Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1037

Chapter 1036: Prime Minister’S Official Letter Of The Qing Government


Zheng Jing stepped forward and gently supported his mother, who was now his greatest support.

Dong Xian motioned for her son to sit down, then sighed softly, and said to her son, “When my father and I got married, I was only eighteen years old, and he was only sixteen years old. I took a good one that day. It’s a big lamp with a lot of oil in it, and he told me that as long as the lamp stays on, we’ll be together forever. Your father also said that he will always be my backer, which is God’s arrangement.”

Zheng Jing was a little at a loss when his mother suddenly talked about the past.

Dong Xian didn’t mean to explain it to her son, but said to herself: “Since the day I married your father, I knew that my future would definitely be rough, because I married a man who stood up to the sky. Who is your father? Guo’s surname, when I swore to Hongfu Da Mingdao, as his wife, I have no way out. So when I see your father returning from the expedition, I am very happy, and I am very afraid that the next time I see him is A cold corpse is very scary, Jinger, do you understand?”

“Mother,” Zheng Jing’s nose was a little sore, and he whispered, but he didn’t know what to say.

“Every time your father comes back, I will turn on the lights in the house. I am afraid that the time will pass too fast. I want to watch the wick burn little by little, so that I will know that the time is still long. Jinger, you Look, the wicks of these two lamps are still good, and they only burned a little.” Dong Xian stood up suddenly, and the light in the room was suddenly dimmed.


Zheng Jing was stunned, wondering why his mother wanted to put out the wick.

“The wick is still very long, and the time is very long, but your father will not be with me anymore. He wants me to die, he wants my mother and son to die, and he wants my grandson to die!” Dong Xian said His breathing became heavier, as if he was suppressing an anger rising from the bottom of his heart. For so many years, she can bear everything, but she can’t bear her son and grandson to be killed by her husband, and she can’t bear that her husband must also kill herself!

With a bang, the extinguished oil lamp was knocked to the ground by Dong Xian. Lamp oil flowed all over the place.

Zheng Jing was very scared, he had never seen his mother lose her temper like this.

“Jing’er, don’t be afraid. With your mother here, no one can hurt you, nor can I hurt my grandson!” Dong Xian gritted her teeth, “Not even your father!”


Zheng Jing knelt on the ground. From childhood to adulthood, he rarely saw his father. More often, it was his mother who led him to wait for news from his father every day. He has deep feelings for his mother. When the Zhaoniang incident happened, he also thought of his mother, and it was his mother’s support that allowed him to suppress the officials in Jinxia and those who obeyed his father’s orders. officials.

“Get up, you are now the master of Jinsha, you can’t easily kneel to anyone, although your father doesn’t want us anymore, but the blood flowing in your body is his blood after all, the blood of the Zheng family, you must have Zheng Like a family man.”

Dong Xian pulled her son up and looked at him as Zheng Jing did when he was a child.

“Mother, Mr. Chen has a letter.” Zheng Jing spread out the letter from Chen Yonghua, which had been crumpled into a ball, and handed it to his mother.

“Chen Yonghua is your teacher after all. In this world, teachers are always oriented towards their students.” Dong Xian didn’t read the letter, but asked her son, “Have you made up your mind now?”

“Er,” Zheng Jing hesitated for a while, then nodded lightly: “Er has decided what to do.”

“Once you have decided what to do, don’t look ahead and do it again. Just do it with confidence.” Dong Xian looked at her son with an encouraging look.

“My son is just worried, in case it’s not good for him to go to school,” Zheng Jing expressed his biggest worry.

Dong Xian shook her head: “If that’s the case, I can’t blame you.” After a pause, she said suddenly, “Your Uncle Tai and I had a plan. If it doesn’t work out, we’ll go to Dongfan. I heard that the Netherlands is there. There are not many people. Before your father decided to fight Fuzhou, he was ready to go to Dongfan. He Bin has a very detailed topographic and hydrographic map of Dongfan. Mother and son will go to Dongfan.”

Taiwan, on the fort in the city of Geranja, the governor of the Netherlands stationed in Taiwan, Kui Yi, and the captain Bei Deer, led the soldiers in a parade to salute. Amidst the loud bugle sound, a Dutch flag was slowly raised, and cannons raised their heads to face the sea.

After the salute, Kui Yi walked to the front of a heavy cannon, and he stroked the body of the cannon nervously. Suddenly, Kui Yi found that the white gloves were stained with oil, and he shouted angrily: “Captain! Come here!”

Bader came hurriedly. Kui Yi was so angry that he took off his white gloves and threw them on Bedell, yelling loudly, “How do you maintain these cannons?”

Bader saw the oil stains on the glove of the Governor, and his heart froze, but he said: “Your Excellency, don’t worry, it’s really a fight, I guarantee that these cannons will be fine.”

“Is it?”

