Half of Me

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

9 p.m.


For others, it was time to end the day, but for me, it was time to work.


“Hey, didn’t you shake off what’s left of No. 3?”


Jiyong, who was carrying small packaging boxes, stuck his head into his office.


“I couldn’t sell that.”


“Why? I told you to hand it over to President Park, right?”


Ah, that's it... Jiyong must have been frightened by my expression, so he put down the box and turned his body.


“Why are you taking that down?”


Jiyong quickly picked up the box again.


“President Park said the unit price was lower than the original price. So Chung-yeon said that was a bit harsh...”


“Bring it.”


Jiyong hurriedly moved his box and rushed over. I checked the ledgers and inventory again and tried to figure out what to do with No. 3, who had been causing me a lot of trouble for several days now. There were a few places that came to mind, so I called and got a response from one of them saying they would contact me after signing up. While waiting for the phone call, Jiyong ran in a hurry and brought Chungyeon with him. He was panting as much as Jiyong and looking at me. He was 10 years older than me and the head of a family with two children, but he was in a position to learn the trade under me. Before coming here, he worked at a well-known company for over 10 years, but was fired last year due to company circumstances. I don't know why someone who graduated from a good university and only used to work on the computer in the office wanted to learn wholesale, but I've been holding on for half a year. I don't know if he will survive this time too.


“Huh, huh… Gwili No. 3…”


Mr. Chungyeon wiped the sweat from his forehead with dirty work gloves, as if he had run over while helping with loading and unloading.


“The director has already sent the car... at a ridiculous price... so he said if it's not his price, he'll send the car somewhere else..."


“Mr. Jeong Chung-yeon, what did I tell you to do? I told you to dispose of all of Kkwari No. 3 within today, right? We have agreed on the price with President Park, so all you have to do is hand over the goods and receive the money. Isn’t that right?”


“Yes, that’s right.”


I thought he was going to blame President Park again, but he just nodded his head as if it was his fault. And he stood restlessly, like a student unable to meet his teacher's eyes. He said that he had lost 6kg while working at the early morning market for half a year, and although he was pitifully thinner than before, he had no intention of looking at it.


“Do you know what I did wrong? Why would President Park suddenly lower the price that he agreed to verbally with me? Jeong Chung-yeon, aren’t you looking at me?”


He quickly raised his eyes. Jiyong, who came late nearby, just rolled his eyes at the harsh atmosphere.


“What did I do wrong? Tell me?”


“President Park… I couldn’t negotiate the price properly with President Park…”


“Why did President Park suddenly force me?”


Even though he was in a position to learn from me, I think it was difficult for him to get scolded and express his shortcomings in front of someone ten years younger than him. His expression hardened. Shame spread across his eyes.


“....I guess it’s because I’m so easygoing.”


“I know.”


I said a word and answered the ringing phone. It was a place that said they would check and contact me. Fortunately, there was some attention to my troubles. But, perhaps because they sensed that I was in a hurry, they didn't say they would buy it right away. Business cannot always be profitable. It's not a bad idea to take a step back when you can at least get your money's worth.


“You know this is for nothing. The stuff is fine. I took it out before using the medicine, so it’s not spicy. Don’t you know me? If there’s a problem with the stuff, I bury it all in the ground. There’s an event starting tomorrow, right? I heard you brought in a ton of small anchovies? They’re stewed on the side. "I'll pile up the chili peppers with the dragon set. I heard they're selling well. I can shake off all the remaining anchovies... Okay, I'll do everything, including the packaging. Yes, yes, I won't do it roughly."


As soon as I hung up the phone, Jiyong quickly asked. Did you sell it?


“Okay. Instead, you have to leave it wrapped until morning. You go and use the wrapping machine, then go to xx and get the small packaging container.”


“Ugh! When are you going to pack all that up?”


Jiyong screamed and then noticed Chungyeon looking sorry next to him.


