Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1031

Chapter 1030: The World Is Full Of Fat Sheep

How to have both fish and bear’s paw, how to make the people of Songjiang and even Jiangnan willing to grow grain, so that Jiangnan can become a stable grain-producing area, alleviate the grain shortage in other provinces, and get through the most difficult period of the country, but not too much Crack down on industry and commerce, avoid “focusing on agriculture and suppressing commerce”, and make China re-take the old path of suppressing commercial development again, which has become a problem that Zhou Shixiang urgently needs to solve.

At the moment, it is important to solve the food problem, but if this is “abandoning food because of choking”, completely disregarding the rationality and necessity of commercial existence, and suppressing the Jiangnan textile industry, which already has capital in its budding state, will inevitably lead to new problems in the future. After all, food can provide food and clothing, but it cannot make people rich. After food and clothing are worry-free, human nature will want more material enjoyment, life, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, clothes, shoes, chicken, duck, fish, etc., all year round, all of which are commercial operations.

When there is more food, there will be a food industry, so that people can enjoy more and more abundant food. These are the credits of commerce. Therefore, the premise of solving one problem is not another problem. At the same time as food is obtained, commerce must also develop along with it. The textile industry is a kind of business, and it is also the main business model of the current era. Its final development can be said to have changed the times and the whole world. Therefore, it is impossible for Zhou Shixiang to stop at the slap of his head, resulting in more social problems and even large-scale civil unrest, so that it lags behind the West step by step.

However, Zhou Shixiang was not an immortal after all, and he was just an ordinary soldier in his previous life. He was good at fighting and killing, and when it came to the economy and people’s livelihood, he had nowhere to start. Of course, a living person won’t be suffocated to death by urine. Zhou Shixiang couldn’t think of a solution, but he has people under him. As long as you are not ashamed to ask, you can always find a solution.

Jiang Guozhu from Suzhou, Zhang Changgeng, Wang Shirong from Songjiang, and others all received a question-and-answer note from Prince Qi’s mansion. Soon, various answers flew into Zhou Shixiang’s hands like snowflakes. Among them, the solution proposed by Wang Shirong made Zhou Shixiang’s eyes shine.

What Wang Shirong proposed is to imitate China and France.

The so-called Kaizhong method actually refers to the salt introduction system, which was a system adopted after the founding of the Ming Dynasty to encourage merchants to transport grain to the frontier. According to the requirements of China and France, according to the distance, one to five shi of grain can be exchanged for a small amount of salt (two hundred catties) from the government. The specific implementation is divided into three steps: reporting, keeping support, and changing the market. In the report, the salt merchants will transport the grain to the designated frontier granaries according to the requirements of the official list, and then exchange for the salt supply from the frontier guards; to keep the support is that after the salt merchants exchange for the salt supply, the salt will be brought to the designated salt farm to wait for the supply of salt; Yi is that the salt merchant transports the obtained salt to the designated area.

However, because of the huge cost of long-distance transportation of food, in order to reduce expenses, merchants hired people from all sides to reclaim the fields, specialize in the production of food, and then store them on the spot in exchange for salt. This form of farmland is run by merchants, so it is also called a commercial farm. In the early Ming Dynasty, Shangtun was located in Liaodong in the east, Xuanda in the north, Gansu in the west, and Jiaozhi in the south. It was everywhere. According to the needs of the Ming Dynasty, in addition to exchanging grain and rice for salt, sometimes it can also be exchanged for cloth, silk, silver coins, horses, etc., but grain exchange is the main form.

To put it bluntly, Wang Shirong’s method is to introduce the opening of China and France into the textile industry. He suggested that the current number of looms in each prefecture and county should be counted. Individuals or businesses with more than five looms must hand over a certain amount of grain to the government every year before the government can grant them business licenses. Under the licensing system, small workshops and farmers themselves may not pay too much food, but the food that big workshop owners and big businessmen have to pay can be scary. If they want to continue to make huge profits from the textile industry, they must, like the salt merchants in the early Ming Dynasty, convert part of their land into grain fields and specialize in the production of grain in exchange for their license to produce and sell textiles.

At the same time that Wang Shirong proposed the method, he also pointed out the drawbacks of this method. That is, after all, the textile industry is hugely profitable, especially the profits from overseas are astonishing. Although the initial stage can be maintained as normal, but after a long time, it is inevitable that some people will see profits and use the power in their hands to petition for salt and lead, and turn to businessmen to make profits from it. It was precisely because a large number of royal relatives, officials and eunuchs petitioned Yanyin for “occupying the nest” that the Kaizhong system was destroyed, which not only affected the financial revenue of the imperial court, but also affected the storage of military rations in the frontier.

Although Wang Shirong’s ‘someone” was not directly specified, Zhou Shixiang knew who he was referring to, and he was undoubtedly a powerful person. And now who is powerful and powerful in the Dingwu court, the answer is obvious, it must be his Taiping Army. However, at least this worry is not a problem that Zhou Shixiang wants to solve at the moment. He knows his subordinates very well. When he brought the Daqiao Mountain gang down the mountain, it was not for the sake of national justice, to relieve the people in the fire, nor What kind of revenge, but a simple sentence to become a high-ranking official and make a fortune. If you want to make a fortune, you have to be an official.

There will definitely be those who are enlightened, but if Zhou Shixiang really wants to count them, I’m afraid he won’t be able to list five. A bunch of guys who follow him just to get promoted and get rich, can you expect them to see the money and not be jealous and not make a move? In order to be a servant of the dragon, Jiang Bald even dared to kill Tang Wang halfway, and even joined a group of people to add a yellow robe to him. Let me ask, what is wrong with a guy who dares to do this kind of thing? Dare to do it, can’t do it?

Zhou Shixiang was afraid of this kind of thing~www.readwn.com~ but he was not worried about this kind of thing happening, because he believed in himself and his subordinates.

Zhou Shixiang believed that he would show his subordinates a more “money path” path, and he also believed that his subordinates’ greedy appetite would never diminish with success.

What industry is the most profitable robbery in this world!

Except for the Ming Dynasty, the whole world is full of fat sheep.

As long as there is a thirst for money, as long as the appetite is still greedy, Zhou Shixiang dares to conclude that these petty profits in Jiangnan will never stop his subordinates.

Wang Shirong also proposed that since the commander wanted to solve the food shortage, the merchants must not be allowed to replace the food with silver, because if they did, the consequence would be that the merchants would no longer grow food, but would exchange a portion of their profits for permission. The result of this is, of course, that there are more taxes, but there is still not much food. At that time, Ye Qi, the minister of households in Hongzhi, restructured the system to allow merchants to replace rice with silver, pay it to the Yuyun Division to Taicang, and then distribute it to all sides. Although this approach greatly increased the financial revenue of Daming, but the merchants who were originally in the Jiubian commercial colony However, they all moved their families inwards, which greatly reduced the food of the frontier army. This directly led to the dilapidation of Jiubian, and the soldiers of the garrison, like beggars, gradually lost their financial strength. In the late Ming Dynasty, the whole country had to support Jiubian, which eventually led to the change of Jiashen.

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