Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1095

Chapter 1095: Jiangnan Calm Down

If we want to mobilize all human and material resources, we must attack the clan forces that have been locked down in China for thousands of years, and behind the clan forces are the landlords and gentry classes. To attack these people, even if all kinds of policies that are beneficial to the farmers are introduced, the farmers will not be obtained. Support, this has to be said to be a great mistake of Zhou Shixiang, and it is also the biggest weakness of his character, everything is too hasty.

Zhou Shixiang always wanted to do everything well in his lifetime, but he often failed to take into account the characteristics of the times and reality. There is a saying that is good, theory must be combined with practice to be effective. A theory that is divorced from reality, no matter how well conceived it is, is a bad government.

The peasants were illiterate, and those who were literate were the natural opposite of the Taiping Army. Before they could replace the old gentry with all the officials they trained themselves, and fostered a new military class belonging to the Taiping Army, they would guide the people of the newly occupied areas to become a part of it and enjoy the benefits. The advantage is that before becoming the new ruling class, Yiyi forced to implement a “radical” policy compared to the times, which will inevitably lead to the consequences of southern oranges and northern oranges.

Scholars are easy to kill, a Jin Shengtan doesn’t seem like a big deal, a few third place in the list is no big deal, a lot of Jinshi and Juren master hats are not in the eyes of Zhou Shixiang, but the people in the south of the Yangtze River value them, but take them back thing!

People who are illiterate and want to change their fate, they desperately support their children to study, so that they can become a member of the scholar, a member of the gentry, and a member of the clan in their hometown. This has been the only way for farmers to change their fate for thousands of years, and it is also a good thing that everyone admires and praises. The clan that could protect him was also destroyed, which was obviously disturbing.

The Taiping army was able to establish effective rule in Guangdong, Guangxi, and even Jiangxi, only if the population of those provinces was massively killed by the war and the Qing army massacre. Guangdong alone has a population of just over one million. These more than one million people are scattered in so many prefectures and counties, and some counties contain only a few thousand people. The population is small and the land is large. Many officers and soldiers of the Taiping Army are natives of Guangdong Province, and there are many family members of the soldiers. If they are placed in various places and combined with the local people, they will naturally be able to effectively build villages and townships and establish grass-roots political power.

Jiangnan is different, with a population of several million, or even nearly ten million, while the number of recruits to join the Taiping Army is less than ten thousand, and the number of families involved is only a few thousand. Obviously, this family that has a relationship with the Taiping Army cannot change the influence of the deep-rooted old forces on the local area. Those township and village chiefs who are regarded as outsiders by the locals also have to be supported by the people, even if they are making profits for the locals, but under the premise that a large number of scholars are dissatisfied with the Dingwu court, Zhou Shixiang and the Taiping army, the government Travel policies and bulletins that are beneficial to the people have become tyranny under the interpretation of scholars.

People in the south of the Yangtze River who do not believe in “outsiders”, only believe in people from their hometowns, and only believe in scholars, even if they are forced to obey the officials appointed by the Taiping Army and join the local security team, when something happens, everything becomes very difficult. Fragile.

The grassroots forces in Songjiang and other places were vulnerable to the mob uprising and did not even react at all, which is a typical manifestation of this consequence. In many villages, when the parishioners came to kill them, the people did not want to unite with the village chief to resist, but ran away. In some places, it was even discovered that the people did not go to the government or the local security team, but to those gentry and clan forces who had been attacked. As a result, these clan forces and gentry led them to rebel together.

Throughout the dynasties, the clan itself has been a powerful and effective means for the Han people to protect themselves. As long as the clan is there, the Han people can immediately organize armed forces of a general nature similar to group training, either to protect themselves or to compete for the world. Throughout the dynasties, there have been many heroes who started out as clans. It can be said that the existence of a clan is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can give the Han people the strength to defend themselves and counterattack. On the other hand, it firmly controls the countryside, making it impossible for the imperial power to go to the countryside and the central court to mobilize the manpower and resources of the countryside. material resources.

Zhou Shixiang built villages and townships, and naturally wanted to mobilize all the forces of the Han people to oppose the Qing Dynasty and restore China. But he didn’t take into account the actual situation in Jiangnan, which made a fatal vacuum and an unforgivable mistake in Jiangnan’s prefectures. This mistake led to a sharp drop in the population of Jiangnan by 120,000 during the turmoil.

The hardest hit was Songjiang, where more than 40 villages were slaughtered, men, women and children were all killed, with no survivors. The funny thing is that when the news of the turmoil came, Jiang Wenhuan, the prefect of Songjiang, in order to appease the parishioners, did not allow some of the following village security teams that had already acted to unite to fight back, but asked the gentry outside the city and representatives of religious temples to come to the government. Swear, swear not to take part in the rebellion. But the next day, the religious monastery outside the city took action and killed more than 3,000 officials, men and women.

There is a township in Huating, where more than 5,000 people were killed in one morning. Immediately afterwards, the parishioners attacked the county seat. The people in the city resisted stubbornly under the organization of the government. A parishioner working in Liufang immediately reported to the county magistrate after receiving a message about the murder of the temple, and then went home. He knew that the church would not let him go, so he killed his parents, wife and children. Afterwards, Huating County made a memorial for him. Because of this parishioner’s timely report, the magistrate of Huating shut down the city urgently to save more than 100,000 people in the city~www.readwn.com~ However, in the nine townships below, all the Han people in four townships were killed.

The parishioners were more organized and more united than the Han people, and the initial damage was also greater. However, it was the gentry who were dissatisfied with the Taiping Army who rebelled under the cloud of chaos that shrouded the sky over Jiangnan.

Songjiang was in chaos, Suzhou was in chaos, Changzhou government was in chaos, and the vicinity of Nandu was in chaos.

However, not all the religious people participated in the rebellion. The scripture teachers of Qingjue Temple, the largest religious monastery in southern capital, refused to accept the killing message from Songjiang Religious Temple. They told the religious people that we are also Han Chinese, but religious Han Chinese. , How can there be a reason for the Han people to kill the Han people in the world.

When Jiang Guozhu, the governor of Jiangsu Province, received the report, his face turned green with fright. Before that, he had just received an official document from the military commander’s mansion, asking him to prepare for dealing with the religious chaos.

After learning of the chaos in Jiangnan, Zhou Shixiang was also furious. He couldn’t stay in Zhejiang for a day, so he hurried back to Jiangnan to deal with it. The garrisoned troops in all parts of Jiangnan were also dispatched and began to strangle the mob. Wang Fuchen, as the commander-in-chief to pacify the chaos, was the first to arrive at Songjiang. The two towns that had been trained long-distance from Jinxia were also immediately involved in the suppression of the violence. Suna, who arrived in Chongming by sea, received the order to suppress the violence after disembarking. Jump everywhere.

After issuing the secret order for early revolt, Nalan Mingzhu secretly went to Suzhou from Zhao Xiangwei’s house. However, in the middle of Zhouzhuang, Mingzhu found himself surrounded.


The story of the Maitreya cleric who killed his wife and killed his son was adapted from historical facts. All the plots in this book are not just imaginary. The stories about the parishioners will not be detailed here.

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