Handing Women’s Clothes To the Escape Game BOSS

Chapter 25 - (minor repair)


Jiang Xiuxiu saw that the ghost figure was moving, and made a decisive decision, and hurriedly followed.

She turned her head and saw the newcomer standing motionless, and stretched out her hand to pull him: “Don’t stand here stupidly, come with me.”

In order to repay this man’s life-saving grace, Jiang Xiuxiu decided to take him with him tonight.

By the way, she can also teach him some game common sense, so that he doesn’t even know some basic skills.

“Follow you?” The newcomer asked, blinking.

He stood firm and was not pulled by Jiang Xiuxiu.

Facing Jiang Xiuxiu’s actions, he just tilted his head and looked at her in confusion, as if he didn’t understand what she was going to do.

“Of course you have to follow me, otherwise how will you collect information?”

Jiang Xiuxiu felt that this child was like a fool sometimes, he didn’t know anything, and he didn’t even know what to do.

Seeing that he was still standing there, she couldn’t help but say two more words: “Master more things, and then the possibility of clearing the game will be greater.”

“…clear the game?”

The newcomer heard this word and repeated it slowly.

He stared at Jiang Xiuxiu for two seconds, his deep black eyes were thoughtful, combined with his confused look, for a while, there was an indescribable intriguing.

Jiang Xiuxiu was inexplicably asked by him: “Yeah, if you don’t clear the game, what are you doing here?”

Isn’t everyone entering the game for the bonus or game experience?

It’s too white for a newcomer to be like this, it seems that he doesn’t even understand “Fear to Survive”…

Just as Jiang Xiuxiu was suspicious, she didn’t know what the newcomer was hesitating when she saw him suddenly smile and walked towards her: “Okay, let’s go.”

Seeing this, Jiang Xiuxiu stopped thinking about it.

This newcomer appeared before entering the dungeon. He followed her and other players into the game. At the beginning, he would find her to form a team. He spoke so neatly, he was definitely a player, and there would be no fakes.

No matter how intelligent an NPC is, it is just a string of data, but it will not be flexible like this.

Maybe, the place where he lives is relatively remote, and he hasn’t had much contact with holographic online games since he was a child.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xiuxiu pulled up his wrist and walked over to where the white ghost left.

Fortunately, the ghost’s movements were very slow, and it was still dragging two small tails. Even if Jiang Xiuxiu was delayed for two minutes, it was still too late to catch up.

Along the way, the newcomer did not struggle, and even hid with her cooperatively, looking quite positive.

And, he took the initiative to ask her about the game.

Jiang Xiuxiu didn’t hide it, and told the basic characteristics of ghosts, bosses, NPCs, players and others in the game.

“Ghosts like the previous ones belong to the category of ‘ghosts’,” she whispered. “Ghosts need to follow certain rules if they want to hurt players, but the boss is different.”

She found that after the ghost was far away, it seemed that they couldn’t hear any movement on their side at all.

Originally, she spoke in a right-to-mouth manner, but when she got to the back, it became a vocal conversation.

“BOSS?” The newcomer narrowed his eyes.

“Yeah,” Jiang Xiuxiu said, “I’m following them now, just to see if I can spot the BOSS… By the way, what’s your name? My name is Jiang Xiuxiu, just call me Xiuxiu.”

Halfway through Jiang Xiuxiu’s speech, she suddenly realized that she and this newcomer should not be strangers.

After so long, she didn’t even know her name.

“My name is Ye Ming.” The newcomer said.

Ye Ming? The name is quite simple.

Jiang Xiuxiu remembered the name.

At this time, they had been following the ghost for a while.

When Jiang Xiuxiu and Ye Ming were chatting about names, Jiang Xiuxiu saw the white ghost leading the two players, went straight to the back door of the ancient house, and walked into the courtyard.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiuxiu immediately quickened his pace and followed lightly.

She watched the white ghost and the two players walk into the lush weed bushes in the yard.

Surprisingly, they walked around the yard without any change in pace.

They travel at the same speed, and their bodies don’t even shake, they are as stable as walking on flat ground.

Those dense bushes could not affect their movements.

The white ghost is still good to say, it is a ghost without a body after all, but what happened to the two players?

Jiang Xiuxiu wanted to see more clearly, but it was too dark in the yard, and the grass covered their legs tightly, covering them tightly.

Under Jiang Xiuxiu’s gaze, they slowly moved towards a certain direction in the yard, and then stopped in a corner.

The next second, they all disappeared into the yard.

Is this gone?

Jiang Xiuxiu was a little curious, but she turned to think that there must be a problem where the white ghost and the two players disappeared.

Thinking that it was too late, she thought for a while, and decided to wait until the daytime tomorrow to find out.

It’s not safe to go in the dark now, if the white ghost is disturbed, it will not be worth the loss.

“Let’s go,” she said to Ye Ming, “Go back and rest, we’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jiang Xiuxiu paused for a while, and then added: “You and me share a room, let’s form a team.”

Ye Ming’s teammates have too many problems. She even thought that Ye Ming would come out at night, and 80% of them were awakened by the movements of his teammates.

Although this person doesn’t know much, he still has the ability to look, he is also bold, and he is not afraid to do things. Jiang Xiuxiu is very satisfied with him.

Of course, the most important thing in this is that she feels that Ye Ming is harmless and kind, and she is not afraid of being betrayed by teaming up with him.

You know, in the situation just now, if it was her, she might not be able to risk being discovered to help a stranger who had rejected her.

Hearing her words, Ye Ming nodded.

