Half of Me

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

There is a drama called love and war. Every time I watch it, I am surprised by the absurd content, and I am also surprised by the fact that it is based on a true story. Maybe what you see on TV is not an exaggeration of reality. This incident made me realize it once more. There is nothing worse than reality.

“No matter how I look at the class president, he’s an asshole. I feel so bad for that student. Is there any way I can help him?”

In response to Jiyong’s question, Chungyeon looked at me with worried eyes.

“We should call the police, right?”


“President Kwon, you’re going to report it to the police, right? Huh?”

When he asked again, I had no choice but to open my mouth.

“I’m not reporting it.”


“The victim doesn’t want it. He doesn’t want to die.”


“I have no intention of reporting it either.”

Even though you're a student, why don't you want to? I repeated what I said before as they looked at each other.

“Will there be a proper investigation? The victim has no intention of filing a complaint, and the only way to deal with it is to distribute pornography, so paying a fine will be enough.”

“There’s one more victim, right?”

know. There is one more person. Taek-in. But I don't know if things will work out properly if I go into his body and only stay awake for a few hours a day. You never know when that time will shorten. And the most important reason.

“Taekin’s mother knows everything.”

I couldn't let my son know what had happened. Mr. Chungyeon nodded his head as if he sympathized. Jiyong looked at the two of us and asked again.

“Then what should I do? How do I punish that bastard?”

I kept my mouth shut again. However, Mr. Chung-yeon realized that I did not keep my mouth shut because I had no choice. He held my arm tightly.

"Aren't you trying to come forward yourself? No matter how frustrating it is that you can't do anything about the class president through the law, you just close your eyes and turn around. During that time, it would be better to help the victim and find a way to never get involved with the class president again. President Kwon is also in the world. "You know this because you've lived it, right? Did you deal with unfair and resentful things the way you wanted? No, right? Let's move on. Even if it's frustrating and makes you feel crazy, President Kwon shouldn't take action himself."

“I won’t come forward directly.”


“I can call in a few gangsters through someone I know. They are the ones who will do anything for money, so I don’t have to use my hands.”

“President Kwon!”

Mr. Chungyeon was startled and jumped up from his seat. I added, looking up at him.

“This is the last resort. If the class president continues to walk around with his head held high despite all other methods, I will call the kids who are struggling and cut off his legs so that he can’t move around for the rest of his life.”

“And then President Kwon got in big trouble...”

“This bastard is a sex offender. But you say rape between men is not acceptable? Who knows how many people this bastard will touch in the future? Chung-yeon Chung-yeon has a son. Then you can’t stop me.”



“I know. It’s not my place to step forward. But since you unluckily got caught in front of me, I’ll take care of it.”

Chungyeon couldn't say anything. A heavy silence passed and Jiyong, who was only looking at us, asked.

“What other methods do you want to use?”

"I don't know."


It's real. I do not know either. Yesterday, Minjae Woo received a promise from me.

'I promise I'll try my method first.'

'What is your method?'

'Posting a watcher.'

'Is that all?'

'There's no way it can end in one shot. Unless you want to tear up every limb of your body so you can't go anywhere, you'll need someone to watch over you for the rest of your life. Even if it takes a long time and the results aren't immediately satisfactory, it's important to tie that guy up and prevent him from doing something like that again. There needs to be a watcher for that.'

Who would do that? The guy's answer was simple.


‘The family will do their best. They say she's a mother and she'll do anything for her son.'

'That's right. 'She is the most suitable because she is the one who will do anything for her son.'

Are you saying that for your son's sake, you are watching him to make sure he doesn't go down a bad path? But her class president mother was someone who didn't acknowledge her children's mistakes and instead criticized them loudly. I didn't understand, but I had no choice but to simply chase after them and swing my club, so I couldn't interfere. So I needed to check.

'Are you going to do it right?'

Minjae Woo looked straight into my eyes and said.

'I'm upset too.'

My angry heart calmed down at the insignificant words. But I had no intention of just sitting there and doing nothing. I searched through my drawers to find a business card. Andy was planning to send Jeongbeom to a counseling expert who told him that Taekin would be of help. I found a business card in a drawer crowded with messy items. And as I was about to close the drawer, a folded piece of paper caught my eye. What was that? I took out the note and opened it. A piece of paper with nothing but a phone number written on it. But as soon as I saw it, I immediately remembered what it was.

