Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1103

Chapter 1103: Reduce

Out of his admiration for Lord Hedong, and considering that the combination of the military class of the Taiping Army and the gentry of Jiangnan would be acceptable to the people of Jiangnan, Zhou Shixiang tended to hire Liu Xiaozhao for Yu Youming.

Of course, Zhou Shixiang in the middle also thought about this problem in a conventional manner. Regardless of whether the Yu family is now the only seedling of Yu Youming, it is the prince of the Ming Dynasty. It was the first marriage since the establishment of the Taiping Army, and it was still a “pilot” marriage. Considering all aspects, the daughter of Qian Qianyi, the leader of Jiangnan’s literary circles and a former grandmaster, was obviously a very suitable candidate. .

Liu Xiaozhao also has a name, which was given to her by her father Qian Qianyi – Qian Sunrui. However, from the day of her birth, He Dongjun didn’t like the name her husband gave her daughter, so she chose a better name for her – Liu Xiaozhao.

The daughter did not follow her father’s surname, but her mother’s surname, which naturally caused criticism, and the Qian family was dissatisfied with Liu Rushi. Qian Qianyi didn’t take it seriously. He was always open-minded and would not mind whether his daughter took his surname or his wife’s surname. Besides, the name Xiaozhao is very nice.

In fact, the 17-year-old Liu Xiaozhao has already betrothed to someone, and her husband’s family is the son of Zhao Yusen, who used to be the editor of Chongzhen Dynasty Hanlin. However, because the Zhao family was involved in the prison case, both father and son were sent to the Ministry of Punishment to discuss their crimes. Naturally, the marriage ended.

Zhou Shixiang asked Zhang An about Liu Xiaozhao’s talent and appearance, and Zhang An’s answer was that he was not inferior to his mother.

Zhang An must not dare to lie to himself, one is seventeen and the other is eighteen, they are truly a match made in heaven. Thinking that even though Hedong Junliu Ru is in her forties, she still looks beautiful and moving, and her daughter is no less talented and beautiful than her, that must be a lovely person.

But Yu Youming is cheap, I married such a daughter-in-law for the Yu family, Yu Shizhong Jiuquan will never complain about me again, right?

Zhou Shixiang looked at Yu Youming with a wide-open mouth with a smile on his face, and was shocked that Uncle Wang wanted to marry him.

Because it was the first time to be a “matchmaker”, Zhou Shixiang was not quite used to this status, so the words of “induction” sounded dry. Fortunately, Xu Yingyuan is an expert in many aspects, and he helped “annotate” a few words next to him, and he was stunned when he heard Yu Youming, who had only known to fight the enemy since childhood and avenge the hatred of the country and the family. It seems that if he doesn’t marry this girl Liu, it will not only be the biggest loss in his life, but also the biggest regret in his family.

“Miss Liu must be a good wife. I asked Zhang An to give Qian Fu a message, and I’ll have someone accompany you to Suzhou. We like others, but they may not like you. If Miss Liu doesn’t want to. , we can’t force a marriage.”

Although he liked Liu Xiaozhao, Zhou Shi was still a little worried about whether this marriage would happen, because he offended Qian Qianyi too hard. He Dongjun personally went to Zhenjiang to plead for Jin Shengtan that day, but he didn’t even see him face to face. He killed his nephew, and made a lot of money. He set Qian Qianyi, the gentry leader of Jiangnan, on fire. He didn’t give him any face. In this life, I will never go further south. Turning around now, but thinking of other people’s daughters, Zhou Shixiang is Qian Qianyi, I am afraid I would have stomped my feet and cursed my mother. If Qian Qianyi really refused to marry his daughter to Yu Youming, Zhou Shixiang would not be able to use force, let alone move out of Emperor Dingwu to marry him and force Qian Qianyi to marry his daughter.

From Zhang An’s inquiries, it was clear that Qian Qianyi’s attitude was not important, whether this marriage could happen or not, but the attitude of Hedong Junliu Rushi. Compared with her husband Qian Qianyi, Liu Rushi did not contradict Zhou Shixiang’s series of policies in Jiangnan, but supported them very much. On the one hand, although Liu Ruzhi was born in poverty, on the other hand, Liu Ruzhi looked farther and farther than her husband Qian Qianyi. On this point, Qian Qianyi is also ashamed of himself, and often tells people that I am not as good as Hedong-kun.

