Half of Me

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

I entered the store nervous. I have prepared answers to any questions you might have while on the way. I'm not trying to hide that I slept with Woo Min-jae or that we're dating. It's going to be known anyway, so if you ask about our relationship, I'll be honest. He's someone I like. But that wasn't what happened last night. No, I could never talk about the countless nights ahead. How can I shamefully say with my own mouth that I am being put down? Seeba. No matter how much I ask, he never tells me...


I entered the store with firm determination and stopped at the entrance. The store door was open and there were diligent employees who looked like the owner. However, it had the atmosphere of a mourning house. The two of them sat on chairs apart from each other, their shoulders slumped, their faces as if they were alive. what. Why is it like that?

“Are you telling me to be a thief?”

Only then did they raise their eyes to my question.

“I’m here, Chief Kwon.”

“You’re here.”

They both gave a listless greeting and stood up like zombies. what happened? I was about to ask, but something came to my mind and I swallowed it. Chungyeon felt like her family affairs had not yet been resolved. It looks like she has no signs of reconciling with her daughter. Looking at Jiyong's still bruised face, it seemed like the shock from the fight had not gone away. After realizing the reality, she came back to the store, but the depression seemed to remain. Going back to work after vacation isn't exciting, but it doesn't mean you have to face it with death. This is right in front of me, the boss.

“You both go in today and rest.”


Mr. Chungyeon looked around in surprise.


Jiyong also opened his eyes and looked back. With this one word, the two people's faces came alive. I nodded, satisfied with the effect.

“It’s true. You both go in and rest and don’t come out tomorrow. Just keep going. You just have to keep not coming out.”

This time too, the effect was good. The two began to move their bodies quickly. Since we had cleared out what little inventory we had before the holiday, we had to move more than usual to meet the quantity to be supplied to our customers today. Of course, this is not what I would say as I came late.

“But why are you late, boss?”


Is it because I was suddenly asked a question? The answer I worked so hard to prepare didn't come out right away. Meanwhile, Chungyeon also expressed doubts.

“That’s right. I heard you fell asleep because you were tired after working out all night?”

I was going to give the prepared answer now. Just in case, don't misunderstand. The exercise I did was not strange. I was bored so I played table tennis...

“If Master Kwon, who has good physical strength and never fails in any kind of exercise, is late for work, it wouldn’t be an ordinary exercise, right? Even when Taek-in was having a hard time with his body, he was never late for work.”

.....It would be better to give up table tennis. The two people just looked at my mouth, waiting for an answer. But I couldn't think of any exercise that was so strenuous that I would fall out. Also, what kind of exercise should I do with Woo Min-jae?

“That’s strange, boss. Why can’t you answer?”

“It’s not that you can’t.”

“You didn’t work out all night with Minjae, right?”

.......what? I shook my head vigorously, trying to hide my embarrassment.

“That’s right. I worked out. I just... just worked out.”


“That’s not a lie!”

“No, it’s not true! I can tell just by looking at it. I’ve been noticing you since I noticed something strange with Minjae while on vacation. I.”

What is the atmosphere? When Chungyeon asked from the side, Jiyong looked at me with suspicion and answered.

“The atmosphere was strange. The two were secretly close, and it felt like there was something very soft and gentle about them?”

“You say there is something there?”

“Boss, there’s no need to deceive us. It doesn’t matter if we find out what kind of relationship the two of you have.”

“........Nothing’s wrong?”

"of course."

Jiyong nodded his head and spoke seriously.

“Why on earth are you trying to hide it, boss?”

“I’m not trying to hide it, I’m dating......”

“What on earth is so embarrassing about becoming best friends with Minjae!”


“Of course, I feel embarrassed when I think about what my boss did in the past.”

The secret was kept, but I was upset.

“What have I done?”

“You cursed at Minjae whenever you got the chance. Moreover, you tried to kill him with an iron club.”

“The swearing is because Woo Min-jae was unlucky. And when did you think I was going to kill him? At that time, I was just angry...”

“Not everyone picks up a metal club when they’re angry.”


While I was silently glaring at Jiyong, Chungyeon chimed in from the side.

“It looks like we’ve really become best friends. You say unlucky in the past tense. I guess you’re unlucky now, right?”

I was a little taken aback because Chungyeon asked in a subtly teasing way.

“Well, I got some help. As I’ve lived there, I’ve seen a good side, and the more I look at it, the better my face is…”


Startle. I cleared my throat and quickly finished speaking.

