Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 57 - farewell song (2)


When the last gnoll skeleton was chopped to the ground and did not get up, the warrior with the long sword murmured in disbelief:

“We are victorious! We killed all the gnolls!”

There was a burst of cheers.

Finally, cheers spread throughout the ruins of Talan Village.

But the cheers only lasted for a moment before being ruthlessly interrupted by a shrill cry.

A warrior player with a broken arm, endured the pain of the bleeding at the broken arm, kept roaring, and choked out someone’s name in a choked voice.

Then, with his only remaining arm, he crawled through a pile of broken blood-red human-shaped skeletons and kept rummaging.

However, the flesh and blood of these skeletons have been stripped away by the negative energy aura, and it is impossible to recognize their original appearance at all.

The cheers of victory were quickly filled by the tragic atmosphere…

More and more cries were heard, and everyone’s faces were filled with sadness because they had lost too many companions and loved ones.

Some were lying on the ground and wailing, while others could not be saved.

A wanderer endured his grief, squeezed out a hint of laughter from the past, and kept comforting his fellow warrior who had a large dent in his chest and spitting blood from his mouth, tremblingly raised his long sword and sent him to the **** of death. embrace.

If you don’t give him a good time, with the physique of a warrior, he will even cry for a whole day before dying in endless pain.

Although they are all lucky ones who survived the life-and-death struggle in Yuanshan Town, their hearts are still so fragile in the face of losing their former relatives and companions.

In the dark night, the bright moonlight shines on the earth.

With sadness, the survivors are busy treating the wounded and sorting out the remains of their companions.

“I’ve searched all over, but there’s only this small clump of hair.”

A black-clothed ranger player appeared from the depths of the jungle. He held a small piece of long withered yellow hair in his hand and handed it to Gerst, choking back the tears in his eyes.

Gust’s trembling right hand gently took a small strand of long hair from the Ranger’s hand, his wrinkled face twisted with grief.

The ranger player sighed heavily and left gently, recalling the shocking bloodstain in the depths, his heart trembled slightly.

At this time, Thorne and Andrina appeared in Talan Village.

Thorne glanced and found a player crying heart-to-heart holding a corpse, like the wailing of a lone wolf in the wilderness.

Desolation is mixed with helplessness, unwillingness, anger and despair…

There was even a player who frantically pulled out his weapon and slashed at a fairly complete gnoll corpse, splattering flesh and blood.

No one was going to stop him.


Thorne shook his head with a hint of helplessness.

This world is so cruel, he has seen too many life and death partings, and he is a little numb.

Thorne glanced at his right arm. Due to the wound on his shoulder, the entire arm was almost soaked with blood, and his face was pale and scary due to excessive blood loss.

He endured the pain of the wound and said to Andrina, who was in deep thought, “Let’s lead the way!”

Andrina came to her senses and led Thorne to her tent.

The inside of the camping tent looks very simple, with only a soft wool cloth on the ground, but it looks very comfortable.

The only thing in the empty tent was a bowl-sized incense burner with half unburned incense on it.

Thorne took a slight sniff, and immediately smelled a faint fragrance, which gave people a sense of clarity of mind. This should be an aid for wizards to meditate or memorize spells.

“Are there any candles?”

Thorne’s half-bend was a little uncomfortable, so he sat directly on the ground next to the blanket.

The main purpose of his coming here is to facilitate the treatment of the injuries on his body. The wound on the shoulder can be solved by suturing it. The only troublesome part is the part of the chest that has been eroded by the negative energy aura.

Among the players in Yuanshan Town, there is no noble profession like a priest, so Thorne can only use the second method to cut off all the black flesh that gathers on his chest.

He couldn’t wait any longer, he had already felt that the erosion of negative energy was accelerating at an imperceptible rate, and he had to deal with it as soon as possible.

Andrina nodded, then took out a candle, and with a slight movement of her fingertips, a flame appeared on the candle.

Immediately afterwards, she pointed to the half incense on the censer, and a refreshing fragrance filled the small tent.

Thorne glanced at the candle in front of him, and immediately took out a medical bag from the dimensional bag.

There is nothing special in it, just bandages, ointments, disinfectants, and splints for treating injuries.

The “medical dressing” skill is a must-have skill for players who survive in the wilderness, and almost everyone can do it.

Thorne took a curved silver needle and a silk thread from the bag, and then treated it with sterilized water to prevent the wound from worsening after infection.

Then Thorne put the silver needle on the candle and baked it, threading the silk thread on the silver needle.

Then she looked at Andrina, who was sitting on the carpet with her arms crossed and her legs in a daze:

“How about…you go out first?”

Although it was unreasonable to drive the master out in someone else’s territory, Thorne couldn’t help but ask.

“Isn’t it inconvenient? I can’t bear to see the miserable scene outside.” Andrina didn’t move, she hesitated and asked Thorne.

“Forget it, I’m just afraid to scare you.” Thorne heard the words and understood what the other party meant.

