Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 54 - Dragon Warlock (seek a recommendation ticket)


Seeing the large black marks on his chest and the burning pain, Thorne couldn’t help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and secretly said a thrilling sound.

If this black flame was not blocked by resisting energy damage and avoiding fire, I am afraid that Thorne at this time would have turned into a pile of ashes.

Thorne immediately noticed that the gnoll priest was still preparing the magic.

So he didn’t dare to waste time, and quickly took out the compound longbow and an arrow.

Then the bowstring is attached at great speed, accompanied by a slight tremor of the arrow.

– “Desert Wind Sect (Enhanced Skill): Sword of Red Lotus!”

Sharp armor-piercing arrows burst into flames.

Thorne did not hesitate to fully draw the composite longbow.


call out!

In the darkness of the night, an arrow burning with raging flames, after cutting through the air, created bursts of fiery restlessness, and shot fiercely at the gnoll priest who was preparing for the divine art.


The unstoppable attack of the flaming arrows instantly penetrated the abdomen of the gnoll priest who was singing magic!

Thorne breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the arrow pierce the gnoll priest.

This armor-piercing arrow is fired from a fully drawn composite longbow that even metal armor can’t guarantee against.

And against the gnoll priest, Thorne has the additional blessing of the enemy and the hunter’s mark, as well as the accompanying fire damage.

If this can’t break the magical defense of the gnoll priest, then Thorne will really explain it here this time.

In the end, he was still a bit careless and underestimated the enemy. He wrongly estimated the level of the Gnoll Priest to be around level 7.

However, judging from the hardness of the opponent’s demonized armor, this guy is at least level 9 or above, and it can be said that he is infinitely close to the hero level. It is not something that his level can easily shake.

If it’s only about level 7, his first dagger piercing attack will definitely seriously injure the gnoll priest.

But the only thing that makes Thorne more fortunate is that the gnoll priest is not wearing heavy armor, probably because the clumsy heavy armor will prevent them from chasing prey in the wilderness.

If Thorne came across a heavily armored gnoll priest, he would have fled immediately, as he would never be able to catch up to him.

While the heavy armor brings strong defense, it will also greatly reduce your movement speed.

At this time, the gnoll priest who was hit by the arrow forcibly endured the pain and impact after the arrow pierced, he shook his body slightly, and immediately stood firm.

Afterwards, regardless of the arrow piercing through his abdomen, he continued to prepare for his unfinished magic.

– “Second Ring Magic: Cloud of Blades!”

When the Gnoll Priest finished the last syllable, a small dagger in his hand quickly melted away.

Immediately afterwards, the cloud-like blades surrounded the gnoll priest, exuding a sharp cold light.

The gnoll priest looked at the cloud-like blades floating around and grinned.

The finger holding the nunchaku pointed at Thorne.

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, the blades spinning around the gnoll priest, all piercing the air with a whistling sound, flashing a sharp cold light, quickly enveloped Thorne.

Seeing the galloping rotating blade, Thorne’s expression changed, and he immediately rolled back, dodging the sharp blade in embarrassment.


Although Thorne was trying his best to dodge, a blade slid across his shoulder, making a shocking gap, and blood rushed out.

Thorne was slightly shocked when he saw that even with the skin blessed by the tree skin technique, he could still draw a deep wound.

Then, while the gnoll priest continued to prepare the magic, he immediately got up and ran towards Talan Village.

At this time, the gnoll priest was pierced by an arrow through his abdomen, if he dared to continue chasing him desperately.

The remaining players in Talan Village still have the strength to fight against a seriously wounded gnoll priest.

Therefore, as long as there is no problem with the brain, they should choose to retreat temporarily, recover their injuries and then take revenge.

When the gnoll priest noticed that Thorne chose to run away, he sneered: “A follower of Guiren Storm, let you also feel the fear of being hunted down!”

After he finished speaking, he quickly chased after Thorne.


Most of the people in the chaotic evil camp are a bunch of lunatics!

Thorne couldn’t help cursing when he saw the gnoll priest chasing behind him.

Then Thorne clenched the composite longbow in his hands, intending to strike one final blow on the gnoll priest.

Because he couldn’t guarantee that he would reach Talan Village before the gnoll priest caught up, and the magic that Gust had blessed him with had disappeared.

In addition, he was seriously injured, and the burning marks on his chest also exuded burning pain.

If it weren’t for his tenacious expertise, just this heart-piercing pain would make people intolerable and fall into paralysis or coma.

This is the advantage of being stubborn. At this time, he was injured so badly, he could still rely on his strong willpower to escape quickly.

