Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075: Tens Of Thousands To Several 0

In Kinmen, Zhou Shixiang is listening to the report of He Bin, who has just returned from Taiwan.

He Bin was in contact with Zheng Sen before, and later contacted Zheng Tai on a single line. Now the object of the report has changed from the Zheng family to His Royal Highness King Qi, which is somewhat uncomfortable.

Seeing that He Bin was very restrained, Zhou Shixiang waved his hand so that he did not have to be nervous.

Gan Hui and Liu Guoxuan also encouraged He Bin to say a few words, and then He Bin calmed down and presented the map of the Dongfan waterway that he had drawn earlier. Chen Yonghua, who was isolated as a military officer, also took the map of Dongfan drawn by Zheng Jun. Zhou Shixiang first looked at He Bin’s hydrological map, nodded, put his finger on the map of Dongfan, and asked He Bin about the deployment of troops of the Red Haired Army in Dongfan.

“His Royal Highness, the red-haired ghost has two major defensive fortresses in Dongfan Xiu, namely, the city of Relanzha, which is located in Daguan, and the city of Prominzha, which is located in the Chikan area in the interior of Dongfan.”

He Bin was afraid that His Royal Highness King Qi would not understand these two places, so he specifically pointed out the locations of these two fortresses for His Highness King Qi. After Zhou Shixiang saw it, he knew that the city of Relanja and the city of Prominja were both located in the Tainan area known in the previous life.

“How many soldiers and horses are the red-haired ghosts stationed in these two cities?”

Zhou Shixiang is now concerned about how many troops the Netherlands has in Taiwan. But Rao was prepared in his heart, but the number He Bin said still surprised him.

“According to the fact that Beizhi has been in Dongfan over the years, there are about 900 soldiers in the two cities.”

“Nine hundred people?”

Zhou Shixiang was stunned. If he remembered correctly, in his previous life, the surnamed Ye Dajun crossed the sea to recapture Taiwan, but it took a long time to win the victory. In this way, there are not tens of thousands of Dutch troops in Taiwan, but there must be several thousand, otherwise why would Zheng Jun fight so hard. But now He Bin said that there were only more than 900 Dutch soldiers, which meant that the country’s surname personally led tens of thousands of troops across the sea, but in fact his enemies were only 900, which was a big contrast. But thinking about the battle of Yaksa that I knew in my previous life, I suddenly felt relieved. The Qing Dynasty also used tens of thousands of troops to deal with hundreds of Russian troops, and it was equally difficult to fight. In the end, they had to cede territory and admit the occupation of the Far East by Russia. After all, the tens of thousands of troops in the Qing Dynasty did not catch a single dangling hair, and the Guoxing still defeated the Dutch and recaptured Taiwan, so in comparison, the Guoxing was more powerful.

After being stunned, Zhou Shixiang confirmed again that He Bin was very sure of this number.

The Dutch occupied Taiwan with 900 people, enslaved the natives on the island, and made both sides of the Ming and Qing Dynasties deeply afraid of it. This is really speechless.

Zhou Shixiang pondered how the Dutch and Tsarist Russia used so few troops to fight against the Ming and Qing armies.

He Bin specially reminded: “Your Highness, don’t underestimate the red-haired ghosts, their soldiers are indeed powerful. Back then Dongfan was not owned by the red-haired ghosts, and there was another Baiyi whose country name was Spain in the north, and the red-haired ghosts dominated Dongfan. , sent an advance force of 300 people to attack Baiyi and ordered Spain to surrender the city, but was rejected by the Spaniards. The red-haired ghost sent 5 more battleships, 2 sailboats, and 700 soldiers to the north. As a result, Spain could not be beaten. The red-haired ghost then withdrew from Dongfan, and only then did Dongfan belong to the red-haired ghost.”

Xiao Gongchen said with disdain: “What I said, it’s not like I didn’t fight the red-haired ghost before. In the third year of Apocalypse, the governor of Fujian, Mr. Nan Juyi, used a plan to burn down a red-haired ghost battleship and captured 52 people alive. , cut 8 people!”

