Hannah’s Revenge

Hannah’s Revenge Ch.09

It had been a long hard night for me. The stench of Hannah’s disgusting sweaty tights had been fully absorbed by my face, and still the coarse fabric felt rough upon my face with every movement a constant reminder of what was wrapped round my head. Even the smallest possible consolation of the fact that her knickers sitting in my mouth were no longer covered in shit was vastly overshadowed by the knowledge that it was my own mouth that had cleaned them, with the taste of Hannah’s shit having soaked across my mouth over the long hours of the night before. Even the uncomfortable feeling of the wet fabric in my mouth elicited an uncomfortable groan from behind the makeshift gag of Hannah’s kickers and tights.


Looking across to the other bed I shuddered in horror at the shapeless mound with its back to me, the bedclothes rising and falling from her laboured breathing, her loud snores piercing the otherwise silent room. Turning back to face the ceiling, I was glad that she was still asleep lest she take advantage of me for some more horrible abuse. But as the seconds turned to minutes with nothing to do but stare at the blankness above and listen to the deep roaring snores of the fat rapist next to me, I felt boredom creeping over me. I didn’t even have my phone to distract me, knowing that it was still in the grasp of Hannah’s ham-fist. The whole night before I could hear her chuckling as she read my most private messages and laughing maliciously as she formed some horrible plan. I wasn’t sure what it was yet, but knowing she knew the most private and dark secrets of my friends, along with the disgustingly disturbing way she’d treated me over the last few days, I knew it wouldn’t be pretty.


I couldn’t bear it anymore. As quietly as I could I rose from the bed and slowly began unwrapping the tights from around my head, freeing my mouth to remove the disgusting red thong, wet from hours of soaking in my mouth. I flung it across the room in disgust, wiping the wetness off my fingers on the floor. I knew I would face reprisal from Hannah for freeing myself from the gag, that fear being the only reason I had even kept the thing on when she was awake across from me, but I had to get out of that room. I stared longingly at the bathroom, desperately hoping to wash away the filth and shame. Or at the very least relieve myself of, what I was horrified to realise, was probably a lot of Hannah’s urine that had passed through my system. But turning back to look at her huge sleeping body, I sadly closed my mind to the possibility, knowing that the noise of the shower would likely awaken her and only hasten the, admittedly inevitable, punishment from her that would follow.


Instead I cautiously flitted around the room, gathering up yesterday’s clothing. I would have preferred to put on a fresh uniform, but given that I could still smell the stench of Hannah’s sweat on my face, the slightly used feel of my own clothes from yesterday was the least of my worries. Glancing down at the vanity mirror by the door, I gave my hair a quick brush, trying however vainly to make myself look somewhat presentable.


One last forlorn look at Hannah filled my body with dread as I heard the bed creak loudly as she shifted. I was terrified she was going to wake up then and there, but she was merely shifting in her sleep before releasing a loud nocturnal fart. I gagged on the smell as it wafted towards me but at least I could take some consolation that it wasn’t with my nose inserted into her arse.


Is this what my life is now? Taking solace from the fact that there isn’t a fat sweaty arse farting on my face, and knowing all too well what that felt like? Shaking my head in despair I closed the door, shutting away horrible Hannah, if only temporarily.


Despite the early hour, I could feel the heat of the day already beginning to creep over the campus grounds. Still able to smell myself, I was thankful that the majority of my schoolmates were still in their rooms. Glancing at my watch I realised I shouldn’t have been surprised. Not only was it not even 8 o’clock yet, but all the horrible events of the past few days had made me lose track of time. Saturdays at Greenbrier were more relaxed than the rest of the week. With neither classes nor Sunday chapel to otherwise fill the day, students were left to their own devices. While normally I would enjoy the freedom of a day off with my friends, I knew that Hannah also had the freedom of the day to do whatever she wanted… The thought alone sent a chill down my spine, and I hurried off to find a bathroom, desperate to clean myself as much as possible to make the most of what little freedom I had that morning…


I sighed with relief as I reached a bathroom, trying not to think about how much of my own urine started off as Hannah’s before being forced down my throat. Quickly followed by a whore’s bath in the sink, scrubbing away at my pores with hand soap to try desperately to wash away the stench of sweat and shame it had absorbed over the night. Looking at myself in the mirror I was horrified at what I saw. The face staring back at me was a stranger. Gone was the bright and happy face that had found itself in every mirror I’d ever looked at throughout my life. Instead facing me was a sullen face of misery, with bags under the eyes, dripping with sink water from the whore bath. I sighed as I realised all too well how accurate that name now was for me. With one last longing look in the mirror, praying in vain to see the old face looking back at me again, I turned away and let the bathroom door slam shut behind me.