“What is that?”

“What Taek-in had in his pocket on the day of the accident.”

The two people nodded, wondering if they remembered.

“But you don’t need it anymore. Are you going to give it to Taekin when he wakes up?”

No, I shook my head and picked up the phone. I regretted that I should have called this number from the beginning. Even though I didn't know where the number was, I just had that feeling. The signal went off a few times and I heard a woman's voice.

[Yes, it is xx culinary school.]


The other person said the name again and asked again. What's going on? I was speechless for a moment. What's going on? Why did Taek-in call here? No, you can guess.

“I’m contacting you because of Kim Taek-in, a student at xx high school.”

Kim Taek-in? I don't know... she muttered and added.

[The counselor has left work, so please contact me again.]

“Is this the counselor’s number?”

I hung up the phone after hearing the answer, “Yes.”

“What do you say?”

The two people next to me looked at me with curious eyes. I looked at the phone quietly and asked.

“If I want to go to a vocational school, what should I do with my original high school?”

“Vocational school? If it’s a place where your academic background is recognized, you can transfer, but if not, you have to drop out and go. Is it a vocational high school?”


No one said anything for a while. After a while, Chungyeon let out a low sigh and muttered.

“Taek-in didn’t really mean to commit suicide. Maybe he was trying to make a new start…”

A new start. It's a new start. How much did a high school student think before deciding to quit his or her current school?

‘Taekin knows. Every time I went to a free job experience class, I came and took the class. He was so good at listening to what was being taught and imitating it alone in a corner without saying a word. Even though I didn't have any proper tools at home, it was excellent for practicing on my own. He said he wanted to be a baker too, and he had the sense. He said he would get counseling from me and think about it on his own, but was that a month ago? On the phone, I told him that I had decided to drop out of high school and come here. I will take the qualification exam and earn tuition while working part-time. When I asked if he had gotten his parents' permission, Taekin seemed a little hesitant, but he was determined. I said I understood, told him to come to the school tomorrow, and gave him my school phone number. But there was no contact.'

I wouldn't have been able to contact you. You probably didn't even know that you would jump in front of a car that day.


It was late again today. Instead of Taek-in getting up and leaving the house right away like usual, I sat on the bed and looked around. It was an ordinary high school student’s room. There's nothing that stands out, and the bookshelf is filled with textbooks, comic books, and complete literature that I probably bought when I was young. No, in the bottom compartment, which is obscured by the desk, there are books that I found last time and passed over without notice. I lowered my body and took out the book that occupied the bottom compartment of the bookshelf. Most of the books were old, probably because they were purchased at a used bookstore, and had a used price tag on the back. However, since most baking-related books contain color photos, the prices are a bit high even if they are used. The book may have been shabby to begin with, but I think it became shabby in Taekin's hands.

In the recipe, difficult parts are underlined, and next to them, in red letters, it is written that this is the part where you failed. Taek-in was the handwriting. Even though he didn't have any useful tools, he must have made and practiced quite a bit. However, no matter how much I wanted to do, it would not have been easy to decide to quit school. And even more so when the mother's situation is not good. I, who rebelled against her and did not listen to her mother, could not quit school. Dropping out of school seemed like the last line that would break her mother. If he was such a kind and caring person that he approached her class leader and stole video evidence of her friend, her mother must have been in pain because of her feelings. That guy strengthened her resolve and she left home with a relieved heart. How excited was she? How excited and excited was she?

But then she saw that her friend, whom she thought had barely escaped, was caught by the devil again and dragged into her car. She must have been very shocked. She was startled enough to jump in front of a moving car and stop it, but she must have been scared as well. She could have just ignored her friend. Most people would be like that, but I don't know how a coward whose heart flutters at the slightest surprise could do that. I don't know how anyone can risk their lives to save someone. Taek-in was a completely different kid from what I first thought. She was such a nice girl that I dare say she had some similarities with me.


The phone rang and Woo Min-jae's name appeared on the screen.


[How long do you think Taekin’s body will last?]

“I don’t know. Yo.”

but. He muttered and spoke calmly.


