Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1097

Chapter 1097: One Man Hero

There is no regret medicine in the world. If he knew that the situation would develop to this point, Tang Xiaoxian would not let Ding Zhubo go to Baihe Temple anyway, but personally dispatched troops to uproot the church.

Ding Zhubo’s death was extremely unjust and tragic. The bodies of the two Liufang Shuban who went to the temple with him were also found on the other side of the river beach. When found, it had been soaked to rot by the river water.

The believers of Baihe Temple finally thought of Jiading City after blood-washing several townships such as Hengli and Dazhapu under the leadership of Chaoshou Ma Dalong. However, when Ma Dalong led the red-eyed churchmen to Jiading, the county had already taken precautions.

There were no troops stationed in Jiading County, but when Tang Xiaoxian returned from Songjiang Prefecture City, he asked for a team of soldiers to guard him, about a hundred people. The more than 100 soldiers stayed in Jiading for a month according to the requirements of the government, and expected to return to the original station after completion. After the rebellion, the hundred Taiping Army became the main force in the battle of Jiading defending the city. There is also a security brigade in the county, but it is newly formed, the training is less than a month, and the combat effectiveness is not strong. With the assistance of Yu Baien, Tang Xiaoxian mobilized all the people in the city, and the officers of the Yamen Chau Kuai and the people of Liufang went to the city to defend.

Tang Xiaoxian and Yu Baien held on to Jiading County with a mortal heart. Once the county was breached, what it would mean, they both knew very well. They had no way out. If they couldn’t keep the disciples out of the city, Jiading would be as dead as it was seventeen years ago.

At this time, the situation outside the city has been gradually spread into the city by the people who have escaped. The people in the city have suffered the scourge of the churchmen a few days ago. This time, everyone is really united. Reward, he spontaneously threw himself into the battle to defend the county seat.

Originally planned to attack Jiading County, there were also several gentry in the county who had been attacked by clearing their debts, but when the men of these gentry organizations knew that they would kill the Han people when they saw the church, and after the Han people in several townships were all killed, except for two. The gentry who hated the Taiping Army to the core, all the other families gave up the rebellion and instead gathered their hands to surround the churchmen. The two gentry who insisted on cooperating with the religious people had little manpower and could not contact the religious temple. They had no choice but to move in the direction of Kunshan, hoping to take Kunshan County together with the rebels in Kunshan.

Ma Dalong’s clan gathered more than 4,000 clergymen and rushed to Jiading County, but before they were extremely powerful, a few dozen people could blood-wash a Han village, and they would face the guards composed of a hundred regular troops and cops in Jiading City and young men. The city team, however, was unable to kill a single person on the city after attacking for a long time.

Tang Xiao first was a hundred households who had led soldiers. After observing the churchmen for a long time, he found that they did not have many weapons. Most of the churchmen were only armed with bamboo spears. Decisively ordered to open the door to attack.

In order to atone for his sins, Tang Xiao took the lead and rushed out of the city wearing the magistrate’s uniform with a big sword. The magistrate took the lead, and the young men in the yamen were inspired by everyone, and the hundred Taiping troops were also at the forefront.

Ma Dalong fought for a long time, but not a single person in the city was killed, but hundreds of his disciples died. When he was in a hurry, he suddenly found that the city gate was wide open, and the people in the city rushed out. He couldn’t help but be overjoyed. He went to kill the Han Chinese. Whoever did not advance, was smashed to death by the people of the religious temple on the spot.

Ma Dalong overestimated himself and his followers. They were able to be arrogant and **** countless villages, not because of their ability to fight, but because the Han people who were slaughtered by them were completely unprepared. And once faced with well-organized Han people, especially with regular troops, even if there are many religious people, they cannot stop a round.

In less than half an hour, thousands of Christians were defeated by Jiading defenders.

Tang Xianzun, who once again carried a knife to kill, lost his mind of a bodhisattva and no worries. At this moment, he only thought about revenge, thinking about revenge for the people who lost their lives because of his hesitation.

