Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 517 - a different soul

“A promenade full of statues?” Thorne intrigued, thinking that the purpose of the trip might intersect with it.

So he asked again: “Is this corridor a building you owned before the disaster occurred in your town, or was it created after this town was sealed.”

Enter the Bone Castle through the Wild Skull Mountains, and finally come here from the teleportation circle on the altar. This series of experiences made him understand that the space he was in at this time was indeed torn apart by a crack leading to the Underworld of the Fallen Shadow, and this crack has remained unsealed until now.

This also means that there will be a steady stream of undead army pouring into this special space from the cracks all the time, and eventually filling every corner of the space with undead creatures.

However, what surprised Thorne was that, in the face of so many undead, this town has been preserved to this day. Except for the traces left by the erosion of time and negative energy, it has hardly suffered any damage from the undead army.

It can be seen from this that there are definitely guardians who protect this place from the undead creatures from the negative energy plane near the town.

From the words in the mouth of Zombie Vanger, let him know that in addition to the death knights patrolling in the town, the promenade outside the town also has undead with similar duties as death knights.

Then came another question that puzzled Thorne.

That’s what they’re trying to protect this town for?

Thorne looked at the zombie sitting opposite, waiting quietly for his answer.

He had a hunch that maybe he could know a lot of secrets about the Insights from this zombie named Vangel.

“It’s better to say it’s called the Long Corridor, because I originally gave it the name, and among all the undead in the whole town, I am the only one who knows it. Of course, even if I tell them, these seem silly and stupid. Undead souls without self-consciousness can’t remember, and they won’t sit here and talk to you like me. This shows how lucky you are for this daring adventure team to meet me in advance. thing.”

Noticing that the Ranger looked at him with expectant eyes and seemed to be listening carefully, Vangel regained his calm and stiff expression, and said in a casual tone:

“Actually, it’s not a promenade. It’s so called because the road leading to the altar is lined with motionless statues on both sides, so it looks like a corridor leading to the road to glory.

If this space is compared to a small game or a dungeon, believe me, the depths of the corridor are definitely the most suitable place for arranging big bosses. So if you want to clear the customs, you must prepare well in advance to face the terrifying existence of the altar, but I regret to tell you that I do not sell dungeon guides here…”

Thorne was used to the zombie’s nagging, and didn’t mean to interrupt the other party’s words rudely.

When he saw that the other party finally stopped talking, but looked at himself with a smile, in order to prevent the nagging zombies from speaking again, he immediately grabbed the right to speak, and asked: “You said that deep in the corridor is the undead Lord Orbis altar, doesn’t that mean you’ve been there.”

“You have so many questions, Thorne, but I like it. After all, before I was alive, I liked to give advice to the lost, especially those beautiful young ladies.”

Zombie Vanger whispered and continued: “When you asked this question, didn’t you find anything?”

“Found what?” Thorne was asked, a little confused for a moment.

“I’m a zombie, a zombie that looks ordinary but is extremely smart.” Zombie Vanger turned his black top hat, pointed to himself again, and answered the Ranger’s question with pride .

“Uh… Does this have anything to do with whether you have been to the altar?” Thorne looked a little speechlessly at Vanger, who held his chest high. He was as proud as a big **** that has obtained the right to mate.

He turned his head away when he couldn’t bear to watch it, and then subconsciously guessed: “Or, the corridor leading to the altar prohibits zombies from entering?”

“Of course not. Sigh… You are a very smart person, how can you not even guess such a simple question.” Vangel gave Thorne a ‘why are you so stupid’ look, seeing him calm There was a hint of embarrassment in his expression, and then he nodded darkly and asked the doubtful Ranger again:

“Let me ask you again, what do you think will happen if an ordinary zombie suddenly breaks into the altar of the undead Lord Orbis and uses your rich imagination?”

“It was torn apart by the believers of Orbis.” Thorne blurted out, but the expression on his face was very unconfident, obviously he could not judge the strange brain circuit of zombies at all.

“Yes!” Fanger’s response surprised the ranger opposite.

The zombie continued: “If a weak zombie breaks into the altar beyond its own power, how can it be possible to sit here and talk to you. Unless this zombie is a walking dead, even if it encounters an abyss demon, it dares to wave it. With rotting claws, he charged forward with a roar.

Obviously, I’m not that kind of zombie, and the violent abyss demon has no chance to tear me apart. Like you said, I don’t seem to be a zombie, even though I look like a zombie…”

“Okay, I understand.” Thorne nodded calmly, and continued to confirm his thoughts to the zombie: “So, the so-called ‘promenade’ in your mouth should be produced after the town’s mutation ,Right?”

“That’s right.” Zombie’s answer this time was neat and tidy.

“Then do you know who made these statues?” Thorne continued to ask.

First of all, one thing can be ruled out is that this is definitely not the work of the undead Lord Orbis, because the role of the statue is likely to block the army of the dead from the negative energy plane.

Thinking of this, Thorne has already guessed who it came from, but he still wants to confirm it with the other party, so that he can learn about the past of Dawning Town.

In any case, it is an indisputable fact that the founders of Dawning Town are the same as themselves. Only a clear understanding of their past will be of great help to the next process.

“Who else could it be, I don’t have to guess.” The calm-looking zombie Vanger was stunned when Thorne asked a question, and then showed a look of gnashing his teeth, which seemed to Thorne What a deep hatred.

As it turns out, his guess was right.

“It must be that stinky and shameless thing from Winster. I did my best to help him back then, but as a result, look at what I got in return? What I got in exchange was a stinky skin like a walking corpse.

