Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1027

Chapter 1026: The Death Of Zhu Youlang

“Abdicate?” Zhu Youlang shook his head, “Why do you want to abdicate?” After that, he snorted again: “They didn’t catch me.”

But Xu Lin said, “Your Majesty’s abdication can save your life and avoid exile. The servants believe that His Royal Highness King Qi will definitely treat His Majesty well.”

“His Royal Highness King Qi, that thief and scholar is so eager to die, how can he treat me kindly?”

Zhu Youlang was very angry, suddenly stunned, her voice stopped, and she subconsciously looked at Xu Lin who stood up.

Xu Lin didn’t speak, but looked at Zhu Youlang quietly.


It was hard for Zhu Youlang to believe that this little **** was actually from Zhou Shixiang, but the reality did not allow him to believe it.

“The servant is also for His Majesty’s sake. If Your Majesty is willing to abdicate, the servant will take His Majesty to leave this place.” Xu Lin said and knelt down.

“Even you have betrayed me, how can I trust me in this world!”

Zhu Youlang laughed in anger, and the thief Xiucai stretched out his hand beside him. It was ridiculous that not only he didn’t know, but Wu Sangui didn’t know either. It is really hateful and hateful to reuse this little **** when he is ready to go to King Li Jin in vain!

“Your Majesty, listen to your servant’s advice!”

Xu Lin really did not want His Majesty the Emperor to walk into a dead end. He was recruited into the Intelligence Department two years ago. In order to get close to Zhu Youlang, he castrated himself cruelly, but he never complained. Because if it weren’t for the Taiping Army, his mother and sister would have been tortured to death by the Qing soldiers under Lin Guoan. Had it not been for the Taiping army, he would have been driven, like his father, by the Qing soldiers to fill the ditch full of dead men. He won’t be alive at all.

The task Xu Lin received was very clear, that is, to find ways to get close to Zhu Youlang, and poison him whenever he had the chance. But he had no chance until Wu Sanfu and Zhang Guozhu gave up Guiyang and ran away with Zhu Youlang. At that time, the eunuchs and maids in the palace were in chaos. Not many people followed Zhu Youlang’s team. Only he followed along with gritted teeth, and then approached Zhu Youlang’s line of sight step by step. Originally, Wu Sanfu killed Zhu Youlang was something Xu Lin was very happy to see, but he just thought that Zhu Youlang was an emperor after all. method of death. I just never thought that Wu Sanfu was shot to death before he could execute Zhu Youlang, and then Zhu Youlang took him to escape.

Xu Lin was the accepted one-line leader. In addition to knowing his mission, he didn’t know the other arrangements of the Ministry of Information, so he didn’t know whether the soldiers and horses who shot Wu Sanfu were his own, so he had to follow Zhu Youlang. However, Zhu Youlang did not know that when they fled in the dark in the forest, Xu Lin always held a dagger in his hand. The dagger’s mark on the trees in the forest pointed to the pool.

Xu Lin is very simple, and the training of the Ministry of Military Intelligence is excellent in all aspects, and he also believes that he can complete the task. But when it was time for him to start, he hesitated, because the person he wanted to kill was, after all, a person who had been the emperor of Ming Dynasty for sixteen years, and the hope of countless soldiers and civilians in Daming for sixteen years. Even if what he did was extremely chilling and disappointing, he was still the emperor after all.

Xu Lin’s heart softened, so he changed his mind. He wanted to give Zhu Youlang, who had been the emperor for sixteen years, a choice. One option he seemed to be very feasible was to ask Zhu Youlang to abdicate and return in peace. Raising a vassal, even exile on a desert island. In this way, the ending of the emperor will undoubtedly be more perfect than death, at least, very human. No matter what others think, Xu Lin believes that at least Zhu Youlang did not surrender to the Qing Dynasty, which is enough to save his life. It’s just that he doesn’t know whether his approach will be accepted by the above, because after all, this is just his wishful thinking, and he is just a trivial person. But no matter what, he has to give it a try, give Zhu Youlang a chance, and give himself a chance. Unfortunately, Zhu Youlang did not accept his kindness, and he gave up this opportunity.

