Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1106

Chapter 1006: Colonel

When Wang Xi, a great scholar, was writing his posthumous edict, Shunzhi said the names of the four auxiliary ministers in turn, namely Sony, Suksaha, Aobai, and Dunbai. ? In the edict, the ranking of the four auxiliary ministers is naturally Sony, Suksaha is the second, and Aobai and Dunbai are ranked third and fourth.

The four auxiliary ministers were all from the two yellow flags. Sony, Aobai, and Suksaha were all ministers of the interior. Dunbai was the general of Shengjing. At the beginning, if it wasn’t for Dunbai to lead the eight flags outside the pass, I am afraid that Shunzhi would have been forced to abdicate by his good “brothers”.

Aobai led the army outside, Dunbai led the army, Sony and Suksaha dealt with the political affairs, the four were their own confidants, good slaves, helping to deal with the political affairs before the son’s pro-government, resisting the southern Ming army and rebels, stable In the situation in the north, this arrangement of Shunzhi is undoubtedly appropriate.

Just in terms of qualifications, Sony is the deputy minister, and there is no objection within the Eight Banners, because Sony’s qualifications are too old. As early as the time of Emperor Taizu, Sony was already a first-class bodyguard, a bachelor of Zhiwen Chi. Later, Emperor Taizong died, and it was also Sony and Aobai who led the two yellow flags and the two white flags to confront each other. Dorgon, who was forced to fight for his life, had to support Shunzhi as the emperor. During the Shunzhi Dynasty, Sony was not only a minister of internal affairs, but also a minister of state affairs. Therefore, he was appointed as the auxiliary minister. The whole state of Manchuria, including the Empress Dowager, had no opinion.

However, Suksaha came second, but many people were dissatisfied. Including some princes and ministers, everyone thought that Suksaha had insufficient qualifications and was a villain. Even if the first emperor valued him highly and called him a minister of Gu Ming, he should be ranked after Aobai and Dunbai.

Suksaha is regarded as a villain, which is related to his accusation of Dorgon of plotting evil after Dorgon’s death. Although he has been leading the army in the south for the next few years, he has also defeated Liu Wenxiu’s army of Nanming many times, and made a lot of military exploits, but the notoriety of this “complaint” has always affected him, even if Shunzhi trusted him very much, He was the Minister of Internal Affairs, and he was somewhat looked down upon in Manchuria. This time, Suksaha became the “Secondary Assistant” quietly, which was beyond the expectations of many people, but the emperor’s last edict has been issued and cannot be changed, and the princes and ministers can only acquiesce. Fortunately, Suksaha is also a smart person. He knows that there are many people who are dissatisfied with him. So after he became the auxiliary minister, he asked Sony a lot about things. Not putting on the pretense of a secondary minister made him somewhat less dissatisfied.

Ao Bai ranked third, and he didn’t mind, because he knew that this was the best placement for his master before his death. After all, the Yangzhou battle was under his command, but this battle killed more than 30,000 children of the Eight Banners, scaring the master Hastily fled south. Many people have argued that the reason why the master contracted smallpox was because he contracted a cold on the way to the north that day, which made his body weak and the smallpox disease invaded the imperial body.

After losing the battle and killing the master because of it, Ao Bai was full of guilt. When he was ordered to lead the Eight Banners of the Forbidden Brigade to the battlefield in the Central Plains, he was already determined to learn to wrap a corpse in horse leather like a Han Chinese. If it wasn’t for the master at the time, he would have been executed by Dorgon long ago, and there is no place now.

However, Aobai himself doesn’t mind the order of assistant ministers, but some people do, especially the villain Suksaha who is ranked above Aobai, which is even more unsatisfactory. These people are mainly Oboi’s old department in the two yellow flags, as well as some ministers who used to be attached to Obai, and even some Baylor and Beizi. Belle Tuntai, who was defending against the Taiping Army in Xuzhou, was very worthless for Obai. If it hadn’t been for Obai to send someone to dissuade him, Tuntai might be worthless.