"That's how it is. Even if I'm unlucky at first, once I get to know him, it doesn't matter. I can see that person's strengths as well. Didn't the two of you think I was unlucky when you first saw me? Because it was my first time, I was a bit harsh on purpose. That's why I still thought I was unlucky. You don’t, right?”



what. What is this silence? I took a step forward. Startle. Startle. With narrowed eyes, I called out the names of the two people who were reacting suspiciously.

"Jeong. Chung. Yeon. C. Kwon. Ji. Yong."

“Well, of course it’s not unlucky. Well, then! Isn’t that right, Jiyong?”

“Of course! It’s not like the boss is unlucky.”


“Guo, President Kwon...”

“CEO hyung...............”

"Two people."







It was the first day after vacation, so I was busier than usual and as I was organizing my work, it was well past 4 am. Receive orders while listening to the voices of business partners. Negotiating the price. After fighting, pretending to give in, and getting everything I got, I was able to take a break from using my phone. I left the exhausted employee in the store to take a breather and went out. Even in the midst of hectic work, in between. Something came to mind from time to time. Now that I have some free time from work, I keep thinking about it openly. That's what he was doing with Woo Min-jae.

Well, I think it could be like this since he is a man. However, the problem is that the lower abdomen becomes bulging because of this. No matter how perverted my mind is, this is not it. I was irritated, but there was no way to stop the thoughts that came to mind. How thrilling it was when his hand grabbed me and shook me or kissed me and stimulated me hard. How sexy his expression is from below... Come to your senses! I reprimanded myself for being delusional again. My lower abdomen was already itching. It was already hot in the tropics, but it was so hot that even my body was suffocating. I turned on my phone and touched the wallpaper with my finger. I wanted to hear your voice. Is it? If you're waking up someone who's sleeping for no reason... why don't you just wake them up? He was the one who told me to call first. He said he had some business to attend to, got in my truck, got off in front of the market, and said, 'Call me.' I pressed the call button. Still, I was planning to hang up if I didn't receive the signal within three calls. One, two, three.........


“Didn’t you sleep?”

Yes again. I heard the answer.

“What are you doing?”

[I was writing a letter of good fortune to send to the class president.]

It seemed like it was material to spy on the class leader I mentioned earlier.

“What exactly are you writing about?”

[I’ll show you if you come now.]

“Now? Ah. I’m working right now........”

[It’s 5 minutes away from you.]

I was startled and looked around.

[There is no need to look around. It's 5 minutes away so it's not in a visible place.]

  1. This bastard... I said, pretending not to see him.

“Hey. It’s 5 minutes away and it’s near the market. Where is it?”

[Are you coming?]

“I can’t go. I have to deliver something myself at 5 o’clock.”

[It only takes 20 minutes.]

“Does it take 20 minutes to see what you write? Just explain it verbally.”

[The explanation ends in 2 minutes.]

“Then what do we do with the remaining 18 minutes?”

[well. what should we do?]



[Just do what you are thinking now.]

What am I thinking right now? The question asked back was not asked properly. Damn it. My head was filled with dirty things again.

[What I think will take a few hours, so I'll give up.]

It would take a few hours, the thought flashed through my mind again. gulp. I moistened my lips because it felt like my mouth was burning in the extremely hot weather. But a firm refusal came out of my mouth.

“Give up even 20 minutes. There’s no time.”

[Then what about 5 minutes?]


[Is there a bathroom nearby?]

there is. But why the bathroom... Gulp. I swallowed again. shit. Are you telling me to go to the bathroom and masturbate?

[If you don’t like it, just say anything. Because I want to keep hearing your voice.]

It was only then that I realized that his voice was lower than usual and seemed more drowsy. I imagined him sitting on the sofa, his penis out, and his hand slowly stroking it. This became the final blow.

“Fuck. It’s only been five minutes.”

I ran as fast as I could into the deserted bathroom and locked the entire door to prevent anyone from entering. Then, he took out his swollen penis that seemed to explode from inside his pants. When I touched it with my hand, I sighed. Wow... I heard Woo Min-jae's low, cracked voice in my ears.

[I’m going to keep going because I like it.]

It was the first time since middle school that I felt guilty after masturbating. Phone sex in a public restroom. Perversion was not far away. I was the pervert. Feeling guilty, I cleaned up with the mop in the bathroom and by the time I returned, a few dozen minutes had passed. From the first day after vacation, to being late and missing mid-day, this is something I am very good at. Although I was pathetic. In the midst of all this, Woo Min-jae came to mind again, which made me even more crazy. I went into the store without paying attention, and there was one customer there.

