Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1111

Chapter 1111: Defend Kaifeng

After the Jiangnan You Army continued to march towards Guide, Tang Sanshui had been expecting Li Laiheng to change his mind to block him, but until the city of Guide, Li Laiheng never saw Li Laiheng send troops, not even a horse scout. In desperation, Tang Sanshui could only enter Guide City as a ‘savior”.

The arrival of the Jiangnan Right Army made Zhao Chengxin, the prefect of Guide, so happy that he almost cried with joy. He personally led the gentry out of the city to meet Tang Sanshui, and when he called out “Lord Admiral”, he almost burst into tears on the spot.

Zhao Chengxin is really grateful to Tang Sanshui and Jiangnan Youjun. He sincerely hopes that the Admiral Jiangnan You can live a long life, and that all the soldiers of Jiangnan You can be promoted and rich. Before that, he had been worried for more than seven months, and the whole person had lost a lot of weight, and the original large official uniform was changed to two sizes smaller.

Speaking of these more than seven months, Zhao Chengxin is really aggrieved.

Since the Zhongzhen Camp entered the eastern Henan area last year, Zhao Chengxin, as the prefect of Guide, asked Jia Hanfu, the governor of Henan in Kaifeng, for urgent help. While waiting for reinforcements, he strictly ordered the green battalions stationed in the counties to retreat into the Fucheng immediately, and burn all the supplies that could not be taken away, in order to achieve the goal of forcing the Zhongzhen battalion to withdraw from Guide. However, after the loyal camp from southern Henan entered Guide, it did not retreat or turn to the other side as Zhao Chengxin wished.

Zhao Chengxin didn’t know that the “big bandits” of the Loyalty Camp that he regarded as the enemy did not want to leave Guide, but they really had nowhere to go. Although the Guide Green Camp burned the grain stores in various counties, they had limited time and could not sweep the countryside away. The Guide one prefecture is quite good among the prefectures in Henan. Although the population and money and food are not as good as those of the big prefectures such as Kaifeng, Zhengzhou and Luoyang, they are much stronger than those in Nanyang and Runing. Therefore, the Loyalty Camp was barely able to find some food outside the city. Of course, behind these grains is the history of blood and tears of Guide villagers. Throughout the ages, the blood and tears of these villagers will never be recorded in the history books, no matter who is the one who abused them.

If the big bandits did not leave, Zhao Chengxin could only hope that Governor Jia would send troops to aid Guide. He looked forward to reinforcements day and night, but after waiting for half a year, he did not wait for a single army to come. There is no shortage of food in the city. After all, Guide is a government city, and preparations have been made early. Even if it is defended for another year and a half, the military and civilians in the city can also support it. But the feeling of being trapped in a lonely city is really not for people. I look forward to the stars and the moon, but I can’t see any hope. Even the strongest people will always have times of depression.

Zhao Chengxin did not complain that the governor Jia Hanfu had forgotten Guide, nor did he dare to blame the imperial envoy, Ao Bai, for abandoning the soldiers and civilians of Guide. He was also a sensible person, knowing that ten Guide cities were not as good as one Kaifeng mansion. If the Qing Dynasty wanted to defend the Central Plains, it must not give up Kaifeng. The war surrounding the Kaifeng area is not only the gain or loss of the Central Plains, but the ownership of the North and the survival of the Qing Dynasty.

Guide is an abandoned child from the very beginning. This point, Zhao Chengxin knows better than anyone, but what does the success and loss of the Central Plains and the survival of the Qing have to do with him, he just wants to save his life. Speaking of integrity, Zhao Chengxin didn’t have much on him, otherwise he wouldn’t have surrendered first and then surrendered. But no matter how afraid of death, Zhao Chengxin didn’t dare to surrender, because his family members were all in Beijing. If he surrendered, the whole family would die. He can’t kill his own children and grandchildren for his own life.

Once upon a time, in the Qing Dynasty, there was a cruel order that “don’t die by a thief, or die by the law”. Under the shock of this cruel order, officials in various places in the city could see death as if they were at home, and even die together with the city. However, since the Taiping Army rose to the south of the Lingnan region and has been attacking the south of the Yangtze River, not many officials have taken this cruel order seriously, and even the Qing court itself did not dare to kill the city defending officials for abandoning the land. On the contrary, he secretly promised the officials who surrendered to the Ming Dynasty that as long as they surrendered again, they would not be blamed. Gotta go back again. For example, Zhang Changgeng, the former governor of Huguang and Jiangning, Jiang Guozhu, the governor of Jiangning, and others who had already returned to the Ming Dynasty, had all received assurances from the Qing court, but they handed over the secret letter of the Qing court and captured the details of the delivery. jail.

It is never a sarcasm, but a truth. The general trend is already in the Ming Dynasty and not in the Qing Dynasty. At this time, Junjie should be aware of current affairs.