“What if I don’t listen to your advice!”

Zhu Youlang thought that he was much taller than this little eunuch, but he stepped forward and kicked Xu Lin to the ground. Xu Lin didn’t dare to resist, and let Zhu Youlang kick himself, until Zhu Youlang was too weak to kick, he struggled to get up from the ground, and still persuaded Zhu Youlang to abdicate.

“Go away, get out of here, I’ll never see you again!”

Zhu Youlang couldn’t listen at all, he only had the anger of being betrayed in his heart. Xu Lin let out a long sigh, and slowly stepped back, but stood still more than 10 feet away from Zhu Youlang.

“Why don’t you leave? Yes, you are going to tip off and tell those chaotic ministers and thieves that I am here!”

Zhu Youlang is fierce, he can’t help those soldiers, can’t he help a weak eunuch? He slammed his heart, this little **** didn’t die, he had to die. Although he had never killed a man or even a chicken, he knew what to do to save his life. He would do anything to save his life! He would rather regret afterwards, cry bitterly and blame himself in every possible way, and never put himself in danger.

However, just as Zhu Youlang took a few steps forward and was about to poison Xu Lin, a yin side voice drifted into his ears.

“Your Majesty, what do you want to do?”

The sudden voice made Zhu Youlang tremble with fright. He was shocked to find that two shadows appeared on the left and right sides of Xu Lin.

Does this little **** have any help? !

Zhu Youlang’s soul flew away, and instinctively he turned around and wanted to go back, but he turned around, but he couldn’t get out. Behind him, two shadows blocked Zhu Youlang’s retreat.

“Xu Lin, you did a great job, you have written down this work, and you will be rewarded heavily when you look back!”

The person who spoke was Pan Jianshan, a military intelligence envoy sent by the Ministry of Military Intelligence in Guizhou. When the Taiping Army marched westward to Guangxi, the Military Intelligence Department took a fancy to him when recruiting guides and joined the Taiping Army. Because he is not only familiar with the terrain of the southwest, but also has studied private schools for several years, knows the text and hyphenation, and is quite effective in handling affairs, so he was nominated as a hundred households and is in charge of the Guizhou Military Intelligence Division.

“I can’t tell, His Majesty the Emperor is very wicked, tsk tsk.”

The man on Pan Jianshan’s left sneered and approached Zhu Youlang, who was already dumbfounded. This person’s name is Li Yanzhao, a native of Long’an Prefecture, Sichuan. After the Qing army entered Sichuan, he organized anti-Qing righteous divisions in the middle of Sichuan to oppose the Qing, and after the defeat, he and a group of brothers fell to the ground in the area of Qingcheng Mountain. He is quite fierce and reckless. At the end of last year, he was picked by the Sichuan Military Intelligence Department and paid a lot of money to spy on the military situation in Sichuan.

The two who blocked Zhu Youlang’s retreat were Li Yuancheng, who persuaded Di Sanpin to send troops to Rong County, and Zhang Xingzuo, Pan Jianshan’s subordinate, who was born as an hunter and was good at shooting arrows. used.

“If it weren’t for the secret code left by Brother Xu, I really don’t know that His Majesty the Emperor escaped here.”

Li Yuancheng and Zhang Xingzuo approached at the same time, completely surrounding Zhu Youlang.

Pan Jianshan glanced at Congshan Mountain in the distance, and said to Li Yanzhao, “Tan Yi and Di Sanpin will soon search for their people. It’s not too late, let’s do it.”

Li Yanzhao nodded slightly and took a step forward to attack Zhu Youlang, but he stopped and said hesitantly, “How to kill?”

Pan Jianshan hesitated for a moment and said, “I can stab to death.”

“it is good!”

