Half of Me

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

7:00 pm.

  In the afternoon, the time was exactly right as always. Was breakfast just a mistake? Has your body mistook time? Waking up in Woo Min-jae's hotel villa, I passed off the morning's events as a coincidence. If it was any indication, 30 minutes was too short. Rather, I was more concerned about the place I returned to after 12 hours. I fumbled in my pockets with my hands. I touched a USB stick the size of my finger. It's still there. I hoped it would go away on its own while I was gone, but it was a vain dream. I lifted my heavy body lightly. lightly? I stood up and moved my arms and legs. My body felt really light. My body was always sore from lying down for 12 hours, but today it felt cooler. what? Since I'm used to this, has my body adapted? I was wondering if I was good at lying down if I could do it with my body, and then I saw a note on the table.

- wait. I'll be right back.

It was Woo Min-jae’s handwriting. I put down the note and hurried out the door. If it comes soon, I have no choice but to leave quickly. It was still uncomfortable to look at his face. This is why Taek-in refused to come to the hotel when he was there, saying he had urgent work to do. I was worried that he might come, so I ran to the front door and opened the door. At the same time, the person sitting in front of him suddenly stood up.

“You were inside as expected.”

It was Andy. While trying to avoid a wolf, he encountered a tiger. The person I hated meeting more than Woo Min-jae looked at me and sighed in relief.

“Thank goodness. I rang the doorbell when I saw Minjae leave a while ago, but he didn’t open it, so I was wondering what to do.”

I held on to the front door and stood halfway out, thinking about it. Should I close the door and go in? But it was already too late. Andy grabbed my arm tightly with a desperate hand.

“I checked the CCTV and saw that you took me there last night. Did you take anything from my villa? Yes?”

I still haven't decided how to talk about USB. Is it right to tell Minjae first, or is it right not to say anything at all?

“What’s missing?”

He paused and relaxed his hands. In the meantime, I separated him from him and went outside. As I walked a few steps, he followed me with a puzzled look on his face.

“You took it from me, right? You stole it, right?”

When he told me he had stolen it, I looked up at him. It's true, so I have no intention of contradicting it. Because what I’m curious about is something else.

“Did Woo Min-jae also consent to the video being filmed?”

“As expected of you…”

“He said he never took a video.”

Only then did he close his mouth. A red face, eyes shaking with embarrassment, hands writhing without knowing what to do. I had no intention of questioning or criticizing Taekin for helping him with his work. But he didn't even have the heart to give it back.

“Forget about it, I’ll get rid of it.”


He shouted a rejection that was almost like a scream and grabbed my arm again.

“Please, please give me. I didn’t mean it in a bad way. Yes, I know it looks perverted, but I didn’t mean it in the way you imagine. I like Minjae so much... It feels like a dream and I can’t believe that Minjae and I are lovers. I took a picture. I liked Minjae for 3 years. 3 years. But when the person of my dreams became my lover, I was so happy, I was so happy that every minute and every second was a waste. So I just wanted to leave evidence. I never showed it to anyone, and I never did. "I won't show it to you. Can I be honest with you? Just the thought of you seeing that gives me goosebumps and I hate it. Those are memories and time just for me and Minjae. It's proof of us that no one can interfere with."


"Please. That's all I have. Not throwing away the photos and notes we took together after we broke up is a personal choice, not a compulsion, right? That's all I have. It's really precious to me. You, I don't need you. “You have Minjae now, right?”

His hands were so strong that his arms hurt. He was afraid that I would run away, so he clenched his nails so hard that they dug into my flesh.

“Give it back. You don’t deserve it.”

Tears slowly flowed from his eyes.

“Then I guess I’ll have to let a qualified person decide.”

I spoke harshly and forcibly removed his hand. He staggered back and looked at me with blank eyes.

“Why? Do you want Minjae to hate me and despise me even more? Minjae likes you. Minjae will never come back to me, so do you really have to do that?”

I couldn't answer any of his questions. Do you want Minjae to hate you more? Maybe so. At that moment, I recognized the sincerity within me. There was a time when my quality was so bad that I wondered if I could ever want something like this. At the same time, I was embarrassed. I felt like I was acting arrogantly, as if I had the upper hand by lying that I was loved by Minjae. I am nothing to Woo Min-jae. The pleading voice and earnest eyes heightened my guilt. But they couldn't give me a USB. This task was originally simple. A hidden camera was taken without someone's permission, and I brought it with me. I concentrated on this part and shook my head resolutely.

“I can’t give it to you. If you didn’t know, I can’t just leave a video taken without your permission.”

"I told you, but that's..."

“Woo Min-jae said you are a person who does not lie. You are a person who shows everything without lying. He said that even though he was treated terribly by you, he remembers the good things. But why do you do this behind my back?”


I pulled away from his arm, which couldn't say anything, and went on my way again, but this time I was blocked. Andy must have been angry and pushed his body to block me. For the first time, I saw venom in his eyes.

“No. Give it to me.”

“I won’t tell Woo Min-jae. If that’s what you’re worried about…”

“What are you? Who are you, taking my memories? Give it to me. Give it to me!”

He screamed and lunged at me like someone who had suddenly turned around. Even though he looked weak, the man, as if he were a man, was able to hit his hand with such force that he took a step back. madam. I almost said a curse word without realizing it, but I held back and turned to the side and walked away.