Kui Yi glared at Captain Bader and wanted to attack, but his subordinates came to report that Lieutenant Colonel Lütte, who was the envoy to Beijing, had returned. Kui Yi was very happy and ordered someone to bring Rutte to the Governor’s Palace.

In order to implement the domestic demand to open up the East, Kui Yi sought cooperation with the Qing government, the enemy of the Zheng family, after he failed to negotiate with the Zheng family in Jinxia. He believed that the enemy of the enemy was a friend, and the existence of the Zheng family was an enemy to the Netherlands and an enemy to the Qing government, so the Netherlands and the Qing government would have a basis for cooperation. In order to sign a treaty with the Qing government as soon as possible, Kui Yi specially sent Lu Te to Beijing, and Lu Te went for more than a year. In fact, long before Kuiyi, the Dutch had contact with the Qing army in Fujian, hoping to cooperate with each other to destroy the Zheng family. Strength, this matter has not been described.

Whether Rutte brought the good news he expected, Kui Yi didn’t know, so he was a little uneasy while waiting. However, it is clear that God favors Kuiyi.

Before Rutte came in, his slightly excited voice came into Kui Yi’s ears: “Your Excellency Governor, good news, the Qing government has agreed to sign a friendship treaty with us and give us Taiwan!”

“is that true?!”

The news brought by Rutte made Kui Yi stand up excitedly, for fear that he had heard it wrong.

“It’s true, they not only promised to give us Taiwan, but are also willing to open trade ports to us! And we only need to give them twenty iron-clad ships and help them rescue the army in Fujian!” Also excited, because this thing is done by himself.

Rutte handed the official document in his hand to Kui Yi: “This is an official letter from the Prime Minister of the Beijing-Qingqing government, Sony, to us.”

Rutte did not know that Sony was not the prime minister of the Qing government, but only one of the ministers of the interior, but the status of the emperor’s envoy of the other party and the strength he showed to other officials during the negotiation made Rutte firmly believe that the other party was the Qing government. The prime minister was the first person to handle government affairs for the emperor.

Taking the official document in Lutte’s hand, Kui Yi looked at it with shortness of breath. This official letter was written in three languages, one is a Chinese character commonly used by Chinese people, the other is a strange script that Kui has never seen before, very similar to a tadpole, and the other is naturally the script of the Netherlands.

Lute told Kui Yi that the priests in Beijing had made great efforts in this negotiation. If it wasn’t for their interpreter, he wouldn’t even be able to say a word to the officials of the Qing Dynasty.

The official letter from the Prime Minister of the Qing government As Rutte said, the Qing government is not only willing to sign a friendship treaty with the Netherlands, but also to give Taiwan to the Netherlands. In addition, it can open two ports for the Netherlands to trade, and these, only need The Netherlands gave the Qing government some warships and helped them evacuate the Qing army in Fujian. Of course, the official letter concealed that if the Netherlands can effectively help the Qing army in Fujian to repel the rebels, then Jinxia can be regarded as a friendly expression of the Qing government to the Netherlands, and the Netherlands will be allowed to live and do business in Jinxia.

“It seems that the rebels of the Ming Dynasty caused a lot of trouble to the Qing government, otherwise they would not change their standards.”

Kui pair is not very clear about the war that took place in China’s inland. He lacks information in this regard, but from this official letter, we can see that the Ming Dynasty rebels who were driven by the Qing army to southern China must have been a major blow to the Qing government. . Warship, Kui Yi believes that the country must be very happy to help the Qing army to fight the rebels, as long as the benefits are sufficient, it may not be impossible. It is only the interests given by the Qing government, and Kui Yi believes that the country will definitely agree. And this was brought about by him, and he was very excited and proud.

“If we can reach an agreement with the Qing government, I will be the pioneer of the East, and the first pioneer in the Western world to obtain the land of the East with a peace treaty!” hear.

Rutte quickly complimented: “The achievements of Your Excellency the Governor will definitely be written in the epic of the Kingdom of the Netherlands!”

Kui Yi waved his hand: “No~www.readwn.com~ My Kui Yi’s name will be recorded in the history of world civilization, because this is unprecedented, and it is the unprecedented achievement of the West in the East!”

“Yes, Your Excellency, you should be proud of it!”

“Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, the formal negotiation on the treaty must start immediately. You have to go to Beijing again. You must prepare for this historic negotiation. Oh, by the way, for such a big matter, we should find a solution. The negotiation wording must not be wrong. I heard that the Orientals are very good at word games, and we can’t let them fool them.”

Lute laughed: “Your Excellency the Governor, the Qing Dynasty was a Tatar from the north, not a Chinese.”

“They are Chinese now, Lieutenant Colonel, don’t forget, these Tatars have occupied China.” Kui Yizheng corrected Rutte’s mistake

Author’s Note: The Qing Dynasty and the Netherlands cooperated to attack Zheng Jun is taken from historical facts, but the time line in this book is slightly deviated. At that time, the condition of the Qing Dynasty was to permanently cede Taiwan.


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