I slunk into the dining hall which was all but empty. A few catering staff were milling around setting up breakfast for the day, and there were a couple early rising students who were taking advantage of the calm before the breakfast rush, but it was a world away from the noisy hubbub that so often marked meal-time in the Greenbrier dining hall.


The peace and quiet was welcome to me, granting me a respite from the raging torrent of fear and stress in my head. The air was filled with the beautiful scents of the busy kitchen ready for breakfast, enough even to make me forget of the scent of sweat and shit I woke up in. Drifting across the dining hall I salivated at the array of delicious cooked breakfasts, fruits, and pastries. Piling my plate high with summer fruits and some croissants I carried my tray over to my regular table and sat down. And as the food passed through lips with a pleasurable sigh, I felt almost like my own self again.

Of course, it was always too good to last.


The dining hall slowly began to fill and the volume rise as my schoolmates woke and met with their groups of friends for breakfast. Everywhere I looked was happy smiling faces, and every sound was of laughter and excitement for the Saturday to come. I was alone. Of course, I shouldn’t be surprised. Most of my friends and I didn’t even get up this early on weekdays, I’m sure Katie and the twins were still comfortably asleep in bed. Joanna was the only one who would have even been close to waking since she often rose early for a morning horse-ride.


Almost on cue, I caught sight of Joanna’s petite figure appeared across hall, catching my eye in the doorway. I smiled across at her, expecting her to smile back and join me for a quick breakfast. Instead I felt my heart sink as she looked straight at me, grimace in anger, then turn away with an aggressive swish of her bright pale blonde hair.

Clearly she still blamed me for her horribly humiliating experience on the roof yesterday, being forced to bow naked below old Ms. McLaughlin and kiss her feet. With a deep pang of shame in my heart, I felt responsible for it too. Her suffering was all my fault, and now that Hannah knew her darkest secret, what more suffering was she about to endure?


Dropping my head in shame my fearful mulling was interrupted with a loud “Ahem” from across the table. I should have known, just when I was feeling my lowest, my horrible tormentor always showed up to remind me to sink even lower.


I looked up to see Hannah’s pudgy face smirking down at me, half obscured behind a plate towering with greasy bacon and sausages.


“Well, well, well little Slave Slut.” She smiled down at me, the chair across creaking beneath her immense weight. “How did you enjoy getting to suck my yummy shit out of my panties all night? I found them clean as a whistle this morning. Seems shit-cleaning is your one true calling.”


I felt my face burning with shame as I remembered with horror every inch of her shit spreading across my palate for hours the night before. Somehow I managed to keep down my breakfast, but not without a few gags of horror.


“Of course, I never gave you permission to take off my lovely sweaty tights.” Hannah continued, as I gulped knowing my fears were confirmed. “But your punishment will have to wait. We’ve got a busy day ahead of us.”


She paused, her face contorting into a twisted smile of malice.

“Not to mention the busy day your bitch friends have ahead of them.”


I gasped in terror. I knew it! Oh god why did I have to be so weak?! I couldn’t handle the torture of clamps on my nipples and now my friends will be suffering the same living hell which make up my every moment. What monstrous evil does she have planned?


Stabbing her fork through some rashers, she stuffed a mound of bacon into her mouth, bits of meat and fat spraying across the table at me as she loudly munched and spoke at the same time.


“First things first, I think we’ll start with Little Lady Fauntleroy. Your best friend Katie needs to learn her place beneath me, just like you did. I think after all the shit shes put me through, I think it’s time I put some shit through her.”


She laughed at her own joke before turning her fork once more to the mountain of fatty meaty foods and shovelling some more into her mouth.


“Here, I’m bored with it now anyway.” She snarled at me, tossing my phone across the table which I scrambled to grab. “Besides, I think its fitting that you’re the bait for my little trap for Moncrieff. Send her a message asking to meet in your new room with me in, oh say, half an hour. That’ll give me time to sort everything out. Oh this’ll be a morning that stupid little toffy bimbo won’t soon forget.”


She laughed heartily again, with more specks of food spraying out with each cackle.

Gripping my phone in my hand I felt my whole body shaking. How could I do this? Be the one who lures my friend, my best friend, into the clutches of this fat, disgusting, stinking bitch? But what else could I do? The dirt she had on me, on Katie, on everyone. With a resigned sigh of defeat, I tapped out the invitation. The three dots of her typed reply bubbled on the screen before transforming into her reply.


“Hey Victoria!” The text read. “Weird that you moved rooms, although guess that explains why you didn’t answer me yesterday morning LOL! Isn’t that a double? Ooh did you bagsy a bath room? Might send Daddy a message, see if he can’t pull some strings and get one for me too! See you soon xx”


Such a friendly, happy response. So full of naïve hope and ignorance of the horror that was to come. Again I felt a pang of shame for what I was doing. A tool in destroying her life just like mine. Letting the screen go black I looked up once more at Hannah, grunting and slurping as she devoured every last scrap of food on her plate. Leaning back with a contented sigh, she patted her swollen tummy before releasing a loud belch right in my face.