“Don’t go! No!”

puck. He hit me with his torso. As I stumbled, he attacked me with his fists and hands. Of course, it wasn't hit hard. However, as I turned his face to avoid him, his nails scratched my skin. As soon as I regained my balance, I quickly grabbed his wrist.

“Fuck it, let’s see.”

When I spoke harshly and raised his clenched hand, he flinched for a moment. Hey, if he were just a little bigger and bulkier, he'd be a hit. It was when the wind picked up. I heard someone else's voice.

"what are you doing?"

It was Woo Min-jae. Nana Andy I was startled and stopped her movements and looked at him. He stood for a moment and looked at our condition. It was only then that I saw what we were like. I, who was taller and bigger, grabbed the delicate Andy's wrist and held her fist with my other hand as if threatening her. I think this is a situation that could be misunderstood... I swallowed my saliva without realizing it and looked at Woo Min-jae. My embarrassment grew like mold as I felt like I would look even more like the perpetrator.



Andy called his name first. His face was pale, and there were tears in his eyes. Woo Min-jae looked at his face and then glanced at me. I flinched without realizing it. It was the appearance of a perpetrator who could neither be taken away nor beaten. shit. I sighed as if giving up and averted my eyes from Woo Min-jae who was approaching me. He came quickly and took Andy's wrist, which was still in my hand, roughly. I swallowed again and took a step back. So this... excuses were on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't come out. Minjae Woo turned directly to Andy. Then he threw his fist at Andy, who was trying to say something. There was a pop sound. Just like in the cartoon, the person flew and fell to the ground. Of course, he just fell backwards, but to my eyes, it looked like he was flying through the air in slow motion. Andy's eyes widened as he fell to the floor in disbelief. I bet my eyes got bigger than that. What the hell is going on?

"are you okay?"

I heard a question. I thought it was me, so I turned my eyes and saw Woo Min-jae was really looking at me. me? Since no sound came out, I asked with my mouth.

“Yes, you. Are you okay?”

What if you ask me that now? I looked back at Andy, who was down on the floor in embarrassment and couldn't move. His teeth weren't knocked out, but he was hit so hard that blood showed on his lip. It felt like the flesh inside my cheek had burst. Maybe his jaw is throbbing and he's having trouble eating dinner. But now he was just staring blankly at Woo Min-jae.

“Hey... what if you hit someone like that?”

I was embarrassed and my voice trembled. Contrary to mine, an indifferent voice answered.

“I hit him because he deserved it.”

“Do you know why we fought?”

I hope you know about USB...

“You tried to hit me. Looking at the scar on your face, didn’t you mean to hold it in for a while and then attack?”

That's right, but...

“I bet you weren’t mad at Andy for no reason.”

I had no choice but to remain frozen and look at him. I was confused because I couldn't understand his words and actions. So you're saying that you trusted me and beat that guy entirely for me? This is ridiculous. If it were like a drama, I should have been slapped in the face during this scene. Or is there another meaning? Did you handle it in your line because you were afraid that if I hit you, you might hit me harder? no. I hit it too hard for that. Andy, who was still unable to get up from the floor due to the shock, barely opened his mouth.

"I am?"

When Woo Min-jae looked down, he followed suit and asked.

“You don’t think I have a reason to be angry? I… don’t you think I have a reason to hit you too?”

“No. Why should I think about the circumstances of a guy who betrayed and deceived people?”

Andy had already collapsed, but it seemed to me that he would collapse even further. Woo Min-jae turned his gaze coldly at the man who didn't answer, grabbed my arm, and dragged me inside. Then I heard Andy's voice again.

“I’m sorry… I’ve said it hundreds of times, but I’m sorry.”

“I’ve heard your apology hundreds of times, but I feel nothing.”

Andy felt like he had been hit on the head.

“Why? Because I… I hate myself so much?”

“You don’t like it? Are you curious about that?”

Minjae Woo turned towards Andy, but did not let go of his hand holding me.

“You’ve apologized to me hundreds of times, but you’re still selfish. The purpose of your apology is just to wonder how much I hate you, how much I hate you.”

“No, I hope you can forgive me at least a little and feel at ease...”

“I guess you want to put your mind at ease, not mine.”


"Chasing me and apologizing are all for your own good. You justify your actions by saying you still love me, but you just don't want to be hated. You want me to be comfortable? Don't freak out. That's on me. . I take care of it. You take care of your share. If you did something like that, take it for granted that you would be hated for the rest of your life. The moment you did that, not only did you forgive me, but you decided that you would never see my face for the rest of your life. Now you are that person. You're whining like a child about wanting to overturn the decision, but you're completely ignoring my opinion. I told you from the beginning. I won't see you. I'll never have anything to do with you again. But hundreds of apologies. Hundreds of ignores. This is all I can think of. "It's something that only satisfies your selfishness by reminding you of things you don't like hundreds of times."

Woo Min-jae wasn’t even angry. All he did was look down without emotion and pour out in his normal voice. But it was colder and more brutal than ever. He turned his head and headed for the door. The arm he was holding still hurt, but I didn't feel it anymore. As he led me into the villa, I unconsciously turned my head and looked at Andy. I could see his face looking at the ground with a blank expression through the closing door.