“Ah, well… but… the boss hyung and Chungyeon hyung are going to auction from now on, and once the items come in, they have to sort them out too…”


“I’m going to the auction by myself. And why can’t I do that?”


Jiyong’s expression became more distorted. At that time, Chung Yeon-si, who was next to him like a criminal, opened his mouth.


“Hey, my wife said she would help me if there was anything I could help her with, but if I call you now...

“What are we doing? We don’t have hands?”


I cut him off bluntly and shouted at Jiyong.


“Hey, don’t move fast!”


As Jiyong ran to our rented warehouse, Chungyeon also quickly turned around.


“Mr. Jeong Chung-yeon.”


yes? I heard the answer. I looked at the ledger and let out a short sigh.


"good job."




“Good job.”


There was no answer this time. When I raised my eyes, he was looking at me with a blank expression.


“You did a good job of rejecting President Park’s offer. Next time, I won’t use that kind of trick against you, Chung-yeon Jeong.”




“Please go quickly and help Jiyong.”


Seeing him jumping up and down in shock, I also stood up. Today, for the first time in a while, I felt like my body was going to break down.


  7 am.


The work is finally over. Usually, work is done by 6:30, but on this day, there was a lot to do, so the store could not close until 7:00. None of us could open our mouths in the car on the way out of the market. Because no one even had the energy left to say a word. In particular, as soon as Jiyong sat down, he tilted his head back and started snoring right away. Chung-yeon, who was sitting in the middle, looked so tired that he was about to collapse, but he seemed to be holding on because he saw me driving.


“Just drop me off at the subway station in front of me.”


All three of us live not far from the market, so I tended to drop them off and go home. Without responding, I moved to the center lane and waited to turn left as usual. A rare luxury foreign SUV stood right next to my car and waited for the signal. The blue body of the car also seemed to glow. The car is nice. I looked to the side with envy and felt Chungyeon watching me. It was clear that he wanted to say, “I can just drop you off.” But I didn't say it out loud. I guess I now know that if I keep my mouth shut, it means rejection. There is nothing that makes you tired from the road you take every day. In fact, in times like this, I concentrate more to avoid accidents.


For example, when making a left turn in a large semicircle on an 8-lane road, a person suddenly jumps out onto the road. A foreign SUV that was turning left alongside my truck made a loud screeching sound as the brakes were pressed. I was already turning the steering wheel while hearing that sound. That's because the car in the next lane stopped and turned the steering wheel towards me. I had no choice but to rush towards the tree on the sidewalk. You can't hit some crazy guy standing in the middle of the road and not moving, right? In a short period of less than a second, all kinds of swear words came out inside. I'm like a dog slamming my body into the cement floor to avoid the worst. Meanwhile, sounds I didn't recognize were coming out of my mouth.


“Hold on tight!!!”


Fortunately, the car stopped between the trees. The truck was too big to fit between them. The front wheels of the truck stopped on the sidewalk, but one side had already hit a tree. The driver's seat where I sit. thud! It seemed like there was a loud noise. My body was shaking like crazy, and I felt like I was trying hard not to let go of the steering wheel when I was hit by a tree sticking out from the side. Then my head shook and hit the driver's door frame hard.


-Ugh, what's going on?!


-President Kwon are you okay?! Come to your senses!


They were obviously right next to each other, but their voices felt like they were far away. The same was true for the loud klaxons and the murmurs of people outside. I opened my eyes slightly and saw the road condition in the side mirror. The SUV in the next lane managed to turn the car, but it seemed to have been pushed forward by a car coming from behind. In front of the pushed car, a person wearing a white shirt was lying on the gray road. I felt familiar with the clothes of the crazy guy on the road trying to kill himself. Isn’t that my alma mater’s uniform? As I thought about it, I slightly opened my eyes to see him in the mirror as big as my finger.