[Be sure to come to school on Thursday. It's a vacation meal.]

“It’s not even an awards ceremony, so what are you doing?”

[I’m going to meet Hong Han-young. If Hong Han-young is really the cause, Taek-in should face it personally.]

“Why is it Thursday? You can just go see him right away.”

Even now, I can only stay awake for 2-3 hours, but I don't know how much it will decrease by then. And what about school?

[It’s not fun if we go to meet. We need to get him excited and come to school.]

“Excited? How?”

[I posted the video yesterday morning.]

If it was yesterday, Sunday morning? What video? When I asked, he kindly explained.

[Contrary to what was spread in pornographic videos, Jeongbeom's face was covered and Hong Hanyoung's face was shown.]

“You said it’s not a temporary solution? Even if you listen to people’s porn videos, they’ll forget about it after a few months.”

[You just have to remember one person. That's what I sent it to.]

“But wouldn’t the video make Jeongbeom suspicious? What if I harm him?”

[Jeongbeom is not in Seoul. Since he was on vacation soon anyway, I sent him somewhere where he could get treatment and rest until this was over. He has a sponsor if he wants, so he will send it abroad.]

“Sponsor? Who?”

[Anyway, you only have to come on time for the school vacation. If you can't find Jeongbeom, Hong Hanyoung will suspect Taekin and come running to school. Today, while consulting with the class president, Taekin told me that he would be showing his face on the school vacation day.]

He had a lot to ask, but he didn't know where to start. You just need to not forget one person, who is that? Where did you send the pornographic video? What kind of consultation is this all of a sudden? However, the guy only said what he wanted to say and hung up, saying he was busy. I expressed my feelings while looking at my disconnected cell phone.

“Have you seen this bastard?!”

The video that Woo Min-jae spread on Sunday morning was a 5-minute edited version. The parts where the class president's face is clearly visible and the worst scenes were cleverly mixed together to create a video that was more cruel and horrifying than the original. I wouldn't be able to see it a second time, to the point where people said it was amazing who edited it. The target of the spread was the mobile phones of believers gathered at a large church on Sunday morning. The title was like this. 'The eldest son of Sister OOO of xx Church.' Sister OOO was the name of the class leader's mother. Woo Min-jae was right. I will never forget the class president’s mother. Because victims are never forgotten.

Even if the people at church forget about it a few months later and act as if nothing happened, the video will be stuck in the heart of the class president's mother until she dies. Hong Han-young appears in the video, but the main character is his mother, whose name is written in the title. I was worried that the number of people looking for the original video might increase because of this video, but Woo Min-jae said that was actually a good thing. The reason is that the original title was changed to 'The eldest son of the OOO sister of the hot topic xx church.' And the class president's mother, who had her name in the title of a disgusting SM pornographic video, took it upon herself to prevent the video from being spread.

I don't know what happened to the family on Sunday, but the class leader said he came to school the next day. It is said that there was a lot of talk, perhaps because the video had already spread to schools. It is said that Woo Min-jae gave such class leader advice in the name of counseling. In your brother's video, you can hear someone laughing and it's you. Are you also caught in the video? There is nothing you can do about your brother's video because it has already spread, but if there are any videos of you, delete them all and make sure they never spread outside. You have to go to college and have a bright future ahead, so don't leave a stain on your life. It is said that the advice was given with only half sincerity.

It is said that the class president was contemplative and his mind was elsewhere while listening to the story. He was probably afraid that the video he had taken was somewhere on his brother's computer. The impression I got from the class president was that he respected his older brother, but was also afraid of him. How much respect did he have for his older brother to laugh and appreciate what he was doing, even if it was a perverted job? However, it is the most scary thing when a huge fan turns away. Even though you may be confused now, you will end up hating your brother. Still, I can't completely escape it. Because he will believe that his weakness lies in his brother's hands. As Woo Min-jae said, these two will be good watchdogs. Moreover, Woo Min-jae has already helped the couple's father. It was a school vacation day.

