Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 513 - Weird zombies?

The night was rich, and the pale red moonlight obscured everything.

In the small town, a desolate and dilapidated scene after the chaos.

Under the blessing of “Undead Concealment”, Thorne and his party came to a main street in the town quietly like ghosts floating in the night.

The houses on both sides of the street are very dense. From the outline of the remaining buildings, people can easily judge the once prosperous scene, and even imagine the liveliness and noise of this street.

It is a pity that with the precipitation of time, under the erosion of negative energy for many years, the whole town has become old, crooked and deformed, just like a gloomy beast hidden in the darkness, opening its dilapidated mouth. , waiting for the food to come by itself.

In today’s town, most of the buildings have collapsed and turned into ruins, leaving only stone pillars and decaying wood, and countless hollow, arched windows that are staring at you.

Accompanied by the gloomy wind, the ‘creaking’ sound of the rotten wood caused by the extrusion and breakage from time to time added a trace of fear to this long ‘dead’ town.

At the same time, various undead creatures are also unwilling to drag their vague, obscure and rigid figures, wandering aimlessly on the street.

A little bit of red or green soul fire, in the dark night, flickered like a star.

Thorne walked cautiously down the street, dodging a zombie that opened his arms unconsciously, as if to give him a warm embrace, then deliberately slowed down, looked at the witch Cecil behind him, and said in a low voice. : “Any tips?”

The reason why he asked this question was mainly because the town was so huge, almost equal to the area of ​​two twin-tower towns. If a group of people walked aimlessly like this, the ghosts would know when they would get there.

Moreover, they are completely confused about the specific situation of this town, and no one can guarantee that there are no powerful undead creatures hidden in it.

As soon as the words fell, others also turned their attention to the witch, waiting for her answer.

After all, they were able to come here successfully, entirely thanks to the guidance of this primitive magic talisman in Cecil’s hand. So in this kind of situation where I don’t know how to go on, if the magic talisman can convey the correct message and direction, it is naturally the best thing.

“No, I don’t know why, from the moment I stepped into this town, I clearly felt that the close connection with the magic talisman was instantly broken. No matter how I tried, I couldn’t receive a single response.” The wizard shook his head slightly, and her answer was a bit disappointing.

“The link is broken?” The paladin Ava was stunned for a moment, then stopped, looked up at the chaotic dark night, and stared at the hanging blood moon for a long time, and then slowly said:

“This town is very likely to have some kind of powerful blasphemy magic circle cast, otherwise these weak undead creatures would not have survived to this day, and they would have been exhausted by killing each other.”

After the paladin finished speaking, he looked at the street subconsciously.

There were intermittent grunting moans in the darkness ahead.

He saw a figure dragging a stump, holding a swollen arm and a broken palm, staggering into view.

The paladin carefully looked at all kinds of undead creatures on the street, and he found that among these various kinds of undead creatures in the town, the most numerous ones were all kinds of zombies.

As a cleric, Avar still knows a lot about the weakest dark servants like zombies.

They are energized by vicious necromancy into the remains of the dead, resurrected in the form of zombies, and fearlessly and steadfastly carry out the instructions of their creator.

Their steps are clumsy and ridiculous, and their bodies are wrapped in rotten and stinky skins.

The vast majority of zombies are made from the remains of humanoids, and in fact any creature with a flesh-and-bone structure can be made into the undead of this life form.

The necromantic magic that animates zombies usually comes from wizards who are proficient in necromancy. Some zombies will spontaneously revive directly from the area permeated with negative energy aura.

However, these undead creatures in front of him made it impossible for the paladin to judge whether it came from the hands of the necromancer, or whether it was infiltrated by negative energy, which led to a spontaneous awakening.

“Since there is no clear goal, let’s go to those buildings that are still well preserved, and maybe we can find something different.”

Seeing everyone standing still, Thorne pondered for a while, looked at the blurry outline in the darkness, and expressed his opinion.

