Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 62 - Leyline detection (thanks to the big guy: the reward of the white hunter\\\'s moon)

In the thick woods, although the road is wide, even the wagons of the caravan can pass.

But the twisted trees gathered into a dense canopy overhead, so that the mild sunlight could hardly dispel the deep shadows of the forest paths.

At this moment, a crisp sound of horse hooves came from afar, followed by a few vague figures that appeared in the dim path, gradually becoming clearer from far to near.

Andrina rode on the horse, brushed the stray hair in front of her forehead, glanced at Thorne, who was walking in the front, keeping silent all the way, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she shook her head helplessly. .

Looking at the bizarrely intertwined branches of the trees on both sides of the forest, the dense branches and leaves flickered with a slight blue light from time to time, which was accompanied by the occasional strange bird song in the depths.

Immediately, various eerie and terrifying images appeared in Andrina’s mind.


Then she patted the horses and gave a light reprimand, and the light horse under the seat raised a breeze from the troll Trundle, and quickly rushed to the front of Thorne.

Andrina rolled over and dismounted, pulling the reins and walking alongside Thorne.

“What kind of trees are these? Why are the leaves flickering with a faint blue light from time to time, it looks very strange.” Andrina noticed Thorne’s slow pace and asked casually.

“The name of this tree is called the blue-leaf tree, not because its leaves are blue, but because the sap from the crushed leaves can be made into a bright blue dye. The cloth of this color is for nobles favorite.

If the leaves burn, it will also produce jumping blue flames. The stove in the tavern in Yuanshan Town often likes to burn these leaves to liven up the atmosphere. It is very beautiful. You can try it. “

Thorne took a leaf and glanced at it, then threw it away and said.

When Anderina heard the words, a curious color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Immediately, his fingers moved slightly, and two pale yellow leaves slowly fell to the palm of his hand. When they touched the palm, the leaves burned strangely, and a beautiful blue flame was beating in the dark jungle.

Looking at the beating blue flames in her hands, Andrina waved her hand gently, and the leaves that turned to ashes were scattered with the wind.

“Then how far is it from Yuanshan Town?” Andrina continued to ask.

“It’s almost time to walk out of this blue-leaf forest. At the current speed, it will take about two hours. Although the place has been turned into ruins, it will be fine to spend one night.”

Thorne looked at the deep path ahead and said.


At this time, there was a commotion in the bushes on the left side of the road, which immediately caught Thorne’s attention.

So Thorne stopped and looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

“Don’t be nervous, it’s just a wounded little animal.” Thorne noticed that Andrina was going to prepare a spell and signaled her not to be impulsive.

As soon as the words fell, a black wild boar the size of a native dog emerged from the bushes. It was humming non-stop, and its bloodshot eyes looked at the three of Thorne vigilantly.

Seeing this scene, the little devil Simba suddenly appeared from Andrina’s shoulders, flapped the little dark red leather wings and flew to the top of Trundle’s head, landing on his chicken-like hair and said excitedly:

“Very good, a wild boar cub can finally eat meat tonight. It’s been a long time since I ate the barbecue made by Trundle.”

Trundle smiled when he heard the words, gently grabbed Simba’s little tail, put it on his shoulder, looked at the injured wild boar cub, his throat wriggled slightly.

Immediately after, Trundle walked towards the wild boar cub.

“Wait a moment!”

Thorne frowned and stopped Trundle.

Seeing the troll looking at him suspiciously, Thorne ignored it.

Instead, he stretched out his hands and made a harmless gesture to the wild boar cub, and carefully walked to it amid the uneasy humming of the wild boar cub.

Thorne gently stroked the hard hair erected by the wild boar cub, the hostility in the eyes of the wild boar cub gradually dissipated, and finally lay at Thorne’s feet and whimpered softly.

Looking at the little wild boar who became obedient and docile, a smile appeared on Thorne’s face.