The USB remained in my pocket until the early morning when the store closed. I looked around every chance I could to see if Andy would come to the market looking for me, but I couldn't see him. He might also be drunk and passed out with empty bottles lined up. Maybe he went to Canada. I think what happened to Woo Min-jae yesterday was something he earned on his own. But I sympathize with what happened that way. Because I played a part in creating that situation. I asked Minjae Woo yesterday.

'Why did you do that all of a sudden?'

'I suddenly wanted to do that.'

'But you've ignored it so far. 'Didn't you want me to get tired of being alone and go away?'

'that's right. I wasn't going to say anything. 'If I show even the slightest reaction to something, it hurts my pride because I feel like it proves that I'm hurt.'

'But I just said what I wanted to say. 'Don't you feel refreshed?'

'not really. 'I don't feel refreshed at all.'


'But I don't regret it.'

'Is that so?'


'Why do you look at me like that?'


That damn thing. It was simply the most difficult word for me. It could be because I didn't understand the way he was looking at me while saying those words. One thing is certain: the guy who said what was on his mind didn't really look cool. What he did to Andy was cruel. At least I don't think it's okay to do it in front of me. Because I am a fake lover. But even though I thought he went too far and even though I felt sympathy for Andy, I envied Woo Min-jae. Sometimes I want to vent my pent-up anger towards someone. As this thought grew longer, I developed a compulsion to say what I wanted to say without being embarrassed when I met someone. When you meet that person, you should say this. How can I say something that will hurt more? I pick and choose words in an uncharacteristic way. Someday, if we meet, I want to raise my voice and swear in his face, sometimes I want to calmly point out his mistakes as if nothing is wrong, and sometimes I want to blatantly ignore him in front of him as if I don't know him and pass by. But can I speak properly like Woo Min-jae? Even if I say it, won't I become vain like Woo Min-jae? It was difficult to cut off useless thoughts. When the surroundings are quiet, the sky is still dark, and there is nothing to do, sometimes I think of my father and it hurts me.

Since I have never used Taek-in's body, I guess I can use it this once. When will I use it in times like this? I mumbled alone and glared at the door in front of me. I need to ring the doorbell, but my hand hasn't moved for several minutes now. I know it's cowardly of me to come see Andy like this. I knew what he was up to yesterday, but I knew that pretending not to know and coming to see what he was up to in a different way was foolish and could be rude to the other person. But I was a little worried. Funnily enough, the reason I came here was because of the book he gave me. I looked away to forget his useless thoughts and looked at the book that had been carelessly thrown on the desk. I had brought one of the books Andy gave me to the store if it would be helpful. I was curious about what he said about helping him escape from bullying. But I've never unfolded it before. Then I opened the first chapter and started reading a book for the first time in a very long time. Of course, the content was as I expected. It was so boring. After reading a chapter and a half with great patience and patience, he put it down because his head was pounding. Fuck, they gave me this boring book to read. What on earth is so funny? How can this book be interesting? This kind of book would be fun to read even for someone stuck on a desert island. And suddenly I realized. For Andy, his days as an outcast in high school may have been a deserted island. I think I've been looking at the cover of the book for a while. Surely you haven't landed on a desert island again? I came this far with this thought. I came right after school, but I couldn't even ring the doorbell. After hesitating for a while in front of me, I rang the doorbell. There was no answer. Did you go out? Are you going to sleep drunk again? Has he already gone to Canada? Then, suddenly, the door opened.

“It’s Taek-in.”

He muttered with an expressionless face. One of the cheeks of the unsmiling face was swollen. He was a person who never lost his smile at any moment, but just because he didn't smile made him feel like a completely different person. It was as if when I met Woo Min-jae again, I thought he was a completely different person from the Woo Min-jae I knew.

“I’m sorry, but I’ll see you later. I’m not feeling well.”

He said nothing and tried to close the door, so I quickly held out what I had brought.

“Eat tteokbokki!”

With my other hand, I held the half-open door from closing.

“I brought it because I heard you like spicy food. It’s spicy and delicious. I had diarrhea after eating it, but I thought it would suit you well.”

He just looked at the envelope in silence. I forced the envelope into his hand and only then took a step back. Andy looked at me with his still unsmiling face.

“Did you hear anything from Minjae?”


“Then why are you doing this?”

“Thank you. You helped me. No one worried about me like you did. No one actively looked for a way for me like you did…”

The words she said without thinking to make up an excuse made me pause. Now that I think about it, no one was as worried about Taek-in as this person. He was even more sincere than me. No, I wasn't really worried. It's just that it's mandatory to help you return to your original body. I've never felt like this was wrong, but suddenly I felt ashamed.

“The person who first truly held my hand was my brother.”

“Thank you, I will eat well.”

He smiled at Taekin. There was no smell of alcohol on him, which I was worried about. He didn't look like a wreck, nor had he lost his smile at all. He was finer than I thought. He even seemed calm. Are you okay? Actually, this was the only thing I wanted to ask and confirm when we met, but it was no longer necessary. It was useless to think that he would have collapsed. He was such a strong man that I felt sorry for him. Well, that's probably why I came here after Woo Min-jae. If I were in his situation, he wouldn't have been able to come no matter how much he loved me because he was scared of being rejected.