Dunbai stayed in Shengjing for eight years before leading the army into the customs. General Shengjing sounds majestic, but in reality, there are only 20,000 to 30,000 Niu Lu who have not moved into the customs under the five banners. Half of them are old, weak, sick and disabled, and there are tens of thousands of mature Jurchens. There are many tribes of these raw and mature Jurchens, including Feiyala, Sauron, Ewenki, and the yellow sheep savage Baerhu. There were originally many important towns outside the customs, such as Shengjing, Liaoyang, Tieling, etc., but now there are only two, one is Shengjing, and the other is Ninggu Pagoda.

In a big way, Dunbai is the guardian of the land of Longxing in the Qing Dynasty, and Go is just the watchdog of his hometown in Manzhou. Therefore, in the eight years as General Shengjing, Dunbai’s influence in the DPRK can be said to be almost non-existent, and many people do not even remember the former Hongwen Academy scholar. If it weren’t for the fact that the Qing Dynasty suffered a series of defeats in the southern war, the loss of the soldiers of the Eight Banners who entered the customs was too heavy, and this point of Niu Lu outside the customs would not have been taken seriously by Manzhou. Now, Dunbai has become the great savior of the Eight Banners in the Guan. The more than 20,000 people he brought from outside the Guan not only helped Shunzhi stabilize the court situation, but also became a new force that the princes and ministers had placed high hopes on.

The soldiers and horses brought by Dunbai are now led by the Ningguta capital Tonganzhuhu with 7,000 armored soldiers and 6,000 soldiers from the newly attached Manzhou to the south to return to Aobai. The Han army stationed in Zhili, Shanxi and other places joined the two blue flags and two red flags together with thousands of people recruited from the Green Battalion. These 20,000 people are also the last bit of strength in Beijing. If they are all thrown into Henan, there will be no soldiers in Beijing. In the depths of the hearts of many Manchu princes and ministers, the 20,000 people who worship them are actually their capital to retreat outside the customs. Until the last moment, these 20,000 people will absolutely not move.

Dunbai holds a heavy army and is also a deputy minister, so although he ranks last, he does not obey Sony and Suksaha, which makes Sony and Suksaha a headache. Fortunately, the Empress Dowager has been pressing Dunbai to support Sony and Suksaha, which made Dunbai not dare to be too presumptuous.

In the gap between the funeral of the Emperor Daxing, Sony and Suksaha seized the opportunity to issue an imperial decree in the name of the new king, telling the kings Baylor and ministers of civil and military affairs, saying that the court will “examine Taizu and Taizong into the constitution in detail, and make him Codes”, and quoted the words of the Emperor Daxing’s guilty decree that “you can’t rely on the Fa Taizu and Taizong, and make more changes.”

As soon as this imperial decree was announced, it caused an uproar among Han Chen.

Grand scholar Feng Quan was the first to know the content of this will. At that time, he was like the grass and trees in the autumn, and he felt extremely cold. Because this decree violated the “Manchu-Han family” advocated by the late emperor during his lifetime, Manchu is Han, Han is Manchu, enriching Manchuria with Han troops and green camps, and reusing the national policy of uniting Han people and gentry to consolidate Manchuria. Although this national policy may be an urgent “measure” that the late emperor had to take under the unfavorable situation of the war, after all, whether it is the imperial decree or the official documents to the ministries, as well as the ongoing flag-raising matters, all are beneficial to the Han officials and the Han army. , but also beneficial to Han Chinese gentry. Even given time, ten or twenty years later, most of the population of Manchuria will be entirely Han, and there will be no distinction between the real Manchu and the Han. This Qing Dynasty is truly like the Northern Wei Dynasty a thousand years ago, and it has become a regime that entered China.

However, before the body of the late emperor was cold, the assistant ministers ordered such a decree to make Han officials cold. Feng Quan didn’t know what other Han officials thought, Ning Wanme and Fan Wencheng, the two elders, anyway, he accepted it. No. In order to find out what the auxiliary ministers wanted to do, Feng Quan found Wang Xi, who drafted the will.

Wang Xi was the author of the Daxing Emperor’s will and his own edict, and was also the last Han official that Daxing met before his death. Therefore, Feng Quan believed that Wang Xi must know the true intentions of the late emperor and understand why Sony and the others violated the will of the late emperor. Issued such a will that makes Han officials chill.

However, Wang Xi remained silent for a long time, and Feng Quan was so anxious that he gave a wry smile and said, “Once the emperor and the courtier, do you think the imperial court will never change?”