2 hours. Please, let’s hold on for at least 2 hours. I got out of the car, muttering to myself as if I was talking to Taekin. But he knew that even just over an hour and a half would be a miracle. Yesterday, I already missed 1 hour and 30 minutes. There are now about 30 minutes left. This is also the maximum. I might fall down while walking now. However, I really wanted to show Taek-in this event prepared by Woo Min-jae. He didn't say anything, but it must have been difficult to get the job done in just a few days. I feel sorry that he did what I should have done, and my pride is hurt and I feel complicated. I haven't seen him in the last few days, so I couldn't say hello to him properly, but I definitely plan to say thank you later. Of course, if things go well today, I can do anything you ask. I talked to him on the phone before coming.

'I told you not to hit the class president, but don't stop Taekin from hitting me with your body. In order for Taek-in to wake up, he has to solve the problem with his body. How badly did this guy want to hit his class president? So, even if you tried to stop him, he would definitely attack Taekin when he was there.'


'Aren't you going to stop me?'

‘I won’t stop you. Hit me as much as you want.'

He unexpectedly pushed me on the back and cheered me on.

'If Taekin has anger that he can't vent due to fear, it's okay for him to vent it. After all, the purpose is not to punish the class leader on the spot. Don't forget either. The most important thing is to wake up Taekin.'

'...Will he wake up?'

‘I have to try everything I can. You too, do whatever you want. 'I'll take responsibility for the rest.'

Yes, there will definitely be anger. When I see my class leader, I will start to tremble and be afraid, but what can I do? I have it. Anyway, why is Woo Min-jae taking responsibility for my back? I was confident that I would take responsibility for what I had done. Still, I am grateful that you spoke so reassuringly. I was worried about what would happen if the class president didn't come to school, but it was unfounded. The guy appeared in his foreign car, looking as dapper as before, and leisurely stood in front of the school. Her mother must have been mad and left that bastard alone? Well, I heard that he collapsed and was hospitalized. The class president knows that her mother fell to the ground with a vase because of him and that everyone is looking at him strangely, but he is doing it so shamelessly. However, he was staring at the students who were just starting to come out one by one, as if he had no sense of guilt. I was shocked. I decided to step in front of him myself to save him the trouble of looking. This bastard really needs to be beat up. If you don't care about your family's criticism or your video going viral, you're going to do something like that again, right? But before I could take a step, someone grabbed my shoulder from behind. When I turned around, it was Chungyeon and Jiyong who brought me here today.

"Take care of yourself."


I can see what I'm going to do. Or maybe Taek-in is worried about getting physically hit.

“I’m not going to punch you right away.”

“Please, I would appreciate it if you did.”

I'm even thankful. I shyly looked away and saw myself lying in the car. Taek-in didn't know when he would collapse, so he kindly carried my body. The reason is obvious. If Taek-in can't hit him with his body, I'll touch the baton and hit him.

“It’ll be okay.”

This time Jiyong spoke. I looked at them both for a moment. It's not a big deal, but why are our two lives so tense?

“It’s nothing special, so there’s no way it wouldn’t be okay.”

I responded and approached the class president. Every time he took a step closer, Taekin's heart responded. Thump, thump, thump... My heart was beating loudly, but unlike Woo Min-jae, it was accompanied by an unpleasant chill. It got bigger when the other person looked back at me. Especially when I recognized Taek-in and started laughing, I almost stopped walking. Hey, hey, I'm not scared of that bastard at all. I muttered to myself as if I were talking to Taekin, who was hiding.

“How do you know I’m waiting for you?”

The class president continued to ask questions. But his eyes weren't smiling, they were glaring at me, yes, your situation has turned out like a dog, so there's no way you can be at ease like a fool.

“Where is Jeongbeom? You know that, right?”

"I don't know."

“Think about it carefully. Or do you want to tell me only if you suffer?”

thud. My heart sank low. I shrugged my shoulders, trying to act as if nothing had happened.

“You’ve become famous, so why should you act so casually?”


"Well, should I call it a nickname? You're famous."

He laughed out loud as if he was amazed.

“Ah, fuck, what is this guy saying? Did you turn around? It’s a crowded place, so you just started talking without even following up?”

“Just take care of your own business. I’m not in a position to give advice, right?”

He laughed again.

“Why? Did you think I would be locked in a corner of my room for spreading that video?”


“If you had any brains, you should have at least pretended to.”