“How are you these days? Are you okay?”

He asked me with worried eyes. When I couldn't answer, he stepped back and opened the door wide.

“Would you like to come in and talk? Sometimes, just telling the truth is enough to help you relax. I’ll listen.”


  1. I shook my head, and he thanked me for the food one more time and went inside. I couldn't move easily from the doorstep. Why on earth did I come here to comfort that person?

As I fell asleep, the beach spread out around me. Cool air, soft sand, open sea. This place was still the same. Taek-in was there in the distance. But I didn't call him like I used to. I know no matter how much I call, there won't be any sound. I had a vague idea why he couldn't hear. I didn't deserve it. It was just an ignorant adult trying to drag an unprepared child out. I was facing the sea, just like Taek-in was looking at. I felt relaxed and good. There is no bullying at school, and there is no depressing family situation. It's no big deal. It's worth tolerating. How can I, who dismissed his pain as nothing, ask him to come out of this peaceful place?

  7:30 am.


At this time for several days, Taek-in opened his eyes. I still don't know why it was delayed by 30 minutes, but this situation continues. Wouldn’t time be getting shorter like this? Is this a sign that Taek-in is about to wake up? He was hopeful, but after several days of no change, he gave up. Thanks to this, I was later late, but perhaps because I arrived before class at 9 o'clock, there was no school guard guarding the school gate, so I ended up not lying down. Anyway, it doesn't matter if it's vacation as long as it lasts for about 10 days. However, there were still things that bothered me in the school life I had become accustomed to. Class monitor. She thought that this guy was going to be disciplined for being her dispatcher, but there was no news. She said that he also took her class without any problem and she harassed me. Woo Min-jae said he would report this to the school, but has he not done so yet? She's curious and wants to ask, but she hasn't had any contact with Woo Min-jae since what happened on Sunday. He doesn't have physical education class yet at school either, so I haven't seen him. I was reluctant to contact them because what happened on Sunday was partly my fault. And it seemed like he needed time to sort things out with Andy. Honestly, these are all excuses and I just can't do it because he won't contact me. I didn't know I would be like this either, but it was difficult to contact him in the first place. He grabbed his phone a few times and wrote a text message, but eventually pressed delete. I was more concerned about this guy's contact than the USB that was still in my pocket. Even though I don't do it, I keep getting curious. Why don't you contact me? So the day before gym class arrived. But I was able to see him before class. That morning, as soon as I found out that it was my weekday shift, I hurried to the teacher's office, but the atmosphere inside was quite bad. Everyone was looking in one place, and there was a woman who looked like a parent yelling in front of the vice principal.

“The physical education teacher is not even a formal teacher. How can it be possible to ask a busy child’s father to come home when he is not a proper teacher? That too after midnight! If the child was alone, it would be out of the question. My older brother was already the guardian. "I came here and you ignored it and called the child's father separately! What kind of person is that person!"

“Mother, that happened because of the promise that teacher Woo Min-jae made to the student...”

“I already had a guardian!”

Her voice cut the air sharply. I immediately knew who she was. And I also knew why the class president and his older brother had grown up without proper behavior under a proper father.

"As soon as I returned from my trip, I was so shocked by the noise I heard in the morning that I couldn't even go home and came straight to school. How on earth are you going to do this? A temporary teacher who calls parents as if he were the president. “What are you going to do with that long hair!”

What she was pointing at, waving her finger, was Woo Min-jae, who was standing expressionless. Although she received everyone's attention and was pointed at by her parents, she did not seem discouraged. But he couldn't be offended. I feel dirty like this too. Suddenly, I remembered Woo Min-jae saying that his father tried to call him when it was more important. When you looked across the street, didn't you also find out what the class president's mother was like?

“Vice principal, I cannot send my son to a school taught by a fake teacher like this. I will immediately contact the mothers of the association as well as the chairman and tell them how arrogant that fake teacher has been. I wonder if that fake teacher will leave or my son will leave. “We’ll see if I leave this school.”

The vice principal tried to take the excited parent to another place, but she continued to stand there and demanded an apology and disciplinary action from Woo Min-jae. I'm sure Woo Min-jae isn't going to get in big trouble, right? I was worried, but my homeroom teacher recognized me and came up to me with frowning eyes and took me out of the teacher's office.

She said, “Go back to class.”

“Are you going to fire the physical education teacher?”

“Isn’t that so? You’re only attending this semester anyway…”

She sighed and grinned at me.

“But have you really studied English?”

Yes, I did. Cheating is a no-no. After answering and walking away from the teacher's office with her homeroom teacher, I kept looking back without realizing it. I called Woo Min-jae for no reason at that time. Are you in trouble because of me? I was worried because this incident and the incident with Andy were all happening because of me. I returned to the classroom, worried about Minjae Woo, and saw the class president laughing and talking with her friend. I knew her mother had come to school, but she sat calmly and smiled. She seemed like this was no big deal to him. But that guy who helped Taekin at the beginning of the semester? She sat down, looking at him disapprovingly. Normally, I would fall asleep as soon as I sit down, but I didn't feel like that right now. As I was sitting with my book open out of courtesy, my partner quietly asked me if I was strange.