It was funny, but I felt like we made eye contact. He had no normal judgment that I was in a position where he couldn't see me, or that the probability of me being reflected in the side mirror was slim. I just wanted to shout with all my might at the person my eyes met. But reason became distant, consciousness faded, and my earnest cries for him could not come out. Hey, you fucking bastard!!!


What did I do in high school? Maybe it's because I didn't do much, but my memory is vague. Anyway, I went to school alone without any friends, and I only went to school to get a diploma, so most of my memories are of going to school and sleeping there. The teachers didn't touch me much after they told me I wasn't going to college. Of course, there are teachers who scold us. He openly told me not to sleep on it if it ruined the atmosphere of other students preparing for college entrance. So I slept in secret. Thanks to this, there were no major accidents until graduation.


It was a quiet life compared to middle school, when if I had an accident every day, my parents would be called away and I would be suspended from school. One of the reasons why this happened was because I went into the humanities field alone, compared to all my friends who went into the information field. There is also a reason why my parents, who had a bad relationship and separated, ended up getting divorced. Suddenly, her mother, who was responsible for her livelihood, had to go to work at her grocery store, which brought her to her senses. My uncle, who lived nearby at the time, took care of our hats and it was he who suggested I work at the wholesale market.


My younger brother ran away from home because he was crazy about another woman, Jesu, who had been a housewife her entire life, was suddenly so busy taking care of living expenses that she couldn't pay attention to her children, and my nephew was an accident-prone person since middle school, so it's clear that things are going to go wrong in this situation. From my uncle's point of view, I think he had a strong desire to make sure that I, at least, did not go astray. I first went to work at his store during summer vacation during my second year of high school. He had to work from dusk until dawn, but he seemed to have been made to work even though he was young because he could keep me in his sights.


My job was a simple loading and unloading part-time job, and I transported 250 boxes of tomatoes on the first day alone. Of course, I was so sore the next day that I couldn't even wake up. I promised myself I would never do it again, but my uncle personally came to pick me up. I worked to death again like that. I tried to run away in the middle of work, but my uncle's spies were spread all over the huge wholesale market. The next day, I dragged my sick body and hid at a friend’s house. But this time, my friend's parents picked me up and presented them to my uncle.


I don't know how my uncle contacted my friend's parents and persuaded them, but my friend tasted death that day and left, saying he would never hide me again and calling me a bastard. After that, I had no choice but to keep going. And by the end of the vacation, I had about 2 million won in money. My uncle gave the money and didn’t say anything. There was an argument to be made to give it to your mother, don't use it for bad things, etc., but there was really no comment. As I walked home with that money, all sorts of thoughts came to my mind.


Should I invite my friends and eat everything I want while listening to their cheers? Should I buy a newly released game console? Should I give half to my mom and use the other half as pocket money? etc. At 7:30 in the morning, she arrived home and her mom was still sleeping. She leaves at 9 in the morning and returns at 10 in the evening, so the only thing she sleeps at home is. I wanted to wake her mom up and brag about her money, but when I saw her snoring and sleeping with her mouth half open, I closed the door again. And when she went to the kitchen because she was hungry, her mother's pre-prepared meal was covered with her tablecloth as always.


When she saw that, she realized for the first time. Her mom said that even though she worked more hours than me and was more tired, she always took care of my meals. She ate and waited without sleeping until her mother woke up. When her mom woke up, she gave me all the money and she said, I can't study, and I hate books more than dying, so from now on, I want to work under my uncle and learn about the market. The market wasn't particularly good. It's not like I have any affection for my uncle's spies and those swearing men who just scream. I felt like even a stupid country could make money if it was just this. Her mother was angry at her uncle, asking why he ruined her child's thoughts by making me do this, but her uncle managed to take my side.


'It's better than becoming an unemployed gangster.'


He was adamant that my future was 99% of gangsters and unemployed people. Actually, my expectations were not much different. If I continue like this, I'll end up being last in school, hanging out with the annoying kids, and I'll probably grow old taking the allowance my mom gives me for granted. I didn't really have anything I wanted to do, but I didn't have the brains to study, so studying and learning with my body was perfect for me. To run a wholesale business, you need to have some brains, but fortunately, I had this level of brains. Unexpectedly, he had a knack for winning items he wanted at auctions.


