Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1091

Chapter 1091: Overkill

Wang Fuchen was the leader of the army, so he naturally knew that a sharpened bamboo pole could kill people. ? I think that when Qi Jiguang fought against Japanese in Zhejiang, the army had equipped a large number of bamboo poles to deal with Japanese swords. Peasants in the past dynasties also used bamboo poles as weapons in large quantities. First, bamboo poles are easy to obtain, and secondly, they are cheap and easy to use. But because he didn’t know what happened to Songjiang, Wang Fuchen didn’t dare to guess.

According to Wang Fuchen’s knowledge, the clearing of debts in Songjiang and other places by the front line had indeed offended many gentry and landlords, but most of those who dared to make trouble and resist were punished. The debt was never directed against the common people, and most of the gentry were destroyed. How dare the common people dared to rebel in private when no one incited them. What happened to Songjiang makes the commander so angry.

Wang Fuchen subconsciously looked at the emergency report in his hand, but he was ashamed to say that his Ma Yazi actually didn’t know one big character. The army carried out a literacy movement and held a large number of literacy classes, but he was stunned that he never participated in it once. Because he is a town general, the Anjun ambassador in the town can’t do anything about him, and he can’t report to the military commander’s house, saying that the town general will not be literate. A virtuous man with Wang Fuchen is Li, a blind man, one horse and one step and two generals, who are carrying two big old, illiterate pair.

Zhou Shixiang didn’t notice the embarrassment on Wang Fuchen’s face, and said angrily: “And what happened to those religious people? Who gave them the courage to besiege the county government? This is a rebellion, a rebellion!  … .Then the county magistrate, Tang, doesn’t know anything about it. Jiang Guozhu, as the governor of a province, doesn’t know anything! What is he thinking? If the disciples are scattered, it will be fine? Why not arrest or kill? Criticize and kill a group of people, and the church people will not know that the government is powerful. Next time, if you get a master teacher, will you have to turn a deaf ear just like this time, just ask them to disperse and then the case will be closed? Will the world be at peace? …confused, stupid! Every time this happens, the religious people will only be more courageous, and they will only become more and more unafraid of the law, and they will not put the government in the eyes! Can it still be called a law! The state cannot be followed, the locality cannot be feasible, and the state can still be the state!”

The Qiantang River was calm, but Wang Fuchen felt that waves were surging in His Royal Highness Qi’s chest. Behind these words, I am afraid that His Highness Qi’s highness was full of murderous intentions.

“The matter of teaching the people is similar to Shouning’s robbery, but the robbery is a minor problem. In the final analysis, the local government does not do anything, and they are afraid of causing trouble. The disaster of the household. Making people afraid of the law, not unreasonable. It is better to know the law than to know the law, and it is better to cut off dozens of heads to appease them. There is no troublesome people in the world. The people will come into being. To deal with the unruly people, talk to him about some big truths, it is useless, the only thing they are afraid of is death. But if they know that they will die, they will naturally learn to obey the law. Yao Wenlong is alive Ning did a good job on errands, and he was savage. Kill when he should, arrest when he should, destroy his family when he should destroy his family, and destroy his family when he should destroy his family. After a few things are done, Shouning is not free from the trouble of robbery, and the people are not afraid to do so. Let’s fight to be a thief again.”

Zhou Shixiang personally released Yao Wenlong to Shouning, and was very optimistic about this Xinhui fellow. Yao Wenlong’s actions in Shouning did satisfy Zhou Shixiang. In fact, the Taiping Army has had a lot of experience in dealing with troublemakers or enemies who refuse to accept the “Wang Hua”. When they were first in Xiangshan, Tie Yi and Jiang He had exterminated several local gentry in several townships. As a result, no one dared to fight against the Taiping Army, regardless of whether the poor or the rich in Xiangshan. The movement of “building villages and building townships” has also been carried out quickly, so that the Taiping army who first arrived in Xiangshan can fully mobilize the manpower and material resources of the whole territory of Xiangshan when its foothold is not stable, and laid the foundation for the subsequent three-way encirclement and suppression of the anti-Qing army. The basis of combat victory.

