Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 78 - Tactics Against Gnolls

With a scolding, the room suddenly became silent.

“You young people are still energetic, my old man can’t compare.”

Two figures appeared at the door. First, a young human man dressed as a Druid. He smiled and sighed to the man beside him, then hunched over to the seat, pulled out the chair and sat down.

Then came the man who shouted. He was only wearing a gray-white sackcloth and linen, and his black coat was draped over his arms.

This human man was dark and sturdy, tall, with a national face, two straight thick eyebrows, tightly pursed firm lips, and a solemn but unsmiling expression.

I saw him walking in slowly, his piercing eyes swept over everyone sitting at the long table without anger, and said sternly:

“The gnolls from the Great Sword Mark Mountains have settled in the Moonlight Woodland. They plan to live here for a long time. They are strictly blocking the road leading to Iron Horse Town, threatening Twilight Town all the time. Safety.

The gnoll is trying to force us to death, and you still have the time to quarrel here. The lives of more than 2,000 players in Twilight Town are in our hands. Are you worthy of so many soldiers buried in the cemetery?

If anyone wants to quit, get out of Twilight with your people immediately! “

“Brother Sarajan, don’t get me wrong, we are just joking when we are bored. Who knows that this crazy woman will break the defense with a joke.”

With a bruised face, the savage Gu Hao quickly apologized to Sarajan and explained.


“Say it again!”

Vissala’s suppressed anger erupted again, and she slapped the marble table violently, her eyebrows stood upright, and she said coldly to the barbarian.

“Gehao, I’ll warn you again, if you can’t speak in the future, just shut up for me!” Sarayan gave the barbarian a cold look, then turned to look at Vessara slowly:

“You have to change your eccentric temper, as the leader of a warlock, you are more dangerous than everyone present.

I heard what happened at the hotel. After all, Carlos is my classmate and friend for many years. We are about to form an alliance with the town of Falls. If something happens to their people here, I can’t explain it to him. “

“Master Withered Wood, please tell everyone about the gnoll information you have collected.”

Seeing that the two were no longer speaking, Sarayan took a deep breath and looked at the Druid man who came in with him with a look of respect.

He then draped his coat over his broad shoulders and sat down on the chair at the head.

The druid man in a light cyan cloth robe cleared his throat and slowly got up:

“I have already investigated all the gnolls in the Moonlight Woodland. There are a total of six Yenogu fangs in their territory, and a large number of hyenas have been kept in captivity, and they are constantly transforming gnoll warriors.

Yesterday’s attack, they were just testing our Twilight Town’s response.

Today, these cunning guys are taking advantage of their numbers to frantically capture goblins, kobolds, ogres, and lizardmen, and build weapons and equipment and various siege equipment for them. “

“So before the cold wave came, these gnolls could not avoid a tragic fight with us in order to store enough food and gain a firm foothold in the Moonlight Woods.

Similarly, our blind defense will only make their power grow stronger.

After all, Yenogu Fang, the gnoll king transformed by the demon spirit, can constantly transform ordinary hyenas into powerful gnoll warriors through demonic rituals. Only food can limit their number growth.

And the number of our Twilight Town will only be reduced by them, so we must take the initiative to launch a comprehensive counter-offensive before their numbers have formed to completely drive them out. “

After the druid man finished speaking, he sat directly on the chair and stopped talking.

“Take out all the energy you quarreled just now, and think about what a good way to deal with it. Let’s brainstorm and discuss.”

Seeing that the Druid man stopped speaking, Saraya spoke again.

However, the room became very quiet, only the shallow breathing of everyone.

Sarajan put his hand on the cold marble table, his index finger gently moved the smooth tabletop, and his resolute face glanced at the crowd very solemnly.

“Jarold, you have spent the most time in contact with the gnolls in Yuanshan Town. Is there any effective way to deal with it?”

Sarayan frowned when he saw that everyone was silent, so he asked Jarod, who was wearing black plate armor on the left.

“Me? Although I used to be the lord of Yuanshan Town, my brain is not very good. All the strategies are from the hands of Gust. I am just a tool person, responsible for attacking or defending.”

Hearing this, Garrod wrinkled the two hideous scars on his face, smiled a little self-deprecatingly, and shook his head.

“Holat, you are responsible for the news over Iron Horse Town. Have they agreed to send troops to attack this group of gnolls together?”

Sarayan turned his hopeful gaze to Horat, the half-elf.

“The gang of foreigners rejected our proposal. They said they found traces of orcs in the surrounding area, so they didn’t dare to act rashly.” Horat pondered for a while and said.

“I knew that these guys were unreliable. When did the orcs in the Northland Wasteland learn to take a boat from the Neverwinter Sea to invade here, it’s a lame reason.”

Sarajan sighed, leaning his entire body on the chair and said slowly.

“They didn’t lie, my darknet personnel did find traces of orcs in the depths of the forest.” Horat hesitated and said:

“Judging from the traces of walking, the number of orcs is about 200, and there are also quite a few wargs among them.

Moreover, the direction of their travel is very purposeful, and they can always bypass the human settlements. This kind of cautious behavior is not like the simple-minded orcs of the northern wasteland. “

“Can you tell where they’re going?”

“How can this be judged? The only thing that can be determined is that the orcs are far away from Twilight Town and do not pose any threat to us.” Holat smiled and said.

“That’s good.” Sarayan breathed a sigh of relief.

“I do have a proposal.” After thinking for a while with flickering eyes, Horat looked at Saraya and said.

“Please tell me!” Sarayang raised his eyebrows and raised his interest, and immediately sat up straight and looked at Horat.

“There are six Yenogu fangs in the gnoll camp. If we sneak into the camp and assassinate them, then their original advantages will be lost.

Without the command of Yenogu Fang, this group of gnolls would just be scattered, and then take the opportunity to launch a general attack. “

Hoolat said to Salayan’s gaze.

Assassination of Yenogu Fang?

Salayan pondered for a while and said, “I have also considered this method. Originally, I was worried that you would not agree. I didn’t expect you to propose it yourself, but it is not so easy to sneak into the gnoll’s camp.”

Then he said to the Druid man beside him: “Master Deadwood, what is the individual strength of this group of gnolls?”

“The high-end combat power of the gnolls was almost exhausted when they invaded Winter City, and most of the rest gathered in the ancient temple of Yeno in the Great Sword Mark Mountains to resist the counterattack of the hill giants.

Only a small part of the gnoll forces came to the Emerald Wilderness. What I can confirm is that there are no gnoll spellcasters in it. As for the others, it is not clear. “

The Druid man said slowly.

“Without the gnoll priest, this plan is indeed feasible to a certain extent, but the risk is still very high. Can you do it alone?” Sarayan nodded and asked worriedly.

“How do you know if you don’t try? But this kind of latent assassination requires two people to take care of each other, which is the safest way.”

Holart looked at Salayan confidently and answered truthfully.

“Very good, then you can see who has the strength in the territory who can walk with you to complete this mission.” Sarayan glanced around, and everyone bowed their heads and said nothing.

“It’s not that easy to sneak into the gnoll camp silently. They can’t do it. I’ve already determined the candidate, and it’s Thorne who just arrived here yesterday.”

Horat replied without hesitation.

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