“The teacher’s office is in chaos right now, isn’t it?”

"How do you know?"

My partner glanced at the class president and lowered his voice.

“That guy said this morning that the gym teacher is going to be fired. Is that true that your mother is here?”

When I nodded, my partner frowned and said, 'As expected.'

“The physical education teacher touched the wrong person. The class president said that their mother is threatening to not allow them to teach at other schools. What does the physical education teacher want to do for a living now? Even the car is a fucking mess.”

I will probably eat well for the rest of my life. I answered to myself, but I was worried. I looked to the side and saw that my partner was accessing the SNS app on her phone and looking at her friend list. She then chose her friend and texted her. The guy right in front of his partner took out his phone and checked the text message. Why on earth do these kids keep their mouths shut and do that? It would be more troublesome to move my fingers. It was amazing, but my partner looked at me and asked if he could feel me watching him.

“But why don’t you play LINE these days? I saw you before and you only played LINE.”

"What is it?"

this. He showed his cell phone. While I was watching it, Taek-in took out his phone and checked it. But no matter how much I searched, there was nothing like that. You said you did it often, but why isn’t it there? The SNS that the class president was talking to was something else? I thought it was strange and was searching the app when the teacher came in and put my phone back in my pocket. By the way, will Woo Min-jae be okay?

“Ah, do you want me to contact you?”


“Hey, Hee-chan. Or you should come out. Are you going to do that? Huh?”

  1. I shook my head at the early soccer club president. He came into the store around 10 o'clock just as work was about to start and made a blunt request.

“Then bring Woo Min-jae. You know how important this match is, right? It’s the last match you have before your vacation. How can you enjoy your vacation in peace if you lose there? Huh?!”

That is correct. If I lose this time, I might be so upset that my whole vacation will be so bad that I'll be dressed up. But it wasn't easy to answer. I haven't contacted Woo Min-jae since last Sunday, and something like that happened at school today, so it was shameless of him to suddenly ask me to come to the soccer game without even contacting him. I didn't want to only contact you when I had a purpose. I can't even make a phone call to comfort you. ...Why can't I do it?

“Anyway, you take responsibility and bring him back. If it’s not Woo Min-jae, we’re doomed this time!”

I agree that it will fail. But there was something that kept getting stuck.

“Why do you call my friend honorific? He’s the same age as me.”

The chairman looked at me with pitiful eyes.

“Hey, if you see Messi is younger than you, are you going to talk to him informally?”


“Woo Min-jae is our team’s messiah. He’s already been known to other teams, so what kind of disgrace would it be if your useless employees come here?”

The two useless employees looked at the chairman with a straight face. However, for a leader who only cares about the team's victory, the glances of a teammate who cannot play soccer were laughable.

“Then, Heejot, I will just trust you.”

As soon as the chairman left, two employees scolded me.

“Chairman, isn’t that too much? Huh? I’ve been working so hard!! How hard is it to go out and play soccer on Sunday morning without even being able to sleep?!”

Jiyong was so excited that he jumped up and down. Chung-yeon, who would have tried to stop him from the side, also showed his discomfort.

"I wasn't going to say this, but honestly, the person who is the most unhelpful to the team is the president. If the team wants to win, a proper strategy is needed, but because everyone is shouting 'block here, block there', etc., our team is not united. It’s okay. Since it’s just me and Jiyong, I can follow the instructions properly and no one else can!”

"that's right!"

Jiyong clapped his hands in agreement. After listening to both people's complaints, I nodded.

“That’s right. As Jeong Chung-yeon said, our team has no strategy. We are not united. We can use this opportunity to show the presence of the two of us so that the Chairman can’t say anything.”

how? The two perked up their ears.

“The two of them will lead this game to a big win without Woo Min-jae.”

The two were silent for a while. And Chungyeon asked me a little question.

“Who is this match against?”

“FC Kimjang.”

They were both shocked at the same time.

“I think we can reveal our presence next time.”

“Right, right? President, we’re okay, so hurry up and contact Minjae.”

This time I was silent. So, I’m doing this too because I haven’t been able to contact you yet. I avoided my eyes without realizing it, but Chungyeon noticed it like a ghost.

“President Kwon, there’s no reason why we can’t contact you, right?”

“Where can something like that exist?”

“Then contact me. Minjae is not the kind of person who will abandon our team.”

It made me want to abandon a team like this.

“Boss, can you take out your cell phone?”

Even Jiyong noticed something and started watching. I had no choice but to take out my phone, but I couldn't even turn the screen on and just fiddled with it.

"It's late now. Why don't you wake up the sleeping person. When the sun rises later..."

“It’s not even 11 o’clock yet.”

“He’s originally an early morning person.”

Although the argument was strong, the two raised their chins as if there was nothing to do.

“If you sleep, you won’t answer the phone. If you don’t sleep, you will answer. It’s simple, right?”

If it were that stupid, I would have contacted you right away... I was so angry inside that I suddenly felt pathetic. Okay, is there anything complicated to think about? What can I do if he doesn't contact me? Why do I have to be restless and wait for him to contact me?

“I’ll make a phone call.”