In the matter of Jin Shengtan, Qian Qianyi was really angry. After all, it was his own nephew who was killed, and he was a grand master, but Zhou Shixiang didn’t give any face. Liu Rushi received a letter from her husband and went to Zhenjiang to rescue Jin Shengtan, but Liu Rushi did not like Jin Shengtan and even the Qian clan relatives. During the years when Qian Qianyi was imprisoned by the Qing court, Liu Rushi’s life in Qian’s house was not very good. The reason why she gave her daughter the surname Liu instead of Qian was because she wanted to recruit a son-in-law for her daughter in the future. There is no other reason, the Qian family treats Liu Rushi as an existence like an enemy. If it wasn’t for Qian Qianyi’s love for Liu Rushi, I’m afraid Liu Rushi would have been driven away by the Qian clan long ago.

Therefore, Zhang An’s suggestion is to take the “mother-in-law” route. As long as Liu Ruzhi nods, the marriage will be completed.

Zhou Shixiang was thinking about how to teach Yu Youming to go to Suzhou to please his mother-in-law, when Yu Youming finally reacted and shook his head sharply: “I don’t want to marry a wife!”


Zhou Shixiang raised his brows, Yu Youming was unwilling to accept this. This kid can have an idea, but he must keep it.

Guo Xiong and the others also found it strange that getting married and having children is a good thing, why is Yu Xiaogong unhappy?

With his face flushed red, Yu Youming replied for a long time: “The Tartars haven’t been destroyed yet, why should they be family!”


Zhou Shixiang laughed, this excuse can fool others, but not him. If everyone shouts that the Tartars are still alive and refuses to marry and have children, then the more than 100,000 people of the Taiping Army will be singles?

“If you don’t marry, you have to marry. It’s not up to you. If you dare not marry, I’ll let you stay in Nandu immediately. The future Northern Expedition has nothing to do with you.” Zhou Shixiang snorted and threatened.


Yu Youming was scared. He is so big that he is not even afraid of his father, but there is only one thing he is afraid of, and that is to let him leave the military camp. Uncle Qi’s authority was too great, and Yu Youming knew that he couldn’t resist, so he could only accept his fate.

Seeing that Yu Youming’s clothes were soft, Zhou Shixiang was amused, fearing that he would have more dreams at night, and ordered Xu Yingyuan to take Yu Youming to Suzhou immediately. There is only one task, and I will do everything possible to let Yu Youming fall into the eyes of He Dongjun and please this mother-in-law.

Yu Xiaogong followed Xu Yingyuan with a distressed expression, he really couldn’t understand why Uncle Qi had to force himself to marry a wife. He would rather lead troops to fight than meet He Dongjun, let alone marry that Liu Xiaozhao.

The young master didn’t want Xu Yingyuan to be more distressed than him, because his uncle Qi Wang gave him a death order, and he didn’t come back to see him if he couldn’t finish this errand. So now in this marriage, Xu Yingyuan is actually the most urgent. It is really said that the emperor is not in a hurry for eunuchs. Therefore, seeing the slow look of the young master, Xu Yingyuan is really angry, but he can only coax and deceive , or else this little grandpa ran away in a hurry, he would have suffered.

After the two left, Guo Xiong briefly reported the chaos from all over the place.

Zhou Shixiang listened attentively, and when he heard that the disciples Ma Dalong and Bai Donggan had caused great disasters and massacred the Han people everywhere, he could not help but be very angry.

“I asked Jiang Guozhu to deal with the churchgoers in the previous episode, but it was a pity that it was a step too late, and this disaster ended.” Zhou Shixiang regretted that he should have directly ordered the garrisoned troops in various places to do it instead of handing it over to Jiang Guozhu, which led to the death of so many people. .

“The religious temple and the religious people should be uprooted to avoid future troubles.”

Hearing this, Dong Changqing hurriedly handed over several documents in his hand, which were Huating County’s report on the loyalty of Ding, the six-room book office of its county, and Qingjue Temple in the southern capital, which refused to respond to postings and strictly prohibited the congregation from rioting.

When Zhou Shixiang was furious, Dong Changqing took out these documents, obviously reminding Zhou Shixiang that not all Jiangnan religious temples and religious people were involved in the disturbance, and there were many loyal religious members among them.

Zhou Shixiang roughly flipped through the documents, frowning slightly. According to these documents, it is obviously inappropriate for him to do everything he can to punish the people. However, the calamity of the temple is not enough to solve without the means of thunderbolt. Today, one of them is contained, and it may cause serious trouble in the future.