“That’s the only way.” The paladin agreed with the Ranger’s opinion, and the others did not object.

So they continued down the wide streets, cautiously heading deeper into the town.

Thorne walked, surveying the passing undead with interest.

He found that most of the undead creatures on the street retained their clothes and appearances before they were alive. Although their skin and complexion were gray, very few rotted, and they didn’t even have a disgusting stench.

For this strange situation, Thorne believes that it is very likely that those tiny creatures that decompose their bodies are also a kind of life, and they cannot survive in this pure dead space.

Moreover, he also found that the bodies of most zombies are very intact, which is almost beyond the imagination of the world – the internal organs of the body are missing and extremely swollen, and the whole body is covered with maggots, exuding a horrific appearance of rotten stench.

From this, it can be seen that these undead creatures are indeed like what the paladin Avar said, because the town was too sudden when it was transferred to this place.

So much so that the vast majority of people have not been able to survive the erosion of the surging negative energy, perhaps they don’t even know the fact that they have already become undead creatures.

Like the closest undead creature in front of him, it was a zombie wrapped in a tattered black linen shirt.

Its body was as stiff as a cold corpse, its head was slanted on its shoulders, its eyes were sluggish, its lips were slightly open, and it took a long time to take a shaky step, as if its movements had been slowed down dozens of times.

Not only that, but the zombie was holding a domestic cow with two horns and a pair of dead fish eyes.

The cow’s chest has completely disappeared, leaving only a spine connecting the limbs and head.

However, this skeleton cow seemed to be ignorant of its own situation, and just followed behind the zombie with its head tilted.

After a while, in a ruin that looked like a cowshed, a zombie with a tattered straw hat also climbed out at a very slow speed, and greeted the zombie of the morning bull.

After the two zombies met, they let out a low growl, as if they were talking about an unfinished deal.

At the same time, as everyone moved forward, they were surprised to find that hordes of ogre zombies marched forward with stiff steps.

Behind the group of ogre zombies is a human zombie dressed as a slave owner holding a long whip. It takes a long time for the long whip he raised to draw the last ogre zombie in the team. shoulders.

Although the ogre zombie was fluttering about its stiff body by the slow, feeble whip, not even a trace was left. But this ogre zombie without any pain felt like an actor, and let out a pained roar very cooperatively, and the distorted expression was vivid.

At this time, when the group walked near a relatively well-preserved tavern, there was a dull sound of ‘bang’. When everyone thought their identity was exposed, they discovered that it turned out to be a scarlet soul beating in the eye socket. Fire’s skinny skeleton was savagely thrown out by an ogre zombie dressed as a waiter.

I saw this little skeleton rolling around on the ground a few times, until the bones all over the body made a ‘crashing’ sound and scattered all over the ground like dice thrown by a fortune-teller when he made a prediction, and then the movement was stopped.

Skeleton zombies wandering around turned a blind eye to this, the fire of the soul in the eye socket of a tall skeleton jumped a few times, and only the mouth of the bones and teeth smashed it twice. In Thorne’s view, it should be doing something. Disgusting expression.

Immediately afterwards, the tall skeleton kicked the disintegrated skeleton with one foot, and kicked the skeleton’s head out a dozen meters away like a ball.

However, what shocked several people happened again, and the fire of the soul in the eye socket of the skeleton whose head was kicked more than ten meters away did not dissipate.

The head that rolled out trembled like a taut wire, and rolled again beside the scattered pile of bones.

As the fire of the soul in the eye socket of the skull kept beating and flickering, the skeleton was like a magnet, it was automatically assembled successfully, and it stood up from the ground again.

At this time, the elf banshee Kevra on the side found that the direction of the skull’s head was reversed, which was so funny that she couldn’t help but snicker.

The skinny skeleton immediately responded to Kevra’s snickering, only to see it stretched out its hand and took off its reversed head like a helmet, put it on its chest, and turned it in the right direction comically. ‘Wear’ it back again.