“Ah, yes. All lovely and full for that posh little bitch.” She smiled up to the ceiling. “Time to head on back and make sure everything is all ready for our… special guest.”


She groaned with the effort of rising to her feet before waddling towards the door. Turning back to me, she signalled me to follow her. Left with no option, all I could so was sigh and rise myself, feeling the bile of shame rising in my throat. What sort of a friend am I? Looking at Hannah’s flabby back as she excitedly doddered back to our room, I knew the answer. A terrible one. I know what life is like in Hannah’s servitude and yet I was willing to subject my best friend to the same horrors. Every step towards the door felt like daggers in my heart, yet still I walked on, helpless to resist…


As we climbed the stairs of Morrison House, Hannah’s out-of-shape body wheezed alongside me. I was also moving slowly, but from some childish desire to avoid the inevitable. Eventually we reached the room and Hannah pushed past me to collapse on her bed, the suffering springs releasing loud creaks of complaint beneath her.


“Okay Slave Slut, here’s your job. I want you to dig through your slag clothes and find the tiniest, sluttiest pair of lingerie you own. I know, you’re such a whore that it’ll be hard to decide from the dozens of skank outfits you’ve got, but just try your best. Then I need you to grab the camera from beneath my bed. And don’t worry about deleting that video of our fun in the equipment shed, I’ve already got plenty of copies of it all over the cloud. We’ll never lose that moment together. Then I want you to hide in the wardrobe with the door open a crack. Make sure you catch every moment of this on film. If you miss even a second, then it’ll be a big punishment for you and I can tell you right now, you won’t want that. Oh, and gimme your phone.”


I gulped as I slipped my phone into her clammy palm. What did she have planned for poor Katie? What was I going to have to watch her do to my best friend? Rather than letting my mind create twisted fantasies, I set about to work, rummaging through the pile of my underwear that still lay on the floor where Hannah had thrown them all about on our first night here. Despite Hannah’s concerns, most of my underwear was pretty, but functional. I’d packed for the school year and, while I enjoyed the luxury of a nice lingerie set, I didn’t expect to have much opportunity to use them during term time. Thankfully I managed to scrape together the closest thing to a risqué outfit, with the smallest and laciest red bra and thong set I’d packed. It wasn’t as slutty as I’m sure Hannah would like, but it was the closest thing I had.


Next I dropped to my hands and knees and began reaching under Hannah’s bed for the cold metal feel of a camera. Feeling a sharp sting on my raised bum I heard Hannah cackle above me, the aching throb left behind a reminder of Ms. McLaughlin’s very rough spanking yesterday and its still radiating aftereffects. If the punishment for fucking up today involved a spanking from cruel Hannah, I don’t think I’d be able to take it.


Grabbing the camera in victory I flitted across the room and squeezed myself into the wardrobe, pulling my legs up into my chest. Opening up the video camera, I saw the screen burst into life and positioned it against the cracked door to make sure that the room beyond completely filled the screen. Feeling my heart beat against my rib cage from fearful apprehension of what was about to happen. All I could do was sit in the semi-dark of the wardrobe, and wait…


Eventually, there was a knock at the door. Hannah squealed in excitement and leapt to her feet, the floor loudly shuddering beneath her. As she opened the door I heard Katie gasp in surprise at being greeted, not by me, but by fat disgusting Hannah.


“Ew!” I heard her shout in the hallway. “Who let a pig in the building? It stinks of shit in here!”


Normally Katie’s sharp words would have sent Hannah away crying in a fit of tears, but today she stood her ground, confident in her upper hand.


“Funny choice of words Moncrieff.” I could hear the smirk in Hannah’s voice even without seeing her face. “But if I were you, I’d be a little bit nicer to me just now.”


“Nicer to you? Why the hell would I be nice to a fat little chav like you!” Katie shouted back. “What the hell are you doing in Victoria’s room anyway? I’d expect a higher class of maid service than you! Or were you looking for some food scraps out of her bin you greedy cow!”


Hannah was mad now, and I caught a glimpse of the struggle between them at the door as Hannah grabbed Katie’s hair, eliciting a yowl of pain from her and yanked her into the room, slamming the door behind her.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing you psycho bitch!” Katie shouted into Hannahs face. “I cant believe you had the audacity to assault me like that! I’m going straight to Mrs Saunders to report you!”


“Jesus Christ, Moncrieff would you shut your fucking mouth for half a second in your life!” Hannah snapped back at her, her own frustration showing in her tone. She composed herself before continuing.


