Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1119

Chapter 1118: Jinyiwei Comes To The Door

Regarding Wang Pingfan, Gao Dejie and other generals of the Wu army, Bones used extremely praiseworthy words to describe them, which made many book lovers angry and thought that they should not be whitewashed, and their subscriptions plummeted.

What the bones want to say is that Wu Sangui’s actions can almost be concluded, and he is definitely not a national hero. But we have to treat his generals and soldiers who died on the anti-Qing battlefield fairly and objectively. It is absolutely inappropriate to say that they are traitors, scum, lackeys, and never overturn the case. Of course, from the high level of Qing unification and national unity, these people are also scum, because the vast majority of them fought until the very last moment.

When they died, they left the clothes of the Han family.

Pseudo-qing cursed them, should we do the same?

For example, Tan Hong, who rebelled against the Qing Dynasty in the Battle of Chongqing, died in the fight against the Qing Dynasty more than ten years later, and all his descendants died in the battle. It seems that this is not just because the so-called interests are deprived and so heroic. You must know that after the San Francisco uprising, many Wu generals surrendered to the Qing again and became the lackeys of the Manchu. What the bones respect are those Han family sons who fought to the last moment and vowed to restore the Han family’s clothes.

I believe that these people, in addition to repentance at the end of their lives, have more of a redemptive heart.

The nearly three million words written in this book, as a novel, in the back of the general book, the number of appearances of the protagonist will inevitably be reduced because of the plot and the high position. If readers are really dissatisfied with the way the protagonist is often absent, Bones will make adjustments. Next, the perspective will focus on Xiucai, and the final battle of genocide will be written to the extreme.

You have been scolding me for a long time, but in the end, I will always give you a satisfaction.

The last sentence of grievance, I don’t want to write it like this, really according to the previous way of writing, this book can’t be written here. The reason, not much to say, anyway, for a while, I was frightened.

The above is free, the text will increase the content

Guo Zhiqi had no way of knowing whether Zhou Shixiang was about to usurp the throne, nor could he be sure that Gu Yanwu’s “Revelation of the State of the Capital” was building momentum for Zhou Shixiang. He only knew that he was a minister of the Ming Dynasty and the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty. It is okay for Zhou Shixiang to usurp Ming and become independent, but it must not happen when he was the first assistant, nor can he act as an accomplice to Zhou Shixiang’s usurpation. Therefore, Guo Zhiqi is determined to suppress the “Xujun” trend stirred up by Gu Yanwu, and must not let the situation continue to deteriorate. Otherwise, once the trend is formed, if Zhou Shixiang enters Beijing again, I am afraid it will be a scene of changing the dynasty.

However, Guo Zhiqi couldn’t deny all the measures proposed by Gu Yanwu to ‘set things right”. After all, some of the measures were still in line with the interests of the court and the needs of the current situation, and many of them were also implemented in prefectures and counties in the name of Emperor Dingwu, such as building villages. Set up townships, set up schools, and add subjects to the imperial examinations. To deny all of these would undoubtedly be to publicly accuse Zhou Shixiang of chaotic government, which was extremely unwise for the Dingwu court, which was entirely supported and established by Zhou Shixiang.

In addition, Guo Zhiqi, as the chief assistant of the cabinet, is currently the only bridge between Emperor Dingwu and Zhou Shi, and he is also the Dinghai Shenzhen who stabilizes the court. If he publicly suppresses Gu Yanwu, it will inevitably arouse Zhou Shixiang’s dissatisfaction, and even make the situation irreversible. develop. Therefore, Guo Zhiqi sent a message to Huang Zongxi, the censor of the Zuo capital of the Imperial Court through the Hanlin scholar Mao Xiang, and asked Huang Zongxi to mobilize the officials of the Dao Dao to impeach Gu Yanwu, and repay him with his own way, and also organized the scholars to discuss Gu Yanwu’s Dao Gong Expose, refute Gu’s absurd remarks from a “theoretical” point of view.