She kindly explained it to him who asked. The voice, which was trembling at first, gradually became more stable.

“The reason you live like that is not because you are good. It is your parents who are looking after you. Is your mother greatly shocked by this incident? I heard she fainted? But you must have walked around as if nothing had happened like before. But, parents don’t care about their children. Although they are big, they are also people. There are things that are more important than children. Children are all mistaken. Naturally, they are the most important and precious to their parents and should be number one. But, no matter how much parents think, what they consider important is what they value. "You can't give endless love to your children when they're threatened. What do you think your mother values?"

He frowned at me as if it was strange.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“As a child, you don’t know what is important to your mother, who works hard in church and mother’s association activities? As a third party, I know, but do you really not know?”

“Ah, fuck, this bastard said he’d see me…”

“You can’t see how much your mother’s broken pride hurts you now. You can’t imagine that she will no longer give you freedom and will tie your life up. She was the one who always looked after you. Now that I think about it, this time it’s your mother. What are you saying?"

He glared at me silently. It certainly seemed like a different reaction than before. And yet you're wandering around without coming to your senses.

“Don’t talk nonsense. Anyway, after going abroad for a few years, it’s over.”

“It will probably quiet down after you go abroad. But will it be the same for your family? Come back and see if things go as you want.”

There is information I heard from Woo Min-jae before coming here. The class leader's mother is about to make a big decision.

“You said your head went crazy after an accident, so did you become a different person?”

My heart was still trembling. My hands kept sweating as if my body couldn't forget the terrible violence. I deliberately took a step closer to him.

“If you don’t have money and no one to look after you, you’re nothing. She’s an asshole.”

“You bastard!”

He swung his fist at me with a loud noise. He was already anticipating it, so he barely managed to dodge it, but his body stumbled as he had to step back. Meanwhile, the class president grabbed me by the collar. He turned his face towards me and sneered.

“So that I can retrieve your memories, do you want me to do it the same way as before? No, do you want me to plug in something different this time?”

His mouth didn't open. I was supposed to push him with my hand and hit him as planned, but his body froze. Taekin's body fell into fear at that damn guy's words and I couldn't help it.

"Why? Are you scared? It'll be fun..."


The guy who was talking suddenly frowned. At the same time, someone pulled my backside, and a loud shout was heard right nearby.

“Get away from Taekin!!!!”

“What? I was surprised and turned around to see Chungyeon pulling me and Jiyong shouting at me, giving me strength.

“Hey, you bad guy!! Don’t bother Taekin!!”

His loud voice bothered my ears. AC, I thought my eardrums were bursting! Why did it suddenly pop out?

“What are you guys?”

When the class president asked in astonishment, Chungyeon, who was hiding Taekin's body behind her back, answered.

“Taekin is the guardian.”

“Yes, our Taek-in is the guardian!”

Since when? I was also astonished as to why these people were like this. I really didn't expect the two of them to suddenly pop out. I think he probably came because he thought I was going to get hit. I appreciate your concern, but I still have some time left to beat that guy. Hey, I tried to call the two, but they were busy shouting, blocking my path.

“Who are you, hitting our Taekin!”

“What are you talking about? When did I hit that guy?”

“Shut up! Who are you to threaten our Taekin!”

"What? Hey you two..."

The class president was pushed out 2:1 and was unable to raise his voice. I was like that too. There was no time to intervene. The two may have said they were preparing in advance, but they continued to pour out the words to prevent the other from speaking.

“What did you say to Taekin while you were laughing so hard? Did you swear at him?!”

“Chungyeon, it’s clear that you swore. You made fun of our Taekin, calling him ignorant and stupid, right?!”

“If you think that our Taekin is ignorant, I won’t leave you alone!”

...What is this dirty feeling? But my feelings weren't important. The class president, who regained his composure, looked at the three of us and laughed.

“The same idiots are playing with each other.”

The two in front of me were moved by those words.

“Hey, be careful what you say. How smart I am!”

“That’s right, Chungyeon is smart! And I’ve never been last in class either!”

... I definitely felt dirty. I grabbed their shoulders to get them both out of this place. Chungyeon turned around, but his eyes sparkled as he looked elsewhere.

“Here we go, Chairman!”