Both the Ranger and Druid classes are born with a special ability: Wild Empathy.

This ability can eliminate the hostility of beasts with low intelligence in the wilderness to themselves, so as to obtain the help of some animals or some information.

Thorne then turned his gaze to a wound on the back of the young boar.

“It looks like it was injured by a sharp blade, but why is there so much rust around the wound?” Thorne said to himself, looking at the wound with some doubts.

So he dipped a little blood from the wound with his hand and put it on the tip of his nose to sniff it.

There is an aura of negative energy, could it be a Necromancer?

Thorne felt an icy aura and couldn’t help guessing.

However, this idea was quickly rejected, because if it is really a necromancer, it is impossible to kill even a little wild boar.

Then it is very likely to be an undead creature, Thorne looked at the well-behaved and docile wild boar cub, gently comforted it, and then carefully examined it.

When all the inspections were completed, the doubts on Thorne’s face had almost completely dissipated.

Because he found impact marks on the wild boar’s head, and the fur on the marks was also contaminated with negative energy aura.

From this, it can be seen that when this little wild boar was wandering in the dense forest, it was very likely to encounter a naturally transformed little skeleton.

Then he slammed into it directly, and while smashing the skeleton, his back was also injured by the rusted sharp blade in the skeleton’s hand.

Among the undead creatures, skeletons are undoubtedly the weakest, especially those skeletons that are naturally transformed by the overflowing undead energy.

This kind of skeleton does not have the blessing of the caster’s various spells, and the almost weathered skeleton after years and months is almost shattered at the touch of a touch.

It is almost useless except to scare children by appearance.

So it’s not uncommon for a little wild boar to smash a skeleton.

However, in a wilderness, it is impossible for undead creatures to appear for no reason.

If an undead creature suddenly appears nearby, the first thing that comes to mind is that it is caused by a necromancer, and then it is thought that the underground tomb somewhere has been accidentally broken open.

Thorne thought for a while, and directly eliminated the possibility of a necromancer.

After all, a skeleton summoned by a necromancer, even at the lowest level, cannot even kill a wild boar cub.

Now there is only one possibility left, there are underground ruins or mausoleums nearby.

Thorne’s mind is active and exploring the underground ruins means that while encountering various dangers, there will also be many opportunities, which he naturally does not want to miss.

So Thorne took out a medical kit to bandage the wound of the wild boar cub, and waved him to leave.

Seeing it disappear into the depths of the jungle, Thorne immediately took out the wooden holy emblem from his sleeve and pressed it between his eyebrows.

– “One Ring of Magic: Earth Vein Detection!”

As Thorne chanted the incantation in a low voice, the holy emblem gradually emerged with bursts of pale green aura, spreading from Thorne’s body to the surrounding at a very fast speed.

After a while.

Thorne slowly opened his eyes, recalling the image that appeared in his mind.

Going northwest from here for about 10 kilometers, there is a clear lake, and there is a hidden lich lair on the other side of the lake.

The lich’s secret lair?

It seems that the small skeleton is likely to be transformed from the negative energy aura overflowing from the lich’s nest.

Thorne muttered to himself.

The divine art leyline detection he just used allows him to detect nearby rivers, lakes, villages and towns or some cave nests within 50 kilometers.

This magical technique was obtained in the hunting ceremony after he killed Mara’s believers last night.

At that time, he had obtained a total of three first-ring magic positions and first-ring magic skills. In addition to the leyline detection, there were no traces and fresh traces.

The function of the former is to hide its own odor and traces, while the latter can reveal the traces of walking on the ground in the past month.

It is very useful for ranger tracking or anti-tracking.

Then Thorne waved his hand and motioned for the suspicious two people to continue walking in the direction of Yuanshan Town.

The lich’s lair that he discovered just now is not very far from Yuanshan Town, so he intends to check it out alone after he reaches the ruins of Yuanshan Town.

The lair left by the lich, maybe you can find some good things from it.

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