In the current situation, if you continue to implement the cool method, killing city officials for abandoning the land will only have the opposite effect. At least, these officials who abandoned the land did not surrender to the Ming Dynasty, which was much better than those officials who changed flags before the Ming army arrived. So killing these abandoned officials will only make people feel more chilled and disappointed with the Qing Dynasty. Can’t use cool methods to shock, the Qing court can only take other methods to ensure that the officials below will not surrender on a large scale.

In order to solve this problem, in the twelfth lunar month of the previous year, the old minister Ning Wan I submitted a paper to Shunzhi, proposing that in the future, those who serve as prefects or officials above the same level must move their family members to the capital as hostages, so as to allow those The officials who defended the city had concerns and were able to hold on to the city. This idea is much more euphemistic and more effective than the cool method. After all, people have family affection, and no one wants to kill their relatives because of themselves.

Shunzhi resolutely adopted Ning Wan’s idea and asked the Ministry of Personnel to do business in detail. As a result, Zhao Chengxin unfortunately became the first victim of this new order. His wife and two sons, his daughter-in-law and grandson, who were originally in his hometown in Shanxi, were moved to the capital. The euphemistic name is to relieve the officials’ worries, but who do not know that it is a hostage.

The reason why only prefects and officials above Tongzhi keep their families in Beijing as pledges, not even the magistrates, is not because Shunzhi trusts the hundreds of Han magistrates, but because Beijing and Beijing support them. Not too many people. Behind the hundreds of county magistrates are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of huge family members. This number is larger than the population of Manchuria in Beijing. Beijing and Beijing are almost unable to pay the standard salaries of the Manchurians. How can they afford it? From this extra 100,000 people. Therefore, the level of county magistrate is excluded, and only the same knowledge is the boundary. After all, the number of officials above Tongzhi is small, and their family members are only ten to twenty thousand people. They can always find a way to accommodate them.

Zhao Chengxin, who had no integrity, became a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty in the lonely city of Guide because of the lives of his family. It is also considered that his fate is good, the loyalty camp lacks the strength to attack the fortress, and can’t beat Guide, so this is the nail that will not be pulled out. If the Taiping army from further south came, I was afraid that the city wall would collapse in an hour.

I thought that the war in Kaizheng would end soon, when Kaifeng would send reinforcements over, but unexpectedly, the war in Kaizheng lasted for several months. The two sides fought dozens of battles, but there was still no winner. Zhao Chengxin became more and more anxious. On the one hand, he was worried that Kaifeng would be defeated, and on the other hand, he was worried that the hundreds of thousands of horses from the loyal camp outside the city would grit their teeth and attack Guide. During these days, he could see clearly from the top of the city. Outside the city, there were pirate soldiers with various flags passing by from time to time. He even once saw a big flag that looked like a king’s flag from a distance.

Because of his fear, Zhao Chengxin didn’t dare to send a horse outside the city, so he didn’t know what was going on outside. People in the city were also panicking, and the generals of the green camp guarding the city were talking a lot. Zhao Chengxin was very afraid that these green battalions would suddenly rebel and open the door to surrender. At this time, the right admiral of Jiangnan, Mr. Kuenbu, arrived with tens of thousands of reinforcements. How not to surprise him!

This time, Gui De is saved!

Excitedly, regardless of his identity, Zhao Chengxin gave Jiangnan Right Admiral Lord Kuenku a loud kowtow in front of the gentry of the city and the Jiangnan Right Army soldiers, to thank the other party for their feat of saving tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Guide, and also to the local government. A great gift for saving the lives of myself and my family.

Zhao Chengxin had hope and confidence, but Tang Sanshui was at a loss. The news was very clear, Li Laiheng led the main force of the loyalty camp to leave Guide and moved to Ningling and Minquan. However, Ningling and Minquan are the only places leading to the ferry of the Yellow River. In other words, Li Laiheng and the old troopers, with hundreds of thousands of horses, desperately headed north, north, and north again.

If no action is taken, the Zhongzhen Camp will definitely cross the Yellow River with the entire army. At that time, Tang Sanshui will not be able to chase after him.

Yu Chenglong’s idiot came to Lord Admiral’s camp again, and begged Tang Sanshui to send troops to attack Zhongzhen Camp, otherwise, it would be too late.

On Wu Chongshan’s side, although people did not enter the city, every day the “Manchu and Mongolia soldiers” galloped horses outside the city, and people were shocked when they watched.

However, Zhao Chengxin didn’t want Lord Kuenbu to go to Ningling, because he still pointed to the other party to defend Guide for him.

A letter urgently sent from Kaifeng made Tang Sanshui no longer hesitate and decided to go to Ningling.

The letter was written by Aobai, the assistant minister of the Qing Dynasty and the imperial envoy, Shaobao, and it was written in Chinese.