“Heechan. Are you constipated?”

The Organic Chairman was seriously worried. What kind of poop am I, someone who hasn't pooped once a day for 30 years? I tried to protest, but since I came late, I just kept my mouth shut and sat in front of him.

“Why did you come?”

“Why did you come? You’re welcome, but I can’t have a welcome ceremony. Why did you come?”

There was an argument right away, but I wasn't scared. The Chairman's lips were twitching with laughter.

“Is something good going on?

What I'm curious about is whether the same applies to my employees. He was scolding me for not being good at soccer and telling me to practice, but then he came and twitched his lips.

“It’s not a particularly good thing... By the way, Minjae is here? So, you can come to the game this Sunday?”

“Woo Min-jae came to Korea, but now that I’m here, there’s no need for him.”

“Why don’t you need it? Of course you need it! He’s the central striker of our team, right?”

I was very impressed. I don't know anything else, but I had to point this out.

“I’m the top striker on our team. What are you talking about?”

“What kind of greed does a guy who got sent off and can’t even play in the second half have to want to be at the top?”

“Are you saying it’s greed? And you’re doing it because you want to get kicked out? What should I do if everyone is only looking out for me? So you’re just going to get kicked out?”

I shouted excitedly, but the organic chairman just snorted.

“No matter how many times Minjae was tackled, he never committed a foul.”

“That’s right! That’s right… That’s right. That bastard seems to have a weak body.”

“That’s it. I’m anxious because you can only play in the first half. We need Minjae on our team. That way, we can win the most important match in organic farming history next week.”

shit. What am I doing worse than Woo Min-jae? I was furious, but I was more concerned about what the organic president said afterward. The most important match in organic history?

“You’ve already played against FC Kim Jang.”

“Not those bastards.”


“Oh, that’s it.”

Her lips twitched like waves. This was it. What is the reason why the Organic Chairman is in such a good mood? When I asked, he opened his mouth excitedly.

"Actually, I think our team's amazing performance has become a bit famous. We got a call from a team we've never played against before. So, we'll play with XX Shopping Center Association this week and another one next week. This team is amazing. They're a really good team. Even a draw here would be awesome.”

“Where is it? It’s definitely not the business team, right?”

“No, there is. They’re a good team.”

It seems like a really good team. Seeing that the Organic Chairman likes it so much...

“So, contact Minjae. He must come out.”


“Why aren’t you answering?”

Because I don't want to answer. My pride is hurt. In the first place, you don't know how precious the things you have are. I realized that I had an opportunity to show how big my presence was on the organic team. Although it is cruel, it cannot be helped.

“Chairman, I will call Woo Min-jae. Instead, I will leave the organic team.”

“What? Hey. You…….”

“Choose. Is it someone who is talented and whose skills are improving day by day and will play for the organic team for a long time? Or is it just a big guy who might be left from the team at any time?”

"the latter."


  7 a.m. is the end of work for us. The faces of all three looked like death. Mr. Chung-yeon seemed uncomfortable going home and facing his daughter, and Ji-yong seemed to have come to the realization that he was not happy with his situation once his busy work was over. I was beside myself from the shock of being abandoned by the organic team. The Organic Chairman belatedly laughed and said it was a joke, but the laugh was fake. shit. How much have I devoted myself to organic farming? He got sent off quite often. Of course, I get beat every game, but what's wrong with that?

“See you tomorrow, Chief Kwon.”

I heard a helpless greeting from Mr. Chungyeon. Jiyong just nodded and tried to leave.

“You two, please sit down for a moment.”

The two of them sat with slightly frightened faces, probably because they sensed the harshness of my voice. I said out loud what I had been thinking about on vacation.

“It’s none of my business if the two of you are depressed and having a hard time due to personal issues, but I don’t want it to interfere with work.”

“President Kwon. We didn’t make any mistakes today.”

“Yes. Of course, I haven’t made any mistakes yet. But I’m also human, so I feel bad when I face someone I work with who is in danger of death, right?”

The two people's eyebrows furrowed. Even if you don’t like what I say, you can’t do it. What should I do if I'm worried?

“But even though I’m not in a good mood, I can’t force myself to smile and work just to please my boss.”

“That’s right. But if you’re in a bad mood, you should at least change it to a good one.”

The two locked their lips tightly, and Chungyeon spoke first.

