Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1056

Chapter 1056: West Texas

The amount of updates this month is a bit poor. The daily update is only more than 4,000 words (two chapters). I’m a little sorry for my readers and friends. . fastest update

Tomorrow, we will fill the grave of our dead father-in-law. Tomb-sweeping day is coming soon. We Han people value our deceased ancestors.

The government did not deceive anyone. Many refugees from the mountains were assigned to land and houses without owners.

It is said that after great chaos comes great governance. Facts have proved that this is true.

Although 80% of the surrendered officials of the Qing Dynasty retained by the Fujian Guangfu prefectures, they were highly motivated and efficient in the implementation of the policy.

The mentality of atonement for merit prompted the surrendering officials to meticulously complete the explanation of His Royal Highness King Qi.

Many “dog officials” in the eyes of the common people in the past have turned into “blue sky”, which can be regarded as shampooing.

Life is more important than money. What’s more, many demoted officials pointed to some “political achievements” soaring in the new dynasty.

Southern Fujian is adjacent to the prefectures and counties of Guangdong. After the seventh town came in from Chaozhou, some places have begun to implement “building villages and building townships”, and Guangdong, especially the Chaoshan area, is using various means to attract Fujian people to defect.

The land of Chaoshan was originally a granary. In the early years, in order to solve the problem of lack of grain and grass in Jinxia, Zheng Sen decided to seize Chaoshan as the solution. For this reason, he did not hesitate to attack the Ming army Hao Shangjiu who owned Chaoshan, which eventually led to Hao Shangjiu’s surrender. Qing and later the “Chaozhou Massacre”. After the Taiping Army’s eastward expedition, due to historical reasons, they carried out a major purge of the active local regiments and Zhai Ding in Chaoshan, or directly or indirectly created many tragedies. white ground.

Among the prefectures in Guangdong Province, the land of Chaoshan is obviously very suitable for living and reclamation. Therefore, after the restoration of Guangdong, Liao Ruixiang, the governor of Guangdong, has always wanted to restore the production in the Chaoshan area, but the restoration of Chaoshan has never been effective due to lack of manpower. The seventh town was stationed in Chaozhou, and was ordered to invade southern Fujian three times to implement the strategic intention of weakening the Qing army in Fujian. During this process, the seventh town general Hu Qili was instructed by Liao Ruixiang and Song Xianggong, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, to relocate a lot of people from southern Fujian to Chaozhou for reclamation, with a total of more than 40,000 people.

On the surface, the Guangdong government must use the word “voluntary” to characterize the migration of southern Fujian people to live in Chaozhou, but in fact it is of a “robbery” nature. At that time, Zhou Shixiang proposed in Xiangshan that cutting the Qing Dynasty was like cutting down a tree, and pointed out that the population was the most important strategic resource. Therefore, military operations against the Qing should firstly weaken the branches and leaves of the Qing army, and then cut down its backbone. One of the specific implementation policies of this strategy is to “relocate” a large number of people from the Qing-occupied areas to the Ming-occupied areas.

The seventh town moved the people of southern Fujian to Chaozhou, which was tacitly approved by Zhou Shixiang at that time, because southern Fujian was an area occupied by the Qing Dynasty. The smaller the population in the Qing war zone, the more dilapidated the production would be, which would definitely benefit the Taiping army. As for how many people’s interests in the Qing-occupied areas were sacrificed by this method, and how many people were harmed, Zhou Shixiang didn’t want to think about it, and he didn’t dare to think about it. Because once he thought about it deeply, he would have nightmares and feel guilty, but reality forced him to do it.

This incident is the same as the death of tens of thousands of people and the suppression of the Chaozhou reactionary Zhai Ding in western Hunan to build the fortifications to block the Qing army. In essence, it is under the banner of restoring the Ming Dynasty, but it is the same as the Manchu Qing Dynasty. thing. The combination of spear and shield, the torment of conscience and reality, it is true that the stone-hearted Zhou Shixiang did not dare to think about it. All he can do is to minimize unnecessary casualties. But how much has been reduced, no one can know, and no one can count it. Perhaps, these things will be permanently sealed in the historical archives.

The Manchu Qing killed countless Han Chinese, so I wanted to stand up and resist, but because of my resistance, many people who should have survived in this chaotic world lost their lives, so is what I did right or wrong? .

In the past, Zhou Shixiang had been thinking about this issue. He could use the righteousness, the future of the nation, and the history he knew in his previous life to convince himself that what he did was right. But when he really faced these things and witnessed those tragedies with his own eyes, no kind of righteousness was enough to make him calm. Those commoners may be able to use the word ‘sacrifice” in one sentence, and it can be explained by the fact that war is destined to have casualties, but Zhou Shixiang was always reluctant to face it.

Today, the various prefectures in southern Fujian have been restored, and the means of dealing with the occupied areas in the past can no longer be used. If you want to concentrate manpower to resume production, the policy of dividing the land that is being implemented in Fujian will naturally be extended to Guangdong. The Fujian side is definitely not willing to lose its population. Therefore, for nearly ten years, the officials of Fujian and Guangdong provinces have been on opposite sides from top to bottom. But it is desperate to keep the people. As a result, in a rare scene in Chinese history, officials from the two provinces patrolled the provincial borders day and night with their security guards.

The government is no longer the government, but has truly become a parent.