While running fast, Thorne felt the figure of the gnoll priest approaching quickly behind him.

When Thorne was about to fight back, he suddenly saw the figure of the troll Trundle not far ahead and the simple and honest smile on his face.

Thorne was only slightly startled, and immediately understood the other party’s intention.

Obviously, this is his support for him.

So Thorne immediately gave up the plan to fight back, but stopped, holding the composite longbow and arrows, and looked at the gnoll priest vigilantly.

Trundle, who just arrived, and Thorne looked at each other, then clenched the pure metal mace in his hand, and greeted the gnoll priest without fear.

“Do you want it?”

At this time, Andrina rushed to Thorne’s side and asked that when she saw the large burning marks on Thorne’s chest, she had a general understanding of Thorne’s condition.

“Don’t worry about me, go and help the troll first.” Thorne waved his hand to indicate the battle between the troll and the gnoll priest in front.

Although the gnoll priest has been seriously injured, he has the upper hand in the face of the attack of the troll Trundle, who has no fighting skills.

The two only fought for a few rounds, and Trundle was hit by the gnoll priest’s nunchaku on his body, causing all kinds of injuries.

The troll’s powerful mace was easily dodged by the opponent’s agile behind.

Andrina looked at the unfavorable situation of the battle. The figures of the two sides were intertwined, making her attack spell unable to lock the gnoll priest at all.

So Andrina waved her staff gently.

– “Spell Level 1: Mage Armor!”

An almost invisible protective force immediately appeared on Trundle.


Trundle attacked the Gnoll Priest with all his might, directly smashing the protective power around him, and the mace in his hand also took the opportunity to hit the Gnoll Priest’s chest.

The gnoll priest shook his body slightly, kicked Trundle away with one foot, then quickly backed away, opened the distance, and quickly chanted a high-spirited incantation.


Trundle roared, got up quickly, swung his mace and rushed towards the Gnoll Priest, trying to interrupt his spellcasting.

And Andrina also took the opportunity to sing a spell.

In the face of Trundle’s attack, the gnoll priest was unmoved, his grim face still had a grim expression.

– “Four Rings Magic: Inflict Fatal Wounds!”

When Trundle was about to approach the Gnoll Priest, the Gnoll Priest sneered, stretched out his palm and hit Trundle in the abdomen.

After the palm of the gnoll priest approached Derundel’s body, a huge negative energy aura suddenly erupted from the palm.

Derundel’s body, eroded by the negative energy, froze slightly, and immediately he was paralyzed on the ground like a mess of mud, only his abdomen was still slightly heaving.

– “Second-level spell: Yoof Ma’s acid arrow!”

At the moment Derundel fell, Andrina’s spell had just been completed, and she pointed at the gnoll priest without hesitation.

– “Four Rings Magic: Elemental Shield (Strong Acid)!”

It’s a pity that the acid arrow is about to approach the gnoll priest.

As soon as he thought, an invisible energy protection field immediately appeared around his body, and the acid arrow was easily blocked around the body.

Then the gnoll priest looked at Andrina with a cruel smile, and then turned into a black shadow and rushed towards her.

When Thorne saw it, his face changed. He didn’t expect the situation to reverse so quickly, so he used his last strength to draw an arrow and put it on the bowstring.

Seeing the figure of the gnoll priest rushing over, Andrina took a deep breath and calmed down her turbulent heart, her eyes shone with golden brilliance.

– “Half-dragon transformation!”

When Andrina’s body burst out, her whole body was immediately covered with a layer of solid dark red scales, and her hands quickly grew sharp dragon claws.

– “Fire Breath!”

Andrina’s flat abdomen rose and fell slightly, and a turbulent conical flame dragon breath erupted from her mouth.

Directly shrouding the unresponsive Gnoll Priest in the sea of ​​flames, all the exuberant manes all over his body were turned into combustion aids.

Roar! !

The gnoll priest roared angrily, forcibly resisted the hot flame, waved the nunchaku iron rod in his hand, turned into a burning fire, and rushed towards Anderina regardless of his life and death.


The nunchaku iron rod collided with Andrina’s dragon claws, making a harsh clashing sound.

It’s a pity that Andrina’s claws couldn’t resist the powerful force of the nunchaku, and a single blow sent her flying instantly.


At this time, Thorne’s arrow, which was already ready to go, penetrated the throat of the gnoll priest with precision.

In the thick night, I saw his flame-burning body struggled a few times, and then fell to the ground with a plop, letting the hot flame dragon breath burn.

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