I spoke to the two people and left the store. This is the peak work time, so it's noisy everywhere, but there are still quiet places. I went to the back of the building and pressed the call button. The signal went on for a long time. As I was contemplating whether to hang up, I heard Woo Min-jae's voice.


“What are you doing?”

[If I tell you, they won’t like it, right?]

“What are you talking about? What is it? Tell me.”

[I was watching the curly haired girl get pregnant in episode 18 of the drama.]

If you have curly hair...!

“Hey! What if you say that!! You damn bastard!! Argh!!!”

[I told you you wouldn’t like it.]

“You can just say you watch dramas!! Damn, the curly haired girl is pregnant? Oh, that damn thing is pregnant. What kind of villain can get pregnant that easily?”

Episode 18 is almost the end. So you don't have enough time to miscarry? If you lie... No! Guessing the story behind it is no fun! While I was suffering alone, I heard a shameless voice.

[A drama is just a drama.]

“Shut up. Some people’s lives are drama.”


"our mom."

If that guy did something like this to my mom, he would get slapped right away. My mom is very scary in this regard. I think I'll tell my mom.

[I envy my mother. There are things that are as important as life.]

"What am I jealous of? You too..."

Then it disappeared. Out of embarrassment, I quickly changed the topic.

“But you tell me to come out and help at the store if you have nothing to do, so are you watching dramas by yourself?”

[I have something to wait for, so I’m sorry.]

“What are you waiting for?”

[Yes, contact me.]

what? I blurted out a word, took the phone away from my ear, and looked at it, wondering what was going on.

“Why are you waiting for me to contact you?”

[I think you find me awkward.]

“Crazy. Why do I find you awkward?”

I was glad it was a phone call. Otherwise, I would have seen my face flushed with embarrassment. It's clear that it passed on to Taekin.

[Then why didn’t you contact me? You need me.]

“I’m just telling you to get some rest. And do you think I’m the type of person who only contacts you when I need you?”

[Why did you do it now?]

I did it because I needed it.

“I just wanted to see if you were okay.”


“Did you break down like that at school?”

[That’s right, you were in the teacher’s office at that time. I saw you at first glance, but your expression was really funny.]

I was really worried, but you thought it was funny? I was so shocked that I thought about throwing the phone, but I barely held back.

“Do you think your behavior wasn’t funny? You got pointed and scolded in front of so many teachers. You got kicked out of school.”

Lady, this is not it. After speaking, I bit my lip. I wanted to ask if you were okay, but I don't know why you said something like that.

[My appearance was funny.]

Woo Min-jae's voice sounded light, as if nothing had happened, so I felt relieved.

“I know. So... were you scolded a lot?”

There was no answer. Why do you do that? Hey, hey, I was calling out and I could vaguely hear a quivering sound.

“Hey, are you laughing?”


There was laughter in his voice...

[Were you worried about me?]

“Are you crazy?! I just feel a little responsible because you came to the police station because of me.”

[Then I definitely feel it. I got scolded a lot. Even the chairman of the board came after me and I was completely broken.]


[Kwon Hee-chan?]


[Why aren’t you saying anything?]

“...I’m sorry.”

This time the guy became speechless. He suddenly became depressed. He didn't know that the chairman would come and scold him. If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have called the police box.

[where are you?]

“Where is it? The market.”

[Can’t I leave the store to the staff and miss a day?]


[I suddenly want to see you.]

What... this crazy... I mumbled curses in my mouth but couldn't get them out. My face heated up again and I couldn't keep my gaze in one place.

“Hey, Mr.... don’t be so lucky!”

I shouted for no reason, and this time I heard laughter clearly through the receiver. But it had been so long since I'd seen him smile that I couldn't imagine what he would look like.

[work. See you tomorrow in gym class.]

“That’s right. Class tomorrow. By the way, the exam is over, are you going to class?”

[no. I will let you play freely.]


“Then order dodgeball. Be sure to order dodgeball.”

why? the guy asked. Why?

“I will get revenge on the class president. Just trust me.”

Starting yesterday, teachers began to tell us about test results. Of course, my grades based on one number were crap. Still, I had a good excuse for having amnesia, so no teacher scolded me in particular. Regardless of whether my grades came out or not, I just thought that sleeping was my job, but I couldn't stay in that attitude during first period the next day. It was English. When Hakju came in, the class leader stood up and greeted him. Hakju looked at the class president and shouted at the class.

“Did you guys study or not? Why is it that no one wrote answer number 3 correctly?!”

Sir, the problem was really serious. How do you memorize and use it all? This doesn't make sense. The kids in the class all grumbled together. I also remember answer number 3. The main text was written on a full half page, but there were blank spaces everywhere. And it was an ignorant question that asked me to fill in everything. It wasn't something I had memorized properly, so I thought I was having a hard time writing it. I gritted my teeth, saying it was a damn problem worthy of a school owner.

“Why doesn’t that make sense? There are people who got it all right.”

What kind of poisonous bastard guessed all that...

“Kim Taek-in.”


“Kim Taek-in, wake up.”

I stood up, puzzled. There was only one reason for him to call me. No, you suddenly fall flat on your face and say that I did something wrong...

“Applause. I am the only person in your class who wrote answer number 3 correctly.”