Guo Zhiqi knew that there were many generals who could fight under Zhou Shixiang’s hands, but there were few scholars, and there was not a single influential scholar except Gu Yanwu who came back from the north. Therefore, as long as Gu Yanwu was suppressed and his public remarks were criticized and criticized, then Zhou Shixiang would be short-handed, and it was impossible for the gentry to support him. Unless he dares to lead the army to force the palace and directly tear off the hypocritical face to kill the king, otherwise, he can only press his ambition.

Maoxiang is a student of Qian Qianyi, the grandfather who resigned from office and returned to his hometown, and has been running for Qian for more than ten years. After Qian Qianyi went to Nandu to take up the post of Taifu, Maoxiang was favored by Emperor Dingwu and became a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy. In May of last year, Emperor Dingwu even made Maoxiang the teacher of the eldest princess. If there is no accident, after a few years of experience, Maoxiang is likely to enter the pavilion.

Huang Zongxi invested from Zhejiang after receiving Qian Qianyi’s letter, and it was Qian Qianyi’s strong recommendation that Emperor Dingwu ordered him to be the censor of Zuodu. When Qian Qianyi was in the southern capital, Huang Zongxi had close contacts with him. When the three major cases occurred, Huang Zongxi and Qian Qianyi went to shun Emperor Wu to oppose the three cases, so after Qian Qianyi returned home, Huang Zongxi became the leader of Jiangsu and Zhejiang gentry in Beijing. Although he did not enter the cabinet, but as the censor of the Zuodu of the Duchayuan and a great scholar, Huang Zongxi’s prestige was much stronger than that of Ding Zhiding and Yuan Kuoyu of the cabinet, and even Hong Yuao was unmatched. Among the southern capitals today, the chief assistant Guo Zhiqi and the Minister of War Zhang Huangyan can be compared with them, and the rest are not as good.

After Maoxiang got Guo Zhiqi’s order, he went to the Metropolitan Court before he was on duty.

At this time, in the courthouse, the censors seemed to regard Gu Yanwu as a scourge. Not only did they regard Gu Yanwu as a scourge, but in the entire Nanjing city, apart from those scholars who joined the Qi palace, the rest of the people, without exception, regarded Gu Yanwu’s public disclosure as a monarch and fatherless remark. Eighty percent of these officials were from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and Zhou Shixiang’s clearing of debts and the three cases initiated in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, as well as the ongoing campaign to suppress counter-revolutionaries, all touched the interests of these officials. Although they have no power or power, and they have no official name, they are numerous and their influence should not be underestimated.

When Ma Xiang came over, in Huang Zongxi’s public house, his student Wan Sitongzheng and several young officials of the civil service were talking about their dissatisfaction with the public disclosure of Gu Yanwu.

Xu Shi was too excited, Wan Sitong spoke loudly for the first time in front of the teacher, and he said angrily: “Teacher, Master Gu Yanwu exposes the hidden evil intentions, although this person is a great Confucian, but now he is the biggest scourge of my Confucian students! The students thought that , we must not escape this matter, because escaping is persecuted, and we can solve it by confronting it!”

Wan Sitong’s words were approved and echoed by the young officials. A censor named Zhang Yushu said: “Zhongxian, we are all from the imperial examinations. Since ancient times, these eight imperial examinations have been my scholar’s entry into office. The only way is that the King of Qi has reformed the imperial examination system and added a lot of content other than the Bagu. This is already against the ancestral system. Because the Bagu is still there, the scholars can endure it. But now, Gu Yanwu actually said that the Bagu should be completely removed. , to completely reform all subjects, the imperial court really wants to implement these, doesn’t it cut off the seeds of scholars and the way for scholars to enter the officialdom!” (Author’s Note: Zuodu Yu Shi has the title of General Constitution)

“Daming is still here, the emperor is still here, and Jinling is still an important place, how can that Gu thief be vicious and reckless!”