Even transforming me into a death knight is better than this broken zombie, so that I can ride a tall skeleton warhorse, patrol around the town, and even control the undead to form an army of the undead just for myself.

Not only that, but I also lost everything: rights, wealth, land, women… All of this was caused by Winster, this bastard, for helping him build the wizard’s tower in the first place. Knowing him is just blinding my eyes…”

The solemn zombie Vanger said, his bluish-white face became more and more hideous, and the sound of sandpaper rubbing was like a roar of exhaustion, echoing in the spacious room.

Thorne listened to Vangel’s indifferent insults to Winster, while recalling the experience of exploring the underground space of Twin Towers in his mind.

From the vicious words of the zombie, let him know that the reason why Dawning Town became what it is now was caused by Winster.

But when he was exploring the underground space of Twin Towers, he was fortunate enough to witness Winster’s message in the “Tower of the Dead”.

It can be seen from the message full of despair that all this does not seem to be caused by him, and it is most likely from the first female spellcaster to negotiate with the dark existence.

This made him faintly realize that Dawning Town became what it is today, precisely because the caster who threw himself into the dark existence was trying to save the town.

Unfortunately, it ended in failure, and the entire Dawning Town paid a very heavy price.

Because Winster’s message clearly mentioned that she failed and threatened to come back, which also confirmed Vangel’s guess.

The reason why these undead living in Dawn Town have survived to this day is likely to have come from the protection of Winster.

As for why he took so much trouble to protect them, perhaps to make up for his mistakes, or for other purposes…

Whatever the reason, Thorne believes the whole thing will be revealed as they go further.

“Thorn, are you listening to me? Why are you sitting there in a daze?” Vangel, whose anger gradually subsided, saw that his loyal audience suddenly became dazed, and he couldn’t help asking.

“It’s nothing.” Thorne shook his head slightly and said curiously: “So, the lord of Dawning Town is not… Winster, who is that?”

“Do you know what the worst thing in the world is?” Vangel, who looked back to normal, asked instead without answering Thorne’s question.

“I don’t know.” Thorne shook his head directly.

He knew very well that the scope of the question was too broad, and even if he thought hard about answering the zombie question, it would be in vain.

After all, a zombie and a living person, the generation gap between the two is too big.

Besides, sitting opposite him was a weird zombie with a very strange brain circuit.

So he wisely showed that he couldn’t answer, waiting for the other party’s next words.

“The worst thing is to let the paladin be the lord and let the wizard manage the territory. There is nothing worse than this.” Vangel’s dark blue face looked a little terrifying in the dim candlelight, and he tried his best to suppress the ups and downs. , and confided to the ranger opposite:

“Do you know what a paladin is? You sure do, because you have a paladin in your party, but having a paladin in charge of a town, you can’t guess what’s going to happen, and it doesn’t get any worse than that. matter.”

“It sounds very interesting, please continue, Mr. Vangel.” Thorne listened with interest.

As for the past of Dawning Town, he actually already knew about it, and he was even ready to leave.

But seeing the zombies complaining about the two former managers of the town so vividly made him wonder what interesting things happened in the former Dawning Town.

“The stupid paladin, who thinks he has an advanced civilization, tries to use this and unrealistic system to manage this town and build a world he can only dream of when he sleeps during the day. The result is predictable. It’s too big, and it’s making the whole town a mess.

What’s worse is Winster’s extreme point of view: this shameless guy believes that civilians are just a bunch of leeks to be cut. When you want, you can just pick up a sickle and harvest it casually. This is the way to make money. the fastest way.

He also said that this is a world of great power. In the face of absolute power, it is impossible for these leeks to turn over. Their mission is to wait to be cut. Cutting leeks is also very particular, because superiors can always think of many ways to make leeks cut willingly… In short, these two people with extreme ideas combined, they have become what Dawning Town is today…”

Seeing that Mr. Zombie never stopped, Thorne, who had been delayed here for a long time, chose to get up and say goodbye.

“Mr. Vangel, as I said, you are not a zombie. Believe me, you will definitely see the light one day.”

“Thorn, why is your tone so confident?” Zombie looked at the smiling ranger with a complex look.

“Because our souls are different.”


The space filled with negative energy is dark and silent.

“Da da da……”

The crisp sound of hoofs echoed in the darkness.

In the distance, a burly skeleton warrior, riding a skeleton warhorse, galloped in the darkness.

The cloud is accompanied by the skeleton warrior, and inside is a group of resentful souls and ghosts.


I don’t know how long it took, the skeleton warrior pulled the horse and wandered near the corridor composed of two rows of tall stone statues, slowing down.

However, as the Skeleton Warlord got closer and closer, the two huge stone statues at the front end of the corridor suddenly trembled slightly, as if they were about to wake up.

The skeleton warrior stopped immediately, the scarlet soul fire in his eyes stared deeply at the two stone statues, and roared: “How dare you let the living people in!”

The silent statue was motionless.

“I am a follower of the undead king Orbis, the true ruler of this world!”

“Please answer me!”

After a moment of silence, the torch held by one of the stone statues suddenly lit up, and a glimmer of dawn rose in the darkness.

I saw it turning its majestic and deep eyes, staring at the skeleton warrior, and making a cold voice: “Go away!”

“We are the knights of Dawn Town, and we are ordered to guard this world. No matter which **** you are a believer in. Except for the living, the dead are not allowed to step into this place!”

After the knight statue finished speaking, he ignored the angry skeleton warrior and returned to dead silence again.

The skeleton warrior sat on the skeleton warhorse, struggled for a while, and finally walked away wrapped in the gloomy wind.


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