“I really wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Hannah smiled across at Katie. “Because if you don’t behave yourself and do exactly what I tell you, then this little number might find its way to a few media outlets. And I have a feeling they’d be very interested.”


Peeking through the wardrobe door, I saw the confusion on Katie’s face, before the light of my phone screen hit it, and the confusion gave way to a pale face of horror. From my position in the wardrobe, I couldn’t see what was on the screen, but from the video sound playing I knew exactly what Hannah was showing her.


It was a stupid, drunken mistake. A trip away at the Moncrieff house in the country. Katie’s parents were away so it was just me and her, having a wild girls weekend. Wine, shots, slammers. For some reason we got it in our heads that it would be a great idea to go for a joy-ride in her father’s pride and joy. A shining silver 1960 Bentley S2. What I could hear on the screen now was the shrill cheers of laughter as we roared down the dark country lanes. The video itself clearly showed Katie steering with one hand and swigging a Dom Perignon straight from the bottle in another. Our laughter and the roar of the car’s engine grew to a fever pitch until suddenly there was the crunch of metal and the shatter of glass accompanied by our two shrieks as the car ground to its sudden stop. My phone camera was still rolling as we regained our wherewithal, our voices tinged with panic as the seriousness of the situation went some way to sobering up our thoughts. The final shot of the video was of my own drunken face grabbing the phone and drunkenly stabbing at the screen with my finger to turn it off.


Whilst at the time it was a terrifying experience we had been incredibly lucky to have sustained no injuries whatsoever. Ironically, it was because we were so drunk at the time that our bodies simply ragdolled on impact. But after a hurried call to her father, a late night roadside assistance, and lots of expensively greased palms throughout, the memory was now a funny one. A joke shared between our group of friends, and even almost a sense of pride from getting away with it all. Lord Moncrieff’s money and political power had allowed us to get away Scot-free from what was really a very serious offence. The church itself never learned who really caused the damage that night, but a few local rags blamed it on village yobs.


Of course, this video, and the accompanying chat messages told another story. A video of two private school girls drunk driving was bad enough. Them crashing into a village church whilst driving drunk would probably make national headlines. But a ministerial Lord, high up and very active in the government, using his power to cover up his daughter’s many offences? That would be a national scandal that could possibly bring down the Party, but at the very least would destroy any career or reputation her father could hope to have.


The video and memory was no longer a joke. Now it was very real, and very scary because it was in the clutches of Hannah. I could see Katie’s beautifully tanned face drain away to a ghost-white pale of fear, her whole body trembling. Even dear sweet simple Katie knew what Hannah having this video meant. And it really wasn’t good for her.


“W-w-what do you want me to do?” Katie eventually managed to stutter out.


“That’s more like it.” Hannah smiled, clearly enjoying this newfound power over another of her tormentors. “What do I want you to do? Hmm well lets think…”


She paused, allowing Katie to continue shaking in fearful anticipation of what she was going to say.


“I just want you to be yourself!”


Katie’s face again twisted into contorted confusion.


“M-myself?” She asked, not understanding at all.


“Yes, yourself.” Hannah repeated. “I want you to be what everyone knows you are. A stupid air-headed bimbo slut. You’re an idiot! Everyone knows it! The only reason you’ve got anything in life is because you happened to be squeezed out of whatever hole your rich toffy daddy stuck his dick in. And I want you to let your bimbo self shine as free as it wants to.”


My heart broke as I felt Hannah saying all these terrible, horrible things at Katie. I was amazed she wasn’t crying as her entire being was dragged through the dirt.


“First things first for air-headed bimbos.” Hannah began her commands. “They don’t need to think about what they say because thinking for your words is just too hard. So I’ll make it easy for you. The only words I ever want to hear come out of your lips are: ‘Yes, Goddess Hannah.’ Do you understand?”


Katie was frozen in shock, unable to even comprehend saying something so degrading.


“Oh dear, dear, dear! Hannah tutted in faux disappointment. You’re even more of a stupid bimbo than I thought! What’s the only thing I want to hear come out of your lips?”


“Y-yes, Goddess Hannah.” Katie eventually managed to force the words out.


“Well done, Katie!” Hannah cheered on as if she was praising a dog for completing a successful trick. “I know remembering three whole words is very tricky for a bimbo like you, but don’t worry, if you get it wrong, well we’ll just start all over for you to try again!”


Start all over? I wondered what Hannah had in mind for Katie, but already I was outraged at what she was forcing her to say, let alone what she would force her to do…


“Next up,” Hannah continued her directions. “A little bimbo slut needs a big smile on her face. Everything is dandy and rosy when you’re a bimbo. No worries, no problems, just a big happy smile! Show me your big happy smile, bimbo slut.”


Once again shocked at how humiliating Hannah was being to her, Katie froze for a second before she remembered the situation she was in. Desperately, she fought every impulse in her body, twisting her face into a wide toothy grin. She looked like a mindless idiot, which I realised was exactly what Hannah wanted.