President? Puzzled, he turned his head and froze like a stone Buddha. About ten men were rushing towards us. Everyone had a straw in their hand for a colorful ice cream drink. I couldn't believe my eyes. Why on earth are President Jogi Soccer and the organic members here?

“Uh, okay. What’s going on?”

“This person was harassing Taek-in by hitting and swearing at him!”

Jiyong quickly explained. Before I knew it, the men surrounding us all looked at me. And everyone was surprised.

“No, this is the good student who always cheers us on enthusiastically, right?”

“That’s right. It’s that student. He’s a fan of our team.”

The guys pretended to know each word and then looked at the class president again. The look in his eyes changed at once.

“Hey, why are you touching this student? Do you want to die?”

The class president was surrounded by so many people that he was easily scared, but he didn't let go of his head until the end.

“What are you guys? Why are you threatening people as a group?”

“You said you made the threat? Why are you harassing this good student?”

Jiyong quickly answered someone’s question again.

“That guy raped Taek-in’s friend, filmed it, and spread it on the internet. When Taek-in told him not to do it, he just beat Taek-in! Then he lost his senses and came back to threaten me again!”

The men who were drinking their drinks were all shocked and glared at the class president.

“Bloody hell, you’re such a bad bastard!”

“Rape?! Then you should be taken to the police!”

Jiyong quickly shouted.

“He said he didn’t want to report it because he was embarrassed because the friend who was raped was a man! And he said he was rich so he had a good reputation!”

The men's faces were distorted as a group.

“Did you see that pervert!”

“Aren’t you complete human trash? You’ll only come to your senses when you’re buried!”

“Hey, you bastard, you do such trash because you have nothing better to do as a young person?!”

The class president gritted his teeth and spat out at the shouts of the men.

“Get out of the way or I’ll hand you all over to the police.”

It became quiet for a moment. And burst out laughing at the same time. Hahaha~ I laughed to myself too. Why not? police?

“Haha~ Hey, call me. Call the police. My younger brother is a police officer. Should I call you myself?”

That's right, the chairman's younger brother is a police officer.

“I’m going to call my sister-in-law, so why don’t you call President Park’s cousin too? They say he’s the police?”

“Yes. It’s Polis.”

He taunted the class leader by naming police officers that everyone knew one by one. How dare you talk about the police in front of Organic's strong police connections. Even if he was a class president, it was impossible to deal with more than 10 people. I’m also out of my mind like this. I tried to step forward, wondering what was going on, but the chairman saw my movements and blocked me with his hand.

“You stay behind. We adults will harshly scold such a mean bastard, so why not come forward as a child?”

But... As I was about to speak, another member's hand came up on my shoulder.

“Okay, you’re still a student, so you don’t have to deal with someone like that alone. We’ll scold you. If you have anything unfair, you can tell an adult.”

“You should have told the adults sooner. Dealing with a guy like that is difficult for you to do alone. We know now, so don’t worry.”

Tuk-tuk. Rough, calloused hands tapped my shoulders and stroked my hair.

“Does this guy look scared? His face is pale.”

“It’s worth being scared. Yanma, how much have you been struggling by yourself? What are you going to do if the little guy gets sick? It’s okay. I’m okay now.”

They all looked rough from working in the market, but they were comforting each other with a drink in each hand. Moreover, the hand he was patting was cold and wet because he was holding a cold drink. The blunt, calloused hands were not even soft. But I was dazed. I was embarrassed. And then something hot caught in my throat. I couldn't see the men, so I looked away, but before I knew it, I spotted a familiar face among the crowd of onlookers. It was Woo Min-jae. How did this happen? When I asked with my eyes, he slightly shrugged as if he understood. At that time, a commotion broke out in front.

“Get out of the way!! Fuck, get out of the way!!”

The class president pushed the man as if he was trying to break through the siege.

“Oh my gosh, this guy is hitting someone!!!”

The man shouted louder. As if the other guys were waiting, everyone said something to the class president. As the class president's anger also grew, someone's solemn voice intervened in the fight.

“What on earth are you doing in front of the school?!”

I turned around to hear a familiar voice, and sure enough, it was Hakju. One of the students ran over in a huff as if he had brought him in, and shouted at the students who were watching nearby.

