn this spell if they are advanced to occupations related to dragons, such as dragon vein warlocks, or those who have experienced the baptism of dragon blood.

It can be seen from this that the paladin in front of him is likely to have experienced the baptism of dragon blood.

After all, the identity of the other party is still the head of the Silver Dragon Knights, and it is not surprising to receive the baptism of dragon blood from the Silver Dragon.

Thinking of Thorne here, an unrealistic idea came to mind involuntarily.

But after careful consideration, it was finally forced down.

Because this divine art requires at least four-ring divine art, and as a ranger with the same semi-spellcasting profession as a paladin, he does not yet possess this ability.

Only when the strength reaches the hero level will there be a chance to consider how to learn this magic.

After this moment of stupefaction, Thorne focused his attention on the paladin again, preparing to find an opportunity to take action from the gap between the two of them fighting, and then directly kill the Mara believer in one wave.

At this moment, the paladin Ava, who mastered the power of the dragon, froze, and let out a battle cry like a roar of a giant dragon. His icy eyes locked on the figure of the withered, and rushed up alone.

Such a big movement on the paladin’s side was naturally hidden from the eyes of the withered.

Seeing the other party’s body flashing gold and silver under the scorching sun, this Mara hunter caracal lion hunter looked like an old dog on the outside, but he was actually panicked inside.

In the face of the attack of the paladin, although he is not afraid, he can even use the teleportation spell to escape easily.

But he knew very well that retreating would mean that all his hard work over the past three years would be in vain.

Naturally, he was unwilling to leave like this, otherwise when the opponent attacked the small village, he would be able to escape with his subordinates as soon as possible.

“It seems there is really no way out.”

The caracal lion hunter looked at the rapidly approaching paladin, but his temporary ally refused to show up. He whispered unwillingly, and cursed the whole family of the wolf witch over and over again in his heart.

Because he thought that if the wolf witch had not promised to help him deal with the paladins, he would not have consumed so many of his carefully cultivated subordinates in vain.

And now, this abominable witch has actually played him, making him not only have to face the paladin who is attacking with all his strength, but also always be on guard against the ranger who is difficult to deal with, especially the opponent’s two broken pieces that can threaten his life. Magic arrows.

At this moment, he not only had to face the attack of paladins and rangers, but also worried about the silver dragon guards who were fighting in the village.

As long as these people are free, he will have to face the siege of a group of priests and paladins. As a blighter who is proficient in necromancy, if he encounters these priests who have conquered himself, he will lose his life if he is not careful. worry.

The lion hunter, who wanted to understand the problem, sighed helplessly. Before the attack of the paladin approached, he turned his palm and a teleportation scroll appeared in his hand.

Obviously, he was planning to escape.

Compared with the profound meaning of the advanced destiny legend, he still believes that saving his life is the most important thing.

“Jie Jie Jie, don’t panic, the lion hunter, I have already arrived, hold the paladin, and I will find an opportunity to kill him in secret.”

Just as the Blighted One was about to escape, a hoarse and old female voice with a creepy shriek came into his ears.

Hearing the familiar voice, the Caracal Lion Hunter was shocked, and quickly put away the teleportation scroll. He didn’t forget to scold the other party for shamelessness, and then began to prepare spells to meet the attack of the paladin.

– “Four Rings Magic: Comet Impact!”

Just as the paladin Ava was about to approach the caracal lion hunter, the holy fine gold broadsword in his hand erupted without warning under the scorching sun, a gorgeous flame intertwined with orange, gold and red.

This terrifying flame dragged the sparkling sparks as he swung his weapon towards the body of the lion hunter, and smashed towards the target like a meteor falling to the ground.


The caracal lion hunter, who had no time to avoid it, stubbornly attacked the paladin’s attack, and the protective power covering his whole body became dim in an instant, as if it would be broken at any time.

The caracal lion hunter was staggered backwards due to the surging and gorgeous slash.

However, fortunately, the spell he hastily prepared was not interrupted.

— “Second-Level Spell: Shadow Blast!”

So immediately before the second attack of the paladin was slashed, he raised his hand and released a dark shadow force, shooting towards the paladin’s chest.

Seeing the oncoming attack, the paladin knew that it was too late to dodge.

With a condensed expression, he relied on his powerful physique to forcefully eat a spell from the opponent.


When the dark energy touched the armor, it exploded in his chest, making a loud noise, and the force field energy generated by the explosion caused him to retreat a few steps uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, this corrosive shadow energy spread to the paladin’s body at a very fast speed, like maggots attached to bones,

The paladin unhurriedly stretched out his hand and patted the holy emblem on his chest, and a holy light emerged, easily dispelling the shadow energy.