Now that I think about it, I was really lucky. I still keep in touch with my friends from middle school, but now that I'm 30, there's a guy who can't come to his senses. The rest is all about making enough money to feed yourself. One of my friends, who had an accident with a girl when he was young and whose child was already in elementary school, drank alcohol and expressed envy. I should have earned money from a young age like you. thirty. I guess it's definitely an age that puts pressure on me. Among the guys who seemed to be losing their minds, half are seriously thinking about their future.

Of course, just worrying doesn't mean I came to my senses. At the end of all my worries, there is a guy who comes to me and asks me to lend him some money to start a business. I can guarantee that people like that will come back a few years later, with huge debts and asking for a loan. If there's one thing I've learned from watching the world of adults in the market since I was young, it's just one thing. Let's not be greedy.


There are many stores and merchants here, but there are those who go bankrupt every year. There are times when the economy is not good and people fail due to competition, but surprisingly, gambling or fraud is more common.


Of course, most people work hard to save the money they earn and are unable to eat properly because they are working for their families. My uncle was that kind of person, and I grew up watching and following him, so I was lucky enough to open my own store two years ago. There is a debt that needs to be repaid by the end of this year, but it is not a big problem since it is almost fully paid off. I also went through a lot of hardships to get here. Being physically difficult is not a problem. You just have to get used to using your body. The bigger problem was accepting this completely as my job.


In my early 20s, I was compared to my peers who were all going to college, so I quit my job for a while and went astray. My uncle didn’t catch me at this time. He said he was not old enough to catch and teach and he said do whatever you want. Instead, he said he could never work for me again, and how is carrying boxes any different from construction work? I think I wandered around for a few months wondering if a construction site without the market smell would be better. I came to my senses and tried to go back to my uncle, but he wouldn't accept me, so I spent several days on my knees and finally returned empty-handed.


Still, after being discharged from the military, I continued to wander on my own until my mid-20s. I went to the market early in the morning because I was afraid I would get cut from work again, but during that time, I hung out with bad guys and drank alcohol every day. At that time, the market felt like a prison. I hated spending my bright future in such a smelly place. Eventually, I came to my senses again. There is no reason. When I opened my eyes, I was already 27 years old and I had no money. I worked for several years and didn't have any money.


Even though my mother later gave me a bank account in which I saved all the money I gave her, I literally spent every penny except the money I gave home for living expenses. And now, just when I was finally settled into my job, financially stable, and my mother had remarried a good man, so I had nothing to worry about, and everything was going smoothly, this damn thing happened. Oh fuck, you high school kid.


I opened my eyes, feeling like my head was hardened to plaster. No, it wasn't just the head. It just felt like my whole body was frozen. I tried to raise my head when an unfamiliar ceiling came into view. Ugh. A scream rose up to my throat. Fortunately, I didn't have the energy to open my mouth, so I looked around without making a sound. The clothes of the people moving around made me know that this was a hospital. I tried to get up, but only lifted my head and dropped it back onto the pillow. I couldn't move my body easily. Still, I raised my head again because I heard a familiar voice.


"...Yes. I called my boss's mother, but she didn't answer... Yes, yes. I'll keep trying.... No, they said I would need a test to find out, and that if I hurt my head, I might need surgery right away... Yes. “Because I didn’t wake up…”


Jiyong was talking on the phone in a serious voice from the passage below. Hey, I'm awake. I raised my head again and tried to make a sound.




“No, Chung-yeon and I weren’t hurt at all. The car hit a tree, but it was only a grazing from the side. But the blow hit the side where the boss was sitting…”


“Hey... hey... Moon Ji-yong....”


I could barely utter the name, but this guy actually turned her body and tried to go somewhere else. I reached out my hand in haste.