“Oh well done bimbo slut!” Hannah gleefully clapped her hands. “That’s such a good bimbo slut smile! And just like before, if you ever stop smiling then we’ll just have to start again!”


Despite the plastic grin across her face, I could feel the worry and fear behind Katie’s eyes. Worries which would very quickly be confirmed when Hannah continued.


“And lastly, bimbo sluts need to show off their slutty bodies. Lucky for you I’ve got a lovely slutty little red lacy number for you here.” Hannah gesticulated towards the underwear I’d scraped together at her request. “Isn’t that perfect for a little bimbo slut like you? Why don’t you put it on?”


Katie was still struggling to comprehend her situation, and the plastic smile fell from her face as she stuttered in confusion.


“W-what? I-I-I can’t!”


Immediately Hannah snapped at her.


“Oh dear bimbo slut! Falling at the first hurdle?” She sneered down at her, enjoying every second of Katie’s fearful confusion. “I know its tricky for your stupid empty head to comprehend, but those aren’t the only words you need to remember! All you ever need to say from now on is ‘Yes, Goddess Hannah.’ Do you understand?”


Slowly Katie nodded her head, the reality of her situation finally sinking in.

“Y-yes, Goddess Hannah.” She eventually managed to squeeze out the words.


“And our little bimbo slut smile?” Hannah pushed.


Again, Katie forced her face back into that mindless empty grin.


“Perfect!” Hannah cried out with glee. “Now put on your bimbo slut uniform.”


I watched with heart-wrenching misery as Katie slowly began peeling off her school uniform, until she was left in her own underwear, all the while with this goofy fake smile plastered over her face. Then there was the slightest hesitation when she realised what she would have to do next. She would have to completely expose herself, forced to degrade herself, all because of this horrible disgusting girl, so many levels beneath her. I myself knew how horrible that felt.


Hannah, on the other hand, seemed to care little for modesty or grace, pulling off her own clothes as fast as she could unbutton them, shuffling down her tights and knickers, and tearing off the huge beige bra to bear her fat flabby tits and disgusting hairy pussy to the world. I automatically grimaced away, knowing full well what that horrible stinking cunt looked, felt, and even tasted like up close. Katie on the other hand was experiencing it all for the first time, and let out a loud gasp of horror.


And yet still, knowing how trapped she was, Katie forced herself to carry on, unclipping her bra from behind her back and allowing her full golden tanned breasts to swing free, before slipping down her knickers and quickly turning away from Hannah, covering her bare breasts and pussy with her hands, desperate to retain even the smallest shred of dignity. As fast as she could she grabbed the red lacy thong and hiked it up, the fabric disappearing between the cheeks of her perfectly formed bubble butt. Then she pulled on my bra, a little bit smaller than her’s, which only served to heighten the slutty look. Her larger breasts swelled and pushed against the fabric as she struggled to clip it on. Eventually she strained and managed to meet the loops behind her back. The final result was astounding. Katie was undoubtedly a stunningly gorgeous girl, but the tiny red lingerie set she had squeezed herself into had only reduced her to looking like a cheap whore, whilst the wide toothy smile made her look almost like a plastic sex doll. Hannah really had transformed her into a bimbo slut.


“Wonderfully done bimbo slut.” Hannah grinned malevolently, delighted at how well her plan was playing out. “Do we remember our lines?”


Still with that stupid smile on her face, Katie had clearly resigned herself to being under the thumb of this disgusting horrible naked girl who held so much power over her now.


“Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


“Well then,” Hannah continued. “Let’s get down to action!”


The way she stressed the word “Action” with a pointed glance towards me meant that I took that as my cue to start filming. With another sigh of shame at what I was putting my best friend through, all I could do was hit the button and sit, trapped, watching the scene play out on the video cameras small flashing screen.


“Are you a naughty girl, Bimbo Slut?” Hannah asked Katie.


Katie stuttered for half a second, before remembering what was expected of her, as the plastic smile spread across her face.


“Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


“Do you want to be punished for being so bad, Bimbo Slut?”


“Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


“Then come here and lay down across my lap.”


Hannah sat down on the bed and patted her thick meaty thighs. Katie froze for another second before realising she really had no choice. Slowly the gorgeous girl lowered herself, tummy down, onto Hannah’s waiting lap.


The way she was positioned, facing the wardrobe, I felt like I was looking straight into her eyes, as I stared fixedly at the video camera screen. Glassy and with nothing behind them, I knew the way she felt, the way I always felt before a spanking from Hannah. Apprehensive, fearful, trapped, and humiliated. Time stood still for an eternity until eventually…




Hannah’s palm came down hard on Katie’s perfectly round arse, the flesh jiggling as her hand came away with a red print clearly visible, even over the golden tan of her skin. Katie gasped with the sudden shock, but after a quick glare from Hannah, her face locked back into the mindless smile which was expected of her.


Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!


The spanks rained down on defenceless Katie’s arse, the cheeks shaking with each hard slap, as the fat folds of Hannah’s naked body jiggled with every movement. The contrast between them was astounding. Katie’s gorgeous tanned and toned figure standing out clear against the pale and flabby body of her tormentor. The smallest comparison you could make between the girls was that both the beautiful smooth features of Katie, and the chubby pimply face of Hannah were spread across with a smile.


The first forced and plastic, the other evil and twisted, deriving all its joy from the humiliation and pain which Katie was suffering. But still she kept her face frozen in a smile as Hannah’s fat hand continued to rain down spanks on her poor burning arse.


Eventually the spanks stopped, with one final extra hard one eliciting a sudden yelp from Katie.


“Well, Bimbo Slut.” Hannah panted out, the exertion of a rough spanking session almost exhausting her. “Did you enjoy your punishment from your Goddess.”


Katie too struggled to catch her breath, the pain and humiliation, not to mention the effort in forcing a continual smile, had taken its toll. Still, eventually, she managed to force out:


“Y-yes, Goddess Hannah.”


“Well done, Bimbo Slut.” Hannah continued. “Don’t you want to thank me properly?”


“Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


“Then get down on your knees and worship your Goddess’ delicious pussy!”


And with that Hannah spun Katie off her lap onto the floor and rose up off the bed, her folds shaking with every movement. Katie must have been absolutely horrified as she saw this fat disgusting beast rise up above her, her stinking hairy cunt eye level to her, glistening with sticky arousal. It was all too much, going too far.


“N-no please don’t make me do this!” Katie cried out. “I can’t! It’s just so disgusting, so wrong!”


“Oh dear, Bimbo Slut!” Hannah smirked above her. “Did we forget what we always had to say already? I know three words are just so hard for a stupid airhead like you to remember, but don’t worry, we can try it from the start again.”


Hannah dragged Katie up off the floor by her shoulders before collapsing back onto the bed which creaked loudly beneath her.


“Let’s try that again.” She smiled up at Katie. “Are you a naughty girl, Bimbo Slut?”


Katie however was having none of it this time and shook her head desperately from side to side.


“No I can’t do this, its horrible and disgusting I just can’t!”


Hannah was getting annoyed now, and I could see the smile vanish from her face as she moved to with inches of Katie.


“Listen to me you stupid bitch.” She shouted into Katie’s face, her hot breath stinging the frightened girl’s eyes. “Either you do everything I tell you to do, and do it with a smile on your face, or else your drunken idiocy will be blaring across the news within minutes, and I wouldn’t like to think what your Daddy would have to say about that, would you? So are you going to do what you’re told?”


I felt my heart sink in horror as I saw Katie’s shoulders slump. She was trapped, no escape, no recourse. All she could do was resign herself to committing the disgusting acts that this fat stinking girl commanded of her and hope and pray that the blackmail she held over her was never released. It was the feeling of utter defeat beneath Hannah. A feeling I knew myself all too well…


Instead of fighting anymore, Katie simply sadly sniffed once before looking back into Hannah’s eyes, her face on the camera screen slowly changing until it locked back into that mindless smile.


“Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


Hannah beamed again, her sick plan once again back on track.


“Such a good Bimbo Slut.” Hannah smiled down at her. “Shall we try that again?”

“Yes, Goddess Hannah.” Katie replied, giving up all chance of fighting.


“Are you a naughty girl?” Hannah repeated, returning to her script.


“Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


“Do you want to be punished for being so bad, Bimbo Slut?”


“Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


“Then come here and lay down across my lap.”


Once again, Hannah relaxed back, patting her wide meaty thighs for Katie to once again lay her gorgeous naked body across them. Licking her lips in lustful anticipation, Hannah pawed the perfectly formed arse beneath her hands, still red and tender from the spanking mere moments before.


Spank! Spank! Spank!


The hard slaps against the burning flesh continued as Katie’s body shook forward with a gasp each time. And yet still, from fear of further reprisal, she kept her face frozen in a mindless smile. Yet I, knowing how painful spanks from Hannah could be, could see the pain behind her eyes. The hopelessness, the uselessness, the misery…


Astoundingly, Katie managed to withstand a second brutal spanking form Hannah, her arse visibly a shining red across both cheeks. Stifling her agony, terrified of what would happen if she fucked up again, her body was once more pushed onto the floor.


“Did you enjoy your punishment from your Goddess?” Hannah asked again, panting with even more exhaustion than before, the stench of her sweating exertion filling the room.


Katie instinctively wrinkled her nose, before remembering her place, and forced out another happy sounding: “Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


“Well done, Bimbo Slut.” Hannah continued again. “Don’t you want to thank me properly?”


