Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1069

Chapter 1069: Big Bandits Gather

Wu Jun, who had never seen “unconscience”, was just like the Qing army that day, staring at the medicine packets that fell one by one in a daze. After the explosion sounded, Wu Jun woke up.

“Don’t panic, rush out with me!”

The general Wu Zhimao was born in Guan Ningjun and followed Wu Sangui for more than 20 years, and he has never suffered a defeat. After discovering that he had been ambushed by the Qing army, he did not panic, but calmed down and rushed forward bravely under the command.

The reason why Wu Zhimao did not choose to lead his troops to retreat was because he knew that all the friendly forces behind him were chasing. So the best thing to do now is to keep rushing forward, even if the Qing army ambushed in front of him, he has to rush forward. Only in this way can we buy time for the friendly forces in the rear to avoid the result of total annihilation.

At that time, in addition to firing a large number of “unconscience”, the Qing army fired all kinds of bronze cannons, bird guns and guns, and the ambush Qing army rushed out under various banners. The loud explosion was so loud that people couldn’t hear anything, all they saw was black smoke covering the sky, and the smell of medicine in the air made people suffocate. Wu Zhimao’s troops rushed forward desperately, and the Qing army, who was ambushed, was also caught off guard. Along the way, Wu Jun’s corpses were scattered all over, and many of the corpses looked soft, and they were all shaken to death by the “unconscionable”.

Among the generals of the Wu army, it is probably this Wu Zhimao who loves soldiers like sons. Compared with other generals, Wu Zhimao took good care of the soldiers and seldom deducted food and salaries, so he was very popular among the soldiers. At this time, seeing the general taking the lead, his subordinates could endure the cannons and guns flying everywhere, followed by an explosion. The Qing army’s Manzhou Zhenglan Banner was blocked by Wu Zhimao’s troops and was forced to retreat, and a sergeant was killed on the spot.

In the Qianli Mirror, Ao Bai saw that the Wu army who was surrounded by the siege was still rushing forward, and the Manchu soldiers who were in charge of the blockade were shaken by it. In his rage, he ordered a retreating leader to be executed on the spot, and then The three newly-edited white flags were also adjusted to reinforce the positive blue flag, so that the gap was re-blocked.

After the explosion, Sun Sike, Zhao Liangdong and others also realized that they had been ambushed by the Qing army, and Zhao Liangdong was affected by a “unconscionable” not far away and fell from the horse. Sun Sike ordered to retreat when he hit the horse, but the Admiral Wang Pingfan came on the horse and ordered all the ministries not to retreat, organized a counterattack on the spot, and selected elite soldiers to go to meet Wu Zhimao.

Wang Pingfan was one of the top ten generals under Wu Sangui, and he was second only to Xia Guoxiang in the Eastern Route Army. Sun Sike, Zhao Liangdong and others did not dare to disobey his orders, so they immediately organized troops to counterattack. Because the Qing army occupied a favorable location and had superior firearms, Wu’s counterattack could not be effective for a long time. In desperation, Wang Pingfan personally organized a team of daredevils to climb the hill on the right, trying to open a breakthrough from there.

Xia Guoxiang, who almost followed into the encirclement, was a little surprised when he learned that Wang Pingfan did not withdraw. Most of the reason is because Wang Pingfan is very worried about the death of Wu Zhimao’s younger brother Wu Zhiming, so this time he will not abandon Wu Zhimao again.

Xia Guoxiang didn’t think much about it, and he also knew that he couldn’t order the entire army to retreat now, otherwise the loss would be too great. He mobilized troops and horses to block the Qing army at the western end of the encirclement to ensure that the Wu army who entered the encirclement could withdraw from this opening. The fighting between the two sides continued from the morning to the afternoon, and until the evening, the gunfire gradually ceased. In this battle, despite the careful deployment of Ao Bai and a large number of “unconscionable cannons”, in the end, due to the large number of Wu troops rushing into the pockets and the support of Xia Guoxiang outside, the strategic purpose of annihilating the Wu army was not achieved, which made the encirclement of the Wu army. Half of Wu Jun retreated. After the count, more than 13,000 Wu troops were killed and wounded, while the Qing troops suffered less than 2,000 casualties.

This result made Ao Bai very annoyed but helpless, because he was no longer facing the Ming army who was scared and fled when he heard the arrival of the Eight Banners in Manzhou, and more importantly, what he commanded was not real The elite of the Eight Banners of Manchuria. A large number of Han troops and green battalions raised their flags, although it supplemented the loss of manpower of the Eight Banners in Manchuria, but the consequences also seriously reduced the combat effectiveness of the Eight Banners. The most terrible thing is that nearly half of the generals and commanders of the Eight Banners today have no battlefield experience, so their command was improper, and they failed to take advantage of the situation to expand the results when the Wu army was in chaos. If it were replaced by the former Eight Banners officers and soldiers, Hugh said that half of the Wu army had been released, and even the Prime Minister Xia who was outside the encirclement would not be able to escape.

Although annoyed, in any case, this battle is a victory. It can be imagined that after losing so many troops, Wu Jun will definitely shrink. Only at the strategic level, Ao Bai should at least not worry that Wu Jun will push Kaifeng again, so that the Coping passively, exhausted.

In addition to killing the wounded Wu army, the Qing army also captured more than 2,000 Wu army. The Manchu generals believed that these Wu army were originally Qing soldiers, but they rebelled with Wu Sangui. All of them had anti-bones on their foreheads, and they should all be executed. future trouble. However, Aobai stopped the killing of the prisoners and ordered them to be scattered and replenished into various ministries, and at the same time let some prisoners go back and let them tell the former Qing army generals in the Wu army. The actions of the past are not to be blamed.

Xia Guoxiang, who had suffered a big loss, did not dare to continue to lose his army alone~www.readwn.com~ He gathered the defeated soldiers and retreated thirty miles to set up camp. While reporting the battle situation to Guo Zhuangtu, he rushed to Zhengzhou to report the news.

Although he won a big victory, Ao Bai did not take it lightly. After the deployment, he rushed back to Kaifeng overnight to discuss the next move with Jia Hanfu, the governor of Henan. Before the people entered the city, the people sent by Jia Hanfu brought him the news of the emperor’s death.

To the north of Sui Shui, Yongcheng County is under the administration of Guide House. There are Dangshan and Mang Mountain in the north, and Zhili in the south. The two major rivers, Sui Shui and Hui Shui, are in the south of the county.

Today, Yongcheng is full of big bandits.

Since the Zhongzhen Camp entered southern Henan in September last year, the Guide House has been in the midst of war, and the Ming and Qing sides have drawn distance here. Due to the lack of offensive strength, the Zhongzheng Camp in southern and eastern Henan could only capture county towns with weaker cities.

On the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month, Li Laiheng and Liu Tichun led Wang Youjin, Hu Jiusi, Jing Keqin and other generals of the loyal camp from the Runing area to the Guide area. Abandoning Ru Ning to come to Guide, it was not because of how many Qing troops Ru Ning had come, but Li Laiheng and the others had to retreat. It was because Ru Ning could not raise food and grass for hundreds of miles, so Li Laiheng had to decide to move to Guide. Germany.

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