Since Li Yanzhao’s failure to reflect on the Qing Dynasty, he has acted regardless of right or wrong. After so many years as a bandit, his hands have long been stained with blood. The Taiping Army paid him a lot of money, but Hugh said that he wanted to kill the emperor, and even let him do the Jade Emperor, he did not frown.

Xu Lin hesitated, knowing that Zhu Youlang would definitely die, but he couldn’t help but say, “Master Baihu, did you capture the person alive?”

Pan Jianshan glanced at Xu Lin coldly. Xu Lin immediately knew that he was wrong, lowered his head, and said in a low voice, “Zhu Youlang is the emperor after all, so let’s treat him with dignity.”

“Brother Zhang has a bow there, just hang him with a bowstring.”

Li Yanzhao was the most troublesome to do things unhappily, dawdling, and motioned Zhang Xingzuo to take off the bow he was carrying, and strangled Zhu Youlang with the bowstring. Pan Jianshan didn’t object, and Li Yuancheng didn’t say a word. Zhang Xingzuo took off the bow, smiled, and walked towards Zhu Youlang. When he was about to use the bowstring to restrain Zhu Youlang’s neck, Pan Jianshan waved him to stop, and then said to Zhu Youlang: “Your Majesty, someone asked me to bring you a sentence, you abandoned the world, you can’t be the master, and now you are the master!” After speaking, he waved his hand: “Go!”

“Don’t kill me!” Zhu Youlang screamed and begged: “You don’t want to kill me, I would like to abdicate, I would like to be a commoner, I will write an abdication edict right away, so that person doesn’t have to worry about me.”


Pan Jianshan was startled, Zhu Youlang’s words made him quite tempted. He looked at Li Yuancheng, who was also embarrassed, wondering if this was feasible. Li Yanzhao and Zhang Xingzuo were doing things with money. Although they were no longer emperors, it was a rarity, but they were murderers anyway. If they could get money without doing anything, why would they not do it.

“My lord, since Zhu Youlang is willing to abdicate, it is better to keep his life temporarily and let the above decide.”

Xu Lin didn’t want Zhu Youlang to die, so he naturally wanted to say something for him. Pan Jianshan couldn’t make up his mind, this matter was a big deal, and he could not decide it alone, so he discussed with Li Yuancheng in a low voice. Zhang Xingzuo then rushed into the forest desperately.

“Catch him now!”

Pan Jianshan and others were shocked and rushed up. But Zhu Youlang’s speed was too fast, and in the dark night, he couldn’t see far, and he lost Zhu Yulang’s figure in the blink of an eye.


Pan Jianshan’s guts turned green with regret, but at this moment he couldn’t care less, so he could only lead Li Yanzhao and the others into the forest to search. This vast forest is pitch-dark~www.readwn.com~Zhu Youlang really ran into it, how could he be found again. Everyone searched in the forest for a while, but found nothing, they were all anxious and angry. Suddenly, a scream came from the front, and the voice was obviously Zhu Youlang. Everyone was amazed, and regardless of whether there were stumbling blocks on the ground, they only rushed in the direction where the voice came from. Halfway through, I heard an “ah” sound, and then there was the sound of falling into the water.

“Panda Bear!”

Xu Lin was small, so he ran to the place first, but the first thing he saw was the panda bear by the pool just now. Looking further forward, it was a cliff, and under the cliff was a deep pool. The pool of water was connected to the pool where they had just rested. In sight, Zhu Youlang was struggling desperately in the pool to call for help.

“Save me, save me, I can’t handle water, I can’t handle water”

Zhu Youlang’s screams came from the bottom of the pool and echoed everywhere in the forest. The panda bear was also frightened. Seeing another group of monsters approaching, he rushed to the distance and did not dare to turn his head.

Pan Jianshan and the others also rushed over, looking at Zhu Youlang who fell into the pool, only to be in a daze. Xu Lin wanted to go down to save people, but the cliff was ten feet high, so there was no time for him to go down.

Soon, Zhu Youlang in the pool stopped struggling, and there was no more cries for help.

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