Remembering what the next demand was, Katie hovered for a fraction of a second, terrified at demeaning herself with such a repulsive act, yet so greater was her fear at repeating another agonising spanking she had no choice but to smile up at her tormentor with another: “Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


“Then get down on your knees and worship your Goddess’ delicious pussy!”


Even in the wardrobe, the scent of sweat and sex from Hannah’s oozing Harry cunt was almost overpowering. I could hardly imagine what it was like for poor Katie, inches away from the stinking glistening hairs of Hannah’s disgusting pussy. Yet all she could do was smile up at her and release a simple: “Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


She faltered, hovering inches away, unable to bring herself to actually bring her full red lips against the coarse sticky hairs of Hannah’s dripping cunt. Gently, but with force, Hannah reached her hand round the back of Katie’s head, grabbing a fistful of her thick blonde hair and pulling her smiling face deep into the quivering folds of her cunt.

Hannah immediately let out a sigh of pleasure as Katie’s tongue tentatively pushed against the folds of her cunt before lapping away as the fat girl ground the pretty face beneath her against it.


I knew full well how abhorrently disgusting going down on Hannah was, and felt my heart sink with horror as Katie’s face disappeared beneath the fat of Hannah’s belly and was roughly ground against the coarse sticky hairs beneath.


Hannah’s breathing quickened, accompanied by the hard slap of her dimpled flesh against Katie’s face as she humped out against her. The wet sloppy sounds of the disgusting cunnilingus filled my ears, and the stench of sweat and sex only grew. I forced down the horror and kept filming, terrified of what would happen to me, or worse, Katie, if I were to fuck up myself.


Eventually Hannah’s gasps grew into that horribly familiar roar as her orgasm grew within her, releasing a huge squirt straight into Katie’s mouth, drenching her face and hair in glistening cum, that even ran down across her full breasts. Humping out the last of the powerful orgasm across her face, Hannah eventually released Katie who threw her head back, gasping for air, coughing up Hannah’s cum that had caught in her throat as she desperately tried to breathe, the sticky cum clinging to her face filling every breath with the stench of Hannah’s wet cunt.


For minutes, the two girls lay on the back, no doubt with their heads spinning, loudly panting as they both caught their breath. Eventually, Hannah broke the silence.

“Ooh, well done Bimbo Slut.” She sighed with sick pleasure. “Did you enjoy pleasing your Goddess’ delicious hole?”


Poor Katie was still panting on the ground, desperately trying to catch her breath after her disgusting cunnilingus misadventure. Eventually she managed to squeak out a panted “Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


“Well, you’re in luck, Bimbo Slut.” Hannah sat up again, with another sick smile across her face. “Because I have an even tastier hole for you to wiggle your slutty little tongue in.”


Hannah paused for a second, letting the disgusting realisation wash over helpless Katie.


“Do you want a taste of your Goddess’ delicious arsehole?”


Again Katie would have recoiled in horror, but was terrified of another agonising spanking or, even worse, having to eat her disgusting pussy again before having to tongue her arse again anyway. Besides, with Hannah’s cum juice already drying on her face, and the smell and taste of her sweating cunt all her senses could feel, she had already sunk into an unimaginable pit of shame. What’s another floor deeper in hell? With her face shining with pussy juice, she once more forced it into a stupid smile and looked up at the naked, sweating fat girl in front of her.


“Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


Hannah smirked at how low she could make the gorgeous girl sink, before turning round and spreading her fat, meaty ass cheeks, revealing her hairy wrinkled arsehole.

Despite the revulsion and horror she was feeling, Katie had no choice but to slowly extend her tongue, inching towards the winking shithole in front of her. Both girls involuntarily shuddered as the tongue met the hole. Hannah from pleasure, Katie from horror. Releasing her cheeks, the fat arse enveloped Katie’s face, reducing her whole world to the repulsive stench and taste of Hannah’s disgusting sweating arsehole.

Moaning with her eyes rolling back, Hannah cried out back to the poor girl whose tongue was rolling in her unwashed arsehole.


“Oh well done Bimbo Slut!” Hannah moaned out with pleasure. “You’re doing such a good job! Aren’t you happy you learned your place, worshiping my delicious arsehole?”


A muffled “Yes, Goddess” from inside Hannah’s arse was all that could be heard from Katie, no doubt suffering intensely from between the fat stinking cheeks as the vibrations of her voice sent more waves of pleasure through Hannah’s naked jiggling body.


“Well, Bimbo Slut.” Hannah moaned again. “Here’s a lovely little treat for you.”


Her stomach grumbled in that horribly familiar way, as I knew all too well what what was about to happen and how my dear friend was incapable of escaping it. All I could do was watch in open mouthed horror as Hannah grunted and strained before releasing a torrent of loud farts directly into Katie’s face.