...me? I?! Applause was heard around me as I was shocked. Everyone was looking at me. I was embarrassed and looked around at the class when I made eye contact with the class president who had a frown on his face. Even though I was shocked, I suddenly felt better when the smile disappeared from that kid's face. Still, I was embarrassed and tried to sit down, but Hakju interrupted me.

“Kim Taek-in, do you want to kneel down to commemorate the occasion?”

All the kids in the class burst into laughter. I was the only one who answered with a frown on my face.

“How about something you do to commemorate the occasion?”


“Or buy me ice cream.”

As we passed July, the weather got sweltering from the morning. Hakju was astounded by my request, but when the children asked him to buy it for them as well, he took out his wallet from his pocket.

“You guys, thank Kim Taek-in and eat it.”

Soon, thank yous poured in to me. The excited children smiled as if they had forgotten that I was an outcast. I felt strange. I feel embarrassed, happy, and proud. I thought that maybe I was wrong in thinking that interaction with children was not necessary. Since I spent my high school years that way, it might be wrong to think that it would be better for Taek-in to spend his time that way as well. It wasn't bad that the kids in my class laughed and talked to me.

5th period. The time that everyone in the class was waiting for has come. PE class. Everyone in the class heard about the incident in the teacher's office yesterday morning and wondered what the physical education teacher's reaction would be. However, despite my expectations, there was nothing special about gym class. He wasn't particularly angry at the class president, nor did his expression harden. On the contrary, since the test was over, I threw him a ball and went to the side and sat down leisurely.

“Play dodgeball.”

Dodgeball. The guy did as I said and ordered dodgeball. Everyone was perplexed, asking what kind of dodgeball it was, but I was the only one whose eyes sparkled sharply. There wasn't much of a choice since the other grade that was in physical education was playing basketball anyway. A line was drawn and we were divided into two teams. I slowly relaxed. I waved my arms, bent and straightened my legs, and moved my head left and right. Then he glared at the class president with his blazing eyes and his fighting spirit burned. I know that Taek-in is bad at sports, but even people who are not good at sports can be good at dodgeball. All you have to do is avoid the ball. Fortunately, Taek-in's body was able to quickly record numbers, so his visual acuity seemed to be following its original form. Then, since you can see the ball clearly, it is easy to avoid it. Of course, I'm really good at dodgeball. When I was in elementary school, my stage name was Kwon Tongki. Moreover, it is advantageous to have a small body, but Taek-in was on the small side. If there's just one guy on our side who throws the ball well, I just have to dodge it and our team wins. Is it possible that among all those kids, there is not one person who is good at throwing a ball? As I watched the line being drawn, burning with the will to fight, I felt eyes on me and turned my head. Minjae Woo was looking at me as if he was curious. He asked when our eyes met.

“Kim Taek-in, do you have something to say?”

Suddenly the surroundings became quiet and all eyes were on me. What, Woo Minjae, you saw me first. I hid my embarrassment and asked anything.

“Does the winning team get anything?”

At that moment, the sparkling eyes of the class were focused on Woo Min-jae. Of course, this time too, except for the class president. Woo Min-jae sat crookedly, looked around at the class, and then asked me.

“What do you want to eat?”

Oh~~~ Cheers came out from the children's mouths. The kids gathered around me and made all kinds of suggestions. Ask me to buy you ice cream again, hey, hot dog! No, ask me to buy you bread. I answered with much thought.

“A hamburger.”

The kids patted me on the shoulder, saying it was an excellent choice. Woo Minjae looked at us and nodded his head lightly.

“Okay, I’ll buy it as a set. Only for the winning team.”

He looked at me as he said his last words. For some reason, I felt like I was smiling with my eyes, but I couldn't see it properly because the kids in my class were cheering and shaking me. Now that I think about it, I was on a different side from the class president. Unlike the kids in my class who were burning on their dodgero chairs, I made eye contact with the guy who was frowning alone. The guy glared at me. Even if I can't do anything else, I won't let that bastard eat the hamburger.

Huff, huff, huff...

A sweet smell came from his mouth as he exhaled while heaving his chest. He jumped and rolled so much that his entire body became covered in dust. Her arm muscles were strengthened by her lying down, but her legs were not at all. My legs were shaking after running nervously throughout the match. Oh, this wretched body. When Kim Taek-in wakes up, I will make him run 50 km every day. I was dissatisfied with my body not living up to my expectations, but it was almost over. There were three people left on our side, including me, and there was only one person left on that side. The class president left early and was throwing the ball outside the line. You're trying your best to kill me. However, as he was obsessed with the ball and almost snatched it away in an attempt to hit me, the kids on the same side were dissatisfied. Besides, you haven't met me even once. Nevertheless, he only wanted to kill me regardless. In a situation where there was only one person left, the ball thrown by the opposing team rolled on the floor. I chased the ball rolling in front of me, and the attacker near the line also bent down to pick it up. The two approached at the same time, but the ball ended up in the attacker's hands. I quickly turned around, bending over. Before playing, I saw the attacker raise his hand, aiming for my back with the ball.

“Kill that bastard!”