A fairly loud sound came out and Jiyong turned his head, holding the phone to his ear. I thought it was over now, but what? Even though Jiyong looked at me, he turned his head again and said nonsense.


“No, there was no bleeding. But the doctor said there may have been blood pooling inside the brain. If that’s the case, surgery may be needed…”




She squeezed her voice that wasn't coming out properly. Jiyong looked at me again. Then she frowned. what? That kid...


“I’ll call you again, big boss. I don’t know if he’ll wake up, so I’ll go back… Yes.”


Jiyong hung up the phone and glared at me, then turned her body again. Is that crazy?


“Hey! Moon Ji-yong!”


Startle. Jiyong turned around in surprise.


“Hey, how many times have you called me?”



“Did you talk to my uncle on the phone? He said he was going to visit my younger sister in Ilsan with my eldest mother today. Please call me again and say you won’t be bothered to come.”


Startle. The guy was startled again and this time he took a step back. Why is he like that?


"Where's my phone? I'll do it myself..."


“You, you, what are you?!”


I looked up and looked for my phone. you? Did my head turn in an accident?


“I have no energy. Get your phone quickly, damn it, some crazy high school kid is jumping in to kill himself this morning...”


“You, you, you!”




“Well, that’s you!”

Jiyong kept talking nonsense. Now he even raised his finger and pointed at me.


“Yes, you are a crazy high school student!”


“Did you turn?”


“You bet the money…”


“Fuck. Is it so unfair that I packed No. 3 kwalli all night long? Stop joking around…”


“Wow!! How did you know that?!!!”


At this point, I really doubted his brain. What the hell is he....


“How did you know that we had been packing up No. 3 all night long! Wow… I can’t believe you were stalking me…”


“Come to your senses, bastard. You keep telling the boss it’s you…”


Cracking. He stepped back again. He then shouted with all kinds of surprise and shock on his face.


“Chungyeon hyung!!!!!!”


After a while, Chungyeon came running with a nurse. However, Jiyong defeated the nurse who stopped her by telling her to be quiet and pushed Chungyeon in front of me.


“Hyung Chung-yeon, who does that guy look like?”


Both Chung-yeon and I looked dumbfounded. Of course, who does it look like...


“He’s your boss.”


“You’re a high school student who caused an accident.”


what? I looked at Chungyeon with frowning eyes. Damn, those people must have damaged their brains.


“What are you talking about? Did Jeong Chung-yeon get upset because of Moon Ji-yong? It’s Chung Chung-yeon’s fault for working all night yesterday. Of course, I complained about President Park’s business, but I said it was a good thing I refused.”


Chungyeon also stepped back with a shocked expression. Is that trendy? A nearby nurse asked what was going on, but the two remained frozen until Chungyeon finally opened her mouth.


“Jiyong...go and get a mirror.”


And while Jiyong was running somewhere, he came up to me and asked.


“You...no, your name?”


“What’s wrong?”


“Don’t you know your name?”


Why don't you know?


“Kwon Hee-chan.”


“...Um, what’s your phone number?”




“What is the store account number?”


I was a little annoyed. But when I saw Chung-yeon’s white, tired face, I couldn’t bear to curse. Are you trying to check because I hurt my head?


“Bank xx, xxx-xxxx-xxxxxx. Can I also tell you the name of the employee in charge? Manager xxx. The loan for the store expires in December of this year. The savings I received for the loan expire in June next year. If I get 5,000 from that, I will replace the truck. Is that okay?”


I guess it didn't work out. His expression became more serious. He came in front of me, looked closely at his face, and asked in a low voice.


“Do you know how I first came to work for President Kwon?”


“You came here through the introduction of the person who remarried my mother. He is her younger sister’s brother-in-law.”


“Yes. But you told me that you can’t work like this if you just sit at your desk. Do you remember what I told you?”


I remember. Because of that, I decided to help.