The two didn’t say more, turned around and went back to the room.

Jiang Xiuxiu was very conscious of being a thigh. After entering the room, she occupied the only bed without saying a word and pointed the sofa to Ye Ming.

Ye Ming wasn’t angry either, and obediently hugged the quilt and went to sleep on the sofa.

After turning off the lights, the two did not communicate much, and soon fell asleep.

There was no other movement, this time, Jiang Xiuxiu slept very deeply.

A night without dreams.

Early the next morning, they were woken up by the sound of the bell in the hall.

Jiang Xiuxiu didn’t stay in bed, and immediately got up to take a shower.

After that, she and Ye Ming went to the cafeteria to prepare breakfast.

Because there are no NPCs in the ancient house, and no one has come over for a long time, all they can find is some food such as instant noodles and biscuits.

Jiang Xiuxiu asked Ye Ming to go to the kitchen to rummage through the food, while he squatted outside the kitchen, quietly looking at the players coming and going.

When she just woke up, she discovered that this morning, it seemed a little too comfortable.

No screaming, no looking tired or panicking, most of them slept well enough to hardly seem like an escape game.

That is to say, apart from her and Ye Ming, not many people found abnormality last night.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some of them did have an accident, but just like the male player and the long-haired female player, they “forgot”.

Jiang Xiuxiu thought about this, his eyes flashed slightly, and he counted the players who came and went.

Except for her and Ye Ming, there were exactly 14, not many, not many.

The male player and long-haired female player who disappeared with the white ghost last night still appeared in the old house, looking normal and able to eat.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Xiuxiu only felt a little headache.

She realized that if it continued like this, she might lose her ability to distinguish players completely before long.

Who is the player who has had an accident and who has not had an accident?

She was completely indistinguishable from her appearance.

Moreover, these players who were taken away by ghosts and monsters are still staying in the ancient house. What are their intentions?

Jiang Xiuxiu couldn’t understand.

Compared with the first copy of Cihe College, this time the copy of the ancient house is full of mysteries.

Players from the same faction are no longer reliable, ghosts come and go without a trace, and even the boss never shows up…

Ye Ming came out quickly, he threw a bag of bread to Jiang Xiuxiu.

Jiang Xiuxiu took it and ate worriedly.

“Let’s go look in the yard.”

After eating the bread, Jiang Xiuxiu made his final decision and said to Ye Ming, “There must be something strange about the place where the ghost disappeared yesterday.”

When the amount of information is too little, the more she has to calm down.

As long as she can explore more information, as long as she knows more and more, she will not be confused.

Ye Ming heard the words, but did not reply to her words.

He just lowered his head, looked at the bread in his hand, and looked at the cupboard with the food.

“Aren’t you going to save some food?” he asked suddenly.

“Save some food?” Jiang Xiuxiu looked blank.

“Yeah,” Ye Ming nodded in a calm tone, “I just went to the kitchen and found that the food here is decreasing.”

Jiang Xiuxiu heard this and hurriedly went to the cupboard to take a look.

At this sight, her face changed slightly.

Ye Ming is right… The food in the cupboard is really decreasing!

When she came to see it yesterday, it was full of things, not even a single crack.

After this morning, there was still a lot of food in the cabinet, but a closer look showed that the number had indeed decreased.

The food in this game is actually different from the first game, it is not continuously supplied…

When Jiang Xiuxiu discovered this, his eyes flashed slightly.

It doesn’t matter that the food is decreasing. After all, the game has a deadline, and players can’t stay in the game all the time.

Especially according to the setting of this dungeon, if it is stable enough, players who have mastered “don’t” can even simply rely on Gou and stay in the ancient house for ten days and a half months.

Jiang Xiuxiu speculated that the game is deliberately using a fixed share of food to force players to clear the level as soon as possible.

She is worried that other players will do anything to compete for resources after discovering this.

In this way, there will definitely be teams trying to occupy more food, and there will be considerable conflicts within the players.

Unexpectedly, although Ye Ming is a newcomer, he can still notice such details.

Jiang Xiuxiu thought about this, and became more and more satisfied with his choice of forming a team.

Without hesitation, she immediately took Ye Ming into the kitchen while other players were not paying attention.

She took a measure and took about three or four days’ worth of food.

Considering that the room was not safe, the two packed everything into their backpacks and carried them with them.

After doing these things, they followed the route last night, hurriedly groped to the back door of the ancient house, and came to the courtyard.

When Jiang Xiuxiu watched it last night, because the white ghost and the players walked easily, and the yard was too dark, the plants seemed unclear, and she didn’t feel how chaotic and crowded the yard was.

In the daytime, she looked again and saw that the yard was full of plants clustered together, and some shrubs were so tall that they could even touch her abdomen.

Jiang Xiuxiu narrowed his eyes and looked at it, and found that there were no footprints on the ground, nor were there any crooked marks that would be exposed when someone stepped on the plant.

It was as if no one had ever been in the yard.

Jiang Xiuxiu would not be deceived by this kind of blindfold. She recalled the direction in which the two ghosts disappeared last night, and walked into the yard with her legs open.

Ye Ming didn’t say a word and followed closely behind her.

After a lot of hard work, the two finally walked to the corner of the yard and came to the place where those people disappeared last night.

Jiang Xiuxiu narrowed his eyes and searched everywhere, but found nothing.

She narrowed her eyes, had an idea, and stomped her feet hard.

Then, she listened carefully to the sound and felt it with her heart.


This touch is too hard, it is not the feeling of stepping on the ground at all!

“There’s something down here!” she blurted out.

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