On the other hand, Zhou Shixiang felt that the old traditions of the Taiping Army had been missing a lot in recent years. This old tradition is cruel enough, poisonous enough, and dehumanizing enough. Now it is not about conquering the world, it is not about changing dynasties with the same clan, it is the struggle of the Han nation to survive and die, so it is impossible to talk about benevolence and righteousness. Only a dead enemy can make people feel at ease, and a dead Tartar can make the Han people sleep peacefully. No matter how many people who shouldn’t have died in the process, at least the Han people who survived can live with their chests up and can proudly declare that I am a Han!

Zhou Shixiang was deeply dissatisfied with the handling of the incident by the Christians in Jiangsu. The personnel dispatched by the Military Intelligence Department in Songjiang had already reported the incident in secret, which was more detailed than the Songjiang post from Jiang Guozhu. From this, Zhou Shixiang may have learned more than Jiang Guozhu, and more detailed than the party concerned, Jiading Magistrate Tang.

“Piracy is a small problem, but the religious people are a big disaster. They are not afraid of the government, but they are afraid of the temple. They don’t listen to the government, but they listen to the temple. You say, doesn’t this temple become an official government? People’s words are more useful than the government! There are no two days in the sky, no two kings in the country, tell me, are these religious people still my Ming people?”

Zhou Shixiang became more and more angry. The report of the Ministry of Military Intelligence made it very clear that after Tang Mou, the magistrate of Jiading County, killed the master of the religious temple, within half a day, the people of the religious temple organized hundreds of religious people in and outside the city to gather in the county seat. The people in the monastery also spread the posts, and the next day, thousands of religious people gathered in Jiading, and the religious people from other parts of Songjiang also rushed to Jiading. What is the nature of this? This is rebellion!

“No private slaughter of cattle is a strict order from this king, not against his disciples. My Han people are also not allowed to eat beef. The disciples have the idea of being out of the law! The law is established, unless it is changed, no one will You can’t break the law with your body, no matter who you are. In my opinion, this religious temple can’t be kept, and neither can the religious people. They live in the land of our dynasty, but they don’t recognize the law of our dynasty. This is an alien race. Those who are not of our race must have their hearts. different.”

Zhou Shixiang sullenly put his hands behind his hands and looked far away at the Qiantang River. He characterized the matter, and the disciples were not people of the Ming Dynasty, but aliens. To deal with aliens, we must deal with aliens.

“What does the commander mean to dispose of all the local churchgoers?” Xu Yingyuan guessed Zhou Shixiang’s thoughts, but hesitantly reminded: “Commander, there are tens of thousands of churchgoers in Songjiang, and there are also many churchgoers in the rest of Jiangnan. There are also tens of thousands of people in the southern capital. As far as I know, these religious people all believe in one religion, they communicate with each other, and they are in close contact with each other. Recklessly, I am afraid that there will be a big turmoil.”

“I’m afraid of them being chaotic, so let them go and appease them?” Zhou Shixiang snorted: “The officials in Shouning County used to be afraid of robbery, so they condoned them, so that if there is a joke that a fox will be a robber . The reason for this, you still can’t see clearly?”

“The reasoning behind this,” Xu Yingyuan murmured, “the commander will soon go north to Liaodong. If he sets up a lesson plan in the south of the Yangtze River at this time, it may affect the plan of going north.”

Zhou Shixiang frowned slightly, Xu Yingyuan was right, there are more than 50,000 Christians in the Jiangnan area, not only in Songjiang, but also in Suzhou and Nandu. The total number is probably 200,000 to 300,000, all of whom were Semu people who helped and abused Meng Yuan in the past. offspring. During the reign of Hongwu, Emperor Taizu ordered to cleanse these Semu people twice, and he spared them when he was sure that these Semu people had no objection to Daming. However, according to the law, subjects are required to treat Semu people as people who are waiting for them. Semu people are not allowed to walk on the avenues, which almost deprives Semu people of their right to serve. Later, Chengzu was in trouble, because a large number of Semu people in the army worked for him, so the restrictions on Semu people were relaxed in the law.

Today, the original hundreds of thousands of Semu people have multiplied into millions, mostly concentrated in the northwest, northern Zhili and Jiangnan. Now that I think about it, those Semu people who worked for Chengzu at the beginning may not have been speculative. They pointed out that Chengzu’s peace was difficult to succeed, and they could be rehabilitated and restored to their various rights in China. More than ten years ago, religious people in Shanxi and Shaanxi raised their flags to attack the Qing army, but the leaders were all officials in the Ming Dynasty. Although they were from the religious people, they had long been non-religious.