All the censors gritted their teeth and hated Gu Yanwu to the bone. Among them, some are purely for the idea, and some are for the future and net worth. Gu Yanwu stirred up a trend. Once the emperor is really deceived, Zhou Shixiang will definitely take his place in the future, which means that these officials who are powerless and unwilling to flatter the Zhou Party will have no way to be promoted, and it will never be possible again. Seeking former privileges for the family.

How many people in this world are really willing to be idle officials who only pay a few bucks a day and receive a monthly salary?

Daming does not fall, there is always a chance to counterattack. If Daming is gone, they will have no chance at all.

When everyone was angry, Mao Xiang entered and handed the note of the first assistant to Huang Zongxi.

After Huang Zongxi saw it, his hesitant attitude immediately became firm. He immediately asked Vance to contact the officials in Beijing, but on the other hand, he asked people to bribe the people around Gu Yanwu, trying to open a gap in these people first. As long as the people around Gu Yanwu jumped out and attacked Gu Yanwu, then Gu’s reputation would definitely stink, or at least, be suspected. In this way, public opinion will develop towards the unfavorable side of Gu Yanwu, and the public disclosure of Liudu and the so-called state affairs discussion that he has produced will lose credibility.

The people Huang Zongxi used were mainly the officials of the Daoism and the Dao. After hearing the news, the imperial students of Nanjing Guozijian also rushed to respond. In addition, businessmen and citizens were mixed among them, and the slogans were loud and angry.

After all, Gu Yanwu had just arrived in the southern capital, and he had no old disciples in the southern capital, and his influence was not as strong as that of Huang Zongxi and others. Ding Zhi and the other Zhou Dang did not dare to recreate the throne because they did not know whether Zhou Shixiang had really usurped the throne. He stayed behind closed doors and waited for Zhou Shixiang’s specific arrangements. On the surface, the southern capital’s gentry headed by Huang Zongxi won the victory.

According to the Daming system, officials, households, rituals, soldiers, punishments, and workers are collectively referred to as clerks in the six ministries of work, and they are collectively referred to as clerks. Up is Coda.

There is only one thing Kedao manages, that is, to supervise all the officials from Daming up to the cabinet down to the local prefectures and counties. It stands to reason that this section of Taoist officials has such great power, and its own rank should naturally be high, otherwise, why would it shock those central officials and local governors? The fact is, the grades of all the Daoist officials in the entire Ming Dynasty were very low, and the grades of all the subjects were good, and the supervisory censors of the Overwatch Council were mostly of the sixth or seventh grade. The product is amazing.

Of course, the left and right censors and deputy censors of the Metropolitan Court are special cases. Their rank can be very high. There are third-rank and second-rank ones. In addition to the censors, most of the officials of the science and Taoism can be said to be minor officials. It is probably the most appropriate to use ‘sesame and mung beans” to describe their grades.

Impeaching a big official with a small official, but Emperor Taizu has an ingenious move. Since ancient times, the hierarchy has been strict and has always been supervised from the top down. Only the high official supervises and restricts the lower officials, and the noble suppresses the lowly. On the other hand, Emperor Taizu was ingenious. In addition to the hundred officials, he set up his own disciplines, “from the humble to the high”, “to control the big with the small”, “internal and external dimensions”, and he could directly tell the emperor when he had something. “Poor” is because of the small office, so the idea of cherishing the future is small, and he will not have a lot of scruples because of “high official and rich salary”, and he will not act like the “old fritters” in the officialdom. Appease and acquiesce to lawbreakers and disorderly disciplines, and perfunctory excuses, while “weight” can give full play to its supervisory role because it has the prestige of being able to rectify the rule of officials. Therefore, Ke Dao not only has the ability to comment on the classics, but in front of the emperor, and below, the Ke Dao officials have real power and are quite valued and feared by local officials.

Since the return of Dingwu to the capital, the Six Ministries and the Metropolitan Court have never had real power, and all military and political orders came from the Qi Wangfu. It’s just that there is no real power anymore, but there are never many officials who respond to errands every day, and there are more and more people who want to find an official position in the Dingwu court.