The religious people were quite bullying the weak and fearing the hard. After they found out that they had changed from the murderer to the murdered one, no matter how hard the people of the religious temple coerced them, they would not step forward to send them to death. But they couldn’t escape, and more and more people in the city went out of the city with weapons issued by the government to join the team of chasing and killing the parishioners, and even some women were involved.

Tang Xiaoxian issued a “killing order” in the name of the county magistrate outside the city. All Jiading County people, men and women, officials and people, can participate in the suppression of religious rebellion, and the murderers are not guilty. Even the prisoners in the prison were released a lot.

The county seat could not be broken, and the outside of the city could not be won.

Ma Dalong thought that he could make a big career and carry forward the temple, but the final result was like this, and he was very unwilling. But no matter how unwilling he was, he had no choice but to run away in the face of the officers and troops who came after the four gangs and all directions.

In the end, Ma Dalong was unable to escape, and he was caught on the spot by two hunters from Hengli. The two arrests were supposed to put Ma Dalong on the spot, but Tang Xiaoxian, who had arrived after hearing the news, stopped them and ordered Ma Dalong and a group of prisoners captured into the city prison.

Three days later, the King of Qi rode a fast horse and ordered that Ma Dalong and the captured leader should all be executed at the earliest time possible, and the rest were beheaded and hung on a high place to show the public. Those who participate in the rioting religion will all be exterminated.

It took only four days from the beginning to the complete suppression of the religious rebellion in Jiading. But these four days, the price paid by the people of Jiading is too great. Tang Xiaoxian’s preliminary statistics show that more than 30,000 corpses were found in Jiading county alone. It is impossible to count those who were burned, and it is unknown how many escaped. It can be said that Songjiang is the most severely affected place in the entire Jiangnan, and Jiading is the most serious place in Songjiang. .

After the incident, Yu Baien came back from the ruins of various townships and wrote crying: “During the second and third month of the Dingwu year, murderous aura filled the sky. More than 100,000 people died in one day, ask who is not sad. Thousands of miles of yellow and cold. The children of Heyi are in tears, dyed into red cuckoos. A song of Qing Dynasty is believed to be passed down in history, and the longevity of the mountains is famous for thousands of years.

After finding the bodies of Ding Zhubo and the three of them, Tang Xiaoxian rushed from the city immediately. After kneeling on the beach and crying for a long time, Tang Xiaoxian suddenly got up and said to his followers: “I am Jiading’s parents, but the people of Jiading have died tens of thousands of lives because of me. I can’t forgive my sins even if I die. Now I can only atone for my sins with death.” After speaking, he jumped into the river. Left and right jumped into the river to save him. After some struggle, Tang Xiaoxian was finally rescued ashore. After that, he never uttered a word, never drank a drop of water, and never ate a grain of rice. He was going to starve to death.

A few days later, a guard in Jinyi came to Jiading County, showed his driver’s sticker, and took Tang Xiaoxiao to the southern capital. After knowing that he was being held, Tang Xiaoxian was willing to eat, and the official asked him why he did not fast to the end, he said: “In the past, the hunger strike was only because of the parents, but now it is a crime officer. subject to national law.”

In the middle of the road, Cai Wenhuan, the prefect of Songjiang, and other people were locked and taken to solve Nandu. A month later, Cai Wenhuan was angrily reprimanded by the King of Qi for his ineffectiveness in dealing with the religious chaos, and he showed his head to the public; Tang Xiaoxian was also dismissed for the same crime, and the Ministry of Punishment planned to be executed. Annan, atonement for his sins.


In Songjiang, in addition to Ma Dalong’s clan, there were many murderers, and another priest, Bai Donggan, also murdered countless people. Before the uprising, he set fire to his house and the nearby religious temple, claiming that the government wanted to purify religion, and coerced hundreds of religious people to rebel with him.