After thinking about it, Zhou Shixiang asked Dong Changqing to record several arrangements. First, the Qingjue Temple was commended in the name of the imperial court, and the temple was established as the world’s largest Maitreya Orthodox Temple. Those who have a license” are enshrined by the imperial court for their clothing, food, housing, and travel, and enjoy the treatment of the ninth grade.

2. Except for Qingjue Temple, all religious temples in Jiangnan will be demolished. All scripture teachers go to Qingjue Temple, and the imperial court organizes a unified examination for scripture teachers. Those who pass the test enter Qingjue Temple and are issued a “license” for teaching scriptures. Those who do not pass the test will concentrate on studying in the monastery, and can become a sutra teacher after passing the test.

3. Those who are sutra teachers must practice in the temple. Not to marry, not to return to the custom. Violators will be beheaded.

4. Organize scripture teachers and Confucian scholars recognized by the imperial court to revise and interpret the contents of the scriptures.

5. Encourage the disciples to study the scriptures and enter the temple to practice. All those who enter the temple for practice can enjoy 30% of the tax exemption for their families, in addition to enjoying the supplies of the imperial court.

6. It is strictly forbidden to teach and teach outside the temple, and offenders will be punished.

These six arrangements were recorded by Dong Changqing one by one. If they were implemented according to this, the imperial court would have to give huge financial subsidies to Qingjue Temple and the scripture teachers, which would increase the burden on the national treasury out of thin air. Therefore, Dong Changqing did not approve of these six articles. Guo Xiong lowered his head and thought for a while, but said, “If these six rules are implemented, the burden on our dynasty will be enormous in the initial stage, but in the long run, the number of religious people will become less and less, and the corresponding burden will also become less and less. . The commander’s method, at the end will feel like a reduction in size.”

Zhou Shixiang glanced at Guo Xiong with admiration. The military official said it was right. He encouraged the disciples to enter the temple to practice cultivation, and raised the social and political status of the scripture teachers. Disguised reduction in the number of parishioners.

Faith is something that will never be lacking unless people are killed. Any religion will never lack followers. Since they cannot be killed, they must be controlled. Different from a simple ban and decapitation, the role and effect of inducements will be greater.

Given the status of sutra teachers, and the benefits of sutras, they will naturally make the disciples go to the temple to practice. The more people who enter the monastery to cultivate, the less the number of living people will be, which means that the number of new Christians will decrease. Without the population ~www.readwn.com~, this religion will naturally not be a religion, at least, it will not cause a catastrophe in the secular world.

The Qingjue Temple was established as the first main temple. In order to maintain the status of the main temple and maintain its influence, the sutra teachers in the temple will automatically reject all illegal teachings. In other words, the officially recognized Qingjue Temple will be a Maitreya missionary. Biggest Obstructor. With regard to Confucianism and Buddhism, it was done as early as the beginning of the country, and now it is proposed again, just to strengthen the original foundation.

It is conceivable that in the future, the “license” granted by the imperial court will be the goal of all the religious people, just like the scholars trying their best to take the imperial examinations. With a “license” comes benefits. Qingjue Temple will also become a holy place in the eyes of the religious people, and the scripture teachers in the teaching will also become saints. In order to maintain the status of holy places and saints, the scribes inevitably became collaborators of the imperial court. Because everything they have is given by the court.

Zhou Shixiang emphasized that of these six items, the third item is the core content of education reform. We must encourage the disciples to enter the monastery for cultivation. Those who do not enter the monastery are not sutra teachers, and those who are sutra teachers are not allowed to have children. If you violate this rule, you are not a devout believer, but you will be sent to hell.

“Since you are determined to serve the Pope, you must devote yourself to the world, and you must not be contaminated by worldly affairs. We must respect the beliefs of the parishioners, so we must create the best conditions for them, so that they can live in peace of mind. Cultivation in the temple. This is the greatest good governance that this commander has given to the people, and it is also the greatest goodwill of this commander to Maitreya. But if anyone is unwilling to serve the Pope and is not pious, then we must clean up these false believers for the Pope.. Of course, if the disciples don’t enter the temple, don’t practice, and don’t get contaminated with the temple, then they won’t be disciples, ask the temple to remove them, and the local government will make a book for them, and they will be treated as Han people.”

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