There is only one content of the letter. Ao Bai hopes that Tang Sanshui can immediately lead the Jiangnan You army to Ningling and Minquan, and he will hold back the loyalty camp no matter what. And he himself will lead the main force of the Eight Banners and Wu Sangui’s Guan army to fight to the death. Ao Bai told Tang Sanshui in the letter that he had recommended him to the imperial court as the governor of Zhili. If the Jiangnan Right Army could successfully delay the Zhongzhen camp to cross the river, then the governor of Zhili would definitely be Tang Sanshui.

The messenger sneaked from Kaifeng at the risk of dying. According to the messenger, there were soldiers and horses from the Zhongzhen Camp along the way, and they all had only one direction, that is, the Yellow River Ferry.

The Governor-General of Zhili, this important position of governor that was not established by the Qing court before, suddenly fell from the sky and smashed on his head, making Tang Sanshui stunned, but also a little bit of joy.

Where is Zhili? It’s Gyeonggi!

If he became the governor of Zhili in the Qing court, wouldn’t he have become the pillar of the Qing Dynasty as His Highness King Qi hoped?

Obai’s request is neither excessive nor excessive. It’s too much that he doesn’t have a single soldier or soldier to send to Tang Sanshui, but it’s too much that Ao Bai only asked Tang Sanshui to delay the crossing of the Zhongzhen Camp, not to stop the Zhongzhen Camp from crossing the river. The risk of this matter may be large or small.

After thinking about it, Tang Sanshui decided to go to Ningling and give it a try, to see if he had the life of the Governor-General.

After the order was issued, all the troops of the Jiangnan Right Army immediately set off for Ningling. Before leaving, they forcibly took half of Guide’s food storage. Zhao Chengxin didn’t dare to be angry or speak out, but secretly prayed that the big bandits in the Zhongzhen Camp would cross the river quickly, so that he wouldn’t have to worry about Guide.

The Jiangnan You Army was still a step behind. When they arrived at Ningling, Li Laiheng had already gone to Minquan. Both sides are racing for time, one is in a hurry to cross the river, and the other is in a hurry not to let the other party cross the river.

At this moment, an accident happened. Wang Guangxing, who was in charge of the Left Route Army, excused too many casualties and had no food in the army, and suddenly led his troops to leave, claiming that Wang Guangxing would not go to Beijing to grab wealth and honor, and he wanted to return to Hubei. Wang Guangxing took not only his own troops, but also some other troops from the Zhongzheng Camp, a total of more than 30,000 people. Wang Guangxing’s move immediately split the Left Army, and the strategic purpose of snatching the Kaocheng Ferry also went bankrupt. Nearly 100,000 loyalists were caught in a dilemma.

After Tang Sanshui got the news, his instinctive reaction was to leave Ningling immediately, because Zhongzhen Camp couldn’t cross the river, they would never wait to die by the Yellow River, so they would definitely turn back. At that time, Ningling would be their only place to go, and it would be too dangerous to stay here by themselves. However, Tang Sanshui didn’t expect that after Li Laiheng and his old generals called Wang Guangxing a traitor and a shameless villain, they actually made an extremely bold decision~www.readwn.com~ When the main force of the Qing army in Kaifeng was contained by Guan Ning’s army, he won the important town of Kaifeng in one fell swoop. Then use Kaifeng City as a bargaining chip to negotiate with Wu Sangui to get food from Wu Sangui.

Tang Sanshui was stunned, because if Li Laiheng and the others really went west to Kaifeng, the consequences would be more serious than crossing the Yellow River. It must be known that, in addition to worrying that the loyalty camp northward would undermine his strategic intention to deal with the Manchus, His Royal Highness King Qi was more worried that Wu Sangui’s Guan Ning army would break through Kaifeng and head north.

Sure enough, Wu Chongshan, who had only met Tang Sanshui once after arriving in the Jiangnan Right Army, found Tang Sanshui overnight, “hoping” that the other party would immediately block the road from Zhongzhen Camp westward to Kaifeng. The next day, the urgent envoy of Henan Governor Jia Hanfu also arrived at Ningling. In a desperate tone, Jia Hanfu asked the Jiangnan Right Army to rush to Yifeng, east of Kaifeng, and block the Zhongzheng Camp for half a month anyway.

For half a month, it was obviously the time for Aobai and Wu Sangui to decide the winner. With this half month, Ao Bai can fight Wu Sangui without hesitation; without this half month, Ao Bai won the battle, and Kaifeng also lost.

At that time, winning is also losing.

By accident, the important task of defending Kaifeng fell on Tang Sanshui’s head.


At the strong request of my daughter-in-law and son, I bought a smart toilet. After the installation was completed today, my son thought it was very cool after “trial”. Well, after the busy time is over, the bones will also let readers and friends feel refreshed. You know, my “professional slaughterhouse” is by no means a false name. Self-confessed, when it comes to writing slaughter, the online literary world has not been stronger than me. However, that’s a **** price. I wrote one book after another. Those who didn’t know it thought I was writing Xiao Huangwen. rw

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