Bai Dong’s cadres have few goals, and they form small groups into large groups. They burned, killed and looted along the way, and wherever they passed, there was blood and rain, and a cloud of ashes. Hearing that there were many Chinese merchants gathered in Jinshanwei, Bai Donggan led his troops to Jinshan. By the time they reached Yangjiatan, the nearby Han people had long since fled, and many people had fled to the reed-covered riverbanks and beaches for refuge. In a village, Han people fled into a cave in the middle of Dajin Mountain and were discovered by Baibu. Because the entrance of the cave was on the cliff, the villagers stepped on the ladder to go in, and then pulled out the ladder. The Baibu bandits could not get up or enter, so they pulled out the dry chutepon, which was poisonous and burned under the cave. The thick smoke rose and got into the hole. There was a panic in the hole, and some villagers fainted.

There is a young man surnamed Zhang in the cave, whose name is Quanzhu. He is unmarried and tall. Because of his good family background, he usually wanders around, likes to help people fight, and he likes to gamble. He has a very poor reputation among the villagers. However, this person likes to drill on Dajin Mountain because he has nothing to do, so he knows that there is a hidden exit in this hole on the mountain. So he saw that the situation was critical and everyone could not live, so he took a sickle and crawled towards the hidden exit.

The young man surnamed Zhang had another gambler named Liu Ergou, who quietly followed behind Zhang Quanzhu. However, Liu Ergou didn’t know that there was a woman behind him, but she was the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family in the village, and she was seven months pregnant. At the exit, Zhang Quanzhu knew who was behind him. They all belonged to the same village, and at a critical moment of life and death, Zhang Quanzhu did not leave them alone. He climbed up first, pulled the Jiang family’s daughter-in-law up, and told Liu Ergou to push the Jiang family’s daughter-in-law’s ass. However, the entrance of the hole is too small, and the Jiang family’s daughter-in-law has a big belly, so she can’t get through. Helpless, Zhang Quanzhu could only pull hard, but the Jiang family’s daughter-in-law was pulled up, but the child in her belly also fell. But it can be regarded as saving his life. You must know that there are more than 200 people in the cave, but only three of them survived.

Because of the miscarriage, the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family passed out at the time, and Zhang Quanzhu and Liu Ergou hid her in a secluded place. The two split up to find a way to escape. Unexpectedly, Liu Ergou was caught by the bandits ~www.readwn.com~ and tied his hands forward, chopped off with a knife by the river, and his hands fell into the river, causing Liu Ergou to faint in pain. The bandit raised his hand and left, Liu Ergou was really dead, but he didn’t die like this, but survived. Because he lost his hands, he was nicknamed “Liu No Hands”.

Zhang Quanzhu was also discovered by the bandits, and ran desperately in front with a sickle, while a dozen bandits chased after him. When he was running too fast and out of breath, Zhang Quanzhu suddenly gritted his teeth and glanced back, and when he realized that the fastest chasing cleric was only four or five steps away from him, he turned around abruptly and slashed the cultist’s neck with a sickle. Only cut the neck of the sect bandit in half. After pulling back the scythe forcefully and kicking the sect bandit down, Zhang Quanzhu continued to run, and the sect bandit behind chased him more and more frantically. When another one was about to catch up with Zhang Quanzhu, Zhang Quanzhu suddenly stopped and turned around again. With a wave of his long arm, the light of the sickle crossed an arc. On the ground, the blood on the neck sprayed very high.

This time, the bandits in the back were all afraid, and they stopped chasing after him. But they didn’t chase, and this whole column didn’t even run away. Holding the sickle with its broken edge, it chased them back!

In this way, Zhang Quanzhu chased thirteen religious bandits by himself, and five of them were hacked to death by him.

After being safe, Zhang Quanzhu did not escape alone, but returned to the hiding place of the Jiang family’s daughter-in-law, picked her up from the ground, and escaped with her. Later, the Jiang family’s daughter-in-law followed Zhang Quanzhu.

After the Jiangnan riots ended, Zhang Quanzhu’s deeds were discovered. Zhou Shixiang personally wrote and wrote the words “lone hero” and gave him the post of captain of the Jinshan County Security Brigade.

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