Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1108

Chapter 1108: Cross The River

Yifeng County, the gateway to the east of Kaifeng, was taken over by the Jiangnan Youqin Wang Army four days ago.

The right admiral of Jiangnan, Lord Kuenbu, set up his military tent outside the South Gate of Yifeng. Lord Admiral did not even enter the city. He wanted to make it clear to the world through this move that with him, the loyal pirates would not think about the west. Commit Kaifeng step.

Since Kuhnbu led the army to pursue the north, he had fought six times with the Ming army loyal battalion. Except for one time when the reinforcements of the Ming army arrived, Kuhnbu’s troops were unable to deal with two Ming troops at the same time, and had to retreat for fear of being cut off. , and the remaining five battles have been won. Among them, in the battle of Guide Ningling, the Kuhn’s subordinate Yuangushan’s real gold smashed the pirates and killed the white dragons and wiped out more than a thousand soldiers of his troops, which shocked all the big pirates for a while.

Li Laiheng, King Shun was puzzled when he learned that the Qing army of the Jiangnan Right was going north to pursue the attack, because when he led his troops to attack Fengyang, Anhui Governor Jiang Hezeng sent someone to ask him to withdraw his troops, saying that the Jiangnan Right Admiral appointed by the Manchu Qing Dynasty was very puzzled. Kuenbu has already expressed his intention to surrender to His Royal Highness King Qi, and now the two sides are negotiating on the matter of surrender. If the Zhongzheng Battalion attacked Fengyang and Lujiang now, it would surely anger Kuenbu, who believed that the Ming Dynasty did not keep its promises and refused to do so. surrender again.

At that time, Li Laiheng wanted to withdraw his troops, but his veteran generals refused. They all said that there were not many Qing troops in Fengyang and Lujiang. They all came, and there was no reason to return empty-handed. At the insistent request of the veteran generals, Li Laiheng had to take the risk of offending King Qi and continue to go deeper into Fengyang. As a result, the Qing army from Lujiang quickly came to help Fengyang, and brought a lot of artillery. If they fight recklessly, the Loyalty Camp will definitely suffer a lot, and the situation will be difficult to ride a tiger. No, Kuenbu, the right admiral of Jiangnan in the Qing Dynasty, had no intention of fighting the Zhongzhen Battalion. He invited the Taiping Army to make peace, and the Zhongzhen Battalion bribed a large amount of gold, silver and money, which made Li Laiheng finally tough once and had an excuse to retreat. The veteran generals were frightened by Kuhnbu’s department. After they got the benefit, they no longer shouted about how the ducks with their mouths could fly.

In order to solve the problem of the lack of food for the entire army in the Zhongzhen Battalion, and the fact that all the troops and horses are half-dead, Li Laiheng and Liu Tichun decided to convene a general meeting of leaders from all walks of life in Yongcheng to discuss the future military strategy. In the end, the Yongcheng General Assembly decided that the entire battalion would go north and take Beijing. The 6 sequels of Henan native pirates included in Guide.

According to the plan formulated by Liu Tichun, the army going north was divided into three routes. One route was led by He Zhen, which would attack Shanxian County from Guide and seize Zhuyikou Ferry; Capture Kaochengdu; the two troops and horses both took the capture of the Yellow River ferry as their main task, and cooperated with each other. The main enemy of He Zhen’s army was the Qing army in Shandong, and what Wang Guangxing had to guard against was the Qing army in Henan. The last route was also the main force of the entire battalion, led by Li Laiheng himself, and assisted in the middle of the Guidefu City area. After the other two routes succeeded, they quickly crossed the Yellow River.

However, when He Zhen’s troops seized Zhuyikou Ferry, they were stubbornly resisted by the Qing army in Shandong. After receiving the emergency military information from Shanxian, he led troops to garrison Qingbeiletuntai in Xuzhou, and immediately led more than 4,000 Manchu and Han cavalry out of Dangshan, arrived at Zhuyikou in two days, and immediately appeared beside He Zhen’s department. rear. The Qing army was exhausted, and the Ming army was even more exhausted. In addition, the Zhuyikou area was a plain terrain, and there was no favorable terrain for the Ming army to rely on. In one day of fierce battle, He Zhen’s army died in the battle, and thousands of others were scattered. They had to give up the capture. Zhuyikou Ferry, take advantage of the night to retreat. Although the Qing army won a big victory, they were extremely tired and did not pursue the situation.