Players in Yuanshan Town are still cleaning the battlefield and collecting the corpses of their dead companions. This kind of picture, a slightly normal person, will feel a little uncomfortable to see it.

So he ripped open the clothes on his shoulders, and then endured the pain to clean the open wound with disinfectant, and then began to sew it up.


The silver needle pierced into the flesh, and the pain of passing through the suture from the flesh made Thorne gasp for breath, but he still gritted his teeth and sewed with one hand little by little.

The only thing that made him fortunate was that after his dual-weapon combat expertise reached the proficient level, his left hand, which was not quite used to it, turned out to be much more flexible than before when stitching wounds.

It shows that the usefulness of these specialties is not only used in combat, but can also be used in many daily lives.

When Thorne sewed up the wound, his whole body was wet with cold sweat.

Then Thorne took the water bag around his waist and took a sip of cold water, which made him feel better.

“Would you like to drink some wine to ease the pain.” Andrina couldn’t help but said looking at Thorne’s painful expression.

“No need.” Thorne shook his head after receiving the sterilized suture tool and received the medical kit.

Alcohol can indeed paralyze and relieve pain, but he does not have the habit of drinking, mainly because he is afraid of affecting his ability to respond when fighting.

After the stitched wound on his shoulder was healed, Thorne removed the quiver and composite longbow from behind him and placed it on the ground.

Then he undid the black armor on his body, revealing his slightly thin chest.

Andrina just looked up when she saw Thorne’s bare chest. She would have avoided it subconsciously, but she was attracted by the two shocking scars on Thorne’s body.

The first is a nearly 4-inch long scar on the abdomen, like a ferocious centipede.

“How did you leave these two scars, can you tell me?” Andrina was stunned, and couldn’t help asking curiously.

“The stab wound to the abdomen was cut out by the gnoll’s curved-blade machete. Damn gnoll, even the appendicitis operation saved me.

On the left shoulder is what was left after the lizardmen’s javelin penetrated. The javelin with extremely strong piercing power did not dare to hard connect even the whole body armor. At that time, it was directly nailed to the wall. “

Thorne said casually while sorting out the items in the medical kit, his expression seemed to be saying something very inconspicuous.

“Fortunately, there is a temple of Melika in Waterfall Town. There are priest professionals there. They used magic to hang their breath, and only saved a small life.”

“Did the players in the wilderness survive like this?” Andrina said softly with her eyes back.

“Those who didn’t survive are dead, and few people can remember them, just like people outside, after a short period of grief, the next battle will be greeted.”

Thorne pointed to the crying outside the tent that still hadn’t dissipated, paused and continued:

“This is a world of natural selection and survival of the fittest. In our world, in that peaceful age, if your personal ability is very strong, through hard work, you may be able to live a good life.

But here, players who compete with various intelligent races for living space in this wilderness, no matter how strong your personal ability is, if you do not have the corresponding strength, it will be precarious. If you want to exert your ability, you may not have a chance.

What’s more, those who are incapable and unwilling to work hard in peaceful times, here, you still want to be a hero, a superior person, a powerful legendary professional, do you think it is possible?

With the strength of our players, what should we compare with these natives? Don’t forget, this is a high-magic world, and the various races here have inherited civilization for at least tens of thousands of years, even if they gave us the so-called golden finger, How many people can really make good use of it?

There are many people who are born with extraordinary attributes, with all kinds of powerful expertise and special abilities, but after a year, few really survive.

Many players have won over a large number of people without knowing the reality. They do not know how to develop steadily. They are ready to do a great job in the jade field and build their own royal paradise.

But a year has passed, and the few remaining forces, who dare to say that they are the real masters of the land, are not afraid of any forces, they can only pray that those cruel humanoids have enough food for the winter this year. “

Thorne didn’t know why he suddenly said so many words, maybe after seeing such a tragic scene tonight, he felt it.

After saying these words, it seems that the heavy heart is relieved a lot.

After he finished speaking, he took out a dagger usually used to sharpen arrow shafts, wiped it with disinfectant, and started to bake it on the candle.

After listening to Thorne’s remarks, Andrina recalled her life in Winter City, which was almost salty. life direction.

Then he buried his head on his knees and remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Thorne looked at the dagger in his hand, and at the flesh and blood eroded by negative energy on his chest.

After such a long time, the power of the evil magic in the chest has not subsided. If this vicious magic does not cut off the black flesh, his entire body will be gradually eroded by negative energy, which will be even more troublesome.

So he hesitated, and finally took off a piece of cloth from his clothes, stuffed it into his mouth and bit it, then clenched the dagger in his trembling left hand and scraped it down towards the flesh on his chest.

Depressed howls of pain…

Thorne’s right hand almost pulled a fist-sized hole in the ground.

As the black flesh and blood were scraped off by the sharp dagger, his whole body was shaking, and the big beads of sweat seemed to be raining, constantly overflowing from his forehead.