“I know what President Kwon means, but urging me to quickly resolve my personal issues...”

“I will urge you to do what I can.”

what do you mean? He added to the two people looking at him.

“The problem you two have is because you are not satisfied with your current work, right? But I don’t think the salary is too low, is that correct?”

that's right. I'm stuck here because of the salary. They both nodded.

“Then, the working environment conditions are the problem. Due to the nature of the work, I cannot change what I do at night to daytime. I cannot change this even if I die. Instead, I will change something else. If it were a normal company, I would have worked only 5 days a week. From now on, please only come to work from Monday to Friday. ."

There was no reaction. I looked back and forth between the two who looked dazed.

"Don't worry about your salary. It's not going to be reduced. And I found out that large companies also have monthly leave and annual leave. If you tell me a month or two in advance, I'll take it out. I'll do it according to the level of large companies in terms of the number of days off. That's why the market smells like a big company that wears a tie. “It’s not going to work, but anyway, this is enough, right?”

Still no reaction. I stood up.

“We need to save people, so let’s start next week.”

I was crossing the door to go out first, but then I heard a voice calling me urgently.

“Guo, President Kwon!”

why? When I turned around, Chungyeon said something with a still shocked face.

"thank you."

“Just work hard.”


When I glanced at Jiyong again as I headed toward the door, I saw that he was just looking down and keeping his lips tightly shut.

Woo Minjae was really 5 minutes away. One of the top floors of a 20-story building right across from the market. After ringing the doorbell and going inside, a large space appeared, several times the size of an average studio apartment. Perhaps because it was originally used as an office, the interior was open and unobstructed. But instead of office equipment, there was a soft sofa, a large desk, and a small countertop.

The glass-fronted commercial refrigerator was filled with drinks and beer, and the large shelf behind the counter was filled with light meals and ready-to-cook meals. If I had the skills of a mystery novel writer, I could fill 10 pages with the descriptions here. To put it briefly, the interior looked like something straight out of a magazine.

“What is here?”

“I plan to use it as a studio for the time being.”

“What are you working on?”

The guy just laughed and stood crooked.

“Do I have to explain first?”

“What if I don’t?”

“It’s 2 hours long.”


2 hours long, 20 minutes long. I immediately remembered what it was. Because I did a 5-minute episode just a few hours ago.

“Hey. I’m so fucking tired after work.”

He said with a frown and took off her shirt and walked over to the sofa.

“So let’s get started quickly.”

As soon as I finished speaking, the guy's lips came closer.

The genre was mystery horror. I laid down on the sofa and started reading the few pieces of paper Woo Min-jae showed me as a synopsis. The genre, characters, and theme were written first, followed by the plot. The main character was a female college student living alone in Seoul. This girl has a boyfriend who she just started dating, who is rich, good at studying, and has a nice face. But one day, I felt someone's gaze. Especially after breaking up with her boyfriend. This feeling was even worse. But there was nothing actually visible. It was ominous and eerie. When she told this to her boyfriend, he was kind and worried as well. Is that why? I didn't feel any creepy gaze for a few days. However, a few days later, a middle school boy living next door to the woman was raped and murdered in a horrific manner. His body was left at the entrance to the woman's apartment. And then the eerie gaze started following me again. The woman was scared and clinging to her boyfriend. Her boyfriend let her stay in her other accommodation. She seemed to settle down again the first few days after moving. However, when an elementary school boy in the dorm dies in the same manner, the woman's anxiety reaches its peak.

Why is this happening around me? Could it be that the killer is following me? My boyfriend says it can't be like that. She firmly believes that the creepy gaze the woman is giving her is the culprit. Then a third murder occurred. This time a younger boy. The victims were the younger brother of a woman and her best friend. The woman tries to catch her criminal, but her boyfriend dismisses her thoughts as mere neurosis or delusion. Saying a word.

'You've never actually seen a stalker, have you?'