Feng Quan said angrily: “Of course the imperial court will change, but before the late emperor’s bones are cold, they will make a big change, aren’t they afraid of the world’s mouths?”

Wang Xi comforted him and said, “It only talks about leading the ancestors system and restoring the old chapters, and it doesn’t say that the arrangement of the ancestors has been determined.”

“Not necessarily, there are two. Sony has always disliked our Han officials, Suksaha is the only one, and Dunbai is a foreign barbarian. The only one who is close to our Han officials is outside. Sony and the others really want to overthrow the previous decree of the late emperor, we can do nothing, and Ao Bai is beyond our reach.”

Feng Quan is worried that Sony will ‘strike while the iron is hot” and issue some decrees that are unfavorable to Han officials. Sure enough, he was right, and three days later, the second decree was issued. But it is ‘six withdrawals and four restorations”. The so-called six withdrawals are the withdrawal of the thirteen Yamen, the cabinet, the Hanlin Academy, the Taichang Temple, the Guanglu Temple, and the Hong Temple; , Fuli Fanyuan, adding one member of each of the six divisions of Manchu officials, and adding one member of each of the five city Manchu censors. This ‘six withdrawals and four restorations” will remove all the Ming Dynasty political systems inherited from the Qing Dynasty.

Feng Quan’s heart is even colder now. According to the news he got, Prince Kang Jieshu once strongly opposed the ‘six withdrawals and four restorations”. For this reason, he went to the palace to meet the Empress Dowager. What slander, her old man actually supported this ‘six withdrawals and four restorations”, and reprimanded Prince Kang for telling him to go back to Ansheng to do his own business, and the ministers of state affairs should not argue.

“The Empress Dowager is afraid that the kings will hinder her grandson!”

Feng Quan, who has served in three dynasties, is an average person. The reason why the Empress Dowager reprimanded Prince Kang is not because Prince Kang is now the king of all the kings, young and strong, and the enemy of her eight-year-old grandson.

Wang Xike didn’t dare to say this, so he cautiously glanced outside, and then his heart was relieved.

“This time, Sony and the others are very happy. The Manchus regained their power. We Han people are like chamber pots. The emperor used it. It was thrown away by Sony and the others before it was used up.”

Feng Quan’s analogy made Wang Xi’s face turn green, he squeaked twice, and reluctantly said: “It’s not easy for you to say that, these six withdrawals and four restorations are not all bad governance. At least ~www.readwn.com~ withdrawals Thirteen yamen, expelling internal officials, is it always good governance? Don’t you forget that the former Ming eunuchs messed up the government, and the damage was sensational. We should be happy and right when this happens. This time, more than 4,000 eunuchs were expelled at once.”

Feng Quan sneered: “Alright, it’s a serious business, but I see, this good show is still to come, we Han officials, we still have to think about the way back.”

Wang Xi was startled: “What do you mean?”

Feng Quan still smiled coldly: “It doesn’t make any sense, it’s just that people don’t look down on us, we can’t always stick to other people’s cold butts.”

After Feng Quan left, Wang Xi kept thinking about what he just said, but the more he thought about it, the more shocked he became, so much that he didn’t dare to think deeply.

After the ‘six withdrawals and four restorations”, Sony did not issue any new orders, but the Queen Mother issued a decree, which is a good thing. Empress Dowager’s decree restored the title of Prince An, Yue Le, and inherited Prince An with his ninth son Yatu.

After his death, Yue Le was scolded by Shunzhi as Anaki, saying that he was inferior to a pig and a dog. Under the pressure of the court, he refused to restore Yue Le’s reputation, and even raided Prince An’s mansion, which caused many people in the Eight Banners to be disappointed with Shunzhi. During the Battle of Jiangbei that day, some Manchu soldiers under Yue Le’s army rebelled and defected to the Ming Dynasty. Now that the Empress Dowager has regained the reputation of Prince An, it can be regarded as doing a good thing for her son that she did not do before her death.

Yatu was Yue Le’s ninth son, and his mother Yue Le’s concubine Jin Zhou Ya lived. There were eight older brothers on Yatu, but unfortunately none of them survived. The oldest one died at the age of ten, and the youngest was only three years old. Speaking of which, Yue Le was afraid that he had done bad things in his previous life, or else he would not have lost nine sons in a row. 8

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