After Xiao Gongchen said this, Gan Hui also remembered this incident and said loudly: “I remember this incident, but the red-haired ghost was not willing to commit me to Penghu again. Killed dozens of red-haired ghosts!”

“Oh, what else is there?”

Before Zhou Shixiang heard about Guo’s surname for the first time, there had been conflicts in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and he couldn’t help but be interested and asked Xiao Gongchen and Gan Hui to talk more. It’s a pity that the two of them didn’t know much, but Huang Zhao, who had been unconvinced by Zhou Shixiang these days, told the story in general.

In the second year of Apocalypse, the Dutch red-haired ghosts who occupied Dongfan began to force the captured Chinese slaves to build fortresses in Penghu, and later built similar fortresses near Baisha and Bajia. Nan Juyi, the then governor of Fujian, turned his back on the former Fujian officials who ignored the red-haired ghosts, and resolutely fought the main battle, sending troops to defeat the red-haired ghosts twice. It’s just that the red-haired ghosts experienced two small setbacks, but they did not stop their ambitions. In order to increase the high-quality labor population in the Dutch East Indies as soon as possible, the Dutch Governor Kuhn, who has a soft spot for Chinese labor, has repeatedly ordered to plunder Chinese men, women and children as much as possible to enrich Bacheng, Anhan and Banten. The Dutch fleet dutifully carried out all this, which ultimately angered South Guy.

In the third year of Tianqi, Nan Juyi ordered the Ming army to attack. Forty warships carrying 2,000 Ming troops appeared in front of the Penghu Fortress almost overnight, and landed on the beach under the fire of the Dutch, launching a fierce attack. However, the Dutch are a tactical team after all. They have shrunk to Fengkui City, where three faces the sea~www.readwn.com~ and only one faces the land. The Dutch army dug deep trenches on land as a barrier, controlled the sea with warships, and stopped the Ming army’s attack with the cross fire of naval guns and shore guns.

Seeing that the fortifications could not be reached, the Ming army also built a stone city in Penghu, and the two sides confronted each other and attacked each other. Nan Juyi personally went to Penghu to supervise the division, and commanded the assembly of Ming troops in various places. In the end, more than 10,000 Ming troops and 200 warships were assembled in this small place. The Ming army navy set up fireboats all over the Penghu port to attack Dutch warships, and the army set up artillery to bombard Fenggui City across the sea. In addition, the Ming army used countless giant fort baskets five feet long and five feet in length filled with gravel to form an array. During the day, they were used as bunkers to rest or fire guns, and at night they pushed them forward. There was nothing the Dutch artillery could do about it. At the same time, Nan Juyi sent a letter to the new commander-in-chief of the Dutch army, threatening to fill the Penghu Bay with sand and gravel if he did not leave. The Dutch, who suffered a military defeat and politically impossible negotiation, finally withdrew from Penghu.

“Master Nan Juyi is really the backbone of my Daming!”

Zhou Shixiang was very emotional, and he was overwhelmed with respect for Nan Juyi, the governor of Fujian at that time.

Chen Yonghua was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: “His Royal Highness does not know. In the sixteenth year of Chongzhen, a thief fell into Weinan and forced Nanda to surrender. Nanda refused to obey, and died on a seven-day hunger strike.”

Zhou Shixiang sighed, shook his head, and was about to ask He Bin about the Dutch fortress architectural graphics, but Chen Yonghua was hesitant to say anything, and finally said solemnly: “Actually, except for Lord Nan Juyi, who has played red Mao Gui, the future governor of Fujian, Lord Zou Weilian, also defeated the red-haired ghost in Liuluowan, and this battle can be called a great victory.”

“Great victory?”

Zhou Shixiang’s eyes moved, and the scale of the battle that could be called a “great victory” must not be small. But seeing Gan Hui and Xiao Gongchen with strange expressions on their faces, they didn’t want to talk about it, so they couldn’t help feeling strange.

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