Am I crazy? When a woman is really going crazy, she notices something suspicious about her boyfriend. Her content now changes to a woman investigating her boyfriend. My boyfriend changed his name and said he was his only son, but he had an older brother. Her mother, whose boyfriend treated her like her own daughter, also changed her name and had her face changed through plastic surgery. As if she had thrown away the past, she had thrown away everything she had with her except her father. It unfolds like a thriller as a woman discovers her boyfriend's past, and she eventually learns the truth. Her boyfriend had an older brother who had an accident and was locked up in a mental hospital. All records of the incident at the time were deleted and disappeared from the Internet, but I managed to find the video. His older brother kidnapped a high school student, raped him, made him play SM games, and used him as his servant. The video showed the horrible things his brother did to the victim. The victim was a man. The woman believed that her boyfriend's older brother was responsible for the murder of the boys around her. However, in the end, as everyone expected, the older brother was not the culprit. My older brother just couldn't let go of his old habits and raped a boy even after he got out of the mental hospital. The murder was an attempt by the boyfriend to destroy the evidence because he did not want them to be humiliated by revealing the existence of his older brother. It was my younger brother that my older brother was stalking in the first place. Because I hate my younger brother who lives a normal life. Then, his child just happened to chase after him. Then, he saw a boy who lived in the same building, watched him in front of the house for several days, and impulsively raped him. But there was no stalking after that. After her first incident, her boyfriend found out that the woman had told the police that she had a stalker. Trying to drive the woman crazy so she won't be her witness. And the true identity of the stalker is revealed in front of the woman. At the end, as the woman enters her house, her boyfriend's mother is waiting with her knife in hand. The boyfriend was standing behind him, holding the same knife, and both of their knives were covered in blood, as if they had just killed someone.

The plot, which lasts several chapters, ends like this. Does the main character die in the end? As I read the content with the same question in mind, I realized that the class president naturally came to mind.

“Would you like me to write this as a novel?”

“I want to do that, but it’s useless if I don’t read. I’m going to go into a more accessible field.”

I could tell without anyone having to say who wasn't reading. Because this is only for class presidents. Woo Min-jae, who was filling the laptop's white screen with black letters, stopped his hand and looked at me.

“For example, something like a webtoon.”

“Internet comics?”

huh. He nodded.

“Actually, I proposed it to a fairly famous webtoon writer, but he was rejected. Even if I pay, it’s useless if he doesn’t like the content, so I’m trying to rewrite it as believably as possible.”



“It’s interesting. The twist isn’t that surprising, but I think the boyfriend’s last words will definitely scare the class president.”

I looked down at the synopsis again. The boyfriend laughs and replies to the woman's cry, "How can this be possible?"

'I found out after the first murder. 'My brother and I are the same.'

Behind the woman, her boyfriend's mother can also be seen smiling. In the end, both of them were perverted psychopaths, and they realized their true nature while messing around with their older brother. If the class president saw it, he would get goosebumps. And it will be scary. What if people who read this think of me and suspect that I am just like my brother? To the class president, the older brother will be the other half that must be kept completely hidden.

“But what if the class president really has dormant perverted psychotic tendencies?”


"Are you sure?"

He grinned as if he thought I was cute.

“I’m sure. If that was the case, I wouldn’t have used this method. The class president is so nervous right now that he can’t even come to supplementary classes at school.”

“They say you can’t show up for make-up classes?”

huh. He nodded and added.

“I applied for a transfer.”

“You’re running away.”

You coward. but. Even when Jo Sam was caught by Mo Sam at the club, he ran away.

“When will this come out as a cartoon?”

“First, we need to find a writer, and there is also room to edit the content, so if it comes out, it will come out sometime next year.”

“It’s late.”

“That’s appropriate. By then, you’ll have barely forgotten about the class president and will focus on the current situation. It will be more effective if fear strikes you when you forget.”

The class leader was starting to feel a little sorry. Woo Min-jae This guy is secretly stubborn and persistent. I realized again.

“Did you write it originally? I’m sure you didn’t suddenly start writing it because of the class president.”

“I just used it a little bit as a hobby.”

"a detective story?"

The guy just laughed without saying a word. I read a lot and a path appeared in that direction. huh? road?

“If you have nothing to do for a while, how about continuing to write novels?”

“Not that much. As you can see, this synopsis isn’t anything special.”


“It’s enough to achieve its purpose, but it’s only aimed at the class president.”

I looked around at the mystery novels placed all over the room.

“I don’t read books, but if you wrote it, I’ll read it.”


"how is it?"

The guy just looked at me in silence and then got up from the chair. Then he quickly walked over and leaned over me. This kid again without saying a word? I tried to get angry, but I stopped. The kiss that started suddenly was soft and completely different from before. It moved very slowly, feeling like it was hovering over my lips. The power that had entered my body was quickly drained away by the contact, which brought more drowsiness than excitement. By the time he was on top of me, I was almost half asleep. Since I had worked out hard after returning from work, fatigue hit me late. Sleep swept over me in an instant. When consciousness disappears. I think I heard Woo Min-jae’s voice.