Seeing that the paladin was temporarily repelled by one of his own spells, the caracal lion hunter chanted the spell in a low voice, while pulling back and keeping a certain distance from the opponent.

Suddenly, he heard the dull bowstring reverberation, his face changed, and without thinking, he instinctively twisted his body.

A sharp arrow flashing with pale orange firelight and dark purple arc, with a whistling sound, mercilessly tore open the caracal hunter’s protective force field, pierced through his abdomen, and the flame and arc spread along the way. Come.

– “Blink!”

The caracal lion hunter, who was hit hard, endured the pain in his abdomen, stretched out his hand to cover the bleeding wound, and quickly launched a displacement spell. The second arrow.

Seeing the caracal lion hunter disappearing, Thorne immediately realized that the opponent’s target was likely to be him, so he put away his bow and arrow, touched the hilt of the sword, and looked around with a vigilant expression.

– “Five Ring Spell: Thrilling Bone!”

With an angry roar, the caracal hunter pointed at Thorne in the distance with his fingers flashing with a strong negative energy breath without warning.

Thorne, who was pointed out, was stagnant, and instantly felt a cold negative energy invade his body.

Under the influence of this evil spell, the bones of his whole body were pulsing and trembling, as if he was about to tear apart the flesh and jump out, causing him to suffer unbearably.

– “Shadow Hand School (Teleportation Skill): Shadow Leap!”

Thorne was in great pain, and with a thought, he quickly disappeared into a cloud of shadow energy, worthy of flashing the next negative energy ray of the caracal hunter.

Although he had distanced himself from the caracal hunter, what shocked Thorne was that the evil spell he had just suffered did not stop.

Under the influence of the bone-chilling negative energy in his body, he could clearly feel that the bones in his whole body seemed to be forcibly dismantled.

– “Steel Soul School (response skill): Spiritual Body!”

Thorne immediately hid in the dense bushes, concealed his figure, launched the steel soul martial skill, and used the energy of Qi to disperse the evil energy in his body.

At the same time, while the lion hunter was distracted by Thorne on the other side, the paladin attacked the seriously injured lion hunter again with a falling attack like a meteor.

The moment the paladin’s holy golden broadsword smashed into the caracal lion hunter, the seriously injured hunter did not evade, a suffocating negative energy aura suddenly erupted from his body, and his thin body transformed into a body shape Huge undead dire lion.

The appearance of this vicious lion is very similar to the vicious lion that was killed before, but it is obviously taller than the previous one, and the negative energy aura surrounding it has also become extremely strong.


The dire lion let out a roar that shook his soul, and rammed the unprepared paladin away with his hard skull.

The power of this slamming blow directly knocked Avar, who had blessed the power of the dragon, out a dozen meters away.


Immediately afterwards, the fierce lion roared, and the blackness of his whole body circulated in the gaps of the bones like a substance. I saw him jumping, wrapped in a cold negative energy breath, and pounced on the paladin who had not yet stabilized his body.

— “Supernatural ability: Dispel undead!”

Facing the fierce lion’s swooping, the paladin who stabilized his body calmly raised his holy emblem under the scorching sun, and a pale golden light array quickly enveloped the violent lion.


The ferocious lion let out a painful roar, and there was a scorched mist on the skeleton without a trace of flesh and blood, and the negative energy aura that enveloped the whole body also dimmed a lot.

However, he still rushed out of the dispersing light array without fear of death, and his huge body threw the paladin to the ground.

The paladin Avar swung a sword into the gap in the neck and skull of the fierce lion, preventing his sharp fangs from tearing at his body.

On the other side, Thorne, who was hiding in the bushes, was still struggling to resist the erosion of negative energy in his body, and at the same time, he could clearly see the situation of the battle.

Seeing that the paladin was forced to retreat again and again by the fierce lion, instead of worrying, he showed a smile.

“Ta Ling, you can take action.” Thorne wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, gritted his teeth and insisted on the pain that had not dissipated in his body. With a thought, he established a connection with the wizard tower.

When he was preparing to support the paladin, Tarling had been helping him analyze the strength of the Mara hunter, and then help him formulate tactics to kill the opponent.

In the plan given by Taring, in addition to dispatching the steel golem to beheaded, another method is to wait until he transforms into a violent lion in the form of an undead, and attack his attribute weakness.

Thorne naturally would not choose the steel golem guarding the tower, so he asked Taring to prepare for the second plan.

“…Received!” A familiar icy voice sounded in his ears again, and orders were issued quickly: “…The target has been locked!…The portal has been opened!…Please prepare for the battle!”

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