Immediately afterwards, the little skeleton continued walking towards the tavern, probably with arrogant steps.

Only then did Thorne notice that the door of this relatively well-preserved tavern was engraved with the vague and rusty words of ‘lava and spirits’ in rough common language, and there was a painting that seemed to be next to it. Simple tin sign for a bubbling wine glass.

Looking at the funny skinny skeleton pushing the door open and entering the tavern, the result was not what Thorne expected. The skeleton was thrown out again by the long-awaited ogre zombie and scattered all over the place.

He found that the whole thing seemed to be playing on repeat.

“Should we go into the tavern and take a look?”

The paladin Avar on one side obviously also noticed the situation here. He walked to Thorne and pointed to the three-story building. Except for the severe weathering, it was well preserved under the erosion of negative energy.

Thorne was about to nod in agreement when he heard a strange sound of hoofs coming from the street.

Then he saw the zombie skeletons wandering the streets, and even the illusory ghosts all began to avoid.

As the crisp sound of hoofs approached, Thorne greeted and signaled everyone to avoid immediately.

Work in a while.

A burly knight dressed in pure black plate armor that seemed to have been burned by flames galloped in the direction of the crowd, driving a skeleton warhorse whose body was shrouded in black mist.

Is it coming for us? Thorne hid in a ruined bunker, watching the skeleton knight approaching fast.

As the skeleton knight galloped, everyone was fortunate that the sound of the horse’s hoofs did not stop, but quickly crossed here and flew towards the chaotic darkness.

However, the moment the knight swept past Thorne’s bunker, he could clearly see what the skeleton knight looked like.

The knight’s face was made up of charred skulls covered with shrunken, rotting flesh, with dark red flames dancing in the sockets of his eyes, his terrifying gaze, even if not looked at, still made him He felt cold and vicious.

The sound of the hooves disappeared completely, and the paladin Ava couldn’t help taking a deep breath of icy air. He stared at the knight who had long since disappeared in the darkness, and said with a very heavy expression: “It’s the death knight!”

“Then can you judge the approximate strength of this death knight?” Thorne was not surprised when he heard the words, and immediately looked back at the paladin.

From the style of the death knight’s plate armor, he guessed that the other party is likely to be a knight of the Knights of Dawn Town.

The only uncertainty is how strong the death knight is and what role he plays in this deadly town.

“I don’t know.” The paladin shook his head slightly, his tone still so heavy, “But I can see that this death knight is stronger than the dead horse hunter.”

Just when Thorne was about to answer the call, he suddenly felt that he was being watched by a penetrating gaze, which made him unable to hold back his heart for a while, and then turned sharply, his sword-like eyes met the ‘lava and A window on the third floor of the Spirits’ Tavern.

He saw that a male zombie dressed in a rather strange clothes had already poked out the head with a black top hat.

Thorne found that the zombie’s cheeks were thin, and the features were still intact, with no missing parts.

What surprised him most was that the zombie’s eyes were quite agile. If it weren’t for the fact that the skin on his face was a little shriveled, and it also had the penetrating white-blue color unique to undead creatures, he could hardly even think of it as a zombie. An undead creature.

When Thorne noticed the male zombie, others spotted him as well, so they all looked up at the odd zombie.

Slowly, everyone seemed to realize something, and their expressions gradually became solemn.

Because under the blessing of the “Undead Concealment” cast by Kevra, they walked all the way, and even the death knight who passed by just now did not find their trace.

Now they were discovered by a strange zombie, which made them smell a dangerous breath.

“Hey! Outsiders, don’t be nervous, I won’t hurt you.” The male zombie who stuck his head out of the window was the first to break the silence, and waved friendly to Thorne on the street.

His voice sounded hoarse, as if he was repeatedly sanding a rusted blade with rough sandpaper.

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