I heard someone shouting. Even if you don’t look at it, you are the class president. But what was important was something else. It felt like the ball was going to hit my body. But who am I? He is called Kwon Tong-ki and is the person who took over the elementary school dodgeball world. He also had the experience of being caught dead and then coming back to life after being caught lying that his father had died while playing dodgeball. Do you think I will win after going through so many hardships? Without even looking back, I threw myself sideways and rolled on the floor. The attacker will definitely slam the ball hard at me who is nearby, and if the ball only hits the floor, it will bounce high into the air. Sure enough, bang! A bouncy volleyball passed right next to me and fell to the floor. My whole body hurt from rolling on the floor. If it were me, I would have easily avoided it, but I was satisfied with this. Fortunately, while I was dodging, one of our team members inside quickly caught the ball.

“Oh~ Kim Taek-in!”

“Good dodge!”

“Hey, that bastard is doing great!”

I got up and got into position without even thinking about shaking off my dirty gym clothes. Fortunately, the one remaining member of our team threw the ball quite sharply. I went next to him who caught the ball and said softly.

"He passed to the left, then pretended to throw to the right, and then threw it straight ahead. I saw that he survived so far because his backward steps were fast and stable. However, when he came forward, the staff was more confused. When you used a trick at the end, he was surprised and ran forward. "I'm sure you'll fall. Try it."

The guy on my team looked at me in surprise, and when the kids told him to throw the ball, he swung the ball to the left first, just like I said. Then, after repeatedly signaling for the ball to be given to him, he pretended to send the ball to the final right side like I said. As soon as the opposing survivor quickly moved back, the ball split high in the air and went behind the survivor's back. And it turned out as I expected. The last survivor on the other side fell while trying to come forward, and the ball hit his leg exactly. we won Well, it doesn't matter. It's just nice to be able to hear the beautiful sounds of the class leader fucking in heat. I stood in the middle of our team jumping for joy, snickered, and then looked away. Looking at Woo Min-jae, he grinned triumphantly. How about I said I would get revenge? Even though it was nothing special, I was so embarrassed that I couldn't keep my mouth shut. He was looking at me with an expressionless face, so I couldn't tell if he noticed or not. But it was different from usual. It was expressionless, but it was not expressionless. There was something different. Is it because the eyes look different? I don't know. It was just different. Seeing me was different from before. They were staring at me among the cheering children, but I wasn't happy about this. That made me nervous. My heart was racing. It wasn't Taekin, it was me.

As soon as class ended, I came to the hotel and it was around 5 o'clock. I came as quickly as possible, but this is the time.

[I’m going to the hotel.]

I was going to go home after receiving a text message from Woo Min-jae, but I was a little late when I got back. If you have something to say, it will come. However, the dissatisfaction was clearly reflected in the short text message that followed.

[Principal’s office. Hamburger.]

He was condescending by saying that he was currently in the principal's office and that he had bought him a hamburger. Of course, the hamburger was the result of my outstanding performance, but it was clear that the principal's office had gone into trouble again, so I had nothing to say. So he came to the hotel and went to the lobby to get his keys as usual. Of course, I felt anxious as I entered the lobby. I feel like I'm going to see someone again. That person you see all the time. I took the key the employee gave me and looked around the federal office. There are probably still some left, right? For some reason, if I left for Canada, I felt like I would contact Taek-in and go. So, after taking the key, he stayed a little longer and looked around the lobby before walking away.

But my hunch was indeed correct. A familiar face caught my eye. But it wasn't Andy. I didn't recognize him right away at first. There seems to be a definite difference between seeing people under night lights and under daytime sunlight. Because it looked even more unlucky when I saw it under the sunlight. He was the class president's older brother.

Why is that bastard here... Ah, this is a hotel that anyone can come to. He looks like a college student, but he spends his time going around hotels and doing things he's very good at. As he tsk-tsucked, he belatedly noticed a man following him with his head down. That's a school uniform, right? No, why is that high school kid at the hotel at this hour? Of course, it didn't matter whether I wore a school uniform or made an impression. At least you're not walking around with an unlucky guy by your side. Is it because I was glaring and looking closely? I immediately noticed something strange about these two people. The high school student’s face was bloodless. He has a slim and small body like Taek-in and a handsome face reminiscent of Andy. However, he seemed intimidated and uncomfortable. The two people weren't even holding hands, but it felt like they were being dragged by the class president. Is it because I have been in frequent contact with gay people recently? To me, the relationship between the two seemed suspicious. What is it? Why is the class president leaving the hotel with a high school student? Perhaps because I was staring too hard, the class president turned his head and made eye contact with me. I looked at Taekin confidently without being caught because it was Taekin's appearance right now. I thought that since it was someone I didn't know, I would just go on my way, but I was wrong. Suddenly he stopped walking. Then he frowned and glared at me.

what? Do you know Taekin? My expression changed to one of incredulity, but he made it clear how he felt by swearing with his mouth. Fuck, you said? I straightened my posture without avoiding his eyes. He raised his arm as if he was going to hit Taek-in as soon as he saw him, but then he turned to the side and suddenly turned his body. The high school student who was standing next to him in fascination tried to turn his head to see what was going on, so he blocked him with his body and led him to the door. My steps became faster, as if I was running away.

What on earth? I wanted to say something ridiculous, but there was something else important. I lowered my eyes and saw my hands shaking at some point. The vibration started from a small shaking heart. My body was reacting as if I had seen something creepy and scary.

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