After the defeat of He Zhen’s right army, the only hope of the Zhongzhen camp to cross the Yellow River was the left army led by Wang Guangxing. While Li Laiheng ordered He Zhen to lead the right army westward to join Wang Guangxing, he led the main force to bypass Guidefu City and enter Ningling in the northwest. Liu Tichun personally took a cavalry over Ningling and rushed to Minquan to deal with the Kaifeng Qing Army’s Eight Banners soldiers who might be dispatched. However, just when Li Laiheng’s troops arrived in Ningling, Ma Tengyun from the rear came to report urgently. Kuenbu, the right admiral of Qingjiang South of Anhui, led more than 10,000 cavalry soldiers suddenly from Fengyang north to Guide. Ma Tengyun said that Kuenbu claimed that he wanted to go north to King Qin, because he only had two or three thousand old, weak, sick and disabled, and he was unable to stop the Qing army of King Qin. The only thing he could do was to report the news quickly, and then take his hands Erlang, who was still able to run, evaded the Qing army.

The Guide Palace City was still in the hands of Zhao Chengxin, the prefect of the Qing Dynasty. Although Zhao Chengxin refused to open the door to surrender, he did not dare to open the door to harass him. Therefore, Li Laiheng and the others did not take the potential danger of the Guide Palace City seriously. Now, things are a little trickier. Ma Tengyun couldn’t stop Kuenbu, and in a few days, the other party would be able to arrive at Guide. At that time, relying on the city of Guide, he could threaten the rear wing of the Loyalty Camp at any time. That Kuenbu’s soldiers and horses, the veteran generals in Fengyang have seen, know that although the enemy’s soldiers and horses are not many, but they are much more elite than their own. During the Chongzhen era, the veteran generals who have survived to this day no longer know how to fight and know how to fight. They understand that this battle is not based on a large number of people, but on a very small number of elites, such as the family members of the Ming army’s general soldiers and their subordinates. “Old base”.

There are nearly 10,000 people in Kuenbu’s army, and they are still two armies. No matter how much discounts are made, the veteran generals believe that there will be no less than 3,000 elite warriors who can be drawn by Kuenbu’s men. The loyalty camp and the local bandits together, the total number of soldiers and horses is more than 100,000, and the real fighting force will not exceed 30,000. Now it has been divided into three groups. Wang Guangxing and He Zhen have half of them, and Liu Erhu took the remaining half to Minquan to guard Obai. Therefore, Li Laiheng can only pull out a few thousand people.

If he really wanted to go out, Li Laiheng thought he could get rid of that Kuenbu, but the price was too high, especially now that the strategic goal of the Zhongzheng Camp was to go north to capture the capital, not to entangle with the Qing army here in Henan. What’s worse, Li Laiheng didn’t have enough food and grass for him to suspend his northward march and turn around to clean up Kuenbu. Kuenbu’s troops rushed north to King Qin from Fengyang, and they certainly didn’t have much food and grass with them, but there was food in Guide City. These days, no matter how many soldiers there are, it is better to have food in hand.

It is absolutely impossible for Li Laiheng to send his elite soldiers to stop Kuenbu, but he can’t stop him. Otherwise, if Li Laiheng really wants to cross the Yellow River quickly, it is impossible for the other party to enter Guide City. If Kaifeng learns that there is a capable Qing army here in Guide, no matter how stupid and hard Aobai is, he will definitely draw out troops and horses to echo Guide and prevent Zhongzhenying from crossing the river.

No way, Li Laiheng can only let each of his subordinates get the lottery, and whoever gets the lottery will go to block Kuenbu. As a result, the several leaders who went there were defeated by Kuenbu’s troops. According to the people who escaped, Kumanbu had a Manchu and Mongolian cavalry under his command. Often, before the brigades on both sides moved, the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry rushed over with a hula, and then opened up the formation of the Ming army. The leading white Jiaolong, who came from the thirteenth family of Yaohuang, was defeated by the Qing army in this way, and he was surrounded by the Qing army infantry who rushed up later, and finally let Jin Li cut him with a knife.

The elites of the main force could not be drawn to resist, and the 6th continued to send troops and horses with low combat effectiveness to fight, except to send heads to the opponent and constantly attack the morale of their own side, it was useless. Li Laiheng was so angry that he scolded Anhui Governor Jiang He for raising tigers, and even let the tens of thousands of people out of his eyes. He wrote a letter and sent people to Jiangnan to complain to the court and the King of Qi.

After Bai Jiaolong died in battle, Li Laiheng had a hunch that Kuenbu’s troops would arrive at Guide in two or three days at the latest. Yan Ci urged Wang Guangxing to take Kaochengdu quickly, otherwise more than 100,000 horses would be trapped in a palm-sized place, and they would starve to death without the Qing army advancing. After Liu Tichun learned the news, he quickly sent someone to remind the little tiger that he must not entangle with Kuenbu at this juncture. As long as he crosses the Yellow River, the situation will be fully alive. 8

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