The censors are very light-hearted, and whether they are busy or not really depends on whether you are committed to political affairs, or whether there is something that needs you. If there is nothing in the court, looking at it with two eyes, the whole world is clear and peaceful, and naturally there is nothing in the hands, and these days of nothing are nothing more than drinking tea and messing around every day. There’s something to be done, hey, that’s everyone’s motivation to move forward.

Since the Song Dynasty, Confucianism has placed the greatest emphasis on ritual, law, and famous teachings, and for scholars, ‘starving to death is a very small matter, but disobedience is a big problem.” Scholars, especially the censor officials who can be regarded as role models of the Qingliu, are no different from women’s disobedience when they seek refuge with the King of Qi and Zhou Shixiang. The reason why Kedao is anti-Zhou faction.

Under the secret support of Guo Zhiqi and the planning and command of Huang Zongxi, the trend of “Xujun” stirred up by Gu Yanwu was suppressed. Watching the gang of Zhou Dang, who had been jumping so hard, died down, the officials involved in this matter were greatly encouraged. , especially those young Dao officials are even more excited, because this is the first major victory for the anti-Zhou faction since Emperor Dingwu ascended the throne in Guangzhou.

However, Gu Yanwu’s “Liu Du Yi Guo Gong Jie” was criticized for nothing, but outside the southern capital, people were killing people everywhere. Kedao officials have the right to hear and report matters, but unlike the raging criticism of Gu Yanwu, none of the officials dared to go to the court to question the anti-revolutionary movement in Jiangnan.

Huang Zongxi said to his student Wan Sitong, “Want to fight, don’t fight”, and then these six words became the life-saving rule believed by the officials of Nandu.

On the sixth day when Gu Yanwu took refuge in Niushou Mountain outside the city, Emperor Dingwu suddenly decreed that the morning court would resume tomorrow. This is the first time since Emperor Dingwu retired from the court in the twelfth lunar month of last year that he had resumed the early court, which caused the court to speculate for a while, why the emperor came to court, and what was the reason for the previous court.

Because he didn’t know the intention of the emperor’s meeting tomorrow, Huang Zongxi went to the cabinet from the capital court early, and wanted to inquire about the news from the chief assistant Guo Zhiqi. Gu Yanwu, the imperial censor of the right capital, lived in Niushou Mountain outside the city, so today the chief inspector of the imperial court is Wan Sitong, the censor of the left capital.

A few days ago, the Metropolitan Procuratorate was very busy, but in fact, the Metropolitan Procuratorate had nothing to do at all. Don’t say that there are hundreds of officials to oversee. com~ That power is in the hands of the officials of the Qi palace.

But no matter what, it was a “grand event” for the prefectural court to successfully approve Gu Yanwu’s shameless stay in the city. Therefore, the prefectural court, which was originally deserted, has received many visitors these days, most of which are officials from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The one who came to see the “leader” Huang Zongxi.

When the teacher is not there, students will naturally come forward to entertain these officials.

Wan Sitong received three groups of people before and after. From these people, he also indirectly knew some **** and terrifying things that were happening in Jiangnan. Rao was the “forward” who just rushed to the front of the criticism battle, and he was also afraid. I was worried that Zhou Shixiang, the king of Qi, would settle accounts with him after returning to Beijing.

But things have already happened, regretting and worrying is useless. Wan Sitong thought to himself that he acted upright, stood upright, and refuted Gu Yanwu purely with justice. No matter how unreasonable Zhou Shixiang was, he couldn’t possibly kill someone with a knife.

After sending off the three principals of the Ministry of Rites, Wan Sitong came out of the public house, stretched his waist, took a breath of fresh air, and was about to go back to the public house, but saw a group of people running towards him outside the yamen gate. Accompanied by the hurried footsteps, there was a commotion, noisy. A few censors of the Supreme Court just came out, and they were all surprised when they saw this scene. When the gang approached, these censors changed their colors, because it was a team of Jinyiwei.

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