“You guys, once the school holidays are over, go home!”

The students seemed to disperse a little, but they didn't go far. And as the gap between the men widened and the class president appeared, one by one they pretended to know each other. He's the main character in a perverted pornographic video, he's the class president of class 5 in the 2nd grade, and he's also the eldest son of xx Church OOO, right? Everyone had sharp eyes and recognized me right away. The class president's expression hardened, as if he had heard their whispering. I looked at Hakju and noticed the pale class president standing nearby. He was watching this situation from afar, his lips trembling.

“Teacher Wu, what’s going on? You shouldn’t call me, you should call the police or something.”

Hakju said something to Woo Minjae, who was nearby, but he shrugged his shoulders as if there was nothing he could do.

“It was obvious that if I came forward, I would be misunderstood as taking one side.”

what are you talking about? When Hakju asked, Minjae Woo pointed to the class president behind him.

“That person is Hong Seon-gyu, the 2nd grade class president.”

Perhaps because of what Woo Min-jae had done with the class president's mother at school, Hak-ju seemed to understand and did not ask. Instead, I took a look at the class president who was flinching behind me and then saw the class president surrounded by men. And only then did he see me, who was among the men.

“Kim Taek-in, what are you doing there?”

“That guy raped Taek-in’s friend, filmed the video and spread it on the internet, and when Taek-in told him not to do it, he just hit Taek-in! Then he lost his senses and came to threaten him again, but he just pushed the guys who tried to stop him!”

Even if you don’t look at it, it’s Jiyong. Hakju looked at me. You come here and explain properly. It seemed like something like this was going to come out of his mouth at any moment, but he took one look at me and turned his body around. And he called the person behind him, not me.

“Hong Seon-gyu.”

The class president looked at Hakju in surprise.

"Come on."


“Come and explain. I asked you to come?”

Hakju gave an order in a stern voice, but the class leader stepped back with a nervous and anxious look on his face.

“Hong Seon-gyu, can’t you hear me?”

Startle. The class president was startled, his shoulders shaking again, and he started to run away. The students who were watching were whispering as they saw the class president running away. Hakju had no choice but to look at me again. I didn't do anything wrong, but I got nervous without realizing it. Hakju approached and asked.

“Did that person harass you?”


What he is pointing at with his eyes is the class president. Nod. When I nodded slightly, he grabbed my arm and pulled it back. And he stood in front of me and faced the class president.

“Have you harassed my student?”

Hakju asked in a stern voice. Boom, boom, my heart started beating slowly. I couldn't take my eyes off Hakju's back, who was only about 170cm tall. I blinked my eyes a few times. And it became a dark battle.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the narrow interior of the car. I got up from my hunched position in the backseat. As was my habit, I turned my head left and right and went out. I saw people gathered right in front and chatting. As I walked towards him, I turned my shoulders and bent my arms up and down to warm up my body. It didn't take long before we got closer to the crowd and saw Taek-in lying on the floor amidst the crowd of people making noise. But that wasn't my interest. I went back and looked at Taek-in with a frown, and all I could see was the guy opening his body. Before he turned around and took a step forward, I grabbed his shoulder.


As he turned around and asked, his eyes widened as soon as he saw me. It seemed like he recognized me. Well, it doesn't matter. I immediately threw a punch. puck! The class president fell backwards with a dull sound from a proper hit.


He was so shocked that he couldn't stand up right away, so I grabbed him by the collar and forced him up. And quickly threw his second punch. This time it hit him squarely in the chin. This time, he did not let go of the opponent's body that was about to fall. He punched me in succession.


He screamed and fell over. His hand, which was wrapped around his lower jaw, was covered in blood. I could hear people behind me who had finally noticed me. I only looked at the class president and kicked his feet. My foot landed right between the crotch of the guy who was sitting down. He groaned again and fell forward, blood flowing from his mouth. The voices and hands of people trying to stop me grabbed my body, but I stomped on the fallen guy's crotch with all my might with my sneakers, hoping to hit him one more time. Strangely, I couldn't see anything or hear anything. Only the class president was visible. I shook off his hands that were trying to stop me and rushed at him again. Aiming for exactly one place. No one could stop me until the police siren sounded.

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