When the effective growth of the population has become the most important means of evaluating the promotion of officials, although some absurd things have happened, it is undeniable that the people who benefit the most are the “grass people” in the eyes of the original officials.

Jinjiang County is also dividing land and houses.

Because of the inconvenient roads, when Li Shi, a woman from the countryside, learned the news, it had been more than a month since the official announcement was published. She scolded her useless man at that time.

“The government has such a good thing, why are you staying at home stupidly, why don’t you hurry up and sign up!”

Wu Dayou, a man who has always been ‘strict wives”, had a bitter look on his face, hesitated for a while, and said bravely, “Let’s not join in the fun in this matter.”

“Why don’t you go!” Li was anxious: it’s a good thing that the pie is falling from the sky, why won’t my man go?

“The government has said that registration is for one household and one household. After the registration is completed, the arrangement should be unified and the land will be allocated. If the four brothers in my family are separated, they will be unfamiliar and easy to be bullied when they go to other places.” Wu Dayou said something psychological. He was worried that if the brothers were separated, they would be called “deceived students”.

Li frowned, poked her husband’s forehead with her finger, and scolded him, “You idiot, everyone is going to sign up, and they are all living households, so who has an acquaintance there? Who is there? Who are you bullying? Besides, even if your brothers are all together and don’t have land, others will bully them whatever they want. Last time your third child was injured by the Wang family at the head of the village, do you still remember this? All of them are in the village, did you let out a fart? Why? It’s not because your brothers planted the Wang family’s land and pointed to his family’s fields to eat! If your Wu family had their own land, would you be able to hold your breath? ”

These words made Wu Dayou speechless. After thinking about it, he felt that what the child’s mother said was indeed right. With his own land, he could do anything with confidence. Under Li’s strong urging, Wu Dayou set off for the county town on the same day, and it took three days to ask for the registration office. When we got to the place, I saw a lot of people, and there were long queues of people who came to sign up. If it wasn’t for the soldiers holding big swords and spears to maintain order, I don’t know what would have happened here. The faces of all the people who signed up were anxious, lest they would not be able to divide themselves because of the large number of people who came to sign up. Seeing this situation, Wu Dayou also regretted it. If he had known this, he should have come earlier. If he is gone, he will not know how Li will deal with him after returning.

Fortunately, no matter how long the registration team is, the people from the government are all there to register and register, and there is no intention of packing up and saying that they are scattered.

In the afternoon, it was Wu Dayou’s turn finally. He came to the front of a book office with a look of anxiety, and said cautiously, “Master, I’ll sign up.”

The book office was a scholar in the county seat, who was temporarily brought in by the government to help with the bookmaking. This will be buried in filling, while casually asking: “What’s the name?”

Wu Dayou reported his name, and the book office asked a few people in the family, and then filled out a form for Wu Dayou and told him to take the form and go to the other side to listen to the specific matters of the land allocation. The efficiency of the government is really very fast. When Wu Dayu took Li and his two children to the county town again that day, carriages and horses had already been prepared outside the county town, and then the magistrates came out to meet them and escorted them in person. They go to their new place of residence. This treatment made Wu Dayou and Li Shi, who had never even entered the county office in their lives, excited for a long time.

The reason why the magistrate of Jinjiang personally led troops to **** it was because some bandits and stragglers in the territory were roaming bravely. Although it was not a good idea, this matter was personally assigned by His Royal Highness King Qi, and it was related to his future, but he absolutely did not dare to be careless. Carefully sail the ship for ten thousand years. A newly descended official like him wants to keep the Wusha cap, but he has to be careful.

A group of hundreds of people was escorted by dozens of soldiers in red military uniforms from the magistrate to the new residence that was separated by hundreds of miles. On the way, the people of the county government have specially set up temporary rest points, where hot water and food have been prepared for a long time. During the break, the magistrate of the county also greeted the people around and back, and there was no official air at all~www.readwn.com~ Some people in the know said privately that the county magistrate was not like this in the past, just three years ago, The county magistrate ordered the heads of dozens of rioters to be beheaded and placed on the city gate to show the public. I heard that he also personally beheaded two leaders of the rioters.

When Wu Dayou and Mrs. Li heard this, they couldn’t help trembling with fright, but they didn’t feel like it. Lord Xianzun looked very close, and it didn’t look like he would kill people with a knife. When I was in doubt, I heard the sound of “da da da” horse hoofs in the distance from the official road, and then I saw a large group of cavalry surrounded by a general galloping here.

The magistrate of Jinjiang was busy asking the soldiers to gather the common people to avoid them to the side. After the cavalry came from a distance, the magistrate of Jinjiang trembled when he saw the flag being thrown. He was about to greet him, but he saw that the cavalry was already galloping to the south, and the Never stopped.

The person who was immediately headed was Zhou Shixiang. He saw the people on the edge of the road, but he did not stop, but rushed to Jinsha.

The reason for Zhou Shixiang’s anxiety to go south is not that Zheng Jing defeated Zheng Xi with a Jedi counterattack, but that Zheng Xi’s subordinate Liu Guoxuan urgently reported that a merchant ship from Manila to Japan brought news that the Spaniards in Luzon were massacred against the Chinese. . At the same time, Zheng Mingjun of Zhoushan also urgently intercepted a piece of news that the Qing court in Beijing was signing a contract with the red-haired ghost in Dongfan.

(To be continued.)

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