Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 81 - war lord

dong dong dong!

At this moment, there were rhythmic knocks on the door suddenly from outside the room, interrupting what Anderina had been planning to say for a long time.

Thorne was stunned for a moment, and looked at Andrina suspiciously. Because her magic pet was guarding outside, she could naturally observe the situation outside.

Andrina felt Thorne’s gaze, and immediately understood what he meant. After closing her eyes and pondering, she shook her head and said, “A human man, I have never seen it before.”

Who is the one?

Thorne quickly ran through a few people he knew in Twilight Town in his mind and walked to the door.


The door was gently opened by Thorne, and Thorne saw a man with short hair.

He was dressed in gray-white sackcloth and linen, with a black coat over his broad shoulders, and looked at him with a smile on his slightly dark face.

Lord of War – Sarayan!

Seeing the other party’s appearance, Thorne immediately guessed the other party’s identity.

The so-called war lord is not the title of the opponent, but the advanced occupation of Salayan.

In the valley of the Watchtower in the most central area of ​​the continent stands a huge white building.

This building is regarded as a sacred training place by all the kingdoms of the continent, and its real name is: Zhanzheng Academy!

As long as they are students who have graduated from the Zhanzheng Academy, after they go out, most of them serve as senior generals in the armies of various kingdoms.

Being able to study in a war academy is what a young officer yearns for most, and those excellent trainees often become commanders who frighten the enemy on the battlefield.

In the Zhanzheng Academy, you can learn a lot about the advanced occupations of battle formation tactics, such as: War Singer, Loyal Defender, Knight Commander, Battle Veteran, Sword Marshal and so on.

They are the consummate battle leaders who stand on the front lines with weapons in hand, giving orders and supporting allies, knowing how to inspire teams to victory in battle and guide others to victory.

The students who leave the War College may serve as a small war leader for the sake of fame, or they may be a devout knight commander.

Or a young nobleman who leaves the castle in search of temper, a shrewd mercenary captain, or a valiant marshal guarding the frontier.

Regardless, they are strong warriors with natural leadership.

And in Zhanzheng Academy, the most powerful and most difficult advanced occupation is: War Lord!

A war lord is a very versatile profession for war.

Not only is he good at commanding the battlefield, he also possesses supernatural abilities that enhance the combat effectiveness of the army: flying the flag, encouraging the army, and fighting tactics.

At the same time, it can also play a vital role in the construction and development of the territory.

The knowledge they possess makes them proficient in the construction and use of various strategic defense facilities such as trenches, arrow towers, city walls, and fortresses.

And also know how to make and use a variety of ordnance equipment, such as: ballista, battering ram, heavy catapult, siege tower, catapult catapult and so on.

In this vast continent, many wilderness pioneers who have successfully established their own territory are war lords from the Zhanzheng Academy.

In the entire emerald field, only the advanced occupation of the two Carlos in the waterfall town where Sarayan and Thorne are located is: war lord.

Otherwise he wouldn’t have learned so much about the warlords.

According to Carlos, when the game was just launched, the two guys seemed to have an appointment, and the chosen birthplace was at the War College in the Valley of the Watching Spire.

Then, during the nearly one-year study career in Zhanzheng Academy, using the player’s own advantages, he finally successfully advanced to become a war lord.

The central part of the continent can be said to be the most prosperous area because there is no threat from the wild intelligent race.

It is also the place with the largest and most concentrated number of all players. Carlos and Salayan used their powerful banknote capabilities to acquire a large number of start-up funds.

Through the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle in the central city of the mainland, I came to the sphere of influence of Winter City.

Wilderness pioneers with passion and ambition have established their own forces in the Emerald Wilderness, a place that is difficult for humans to set foot on.

The waterfall town where Thorne is located is better. After all, it was originally a small village and town of original residents, and it still has a certain defense foundation.

And Sarayan’s Twilight Town is completely from scratch.

At the beginning, several player forces established their territory in order to compete for the more favorable territory of Twilight Town. They fought several battles, and many people died.

The establishment of Twilight Town was completely trampled by **** footprints step by step.

At the beginning of the establishment of the territory, the threat was not only from the intelligent races from the wilderness, but also from the coveted player forces.

As the supreme lord of the territory, Thorne couldn’t help but doubt that Sarayan had something to do with him.

Could it be that the Vissara from yesterday was his little lover, and was this to vent his anger on his little lover?

Such an absurd thought suddenly popped into Thorne’s mind, then shook his head, immediately dismissed him, and looked at Sarajan.

“Brother Thorne, after half a year, we met again, and we didn’t say a word when we came to Twilight Town.”

Sarajan looked very enthusiastic, with a faint smile on his mouth, stretched out his right hand, looked at Thorne and made a familiar deep voice.

“I haven’t seen you for half a year, Lord Sarayan, stay safe.” Thorne smiled lightly, stretched out his right hand and shook it with Sarayan, pointed to the room and said, “Please!”

“This is Miss Andrina from Winter City, she is as beautiful and moving as rumored, and the bitter memory wine you brewed has a deep memory in my memory. On behalf of all players in the territory, I welcome you to Twilight. Long live!”

Sarajan walked into the room and saw Andrina sitting on the chair, and was slightly surprised, and greeted Andrina quickly and politely.

“That wine was brewed by the troll Trundle. Players who have been to Winter City know it.” Andrina sat there without moving, glanced at Sarayan, and said lightly.

“Really, that’s great, I’ll go to him and ask for more advice later.” Sarajan said with a smile.

“Forget it, as a lord, it’s better to manage your own territory. Learning how to make wine is too subservient.” Andrina directly exposed Salayan’s polite words and said unceremoniously.

Then he got up and walked to Thorne with light steps. He glanced at Thorne and said, “You two talk slowly, I’ll go first.”

Thorne nodded to Andrina without speaking.

Andrina’s water-like eyes swept over Thorne, flashed a complex color, then turned and left, and her body suddenly paused as she walked, and then disappeared into the corridor again.

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