'............If it's fate.'

Until my Saturday off, my week after vacation was busier and faster than ever. Things were as usual, so there was nothing special. After work, I spent time lying around with Woo Min-jae, which was more tiring than when Taek-in was physically living a double life. Well, it was really good anyway. Saturday. Since it was a day off, I was secretly looking forward to igniting my desires without any time limit on this day. I decided to meet Woo Min-jae around 5 PM and was excited by myself. I didn't know I had this much sex drive. Of course, I also masturbated while watching porn. That's just the level that everyone can do. I was so tired at work that I couldn't do it very often. But for the past week, my mind has been filled with sex. Fortunately, the other person is crazy about the same thing as me. The unfortunate thing is that his evangelism is greater than mine, so his power is limited. Before going out to meet Woo Min-jae, I took a shot of red ginseng extract, which I had never tried before. I'm going to kill half of you today. Shall we eat eel for dinner? And it was just as I was about to leave the house. The cell phone rang. Strangely, the moment the bell rang, I felt ominous. Surely you're not a mother again? This time it was someone else.


It was Han Nam-su. okay. Nothing major will happen to Namsu. I received it with peace of mind.


[hey! It's a big deal!]


[Ciba. where are you? Come quickly and come now!]

“What’s going on? Tell me slowly.”

[Now is the time to speak carefully...Ugh! Come to my house quickly! Jihong looks like he’s going to die!]

Pop. The phone was disconnected. I was dumbfounded and looked down at the phone and pressed the call button again, but Namsu didn't answer the phone. Fuck. What on earth is going on? I was worried. What really happened to Jihong? But then you can't have sex, right?


I came out of the house swearing and pressed the call button. Soon, Woo Min-jae’s voice was heard.

“Hey, I’m sorry. Let’s cancel our appointment.”

Namsu’s house was a mess. As if there had been a war, the things Jihong had dropped in his attempt to die were spread out on the floor. Those are peanuts.


“Are you here? I thought I was going to die because I was trying to stop crazy Lee Ji-hong, who was yelling that he was going to die. This guy is allergic to peanuts. While drinking and talking, he suddenly took a peanut out of his bag and tried to eat it, saying he was going to die!”

As soon as Namsu saw me, he complained.

“Let me eat it.”

“Hey! How scary is an allergy? If you eat it wrong, you could die!”

“His allergies aren’t that bad.”

“Heartless bastard. Is that what you say to your friend?”

It's true. Well, I was criticized for telling the truth. It's true. Ji-hong is very sick, so he ate peanuts before without realizing it, but he was fine. Of course, if you eat too much, it can be a problem.

“So what about Lee Ji-hong?”

Where did the guy who said he was going to die go? After asking, I paused. A strange sound was heard from somewhere. A sound like something whining. Namsu pointed to the bathroom.

“I cry.”


“I was heartbroken.”

Broken heart? Haven't we only been dating for a week? Namsu added, probably reading the doubt on my face.

“I thought Jihong was dating, but the other person just said he was thinking about it and didn’t agree.”

I felt like crying.

“But trying to kill him was severe.”

“The woman heard all the dirty rumors about Jihong. She said she would accept it if I corrected it.”

I looked down at the peanuts scattered on the floor. It was worth dying for. In the bathroom, louder whimpering was heard.

“But there is hope. If you change your salty personality, we can date for real.”

“I already said no.”


“She said she couldn’t help it because it was an answer that came to her in an instant. She said she didn’t know her true feelings would come out at that moment.”

That idiot...

“So, I really told you to change your personality. But you said you only need to act when you’re dating. It’s a blessing in disguise.”

Shake! The bathroom door burst open and Jihong greeted me, her face covered in tears and snot.

“Fuck. Kwon Hee-chan. No luck!!”

Namsu's house, where a war broke out again, quieted down only after 10 minutes. This is because Lee Ji-hong got so angry and tried to stuff peanuts into my mouth, saying he was going to kill me, and I got so angry that I ran away. Fuck. Are you feeding me dirty food that fell on the floor? Even though I am not a picky eater, there is one rule I follow when I eat. Never eat anything that falls on the floor. Moreover, the floor of Hanmasu's room must have been coated with several layers of hairspray. Namsu became so angry at these words that he went on a rampage, and the fight, which should have ended in 5 minutes, took 10 minutes. The only reason the fight ended was when the Chinese food they had ordered in advance arrived. We realized important truths about life early on. It's all about making a living. I had to do something after eating. So I picked up a bunch of Jjamppong with my chopsticks, put it in my nib, and chewed it. I also eat pickled radish. I also ate sweet and sour pork. Eat onions too. It was a time when I was half experiencing the truth of life. I heard a strange sound. I stopped using chopsticks. Namsu also stopped.