“No matter how much you can’t do, when you go home every evening and look at your children’s faces, it turns into something to do.”


Is it because of the memories of my irresponsible father? I think I became weak after hearing these words. I also had the mindset to wait and see if it was real. After watching him for half a year, at least he wasn't the type of person who lied and said things like that.


“You said that when you go to these days, it’s morning and all you can do is see the kids sleeping? I’m sorry that even though I rest on holidays, it’s hard to play with them during the day because day and night have changed.”


“...Where on earth did you hear all that?”


“Where did you hear it? Chung-yeon Jeong said it herself....”




A nurse's startled cry was heard, and Jiyong appeared holding a palm-sized princess mirror. This guy's fuss made even me frown. Hey, don't yell. The scolding that was trying to come out of her mouth went back in. The two people who looked at me with strange eyes, the nurse who was angry, and the people who came out to see what was going on all disappeared beyond reason. It has to be that way. It wasn't me in the small mirror that Jiyong held out in front of me. In the mirror, a high school student with eyes shaking with shock opened his mouth just like me.


“....Fuck, what is this?!”


This cannot happen. That student is acting. You must have originally known Hee-chan Kwon. Student, can I pretend to be someone else just because I'm scared of an accident? etc


The mere fact that I looked like someone else was enough to make me faint, and it felt like I had used up years of energy fighting against people who didn't believe I was myself. In the end, I had to escape the hospital to avoid the doctor who was trying to send me to a psychiatrist. Fortunately or unfortunately, the two people who followed me home despite being suspicious of me seemed to trust me to some extent now. To do that, I had to play the truth game for over an hour.


“So the souls were swapped? Like something out of a fantasy novel.”


When Jiyong spoke, the rational Chungyeon shook her head, saying it was nonsense. Then he stopped when he saw me. He seemed to have something he wanted to say but couldn't bring himself to say it, so I did it for him.


“I’m Kwon Hee-chan. I’m not pretending to be Kwon Hee-chan.”


The words I said hundreds of times today flowed automatically. Mr. Chungyeon looked embarrassed and still looked away in disbelief. On the other hand, simple Jiyong now seemed to think that I was the real Kwon Heechan.


“Look, the souls have been swapped!”


Of course, it was difficult to listen to his nonsense.


“Fuck, where is the soul? People are just people. They have a sweet body.”


“Then what happened to you? Can you explain what’s happening now?”


does not exist. So I'm going crazy too. I don't understand why the body of a high school kid who was hell-bent on dying had a soul. Of course, there is no such thing, but the soul changed anyway. There was silence again. I felt relieved to be out of the hospital and at home, but time was an issue. It's already 6pm.


“Oh, I need to get ready and go to work soon.”


Two people were very impressed by what I said. Like that? Seeing the cry on his face, I protested quietly.


“If I go bankrupt, the two of us will have no salary.”






Both were equally astonished. After a while, Chungyeon muttered.


“That’s right. It’s President Kwon, it’s President Kwon…”


“If you understand, get up now.”


“Wait a minute, then what about the student, or the original owner of that body? Aren’t his parents also looking for him?”


“How do I know who this bastard is and find him?”


This guy who was hell-bent on dying had nothing on his body other than his school uniform. He didn't have a cell phone, a bag, or even a single coin. I got up from my seat and rummaged through my pockets again.


“Look, this bastard is so hell-bent on killing himself that he doesn’t leave any of his belongings behind… Huh?”


While searching through the back pocket of my pants, something caught on my fingertips. What is this? A small folded piece of paper came out. When I unfolded the paper that had been folded several times, there was a phone number written on it. No name, just a number. what's this? Should I call here? Just as I was about to think, Chungyeon’s cell phone rang. Hello, he answered the phone, listened to what the other person said, and then looked at me and opened his eyes wide.


“It’s a hospital, and I found a student’s luggage!”