The stench wafted through the wardrobe, and I myself struggled to choke away the smell. How ungodly would it have been for Katie? Directly between the cheeks, feeling the hot stinking air washing across her skin, filling her lungs with every breath.

Hannah strained and strained, farting all across the helpless girl, still with her tongue buried deep in her farting arse. I was amazed at how well the poor girl was handling it, knowing how horrible Hannah’s arse, and worse, her farts, could be.


The fat girl continued straining, forcing out as many stinking farts as she could, until again her stomach gurgled, deep and loud.


“Oh dear, Bimbo Slut.” Hannah groaned along with her stomach. “Are you ready for a really tasty treat from me?”


She reached back and pulled the girl out of her arse, face slick with dribbling cum, and dazed from the noxious gas and stink. Unable to think or comprehend anything except getting out of this hell.


“Yes, Goddess Hannah.”


With that, Hannah squatted down, pushing her arse right over Katie’s open panting mouth.


“Hear it comes, Bimbo Slut!”


I gasped in horror, feeling the bile rising in my throat as the mental flavour filled my mouth. There playing out on the camera screen, was fat disgusting Hannah releasing a long greasy log of shit right into Katie’s whimpering maw. It filled her mouth and coiled upwards, finally pinching off and draping across her face. To me, the smell was unimaginable filling the room. But dear god, what hell must Katie be in? To have to smell the stinking shit right by her nose with every breath, feel its greasy weight against her face, and taste the horrible log full in her mouth. But worse than all that, was the intense unimaginable shame of having Hannah, the most repulsive person on the planet, have the power to squat over her face and fill her mouth with her shit.

Hannah herself was panting from the effort of releasing the shit. Turning round she grinned down at her disgusting handiwork.


“Well, well, well, Bimbo Slut?” She grinned. “Are you enjoying your tasty treat from your Goddess?”


Katie’s whole body was shaking, the horror and trauma rendering her helpless. And yet still she could only imagine the hell of having to go through all this again if she disobeyed. With a mouth full of shit, she spluttered and choked out her response, muffled by the thick log in her throat.


“Yesh, Goddessh ‘annah.”


“Well then,” The sadist smiled above her. “Swallow it.”


I was absolutely astonished and horrified in equal parts to see Katie choke down the first part of the thick brown shit, feeling it slither down her throat with disgust and shame. Hannah picked up the other half that had splintered off on her face, before shoving it into her mouth as well, whipping her fingers off in the girls thick hair, leaving brown streaks in the golden blonde.


“Well done Bimbo Slut.” Hannah continued. “Did you enjoy worshipping your Goddess?”


Katie still smiled up at Hannah, but there was nothing behind it. She was not the naïve and sweet girl who had arrived in the room. There was no happiness, no light. She was an empty shell, filled with nothing but Hannah’s cum, sweat, and shit. And, of course, her own shame.


“Yes, Goddess Hannah.” Even the words sounded robotic, less than human, dead.

With a laugh, Hannah picked up the scattered remains of Katie’s clothing and threw them at her.


“Well then get dressed and get the hell out of here, you fucking whore.”


With Hannah’s cackling still filling the air, Katie finally allowed herself to breakdown, the façade of a smile cracking as she turned away pulling on her clothes as fast as she could, cringing as she felt the fabric stick to her flesh, absorbing the cum and shit that had spread all across her. Barely dressed, but with the smallest essentials on, she tore open the door and ran as fast as she could back to her own room, letting the door slam behind her.


Hannah then turned her attention back to me, and tore open the wardrobe door startling me with a gasp.


“Well then, Slave Slut.” She smirked down at me. “Did you enjoy the show?”


I stuttered for a second before nodding enthusiastically terrified of what she would do if I did anything else. She reached down and grabbed the camera off me before stopping the recording and playing the video back.


Cringing beneath her, I heard the two sets of sharp spanks on Katie’s helpless arse play out through the camera’s speakers, before the ungodly farts. Then my face turned even whiter as I heard the unmistakable wet slop of Hannah’s shit slapping Katie’s face.


“Mmh, very good.” Hannah smirked to herself. “Bit of a false start at the beginning, but I can crop that. Just look how happy she looks for the rest.”


Turning the camera screen back to me, all I could do was loom at my best friend suffer unimaginably disgusting sexual torment of spanks, forced pussy licking, ass worship, and even a fat shit deep in her mouth. But the worst thing was, worse than any of the ungodly acts on screen, was how her face was frozen in a mindless grin the whole time. She looked like she was loving every perverted second. She really and truly looked like a bimbo slut.


Hannah snapped the camera shut before smiling back down at me.


“Well then, Slave Slut.” She grinned menacingly at me. “Who do we think is next?”

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