“Slurp slurp~ slurp……slurp~ black slurp…….”

It was a sound that came from Jihong’s mouth. The guy was crying and chewing his noodles. It even seemed proud that he was eating so hard while whining. Of course, I lost my appetite. Why is this bastard a Cheongseung instead of an Eater?

“Lee Ji-hong.”

When I called, he wiped his tears with the back of his hand and raised his face.


“Cry or eat, just do one thing.”

I scolded him and put a tissue in his hand. Jihong blew his nose vigorously with a tissue and started eating Jajangmyeon again. He was now concentrating on eating, but for some reason, Namsu and I couldn't continue eating. It was amazing. Jihong can be this hurt and care about things other than money. Although Jihong has been a slut and sometimes does obnoxious things, he also has some good points. He also cherished other people's money. Although we weren't in the same high school, Namsu and Cheolhwan went to the same class, so I often heard about Jihong's activities. As soon as the three entered school, they unintentionally became part of a group and started fighting because of Lee Ji-hong.

In the eyes of Jihong, who values money more than life, stealing other people's money is more vicious than anything else in the world. Even though he only had money on his head, he had excellent physical strength as he was our friend. Thanks to you, I heard that Namsu and Cheolhwan also had a hard time fighting together. Still, I think he did a good job and received some kind of award from school. Even the kids who were robbed of their money were very grateful to Jihong, but it would be annoying if they were just idiots who only knew about themselves. Because he has this side to him, I don't just hate him.

If you know him, he's a good guy.

“Go back and tell me you like it.”

The guy had no answer. I put a pickled radish on his bowl.

“You can just say that you will try to reduce the amount of annoying things you do. Even if it is difficult to change right away, say that you will try.”

"I don't know."

What do you not know? He asked, but Jihong kept his mouth shut for a long time and looked down at the bowl with only the seasoning left.

"At first, it was so hard and I said I made a mistake. I wanted to say that I would do whatever I wanted, but now I don't know. I wonder if I will really change. To be honest, I don't want to change. C'mon. I've never hurt anyone by being a brat, right? But that doesn't mean I can date. "You spent a lot of money? Then, considering how good I've been to you, shouldn't you give priority to seeing me doing well even if you heard rumors or gossip about me?"

That's right. Namsu and I nodded. Jihong immediately put down his chopsticks. We were shocked for a moment. There was some seasoning left, but I put down my chopsticks.

"Of course, I spent money to look good. I admit that I said I would only be nice when we were dating and that I would continue to act like a slut. But the reason she felt attracted to me was because she saw me doing well. Then, she should trust this and keep seeing me. Later. "If you see something you don't like in person that you've heard about through rumors, shouldn't you talk about it then?"

Jihong is angry. She raised her spoon while swearing. ah. Spoon. I felt relieved. While watching Jihong eat the seasoning, I also picked up the remaining jjamppong with chopsticks.

“Then give up. Someone will find you and like you for who you are.”

"I don't know."

The same answer came again. But this time, I somehow understood it without him explaining it. I'm angry and sad, but I think the love is just as big. At that time, Namsu suddenly said something.

“He might not show up.”

hey. Are you pouring cold water on a situation that should be comforting that bastard? Although she scolded him with her eyes, Namsu added gloomily as he looked down at his half-left fried rice.

“Even if you show up, if you’re not as good as the previous person, it’s a mess.”

“Didn’t you hear what Cheol-hwan said? The one who loves me more loses. If the other person likes me more, they win, so that’s fine.”

But no words of agreement were heard. After a while, Jihong muttered softly.

“If you like it, it doesn’t bother you even if you lose.”

After speaking, she glanced up and looked at Namsu.

“You never know who wins, but they will end up shedding blood and tears later.”

“Fuck. Shut up, Jihong Lee.”


Namsu cursed and frowned grimly. But Jihong did not blink an eye.

“Shall I tell you why you are suffering now?”

Are you suffering? I looked back at Namsu, but he was busy glaring at Jihong.

"I thought it was so natural for someone to like you that I looked down on it. But now that you've disappeared, I realized that you liked it too. But you're only used to being loved, so now it would hurt your pride to chase that person. This is just a worse thing than me." Just know."