  7:00 pm


Originally, this was when the owner came out first and was just opening the store. There was no special discount even if I came out, but since I was too lazy to eat at home alone, it was time to prepare for the day by myself, ordering at a restaurant where I ate, cleaning the store, calling my business partners, etc. But I was busy with other things that day.


“Why is there nothing?”


I took out my high school student's bag and complained. Actually, there is nothing. There was a cell phone, two reference books, a spring notebook, and two ballpoint pens. There was no wallet, but a student ID card was found on the front of the bag.


“I’m a second year at xx high school. Why is my young friend…”


Mr. Chungyeon shook his head in a sad voice.


“I got a call from ‘Mom.’”


Jiyong, who was checking his phone, handed it over to me.


“It’s not locked.”


Perhaps because of the accident, the screen on the phone was broken, but there was no problem seeing the screen. As Jiyong said, it was the place where he contacted ‘Mom.’ In addition, there are a few numbers that are not saved.


“Maybe the school called?”


Chungyeon mumbled and joined in watching the screen.


“I think KakaoTalk came too.”


Jiyong flipped through the phone instead of me, who was unfamiliar with it, and found a number on the KakaoTalk icon. 36. Jiyong tried to touch it, but I pressed the phone book first. The first thing to do was to find out who this kid was. However, there were only three numbers saved. Mom, home, grandmother’s house. Other than that, there was nothing saved on this phone. There were no photos, texts, downloaded videos, much less games.


“If someone sees it, they’ll think it’s a cell phone I just bought.”


Jiyong was just like that. There was nothing like that. I went back to my address book and checked my mom’s number at the top. Fortunately, my home address was written under the contact information. Jiyong quickly read the address.


“ABC Apartment in xx-dong… Huh? This is the apartment where the boss’s brother lives.”


I know yeah. But there was still more shock left.


“Room 406 in Building 2. Huh? President Kwon’s house is also in Building 2. What number was it?”


“...Room 506.”


They both lifted their heads at the same time and looked at me. Even without seeing them, I could feel their looks of surprise and suspicion.


“After all, you were a stalker!”


Because it’s not! I was about to shout but stopped. Are you sure this guy isn't really my stalker? So I jumped in front of my truck on purpose... and here I was shaking my head again. However, because Stalker is a wizard, there is no way he can change his soul. So what on earth is this situation?


“Are you really pretending to be President Kwon all this time?


Chungyeon’s words woke me up from my thoughts and I raised my eyes.


“Fuck, no. I’m not this crazy high school kid. Damn, I’m going crazy.”


I roughly brushed my hair and looked at the clock on the wall. The second hand was just reaching 7 o'clock sharp. 7 o'clock? 7 o'clock?! I jumped up from my seat. The two were startled and stood up together.




"what's the matter?"


What happened?


“We have to work. Now is not the time for us to be like this. We were supposed to receive all the items from page XX today. The truck will be here soon. Jiyong, you go to the warehouse and take out the items that are going out today in advance, and make a place for us. Chungyeon, you will take care of me. “There is an auction, so please look around the items first.”






“What are you doing? Neither of you are moving?”


Do you really work like that? Chungyeon asked. Do you say that?


“No matter what I look like, I work. The important thing is to properly send the goods to the customers tomorrow morning. Even if I turn into a monster, I will work. I will do it no matter what happens...”


If you don't like it, leave my store. You can't talk back to me. Suddenly, a strong feeling of dizziness came over me. It was to the point where I had to close my eyes for a while. Still, it would have been 5-6 seconds at most. But when I opened my eyes, I doubted my sense of time. I saw the ceiling in front of me. It wasn't my store. But I was used to it. I raised my head, feeling strange. hospital? why? I just closed my eyes and opened them? I got up, sat down, and looked around blankly. The hospital was right. Your soul was swapped and now you've gone back in time? I had all kinds of crazy thoughts. I'm not dreaming, am I? While I was in a daze, a nurse who was passing by saw me and came over to me.


“Kwon Hee-chan, are you okay?”

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