There is a saying in that sect that an official of the fifth rank must rebel against the sect. It is said that all religious people who become court officials will no longer believe in religion for life, and they will not open their eyes to the religious temple. Instead, they will try their best to suppress the religious temple. That is, the religious temple is very harsh on the churchgoers, wishing that all the churchgoers would become slaves of the church. The religious elites, who finally succeeded in the imperial examinations through hard work, are unwilling to be fooled by the religious temple again, and of course, they will suppress the religious temple in turn. Bo Ding Ladong, the leader of Jiading’s religious turmoil, is a typical example of this anti-religion. It’s just that he has no status in the church, his words are useless, and he can’t restrain the church, which makes the situation out of control.

“Since I killed Yu Yunlong in Xinhui, I have been convinced of the principle that the first strike is stronger, and the later strike suffers. As long as it is a disaster, no matter how big or small, it must be uprooted, no matter what the cost is, it must be uprooted. , call it ashes. It’s not that you don’t understand the truth that the grass is not eradicated and the spring breeze blows.”

“All killed?”

Xu Yingyuan was shocked, and Wang Fuchen’s heart also “thumped” violently. That’s hundreds of thousands of religious people, not hundreds of thousands of pigs. The commander said that if they wanted to kill them, how many troops would have to be mobilized to do this. It is also very troublesome to do. The church members are scattered all over the place, but if the news is leaked, who will stay there stupidly and let the Taiping army slaughter them. I’m afraid that the moment when the Taiping Army’s slaughtering knife is swung, is the beginning of the real religious chaos.

“Don’t they claim to be the land of China and not the people of China? If so, why should I keep them in China?” Zhou Shixiang’s voice was very flat, and he could not hear the slightest emotional fluctuations in his heart. It seemed that he was not discussing murder. But a parental shortcoming.

“Commander, after all, the churchgoers involved in the riots are a minority, and most of them are good, and there are Manchus instigating this incident.” Xu Yingyuan couldn’t bear it. After all, the churchgoers were not Tartars and had nothing to do with the Han people. Deep hatred. The intelligence of the Ministry of Military Intelligence shows that ~www.readwn.com~ is behind the Jiading sect and there are Manchu spies behind it, so it would be a bit overkill to dispose of all the clergymen.

“Those churchmen who didn’t riot were also kind before they participated in the riot. No matter whether the Tartars are behind this incident or not, it’s his clergy who came out to make trouble. Since that’s the case, there’s no reason to hesitate. .”

Now that Zhou Shixiang has made up his mind, he will not listen to anyone’s persuasion. Even if his decision is wrong, he will push forward vigorously. He can tolerate failure, he can bear infamy, but he will never allow his subordinates to question himself. This is the biggest source of his success since his uprising, and it is also the biggest weakness of his character.

“The text is given to Jiang Guozhu, and let him prepare for this matter immediately. For the specific matter, Wang Fuchen, you will do it. The military will cooperate with you, you just let it go. When the sky falls, I will bear it for you.”

After giving the order, Zhou Shixiang thought of something and said to Xu Yingyuan: “In addition, I have a little impression of the Nalan Pearl that Zhang An reported to me. It seems that this kid is the son-in-law of Azige, and in terms of seniority, it should be the current Tartar. The uncle of the little emperor. The Qing court can be regarded as the capital, and it sent Mingzhu to the south of the Yangtze River to pry the corner. If the net of the Ministry of Military Intelligence hadn’t been cast enough, it was found that Mingzhu and others were inciting the parishioners behind their backs. My Taiping Army dissatisfied gentry colluded, I am afraid that Jiangnan will really be turned upside down by him.”

“Are you letting MISI capture the Pearl alive?”

“No need, if he dares to come to Jiangnan, it means that he has put his life and death out of the question. For such a person, it is useless to catch him.”

Zhou Shixiang waved his hand, Nalan Mingzhu is a big man and an outstanding man in Manchuria. However, for the outstanding talents in Manchuria, he only hoped that the other party would die soon. 8

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