The blood and sweat quickly soaked through the ground.

Andrina watched the **** scene in front of her, and Thorne’s facial muscles twitched and twisted as he tried to suppress it.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally leaned towards Thorne through gritted teeth, took out a towel and gently wiped the sweat from Thorne’s forehead.


Thorne spat out the piece of cloth stuck in his mouth and looked at the cut on his chest that was so deep to the bone.

With trembling hands, he picked up the medicine for serious injuries that had been prepared for a long time from the ground, unscrewed the cork with some difficulty, and poured it all into his mouth.

When the healing potion flowed into the body, Thorne immediately felt a huge amount of life energy being stimulated from all over the body, and then frantically gathered towards the wounds on his chest and shoulders.

What followed was that the whole body seemed to be evacuated, and a sense of powerlessness emerged, causing Thorne’s eyes to suddenly darken, and he fainted before he had time to react.

Andrina exclaimed, a little overwhelmed, but when she saw Thorne’s slightly undulating chest and two wounds healing at a visible speed, she felt a lot more relieved.

The main function of the medicine for treating serious injuries is to greatly stimulate the body’s own recovery potential and treat injuries, but the more serious the injury, the easier it is for people to collapse and even coma.

The gloomy sky was filled with a **** smell that made people vomit. The melee of swords, lights, swords and shadows had already ended. The warriors in armor fell in a pool of blood, and the blood-soaked remnants were wrapped in vague flesh and blood.

There are still people who are struggling to the death, crawling with difficulty among the stumps and broken arms, a blood-stained head is slowly raised, blood-red eyes are wide open, and there is a glimmer of excitement at the bottom of the dying eyes.

He cast his last glance into the distant sky, but when he saw that under the billowing smoke of the sky, the broken banner of hunting and fluttering still stood tall, towering into the depths of the sky, and slowly closed his eyes with a shrill cry.

what! !

The sleeping Thorne snapped open his eyes and let out a shrill roar from his parched throat.

Then he looked startled, and quickly covered the sadness from the corner of his eyes, quickly stabilizing his emotions.

Staring at the surroundings, he was lying on the blanket in the tent, covered by a furry fox fur coat.

When he took a closer look, he just met Andrina’s gaze.

Thorne thought for a while, and didn’t know what to say, so he glanced at her apologetically, looked away, and got up immediately.

Then he took out a piece of clean clothes from the dimension bag and put it on his body, put on a cloak, put the hood behind him on his head, and put the compound longbow and quiver on the ground next to his back again.

Thorne glanced again at the incense burner on the ground, which was about to burn out, and guessed how long he had been in a coma.

The blood of the elf race can make him not need to go into deep sleep every day, but only need to meditate or practice qi cultivation for about four hours to restore his energy.

To prevent nightmares, he had never slept so unconsciously, although it was only an hour at most, it was a painful memory for him.

So he turned around and walked out of the tent without saying a word.

“Although your injuries have healed, your physical strength is relatively serious. Why don’t you rest here for a night.”

Andrina looked at Thorne who was silent, holding her reddish left wrist in her right hand, and hesitated.

“No, thank you.” Thorne turned around and gave Andrina a far-fetched smile.

“Actually, holding back a lot of things in your heart for too long will make you uncomfortable. Can I be your partner?” Andrina finished speaking, she put her left hand behind her back and walked slowly to Thorne and stretched out her right hand.

Thorne turned to look at her, and finally said lightly: “The human heart is very fragile. It is safest only when it is tightly wrapped. Thank you very much! Beautiful Ms. Andrina!”

After Thorne finished speaking, he touched his chest with his right hand and bowed slightly to Anderina to thank him.

Then he turned around and walked out.

Andrina stared at the back of Thorne’s departure, remembering the fragile side of this seemingly strong ranger after falling asleep, and sighed helplessly.

The moon is as bright as water, and the stars twinkle.

Thorne’s lonely figure leaned silently in a corner of a ruin, and the hazy figure gradually disappeared with the night.

The bodies of all dead players in Talan Village were placed on a pile of dry wood, ready for cremation and burial.

Cremation is the ultimate belonging of all dead players in the wilderness, because buried in the ground will only attract scavengers and undead in the wilderness to desecrate.

With the raging fire burning, the ruins of this dilapidated Talan Village and all the gritty faces with a trace of confusion in the sadness are red.

The Toril Era, the distant mountain calendar, the year of struggling to survive, the month of rotten leaves, the 11th.

The 73 brave warriors in Yuanshan Town, the fighters of destiny, you have successfully smashed the hunting ritual of the Mara believers, may your souls rest in peace.

It wasn’t just who took the lead, a slightly desolate song slowly sounded:

Outside the long pavilion, along the ancient road, the grass is green.

The evening wind blows the willow flute, and the setting sun is outside the mountain.

The end of the sky, the corner of the earth, and the half of friends.

A glass of turbid wine is more than joy, don’t dream of cold tonight.

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