Although there is no detailed explanation. I could vaguely understand the situation. It looks like the person who was chasing Namsu has left. for a moment. But didn’t you say that Woo Min-jae gave that person advice? But why did he leave? It's not like Woo Min-jae advised him to leave... Is that right?! While he was frozen in shock for a moment, Namsu attacked Jihong. Fuck you bastard. die. Kind words were shouted back and forth. I made Namsu, who was fussing, sit down and comforted him.

“There’s nothing wrong with what Jihong said.”

“Fuck. Kwon Hee-chan. Don’t come forward without knowing anything about love.”

what? Jihong came forward to replace me, who was dumbfounded.

"I don't know what I don't know. Kwon Hee-chan is also dating now..."

However, before speaking, he noticed Namsu's gaze and kept his mouth shut.

“He knows. I’m dating.”

"Oh yeah?"

Jihong glanced and looked at Namsu more closely.

“Did you even tell me who you were dating?”

“Yes. I’m with a guy.”

iced coffee. Jihong only made an odd exclamation and pretended to eagerly eat the remaining jajang. Namsu just glared, as if he still had no intention of touching the finished food.

“Do you feel bad about me dating? Or do you think it’s funny that a bastard who doesn’t know anything about love is dating?”

“Hey. Namsu didn’t mean that.”

Jihong looked at the two of us and added to me.

“And honestly, it’s funny that you’re in a relationship.”

I turned my eyes from staring at others towards Jihong.

“What’s funny?”

“No. Even if you’re in a relationship, it seems like it’s the same as usual. Look, you don’t even brag to us. The reason I like Nunmuru is because my head is filled with thoughts of that person 24 hours a day and I feel like I’m going crazy.”

I feel like I'm going crazy. Because I want to roll around with Woo Min-jae. However, it is better to remain as a person who doesn't know anything about love than to get caught.

“Fuck. It takes 8 hours to sleep, 3 hours to eat, poo, and rest. What are 24 hours? Do you have 34 hours in a day?”

Jihong folded his fingers and counted something for a moment, then tilted his head, but soon became annoyed.

“Oh, let’s go. Kwon Hee-chan is good at math, so he lists numbers.”

"Even if you are in love, people's lives are the same. Working, eating, pooping, it's good if another person shares those daily routines, but if not, it goes back to the original state."

“So, is it okay to start a relationship thinking it would be easy?”

Namsu suddenly intervened. I made eye contact with the guy. And he nodded his head calmly.

“It was good. Even if it wasn’t 24 hours, I thought about that person for a few hours a day. Wouldn’t it be nice if it became reality? Don’t you know that the reason you’re suffering is because you think of that person for a few hours a day?”


“Contact me. I don’t know anything about love, but I like it when there’s someone who stays in my head for hours a day.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Do you know what the problem is? You think too much about simple things.”

Stop, stop. They both stopped moving at the same time. And he looked at me in shock.

“What did you say just now? Two Watch?”

“Too much. You idiot. It means too much.”

Tuk. Jihong must have been so shocked that he dropped the half-eaten sweet and sour pork. He asked me Namsu on his behalf.

“Are you crazy when you say you’re dating? What kind of English are you messing with?”

“Is it because you want to make fun of me? I studied English for a bit and something came to mind automatically. Anyway, you guys reacted too much.”

Jihong, whose subject he hated more than math was English, covered his ears with both hands. At least Namsu was able to maintain his senses and brought out a paper and pencil and held them out in front of me as if he didn't believe me.

“I can’t believe it. Fuck it. You’re saying something that we don’t know. Then write it. It’s Two Machines. It’s Two Much. Write it in English.”

Such ignorant things. I personally spread the knowledge to both of them.

“Now look. This is a word you all know. It’s very easy.”

They both lowered their heads to look at the words I had written.

'two much'

I guess I knew the right word. Jihong was especially impressed.

"Wow~ I guess it's real? Then it's twice as much. What does that mean it's too much?"

Like my friend, he understood quickly. Namsu had a suspicious look in his eyes, but quickly agreed.

“It certainly seems like there was an idiom like this.”

“I may not know love, but I have more knowledge than you. But do you still think my words are shit?”

They both became solemn at my words. After all, people must learn.

“If you want, contact me. You’re already hurt right now. What difference does it make to be rejected and hurt?”

After a while, Jihong grumbled and muttered.

“I do that because I’m scared.”

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